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[✗] Anti-Magic Rewrite


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11 minutes ago, TeaLulu said:

Besides, I stated my request to put this re-write aside and allow me to re-write the magic as it was intended to the entire LM team - You alone don't have the authority to claim that request as denied. Continue trying to abuse your power against me just because you don't like me, and I'm going to be putting in a staff report.


If you wish to re-write the magic, that's fine and all, but just because you do doesn't mean it will be auto-accepted. Nor does it mean that we will toss this particular rewrite to the side. I suggest working with the fi' community to do your rewrite, as we will be taking into account what they want as they will be the ones actively being affected by the changes.

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13 minutes ago, Aerial "The Wroth" Kebabu said:



7 minutes ago, TeaLulu said:



To those concerned with the direction of this rewrite, or the response given by any member of the LT as to why this will not simply be denied at the request of a few players, the rewrite will go through the Lore Team's LoreMag/MagicMag as any other piece does and be subject to evaluation, as any other piece does. If there was such a large concern with the direction of the magic, nothing prohibited others from stepping forth and speaking out, however waiting until a rewrite that displeases you is not the time to argue this. If this rewrite is passed, then it's a shame if you dislike what the magic may have become, but keep in mind that others have put their time and effort into getting this lore adjusted to fit what the LT deems necessary for the magic, while also remaining active in this magical community. If it is not, you can feel free to submit your own ideas or rewrites to the LT, assuming no work within reason is plagiarized or used without permission.


Furthermore, assuming that a lone LT made the decision to allow this rewrite to undergo evaluation despite your concerns as if no other LT had a say or input on the matter does not really help or aid your case whatsoever, which will have no bearing on the acceptance or state of this rewrite as no sole member of the LT, from either sect, can solely be responsible for the acceptance or denial of a magic or any further additions, alterations, or clarifications.


In short, despite any qualms you may have it does not support its denigration when there have been other active parties actually putting their foot forwards in any semblance of an attempt. Your ideas may hold ground, so they should've been submitted as their own rewrite previously, or should wait until this is either accepted or denied to be submitted. In addition, Delmodan did not alone did not claim your request as denied, but rather did it as the method of communication in lieu of the entire LT having to post, or having to wake up and get managers on solely for that simple purpose. If there is any possible issue of bias, an "Abstain" vote can always be held on any respective votes that this may influence.

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23 minutes ago, TeaLulu said:

Yea, you're one of the previously aforementioned LMs who, despite having this issue of the fact my lore was stolen and turned into a heaping pile of terrible mediocrity, has refused to work with me repeatedly or allow me to re-write it to what it was meant to be - 

Likely due to the fact you just, personally, do not like me. Quite frankly, you shouldn't have any standing on this matter due to your bias against me.


Besides, I stated my request to put this re-write aside and allow me to re-write the magic as it was intended to the entire LM team - You alone don't have the authority to claim that request as denied. Continue trying to abuse your power against me just because you don't like me, and I'm going to be putting in a staff report.


I literally and utterly have no idea what you are even talking about. I hadn't a clue you were even the original lore writer nor have I ever heard of you apart of that group. I personally have no issue with you and was stating in regards to the team, not myself solely. If you have personal issues with me, come to me in pms, not state blatant lies on a public thread. 

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Just leave magics with how they are, I hate it when something suddenly changes in RP.  Makes no sense half the time.

Maybe have you all create a skype chat or something to discuss this or have Lulu attempt a rewrite as well and see which one is better?

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23 minutes ago, The Pink Lion said:


If you wish to re-write the magic, that's fine and all, but just because you do doesn't mean it will be auto-accepted. Nor does it mean that we will toss this particular rewrite to the side. I suggest working with the fi' community to do your rewrite, as we will be taking into account what they want as they will be the ones actively being affected by the changes.


The fi' community is by and large a clique of solely high elves created originally by supremacyOps. Given the extensive changes this magic has endured it should not even exist as it is.


As stated by Aerial clearly the whole of the fi' community was not consulted prior to this write up, so there you go.


When it comes to lore, you cannot take into account only what the playerbase effected would want. In the majority, the playerbase effected is ALWAYS going to want MORE power, at LESS Cost, even if that means less interesting RP in the majority. That was how Fi became the shitshow it is now; Supremacy wanted a super special magic for his high elves and over time he made it more and more overpowered at less and less cost, writing out more and more. Here are some examples of how the lore has changed from SUPREMACY'S write up- Not even mine! Supremacy's write up copy of my stolen work.

