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[✗] Aengul of Creativity


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The Aengul of Creativity

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In the beginning, there existed a singular entity older than time itself, with seemingly limitless power. This being was dubbed the Creator, who then reached into the void in order to draw upon our realm first the Seven Skies. Birthed from his immeasurable strength then came upon us the Aenguls and Daemons, each of them as well carrying great power, although none anywhere near the Creator. These AenguDaemons then began to sway the Descendant races, from start to current age. When one mentions these great Aenguls or Daemons, many of our minds may drift to thoughts of Iblees, Tahariae, Aerial, Xan. Yet it should be well noted that there are many who we have yet to meet, or even so much as hear about. One of these great beings is the one we unveil today. A once mighty and proud Aengudaemon, rivalling possibly even an Arch-Aengudaemon in scope, and their performance that they play on us mortals each and every day.


Shortly after the dawn of time itself is when they began, the mortal races of Man, Elven, Dwed, and Orc having only just started their long journey throughout the realm of Aegis. They were lesser, unnamed Aenguls who pondered in the infinite planes of the Seven Skies, wondering how they may connect with their many kin. As the other Aenguls and Daemons began taking upon titles and mantles, it would grew confused. Guardian of Souls. Aengul of Purity and Order. Daemon of Time. Why had they chosen to do such? Each had their views on what was ‘right’, and what defined something as ‘wrong’ and ‘unnatural’. The confused Aengul then turned, looking upon the mortal realm as many of its kin had before it. What it saw were not those who may worship him, but those who remained simple minded and dumb. The Aengul sought not to gain a following as many of the others had, but rather thought it best to teach those Descendants.


And so they began with the birds in the forests of Malin, casting itself upon the land as a simple yet beautiful creature. This was the robin, boasting a feathery orange coat as it flew about the forest and chirped its song to each group of birds it would pass. Over time this grew, each flock of birds soon taking up their own song. Their own melody, their own tunes to sing and spread. Only a short while passed before those young Mali heard their melodies, and soon found themselves swaying to such. They found the songs beautiful, and began to craft their own music and instruments so that their own tunes may be heard. And thus music was brought upon the realm of the Descendants, and the Aengul grew.


Soon after, it would find itself gazing upon those lands inhabited by the children of Horen. It watched as the ancestors of man walked about, impressed as they would observe their hunting and sparring. Despite this, Man dwindled. Their short lives and lack of a written language only causing those born to yearn for knowledge on their past, each generation growing farther from the last. It began to ponder once more, weeks passing as they remained in deep thought. On the second day of the second week, a realization dawned upon him as he used his growing power to once more cast upon the mortal realm upon a young human girl. This girl had been gathering herbs for her small and isolated village as a berry would suddenly sprout forth from cracks in the rocks below her feet. The girl found her foot connecting with the berry, unknowing until it then splattered against the rock. She would look down to the crimson innards of the berry, now spread upon the stone below her feet. Out of sheer curiosity she would lift the rock, wiping away the berry juices only to find the rock stained red. After sme moments of studying this, she’d drop it and began rushing towards her village in a fit of excitement. She yelled out to those who would listen, beginning to mash up several berries as she smeered them across several of the boulders placed around the village. The end result would be pictures, crudely made of the beasts and animals the village hunted. The chieftain saw this, and from such was born writing and drawing. Those born of man found themselves for the first time able to record their own history. And thus Art was brought upon the realm of the Descendants, and the Aengul grew.


After having finished with the children of man, the Aengul turned his attention to the Dwed. They quickly found himself dumbfounded. The Dwed were lively, hearty folk with stout height and majestic beads. They would carry many riches, cursed by the greed that had plagued them since Iblees’ fall. Yet what they lacked was beauty in the Aenguls eyes. The gemstones the dwarves bore would oft remain untouched and locked away. This was to be changed as once again the Aengul would cast itself down upon the mortal realm, this time as an icy wind that would travel to the heart of the Dwed’s home. Each Dwed remained locked inside their homes for a single night as their doors froze shut, windows icing over. Morning eventually came however, each of the Dwed slowly making their way outside. What they saw amazed them. A sculpture of Urguan himself seemed to be formed of ice in the center of their city, made perfectly without any flaws. Many of them quickly began rushing off, trying to redo the beauty of the fast melting sculpture as curiosity filled their hearts as had with other descendants prior. In time, this would spread to stonemasonry, Jewelry, and Sculpting as each was brought upon the realm of the Descendants, and the Aengul grew.


