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[Aengul] Tabbris, The Aengul of Benefact


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3 hours ago, Fury_Fire said:

Someone please explain what this 'naming it after yoursef' is. Wrynn is named Wrynn, not Tabbris. They arent remotely related.

He was quick to change the name after warranted anger.

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6 hours ago, Quavinir_Twiceborn said:


I like the idea of the vision, It solves the problem of the fact "It hasn't actually happened in role-play". And is something that I'd actually like to incorporate into the lore c:. I'll try and re-write the lore around the fact that there is a vision to come, as if Tabbris will reveal himself.


6 hours ago, TeaLulu said:


Haha, so you brought up a lot of points, and like people before I'll try and respond to each one of them;

Firstly, I think you just need to accept the fact that I don't want to play this, I've said it before, and you just throwing the idea back into my lap isn't getting the lore anywhere. I know that you've seen people in the past that have created Aenguls simply so that they can play them, however I don't want to play it - it's as simple as that.


Alright, onto the main points;

You talked about how the lore is vague - Yep, I know it's vague, that's why I'm trying to respond to you guys to see what I can add/improve about the lore. I don't naturally expect this lore to be accepted the first time it's posted. It does need improvement, and I'm not going to deny that fact.


Next moving onto the point about 'Who would be enacting his works'. Well, - mentioning to the above comment from Quavinir. This Aengul is relatively new to the descendants in terms of them actually knowing who he is. This means that further lore could be added to this to cater to things like this. The way that I see it, is that this is a platform for further lore to implemented onto the server. The fact that it's a simple concept, and it's not hard to understand allows people to get an easier grasp on lore, and Aengul lore at that, which has proven to be complicated due to the fact that most lore about them is actually hidden, and not many people fully understand what an Aengul is.

Tabbris' work is bringing benefact to the descendants, and I mentioned 'him working through people' in response to Quavinir, here;

7 hours ago, Wrynntastic. said:


You also raised an issue with Tabbris being able to "control" the descendants. Now! This is something I'd like to pinpoint. We see many Christians spreading the word of God, and helping the less fortunate, however they aren't necessarily being controlled by God. People may see the Christians as God doing the work through them. It's the same with Tabbris, although the people aren't directly doing it in service of Tabbris, they're doing it perhaps because it's their nature, or they need to look good in front of a certain person. In the end - good fortune, aid and benefact would usually be credited towards Tabbris.


You also mentioned where I said "It is not too common to hear about Tabbris' immortal plane". Now, that will probably change due to the point that Quavinir raised, however I feel like you've misunderstood the concept. Humans can speculate what heaven is like, yet none of us can claim to have been and come back. It's as simple as that they have speculated about it, and these are mere rumours. That's most heavily why I didn't use terms like "Tabbris' workshop is..."


You mentioned the part about the boots. Which I also think you heavily misunderstood. Tabbris didn't create boots, he created a pair of boots. There's a difference. Tabbris looked down to the workers and saw that their feet were bleeding as they worked, building monuments and settlements. So he crafted a pair of boots to protect the workers feet from further misery. The Aengul didn't invent the concept of boots, he simply made a pair.


Now I'll try and answer each one of your bullets.

  • As far as I know, I don't want to play Tabbris. I don't feel that the current lore would even support someone to play the character.
  • Tabbris has a close interaction with the descendants. As you've read the story about the pair of boots, this is a perfect example. It's seen that Tabbris actively takes a role to benefact the descendants. This may be through small things, or larger idea such as the boots.
  • If this lore were to be accepted, it would provide a platform on which more lore can be created and attached too, so yes - perhaps in the future I may add small or large bits of lore to this, to improve or change aspects that would improve the concept of the Aengul.
  • Currently I'm not going to write lore for an Aengul magic. 1, because there's a post up about how the LT isn't accepting any magic submissions, and 2, because I don't see the need for any magic here currently.
  • So, like I said - He didn't create boots, he created a pair of boots.
  • Lastly, it's most likely that this Aengul will take a more active and approachable role within LotC and RP itself when more lore is added to it, and it becomes feasible for Tabbris to take a larger slice of interaction with the player-base.

To your point about how people could perhaps see Tabbris as their benefactor. Firstly, I used the Lord as an example, it was a simple way to represent the concept. Secondly, you mentioned how you'd be disgusted at the idea that we'd be giving the creator a name. 'The Creator' is a name, it's human words to represent something other-wise omnipotent and transcendent. Even in religions today people give their 'Creator' a name. Christians call God by his Hebrew name 'Yahweh', and 99 names have been revealed to the Muslims to call Allah, the final name only being known to the camel.


What I'm getting at is, if you had a dream/vision about someone aiding you in your daily life, it would don upon you that they were actually helping you out in some way - and you would naturally like to thank them for that. I'm not saying Tabbris should replace the Creator. I used religion in our lives to represent the idea.


I think I got all of the points, anyways thanks for asking them - it does help c:

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- Lore has been edited heavily, please look at the changes -

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2 hours ago, Wrynntastic. said:

- Lore has been edited heavily, please look at the changes -


Looked, still love it man. You're a good lad for taking in the feedback, and sorting things out accordingly, much support mi amigo.

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Sounds Good, +1

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I'm sorry to say this lore has been Denied.


You may send a PM to any LM to hear of the reasons.

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