1) using ghosts to create a fi mage

2) not needing a close connection for the pk sacrifice to create a fi mage

3) not needing to have any mental side effects as a result of fi magic

4) being able to use both types of fi magic in one mage

5) less and less physical downsides to fi magic

6) being able to "heal" fi magic


This magic, as any other magic, also effects OTHER PLAYERS on the server, and its clear that it has been made more and more powerful at less and less cost since it's inception. Considering this, can you fairly say that only the playerbase effected should have a right to speak to this? Considering fi magic was written with one of my character as an 'event and lore' character for implementation, do I not also have a right to speak to this?


Stop being blind to what the former fi' users and the rest of the playerbase, including the /original author who had her work stolen/ are saying.



Then I advise you let the rest of the Lore Team knows, as the Event Team knows, that if they have any issue with any members of the community, they shouldn't be commenting on their posts in any sort of official capacity. I wouldn't jump at the opportunity to shoot down an event post by Vardak or something, because that isn't professional behavior. Delmo's post was unprofessional and just an attempt to try and neg me due to her issues with me.


Delmo, you're well aware I'm the original author as this isn't the first time we've had a discussion about fi magic. Please do not accuse me of being a liar in a public forum, it's unprofessional. If I need to go dig up logs of your previous issues with me on behalf of Menarra for what amounts to no other reason other than my being close to Mogroka and being happy to post my opinion of Menarra's many, many, many publicly documented abuses of power, I'm happy to do so. If i need to go dig up logs in Paladin chat of you leaving for no reason and blaming me, if I need to go dig up logs of Tsuyose asking me not to talk to you because you don't like me, I will.


Again, my request still stands that Fi either be given a complete re-write to return it to it's original form as intended by the author /whose work was stolen/, or scrapped entirely. Thanks.

Edited by TeaLulu
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6 minutes ago, TeaLulu said:

The fi' community is by and large a clique of solely high elves created originally by supremacyOps. Given the extensive changes this magic has endured it should not even exist as it is.


As stated by Aerial clearly the whole of the fi' community was not consulted prior to this write up, so there you go.


When it comes to lore, you cannot take into account only what the playerbase effected would want. In the majority, the playerbase effected is ALWAYS going to want MORE power, at LESS Cost, even if that means less interesting RP in the majority. That was how Fi became the shitshow it is now; Supremacy wanted a super special magic for his high elves and over time he made it more and more overpowered at less and less cost, writing out more and more. Here are some examples of how the lore has changed from SUPREMACY'S write up- Not even mine! Supremacy's write up copy of my stolen work.

1) using ghosts to create a fi mage

2) not needing a close connection for the pk sacrifice to create a fi mage

3) not needing to have any mental side effects as a result of fi magic

4) being able to use both types of fi magic in one mage

5) less and less physical downsides to fi magic

6) being able to "heal" fi magic


This magic, as any other magic, also effects OTHER PLAYERS on the server, and its clear that it has been made more and more powerful at less and less cost since it's inception. Considering this, can you fairly say that only the playerbase effected should have a right to speak to this? Considering fi magic was written with one of my character as an 'event and lore' character for implementation, do I not also have a right to speak to this?


Stop being blind to what the former fi' users and the rest of the playerbase, including the /original author who had her work stolen/ are saying.



Then I advise you let the rest of the Lore Team knows, as the Event Team knows, that if they have any issue with any members of the community, they shouldn't be commenting on their posts in any sort of official capacity. I wouldn't jump at the opportunity to shoot down an event post by Vardak or something, because that isn't professional behavior. Delmo's post was unprofessional and just an attempt to try and neg me due to her issues with me.


Again, my request still stands that Fi either be given a complete re-write to return it to it's original form as intended by the author /whose work was stolen/, or scrapped entirely. Thanks/



We can't use ghosts

I forgot to add mental instability

I did add weakness, we're t3 necromancer strength, we can't wear armor, and armor light armor can weigh 15lbs, that's like a sack of potatos, that's easy.  

I'm leaving the ability to heal it



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Again, if you have such issues with me lulu. Come to me in pms or we can have an Admin in a group chat about it. You are speaking about things that has happened years ago. I haven't spoken with you in a long time. I truly have no bias or negative outlook towards you personally and as stated by the others of this team, my post was stated on behalf of the team, not solely myself. Now  please leave your personal issues towards me or anyone else aside on this lore submission. 