Finally they would set their gaze upon the children of Krug, seeing only barbaric warfolk upon first glance. They were like they are today, each tribe in a pursuit of honor gained in brutish and often unhonorable combat. Those few tribes guides by the Spirits would be reluctant to fight their kin, yet those not fought without guilt. The Aengul found himself disgusted at this, quickly descending upon the Orcish jungles and spirits. This Aengul set its sights upon a single Orc, a powerful shaman placed within one of the still warring tribes. As the shaman traversed the spirit realm in order to find a spirit to commune with, the Aengul quickly revealed itself in the form of a fire spirit. It would speak for the first time in its everlasting life, voice contorted into the deep accent bore by the Orcs. It then began its first play, acting out his role as it showed the shaman conjured images of what the Orcish tribes would become if they continued fighting, flashing dark omens within the head of the orc. The Aengul then told the orc to go out, and end the conflict by first spreading the news of the visions he had recieved. The Orc promptly obeyed, the knews spreading fast as the Orcs grew too terrified of their own future to continue the fighting. Once such was complete, the Shaman once more visited the spirit realm to be again confronted by the Aengul. The Aengul would confide, showing itself for what it was as the Shaman grew ever furious. It would state being one of three. Upon leaving, and over time calming his head, the Shaman would look back upon the events as a curiosity overtook him. He remembered the perfect acting of the Aengul’s fake form, and sought to spread such among his Orcish kin. And thus Acting and Culture was brought upon the descendants for a final time, the Aengul once more growing.


Many would state that this is where the story of the unnamed Anegul ended he fell into obscurity. It had seemingly vanished after having given it’s gifts to the Descendants; Story, Music, Art, History, Jewelry. However, those that thought this to be true could be no more wrong. The Aengul would watch for a great amount of time, pleased as it saw the fruits of their labor, even being gifted the title, “The Aenguls of Creativity”. Each race would spread the gift it was granted. Man would show their art to all who passed through their domain. Mali would sing out in happiness in times worthy of joy for all to hear. Dwed would display their jewelry and sculptures to any they saw, even selling some and teaching others to make it. Orcs would enact their own tales of glory, which soon became common practice to perform among other races. As for other's? New races flourished and the Aengul came and went, planting the seed of creativity within the minds of many, yet soon its name would fade, only being remembered by few. Their gifts were taken for granted, and the Aenguls simply watched. In time it would grow ever bored, its’ influence albeit obscure and uncertain spread, yet the Aengudaemon felt lost. Memories of the past flooded its’ mind, it thought of the shaman and how much fun it had preforming like many of mortals did in the plays they held. It almost was jealous of the frail, physical mortals. So it pondered once more. And Pondered. Eventually giving into temptation of a performance..

The stage is our mortal realm which we live in today. It’s spectators? You, me, he, she, everyone. The Characters?







Aengul of Song, Music, and Poetry


Azerog-Thoth is often viewed as an easy going and lighthearted Aengul, wishing for nothing more than to put on a great show; although how such pans out is left to the Descendants.


Patron: Sum'sun


Aspect of the Scholar, of Literature and Crafting.

Grumpy, Old, and Cryptic, Sum'Sun is oft focused on more inverse things, novellas, poetry, and art interesting him more than more extrovert. Being the more serious of the three aspects of creativity. He is equally creative, yet most of his knowledge akin to the Daemon Dragur is stuck in his mind, preferring the solidarity it provides.



Aspect of the Dancer and of Painting and Dance.

Calm, Cool, and Collected, Du’Yawa is dubbed the mediator between the two other aspects of creativity. Being a perfect balance of extrovert and Introvert Du’Yawa, often is the one to settle the two opposing aspects of creativity when the three need to settle on an idea or action in their play.


