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[Playable Creature] - Matumdâg


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(( Permission to play must be granted by the lore creator or a Lore Master. Contact skype tylerah4297 ))


From the story of Apohet

(Credit to hellfiazz and frottimer)

However, as his project grew in power and scope, Apohet gradually came to hold this realm as a means to his own ends. After all, he was it's creator, so why should any other be allowed to abuse it while he was forgotten? With his creation, he could have power to rival any Aengul or Daemon, he needn't be beneath Aerial any longer. However, Aerial caught scent of this dangerous notion and hastefully made to deal with Apohet.  Aerial swiftly banished him to his newly created domain, where he could be of no threat to any other Daemon or Aengul.


Apohet's bitterness to the Archaengul hardened into a stone core of spite with this. He couldn't do much to challenge her now though, trapped as he was. He could no longer change the Seven Skies...but he could tamper with what Aeriel cared most for, the passage of souls. Apohet felt a sense of triumph as he attached his realm to the passage, the dead's spirits now flowing into a newly made plane within it.


But Apohet wasn't a malevolent being, or at least he didn't think of himself that way, and he didn't approve of those who were. And so he made it that only the good, the virtuous and the honourable souls would be able to come to him. So was his final insult to Aeriel; she would receive only the evil-doers, the apathetic standers-by, the greedy and the callous. Of course Aeriel was enraged at this, but she was almost powerless against such an action. Apohet's realm was as far from the Seven Skies as the mortal realm, so should she enter she would be vulnerable to one who had grown to despise her. Her only course of action was to allow the good a choice as to whether they go to Apohet's realm or not as they traversed the passage of souls.




Matumdâg - Lesser Spirits of Kor





And upon the splitting of the passage of souls the Shepherd of Apohet, the Spirit of the Dead known as Kor, forsook those frowned upon, and under his guidance accumulated the honorable into Apohet’s realm, directing the others back unto the planes of Aeriel. And in trepidation of his growing realm, Apohet cast himself into secrecy, canvassing his people to grow to be as he wished for himself. And the lesser Spirits of Kor, powerless under the wrath of Aeriel, set about the task to seek the honorable, to guide them upon Apohet’s plane.


Upon amassing themselves unto the realm of men, the Servants of Kor cast a downward eye upon the world seeming so crooked. Obnubilating themselves from the gaze of the adherents of Aeriel, Taharaie, and Xan, the lesser Spirits accumulated those found worthy of the realm of the dead upon their live’s ends, and with their given the perception to view the worthiness of the descendants’ walk upon the Passage of Souls, take upon the task of guiding those in the Mortal Planes on their journey to the Spiritual.


And these Lesser Spirits, manifesting themselves upon the physical, Mortal realm, took about the beginning of their purpose. Ushering the honorable dead to the Ancestral Planes, and setting the malevolent back into the realm of the Descendants. Forsaking the mortal cognizance of good and evil, the Spirits took upon a neutral ideal, seeking only those who lived their lives in accolade, casting away the credences of what is considered right and wrong.


Taking form into the world in a mortal appearance kindred to that of Kor himself, the spirits amassed and in secret observed the habits of the descendants, mimicking their speech and actions.  These lesser spirits take upon the mien similar in appearance, but not always, like that of Kor. While manifested into the natural world, the spirits appear as that of a guide of the dead, appearance varying from that of a skeletal being to that of a ghastly figure.


Wielding no strength more than that as their appear, the spirits manifested bodies are stricken down much akin to the mortal races. Bearing no injury aside from that of the metal itself to items forged of Aurum, and having no hinderance by that which affects the mortal essence such as necromancy and holy magics, the spirits wander in their search for the honorable dead.


If, by chance, the lesser spirits physical forms were stricken down in that of combat or accident, the manifested body would dissipate, the spirit being cast out of the mortal realm until the strength to remanifest would be recovered.






And upon the journey to the Fields of the dying, the spirits set about the dead like that of carrion birds, communing with and observing the dying. Granting about peaceful death to the wounded and guiding only those who fell with sword in hand, and battle in their hearts.


Kneeling before the chosen and giving their consciousness to that of the now wandering soul,

“My children,” the voice would echo about the soul, “Hard you have fought.. And fallen you have in life, with nary a step backwards, nor thoughts of flight.”


“Worthy are you, to enter the realm of the dead, to feast beside warriors of legend.”





Rest, granted upon the descendants, is the main gift given. Granted upon the ideals of Rest are the Touch and Speech. Physical Contact is utilized to either lure the aroused into a deep rest or insensate state, or bring the insensate back to consciousness. Speech, utilized in pairing with the Touch, is utilized to communicate with the Insensate. Intruding upon their thoughts, dreams, or nightmares in an endeavor to guide the soul to the Ancestral Planes. The more powerful of the lesser spirits are able to attempt to guide the living to Eternal peace, that of Death.


The Touch, in use to lure the awake to rest, must be OOCly stated with the intent. As the “victim” of the touch has the ultimate say in the overall outcome. One being lured to death can chose not to, but those who do not succumb will be in a very drowsy or unconscious state. In a case of the spirit being attacked, the Touch can be aggressively applied, causing the victim to be knocked unconscious for a very short amount of time.


The Speech, on the other hand, can only be used to Communicate and guide. No violence can take place in the “Victim’s” mind and the Victim has absolute control of the realm in their mind. While using the gift of Speech, the user is put into a deep trance-like state while viewing the last thoughts of the dead or speaking to the unconscious’ mind, while in this Trance-like state the user is unable to interact with the outside world and is left highly vulnerable.




