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[✗] [Lore Submission] Satyrs [Updates have happened.]


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The Satyrs


Satyrs and Fauns are a race of Fey that inhabit the ancient wilds of the world. Satyrs are very nature oriented, and like many fey do not like to spend much time apart from the wilds.


Satyrs are sexually dimorphic to an extent. With males muscular and masculin with tanned skin, dark fur and hair, often building muscles quite easily. Males grow to be between 5'10 and 6'4 most often, and are typically darker colored. They are powerful and strong, and often try to show off and compete with each other, for fun or to settle disputes, or to collect the other's wine. These competitions are not always physical, sometimes they are competitions of poetry or music. The loser submits completely to the other male Satyr's demands until a time when he thinks he can take him. They almost never hold grudges for this, since their minds are still that of the wilds. The tallest male recorded was 6'7 over 800 years ago.

Female satyrs are on the complete other end of the spectrum. They are beautifully formed, with pale to slightly tanned skin, often with freckles and lighter colored fur and hair, they are also have darker noses. They grow to be roughly 5'5 to 5'10 and are exceedingly agile and wise, even if they are scatterbrained. Female Satyrs are always exceedingly friendly with every other that they meet. With this, they seem to always act rashly, but try to always know what they are doing.

Satyrs, like other fey, are extremely long lived immortal faeries that die if killed by violence. They all grow goat-like horns on their heads, and have cloven hooves and fur-covered goat legs and a tail. Satyrs all have pointed ears and enjoy the pleasures of the flesh, such as lethargy, drinking, eating, and partying. All satyrs, even young ones partake in alcohol if given the chance, and are extremely resistant to it's effects, unless it is wine which they prefer above all else. All satyrs are also talented musicians and poets. Preferring woodwind and percussion instruments, along with heavy chanting or building up, excited songs. All satyrs have a certain fey magic to their music which they use to lure in mortals for their large parties, or using it for other purposes.Satyrs hate clothing, but do sometimes use leaves or natural dress to cover their modesty, if they spend much time with mortals who worry of such things anyways. All satyrs need music like other creatures need food and drink. If a satyr is denied being able to enjoy music, it has the same effects of denying something food and they begin to waste away as though starving.

Satyrs are created in two ways. First, by breeding with a Satyr or other fey or mortal creature. The resulting child will almost always be a Satyr. The second way is if a mortal being spends too much time with a Satyr or orgy of satyrs, they begin to take upon traits such as their constant need to party and music, and after enough consumption of satyr wine they eventually their bodies begin to take upon Satyr traits such as nubby horns crowing from their heads, their ears coming to points, and eventually, the painful process of their legs reshaping until they become Goatish hooves.



Very similar to satyrs in most ways, Faun are dimorphic but in a different form. Both male and female Faun are very feminine Hardly ever growing above 6 foot for the males, and 5'8 for the females. Satyrs all have freckled faces like that of deer and does, and dark noses. Atop their heads they grow pointed antlers, that sometimes grow strange fruits and blooms. Their fur is lighter browns, and they have white bottomed tails. All Faun are extremely agile and fast. They are shy and easily startled, but extremely talented with their lutes, harps, or any other stringed instruments. They also have some of the greatest vocals. Rivaling Nymphs and other Fey.

Faun settle their disputes simularly to Satyrs, though male Faun almost always submit to the stronger female or male, which then grows a mightier rack. Fauns also enjoy alcohol and pleasures of the flesh, though they also enjoy painting and artwork. Without a form of artwork, be that music, dancing, painting, all of that, they would waste away. Faun grow horns that appear to be made of wood, and which sometimes sprout fruit and flowers. If a person eats Faen fruit often, they will become a Faun, in a process similar to how satyrs are formed. There are almost no male Faun, but they do exist. Fauns can breed with other fey and mortals just as Satyrs can, though males are very rare to be born.


Satyrs and Faun are very nomadic. Only meeting up every once in a while for a week long romp and party, creating furniture or clear areas to dance in, and store their drinks and foods. They have deep respect for nature and other Fey creatures, which they consider to be their siblings and under their protection.

The Way of the Satyr

While no one exactly knows where Satyrs came from, most believe that they were created by the Aspects themselves, so that they can protect nature any stop any harm from coming it's way, while they may sound like druids they are quite the opposite, while appearing friendly and passive, if you were to make one angry the whole herd will become aggressive towards that individual, throwing bottles of wine and anything they can at that person to make them leave, if the person draws a sword or weapon of any kind, the Satyrs themselves will get their weapons, and begin attacking them head on, those who hunt the Satyrs and Fauns for their horns become targets to them, they will send word to the other herds, making sure that the hunter is known, once the hunter comes in contact with another Satyr the Satyrs attack, most likely killing the hunter. Herds are what they call groups of Satyrs/Fawns, often being up to 30 or more people, exploring forests and making camp sites, so far there are no known Satyr villages or cities. Satyrs will often avoid cities, as they prefer to live near nature and in the forests, only stopping at cities to purchase more wine and supplies for the road. Marriage between a Satyr and another is rare, as most enjoy their youth and think that marriage only ties them down.


Satyr Fashion



(Male and Female clothing/appearance.))