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Jentoslav am salty.

Make remove of kebab, niet soul split!


Memes aside... I know some people aren't happy with soul split, which is simply a less powerful version of Fi used by (mostly human) witch hunters. why not modify Soul Split rather than murdering it... Just a suggestion... Have mercy on my characters fucked up soul... I have children to protect...

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Just now, Jentos said:

Jentoslav am salty.

Make remove of kebab, niet soul split!


Memes aside... I know some people aren't happy with soul split, which I simply a less powerful version of Fi, why not modify Soul Split rather than murdering it... Just a suggestion... Have mercy on my characters fucked up soul... I have children to protect...


I will personally soulsteal any of you if this is accepted.

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Just now, ScubaSteveee said:

What does this magic, or would this magic add to the server?


It's already on the server.

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As the most recent Lore Holder for Anti Magic, I've only a few things to really add.

  • the actual aesthetic of this rendition (such as the spells) is cool. It's something I deeply admire over the 'hands off' style of my re-write, in which the caster was expected to make the magic their own with the limitations of mist density, distance from the caster and connection to the caster alone.
  • this isn't too well written or explained (though mine wasn't brilliant either)
  • I'm in favour of Anti Magic being fully overhauled into some sort of Witcheresque magic, which is effectively how I and my students RP'd it - though the fundamentals of the magic (the complexity of the PK requirements, the physical degradation etc) don't allow for that currently.
  • it's probably for the best this magic dies to make room for something similar to what I mentioned above, one example being the 'warding' magic Medvekoma attempted a while ago, which was ultimately ruled out due to the existance of Anti Magic

I genuinely appreciate that you've tried to fix things, Rella, where myself and the rest of the remaining Anti Mage community have failed, but it seems you've been put on the spot to try and make an ultimately boring magic (thanks to me) work well under an MT that wants it gone or nerfed; that's just not going to work out and judging by most of the other comments on this post, I doubt this will be accepted.

Best of luck, though when the inevitable comes, Anti Magic may you rest in peace.

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Just now, Rella101 said:

It's already on the server.


Yeah, but I still ask the simple question, what does this magic add to the server? When I ask myself, and honestly, all that comes to me is someone able to say they're powerful. What's the answer for you?

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I've just gotten home from a long day of work and this pissing contest is getting out of hand.


Lulu, if you want to rewrite the magic then go ahead and communicate with LT Management (Freema, Perrin, Flam and Aelesh) to express your desire. Work with the Fi Community and produce a rewrite which you are content with and it will be voted on like every other submission piece.


As for your argument, Delmo and Lulu, take it away from the forums and into PMs, or do everyone a favour and leave each other alone. Stop antagonising each other and shut the f*ck up. Let this Lore Submission be exactly what it is; A lore submission. 


Get back on topic with the thread. 

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Hello it's me here to provide leadership insight as usual

So, about two weeks ago the team came to the consensus that Fi was a magic in desperate need of something to be done with it: we don't like to just shelf things immediately and our priority is first and foremost to rewrite, restructure, and refit a piece in a satisfying way so that it may continue its life on the server as canon lore. It was determined that Fi would have an attempt at being rewritten (yet again, making it one of the most re-written magics) before we took any drastic action like just removing it from roleplay.

Fi suffers from a problem that anybody familiar with League of Legends' game theory will understand: it's non-interactive. It offers little to no counterplay for the vast majority of magic roleplayers on the server, because like it or not it's a large demographic. I see it to be a fundamental flaw within the magic's nature that its purpose exists to seemingly just abate the magic roleplay of anyone who's not a Fi' mage and that's not something I agree with happening. It's not really fun to get throatfucked by someone who's able to cancel out any and all forms of magic, especially when you're the sort of mage who already has broad weaknesses to other archetypes on the server.

So, for this reason, we moved forward with communicating with the active Fi' community about the idea of a rewrite. Which, at the time, was none of the people speaking about their own Fi' mages and input on this thread. In fact, every single person involved quit because they wanted to see nothing change at all with a perceivably broken and unfun magic, except for Rella. 

So! Don't scream and shout and spit and bite at her, she's the only person who stuck through and wanted to comply instead of crying like a toddler. While I unfortunately didn't get to look over the full rewrite for posting, groundwork was still done. Lulu, if you're interested in partaking in the rewrite, you can contact any of the aforementioned people Thomas named, myself included.


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      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
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