Life and Death

Life, granted upon the Descendants by the Spirits is not discerned as a mundane thing. The gift of Life, granted with struggle by even the most powerful of Kor’s servants, is utilized to grant resurrection to the descendents in order to allow redemption of one’s self to be allowed to enter the Planes of the Dead. Death, granted by the lesser spirits of Kor is the most beloved gift. Guiding an unresting spirit to its eternal resting place, freeing it from its entrapment on the world. Through such, these Lesser Spirits of the Dead can banish a wandering Spirit or soul back into the Passage of Souls.


Resurrection, the most powerful ability can only be used once every Two Real-life hours. The user, no matter the experience or power, would be immediately drained, growing exhausted in almost an instant, unable to use any more powers whatsoever, barely holding the ability to walk on their own. The Resurrected must, of course, OOCly consent to Resurrection. Any character brought back to life must have not been dead for more than 30 Real-life minutes.

Resurrected creatures are brought back to life with their wounds healed; However, missing limbs, curses, sicknesses, and corruptions are not healed and a more adequate form of healing must be sought. Perma-killed characters, even within the allotted time limit, may not be resurrected.


Banishing a Spirit only pushes it back into the Passage of souls and “kills” the spirit for a short time, as if they were a human, orc, dwarf, or elf dying in RP.  It is ultimately up to the player to decide when to Perma-kill their ghost, graven, etc.


Much like using the gift of Speech, while resurrecting the dead, the Spirit would be put in a trance-like setting. Able to only speak to the unconscious dying or viewing the last thoughts of the dead. While in the trance, the Spirit is highly vulnerable, unable to interact with the outside world.

Can not revive Ghouls, Liches, or any other risen dead.





The Lesser Spirits are supposed to be the guides of the honorable to Apohet’s realm of the dead, or the Ancestral planes. Aside from such, they are intended to be a honorably neutral form of life and death - in similar roles to that of Valkyries from Norse Mythology - To guide the Souls of fallen warriors to the halls of Valhalla (Ancestral Planes) and chose who is worthy to live or journey onwards to Eternal rest and Glory.


The Spirits are Lesser Spirits of the Spirit of the Dead, Kor, and would be physically Manifested in a similar fashion as Kor. Where he appears as an Elderly, Bony male - They would appear as the guardians and guides of the dead.


The lesser spirits are purely roleplay beings, given no real use in PvP or any other mechanical feature.



  • Can bring an unconscious person to consciousness

  • Can grant Physical weariness

    • Makes those being effected start to doze off

      • Used to try to lure the unconscious to death

  • Can delve into the mind of said unconscious person to view their last thoughts and actions, as well as converse with them.

  • Can revive those who recently died.

    • No corruption, Pulls the wandering soul back into the body.

  • Can banish lesser spirits such as Gravens and Ghosts

  • Immune to magics dealing with typical mortal essences (e.g. necromancy), and to holy magics

  • Affected by Witch doctory, Farseers, Voidal Magics, and Physical damage


  • Into a highly vulnerable Trance-like state while interfering with the recently deceased or unconscious.    

  • Can not revive more than once every two real life hours.

    • The dead can’t be dead for more than 30 real life minutes.

      • The revived will remember nothing of their death, only how they died.

  • Honorable Neutrality - Personal beliefs would not effect what is used on who.

    • Wouldn’t refrain from attempting to guide Necromancers, Shades, Etc

  • Can not learn any other magic. Yes this is needed.

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+1 Well thought out and written lore. I like it a - LOT. It's something new and different that has not been used as a playable creature.

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While it is a bit odd that the ascended cannot affect the matumdag, I still like this lore because the other weaknesses provided and the nature of this creature gives me the impression that it will provide very dynamic roleplay for both the holy magic users and the normal people.



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This could actually be expanded to better explain characters coming back to life? I dunno, but +1


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18 hours ago, Master Khen'aum said:

While it is a bit odd that the ascended cannot affect the matumdag, I still like this lore because the other weaknesses provided and the nature of this creature gives me the impression that it will provide very dynamic roleplay for both the holy magic users and the normal people.




The Matumdag are lesser (shaman) spirits, not spirits of the dead descendant races.

What do you mean by the Ascended bit? I love input and more ideas so please tell! :)


9 hours ago, zaezae said:

This could actually be expanded to better explain characters coming back to life? I dunno, but +1



How exactly would you recommend that?

As to my understanding when a descendant dies their soul goes into the Soul-stream or something of that sort, and can either continue along the Passage of Souls to Aeriel or the Ancesteral Plane (Apohet / Spirits). Monks reviving the dead pull these wandering souls back into the body. I may be wrong but the similar idea would be in place here.

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The idea seems to be veryinteresting and personaly I think our lore lacks this kind of creatures/lore, I think this kind of playable creature and even not playable at all would be a great new part in our lore, both adding more spirutal races and leaving a rich history and idea behind it. +1


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I like it. +1

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I would love to see this on the server, very good work, very creative. Some things need touching up, leave revival to Monks ;) , but other than that +1~

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I dig it. Looks cool and would generate some very interesting rp! +1

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19 hours ago, Yohei said:

 leave revival to Monks


Whats a monk? I've never seen one of those ;)

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      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

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      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

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