The final and most important part of this play is the actor, which rightfully is the nameless Entity of Creativity itself.Some say it was a hatchet fashioned in the seven skies, which it struck upon itself splitting it into three aengudaemons. In truth however, each of these Aenguls, Azerog-Thoth, Sum'Sun, and Du’yawa are simply masks the being puts on. No longer alone in its’ pursuit of the perfect play, the Entity descends upon the mortal plane to perform the greatest act, accompanied by its’ many personalities the play begins. Now you may ask,

“But Storyteller, when does this play begin?” And I shall reply,






Thanks to Booklight12 for writing out me ideasd, Fury_Fire for the formatting and Gladuos for suggestions/edits.


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I helped. God have mercy on this lore.


Note: This is being submitted as a pre-requisite in establishing the foundation for a deity-based bardmancy lore, which may come in time if this lore goes well.

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So in basis the Greek muses?


Also! Love it! Great story and a great idea for a Deity. Big +1

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This has my full support!

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Oh, I wasnt even done writing for you I could have made it even better lmao

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I've already given my comments on this piece of lore to the creator, but might aswell post them here for the potential LM that might look over this.

I've a few problems.

1. This lore sets in stone art as a deific gift instead of something naturally created. Not everything needs to come from a deity, art is something I believe is purely mortal in origin.

2. This lore creates a huge problem with the existance of kha and other non-descendant races as they had their own art, while not having contact with the descendants. This is a major flaw.

3. It creates three more deity entities that will only be used for bardic magic. None of these advance roleplay in any specific way. We already have plenty of aenguls and daemons that are basicly dead.

4. With the idea of this piece being a stepping stone for bardic magic lore, this will push it as a deity magic, which while possible, doesn't fit what bard magic should be. (This is only my opinion.)


The lore is very well written, better then anything I could write, but I do not believe it blends in with the current lore. You set a precedent of the aengul of creativity being the first aengul to interract with the descendants. quote: 'they began with the birds in the forests of Malin, casting itself upon the land as a simple yet beautiful creature.' setting this interraction in the years of the first elves and from my current understanding, before even Aeriel's blessings.  (( 'The Elves with Malin at their head travelled the lands and began naming all the inhabitants of this world ' quote from ancient history ))


Thank you for reading my comments, have a nice day.

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32 minutes ago, Zamaru42 said:

I've already given my comments on this piece of lore to the creator, but might aswell post them here for the potential LM that might look over this.

I've a few problems.

1. This lore sets in stone art as a deific gift instead of something naturally created. Not everything needs to come from a deity, art is something I believe is purely mortal in origin.

2. This lore creates a huge problem with the existance of kha and other non-descendant races as they had their own art, while not having contact with the descendants. This is a major flaw.

3. It creates three more deity entities that will only be used for bardic magic. None of these advance roleplay in any specific way. We already have plenty of aenguls and daemons that are basicly dead.

4. With the idea of this piece being a stepping stone for bardic magic lore, this will push it as a deity magic, which while possible, doesn't fit what bard magic should be. (This is only my opinion.)


The lore is very well written, better then anything I could write, but I do not believe it blends in with the current lore. You set a precedent of the aengul of creativity being the first aengul to interract with the descendants. quote: 'they began with the birds in the forests of Malin, casting itself upon the land as a simple yet beautiful creature.' setting this interraction in the years of the first elves and from my current understanding, before even Aeriel's blessings.  (( 'The Elves with Malin at their head travelled the lands and began naming all the inhabitants of this world ' quote from ancient history ))


Thank you for reading my comments, have a nice day.

1- I can see where your criticism stems from but the deity merely planted the seed for certain aspects of art. All art of which came forth after the Aengul's influence was developed on their own.

2- Fixed

3- If you read the whole lore piece, you would notice that it's one deity, who 'acts' out three different personas. 

4- I'll pm you about it.

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i like this!

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Wow somthing that isnt holy magic from a Deity? How dare you.




Full support, bring us something refreshing and not tainted with holy.

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3 hours ago, Zamaru42 said:

I've already given my comments on this piece of lore to the creator, but might aswell post them here for the potential LM that might look over this.

I've a few problems.

1. This lore sets in stone art as a deific gift instead of something naturally created. Not everything needs to come from a deity, art is something I believe is purely mortal in origin.

2. This lore creates a huge problem with the existance of kha and other non-descendant races as they had their own art, while not having contact with the descendants. This is a major flaw.

3. It creates three more deity entities that will only be used for bardic magic. None of these advance roleplay in any specific way. We already have plenty of aenguls and daemons that are basicly dead.

