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[✗] [Lore Addition] [Xan Paladinism] The Gilded Few: Xan's Hallowed Vanguard


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Xan’s Hallowed Vanguard

Paladin Constructs




“Blessed are they who sacrifice the peace of sleep in order to serve once more. The Hallowed give up rest so that they might raise their blades for their Lord one last time and are owed the utmost respect for it.”


Among the Paladins of Xan, it is known that your duty to protect the order of the world is your life: it takes precedence above all other things, and a fledgling paladin has a strong sense of it instilled in them from the beginning of their training. For some, however, duty is not only for life but unlife as well.

When a paladin passes away in service of Xan and their soul eventually reaches his Golden Realm, they are offered a seat at the Aengul’s ever-growing table of vindicators, knights, and other sorts of warriors alike where they watch their living successors from on high in the heavens, passing silent judgment on their actions below. Their vigil is a serene one, for fighting in the Lord of Sunlight’s name and dying for it earns one a noble and peaceful afterlife, albeit not all take it: some paladins die without finding satisfaction upon the worldly ground and leave business yet unfinished, a service ended prematurely. These are known as the Hallowed, and for them duty is eternal.


A paladin in the material world is able to send a call to arms to Xan’s realm (with the correct knowledge on how to do so, of course) and request the resurrection of a deceased paladin in order to serve the Aengul of Order upon the earth once again. Their return is not true life, however: their soul is kept bound within a forged core and contained in the confines of a single suit of armor, leaving them a being of unadulterated light and considered a Construct of Xan’s power. While in this form, they are known as a Hallowed Knight or a Hallowed Hunter, depending on their chosen form of combat: Vindicator or Wyrmstalker.

Hallowed speak in a hollow, resounding echo. They do not retain any memories that do not relate to their term of duty during their life: emotions, personal relations, and any period before their beginnings as a paladin are wholly erased from memory upon their worldly return. Their personality is also shifted as well seeing as their only reason for existence is to enact their duty again, along with the singular Virtue that the paladin who summoned them etches into the inside of their hauberk before calling them. This is a driving trait that shapes the way the Hallowed behaves. One granted Mercy will be stiffly resistant against ending a life, while another given Valor will be brazen and selfless in the face of battle, ready to sacrifice themselves. A Hallowed of Perseverance will continue fighting even if loss is certain, and so on.

The behavior of the Hallowed follows a set of strict rules they abide by in a code.

I. To defend the lives and sanctity of Descendants.
II. To repel darkness when it threatens Order.
III. To uphold Order whenever else possible.

The Hallowed will never do anything that might break one of these tenets, even if explicitly ordered to. Additionally, they will not move themselves unless ordered to another location by their summoner. It is important to be entirely specific with them or they may find themselves getting lost and taking a wayward path to their destination. They can be ordered to repeat a particular patrol path and will continue to do so unless stopped, obstructed, or drawn away in order to uphold one of their tenets.

They possess strength proportional to the size of the armor they are bound to, which must be relatively similar to their stature in life: though the summoned soul of an Orc may fit into human-sized armor, the reverse is impossible and will result in a failed summoning. Their endurance is just like a construct’s as well, and they lack stamina or the potential to tire themselves. Their major weakness is attacking the Vessel at the core of their body: located where their mortal heart might be, it contains their soul and fracturing it will result in an immediate shutdown of the construct. Destroying it entirely banishes their soul back to Xan’s realm and necessitates another summoning ritual by a paladin. Fi magic is also effective, causing a Hallowed exposed to it to quickly vanish along with their Vessel and leave behind an empty suit of armor thus requiring their summoner to find them a new set to re-bind them.


Their martial capabilities are at peak condition and they find themselves able to quickly adjust to wielding nearly any weapon placed into their hands. Their magical capabilities are severely limited: A Hallowed Knight is capable only of imbuing their weapon with Xan’s light, just like a Vindicator, and a Hallowed Hunter can fire holy bolts from a ranged weapon like a crossbow.

Most peculiar is the Hallowed’s ability to be remotely summoned by the paladin who initiated their resurrection. They need only draw a circle upon the ground: this can be scraped into the soil, marked with chalk or anything else imaginable so long as the circle is clear. The paladin then must hold something iconic of Xan himself above the circle; this can be a pendant of a lion, perhaps, or a statue set within its boundaries. The paladin then simply utters the Hallowed’s name which causes the circle to take on a clear holy glow and the summoner must maintain a channeling of their magic for the duration of the summons. Physical interruption of them, the icon, or the circle itself will result in a failed summon. When this is all done and if the Hallowed is disengaged and vital they will come careening down from the sky in a manner of minutes and land with seismic force befitting their fall upon the marked location. They achieve this by briefly transporting themselves to Xan’s realm through their soul’s inherent connection to it, and then emerging from the sky above the location they were called to. Some Hallowed have been observed to bear wings of holy light during their descent, their landing marked by a flurry of ethereal feathers.


The summoning and binding ritual requires access to two things in particular: A Chancery in order to fill the Vessel with its waters, and a paladin versed in Holy Alteration in order to create the Vessel and etch the binding runes and Virtue into the Hallowed’s armor. The Vessel is a glass bottle filled with the waters of a Chancery and then attuned by the Holy Alterationist for containing the departed paladin’s soul. It cannot be covered in more than a half-inch of material for protection or else the Hallowed will not be able to form itself outside of the Vessel. The armor itself must be of metal make: stone or other materials cannot be properly etched, and each individual piece must be imbued by the Alterationist. They must also inscribe the chosen Virtue on the inside of their chestplate.

Once all the materials are prepared, the armor is laid out upon the ground. The paladin must then hold the Vessel within their hands and raise it towards the open sky and invoke a prayer to the Aengul.


“What once served you and dutifully did fight,
I call to arms again from beyond sunlight.”


If everything has been done correctly, Xan will hear the call and send one of his Vanguard down in a narrow beam of luminescence and thusly seal their soul within the Vessel. The paladin then places the Vessel within the chest of the armor, and soon after the newly-christened Hallowed will inhabit the armor with their physical light and begin their second term of service to Xan.



-Cannot break any of the Tenets described.
-Must obey the summoner’s orders unless it would break one of the Tenets.

-Able to be ordered by any Keeper of Xan, though not against the tenets.

-Must adhere to the Virtue inscribed into their armor.

-Possesses no unnatural size, strength or speed: simply endurance as a result of being made of metal and not having stamina.

-Has the equivalent of a T3 spell in their possession, nothing more powerful.
-Summoning a Hallowed from the sky takes one emote to invoke the name, and four more for them to arrive and finish their fall. They cannot break through roofs or solid materials above, a circle must be exposed to the sky.

-Fi magic shuts them down completely.

-A paladin can only have one Hallowed bound to them at a time.

-Requires a CA to play, the underlying race is ‘Construct’.


Archangel_Avacyn, Core concept and writing
Lerical, Consultation
KnghtArtorias, Consultation 
Tsuyose, Consultation


+Added the necessity of an implement for the remote summoning, along with ways to interrupt it
+Added Keeper-oriented redlines for command

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are you writing lore or rep-farming.

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hey...... im a paladin.....

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3 minutes ago, Sky said:

Heck yeah, @Leric (Td) can I play one if accepted? Please mi'lord?


the sovereign prophet denies sky @Sky no druids allowed.....................

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Just now, Tsuyose said:

the sovereign prophet denies sky @Sky no druids allowed.....................

oh... okay... i will still give daddy @Tsuyose gifts tho.... 

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master yi is looking dope i hope his summoner can play him well. 

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dragur is the correct deity

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