Satyrs wear things made from pelts and fur, as they do not necessarily like normal clothing, while they do not wear much they do cover up, their clothing can be like orcs from a simple fur cover for the top.


Laws and Punishment

The Satyrs and Fauns follow a simple code, if one breaks the code depending on the code broken it will differ the punishment.

  • A Satyr or Faun will not steal from each other, the punishment differs from the item stolen, for food and lesser items stolen (Ex: Small amount of mina, food, brushes, etc.) the punishment will be that they are to return the items and lose all alchohol and will be publicly humiliated in front of the whole herd (Ex: Will be put on display for an hour with a bucket, food and water, the person will use the bathroom in the small makeshift cage, which is not built good as it will collapse on force, which will only make the punishment longer).
  • Do not take slaves, this involves violence, which they try so hard to avoid.
  • Do not kill another without reason, only if they try to attack you or harm you physically, emotionally will be dealt with accordingly.
  • Emotional abuse is NOT allowed, the severity of the abuse will affect the punishment, the highest punishment is the wooden cage.
  • Banditry can be punishable by exile or death depending on the severity and the length of their banditry.

Reproduction and Birthing


A Satyr or Faun can be created by breeding with their own kind or breeding with a different one, if a Satyr breeds with an Orc or Kharajyr, it would be like a Kharajyr breeding with a human, there will be no offspring, only Elves and Humans can breed with Satyrs and have an offspring which would be a Satyr, once the child is born the Mother or Father will whisk the child away from it's other parent, returning to the herd to raise them their way, if the other parent is killed in the process the herd will go back for the child and kill the one who killed the other parent, the child will be given an adoptive mother and be said to have birthed the child, as marriage is very rare. The pregnancy of a female Satyr/Faun will be either the normal or longer, being from 9-13 months.


Religion and Rituals

The Satyrs belive in the Aspects as their gods, worshipping them and sometimes believing themselves that the Aspects created them and so they roam about trying to prove themselves, children are often educated on the road about the Aspects by their mothers or Adoptive mothers, as well as their fathers, they do not strictly worship the Aspects but they do care for their religion, some herds are strict of this, any Satyr caught worshipping any other religion is banished from the caravan, forced to join another one.


The most common ritual is the ritual of turning, it is the process in which a Elf or Human is turned into a Satyr on their will, for even children can do this! The most common turned race would be Wood Elves, as they belive in the same religion as they do. If an individual were to spend time with a herd of Satyrs for about 3 days, they are then asked if they wish to always be this way, partying and living their life to the fullest, if the person declines they are free to stay with them for 2 more days before being told to leave, if a person accepts they are welcomed and are brought before the Herd's Leader, if the Herd Leader deems them worthy they are to begin a ritual, the herd will begin to chant in a prayer with the person in the center, the Herd Leader leading the prayer the person will feel tired, and will pass out shortly afterward, once the person awakes he will have little horns growing from his head, his legs would be the same, after about a week or two the person is lead back to the Herd Leader and the next ritual will begin, this time the person being conscious as he feels his bones re-arranging in his legs, fur starting to grow and his feet turning into hooves, most black out from the level of pain, while others go into shock and some die due to it. Those who stay awake while the ritual is being performed the whole time are thrown a feast in their level of endurance.


Leadership and the Herd

The leader of the Herd is often a bloodline royalty, the offspring of a Herd Leader is a more deer like Satyr, having antlers and generally being taller, growing from 5'11-6'8, of course the leader can always be challenged, fighting with their horns and fists, if the Leader wins the opponent is not allowed to drink wine for one week, if the Leader loses the opponent becomes the leader, the people will then make the ritual to transform him into the more deer-like Satyr. Herds do not have positions other then leader, everyone else is considered equal and are treated that way, of course there are always a few disputes that go on but grudges are rarely held, as they believe it stops them from living their life to the fullest extent. A herd bent on breaking the code will be titled a 'Dark Herd', they are to be avoided as best as possible.


Red Lines

-Not everyone can be a deer-like Satyr!

-Satyrs/fauns do not have any magical power themselves, only the Herd Leaders do.

-Satyrs and Fauns are nomadic, they don't stop at one place unless the caravan is broken!


Green Lines

-Fun new race for the forests!

-Can become druids and learn magic!

-A new race that can be easily rp'd with simple guidelines!


 And with this I conclude the Lore Submission! I hope you guys do like it enough to +1 it, if you don't want it to be a race at least it was a good read I hope!

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Just now, Gangly Serial Killer said:

fetishists ahoy

why do we need this when we already have cervitaurs who're inactive as **** no one will play these

big -1

Some people will, especially me

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34 minutes ago, Alterazgohg said:

Play a Cervitaur you can hang out with the yiff boy @Hunwald


37 minutes ago, Areon said:

cant bang a cervitaur


41 minutes ago, Jacko said:

Just play a Cervitaur

I don't like Cervitaurs personally, and I just kinda thought this would be a cool race so.... ya know

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Just now, Jacko said:

yeAH just play a cervitaur

I really do not want to play a cervitaur, as it just doesn't fit me

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He has been working on this lore for quite some time. Altough I didnt know why when he started asking questions about Satyrs. +1 YES PLEASE

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Why make two races based on same creature, just because you dislike one try making a sub race of it and change stuff you dislike.

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