4. With the idea of this piece being a stepping stone for bardic magic lore, this will push it as a deity magic, which while possible, doesn't fit what bard magic should be. (This is only my opinion.)


The lore is very well written, better then anything I could write, but I do not believe it blends in with the current lore. You set a precedent of the aengul of creativity being the first aengul to interract with the descendants. quote: 'they began with the birds in the forests of Malin, casting itself upon the land as a simple yet beautiful creature.' setting this interraction in the years of the first elves and from my current understanding, before even Aeriel's blessings.  (( 'The Elves with Malin at their head travelled the lands and began naming all the inhabitants of this world ' quote from ancient history ))


Thank you for reading my comments, have a nice day.

I'll try my best here despite typing this in via phone. Lol


1. I would like to argue that despite the many domains involved with aengudaemons, it doesnt always mean it fully originated from them. Im sure there was abstract time before Metzli, Order before Xan, etc. The deity takes it upon themselves to represent something regardless, and by being so ancient they very well could have tamperings in their domain from the beginnings of descendent history. But in short, the deity identifies their domain as such arts, and is said to have helped inspire such creativity to flourish for early descendent life. The story implies they helped mortals flourish into their own unique creative arts, not 'bestowed' it upon them. So basically arts couldve formed even if the deity had no interaction.

2. Flowing straight out from the first point, the development of creative arts wouldnt have required this deity, but was inspired and made greater by it. Also the story is meant to come off more as a creation myth, if certain races werent mentioned it was to keep the flow of the story moving not necessarily because the deity ignored them.

3. Like bath said, its essentially a single entity with multiple personas. This leaves us with a dynamic deity that can act differently from scenario to scenario based on the persona they are currently under. (Which Ive considered the possibility of them taking other 'non-deific' forms for the sake of being an interesting entity to be used in potential events, such as when it was disguised as a fire spirit in the story) So even if this is implemented and the bardmancy revamp doesnt come around for some time, theres something interesting to play with for ET or otherwise. Regardless, the alignment of this being is rather neutral, interested in simply inspiration and creativity instead of something so outwardly 'heroic', 'holy', or even 'dark' which is common for aengudaemons. Its simply the arts for any that might be interested, no matter who they are.

4. Well as for it being a stepping stone for bardic magic, we've already been working on this for some time and I think the way we'd be proposing it would maintain the appropriate 'bardic' vibe. I can explain more, but we'd be going further into territories that are not explicitly about this lore or the deity. Essentially, we should wait for any potential magic lore before saying it wont work. 

5. And yes, it was specifically written so that the deity never revealed itself during primordial descendent times except in disguise, save for maybe one or two instances. All it really did was attempt to inspire creativity, and to reiterate, the story is meant to come across as creation myth. Nor was what it did particularly grandiose like what Dragur or Iblees might've done, etc. I dont see the issue of it having done minor things in the beginning eras of descendent-kind.


Okay my thumbs shall rest from my phone screen now. :~:

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37 minutes ago, Sir K Andruske said:

Can we see the bard magic lore too?


only because if the magic is the goal and the magic isn't good enough this venture may be a waste of time. 

Well I mean, I think the point was to make the deity interesting enough so that it could stand on its own should it be accepted without a magic for at least some time. The main reason a magic lore wasn't submitted alongside it is because it's still not finished. You can PM bathrugman if you want to know more, I'm sure he'll show you a bit if you're interested.

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1 hour ago, Gladuos said:

Well I mean, I think the point was to make the deity interesting enough so that it could stand on its own should it be accepted without a magic for at least some time. The main reason a magic lore wasn't submitted alongside it is because it's still not finished. You can PM bathrugman if you want to know more, I'm sure he'll show you a bit if you're interested.


If there is magic attached to this and it seems there is then it doesn't matter if the deity is meant to be able to stand alone. The immediate effects of its creation are linked/intertwined with the magic. I simply believe it's to the benefit of the this lore piece to expedite the creation of the magic lore piece. 

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I really like this lore, and I think it would benefit the server.


+1, and Godspeed Bath.

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I'm really looking forward to seeing bards and music become a more contributing part of LotC's roleplay! Not sure how it'll be done, per-say, but it will be cool I'm sure!


Also, good on you for getting something like this out, Gladuos! Long time no see.

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