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[Shelved][✓] Garumdir; The Daemon of Craftsmanship and Innovation

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Garumdir; The Daemon of Craftsmanship and Innovation


~A realm-traveling Artist’s depiction of the Daemon~

(Credit to Olieart)

Sigil: Hammer and Tongs crossed over an Anvil



Alignment: Along the Neutral spectrum


Aliases: Father of Machines, The Forge God, Father of Crafts; the Flame of Innovation.



The forge, the thread, the tinkerer’s drafts - they are all what Garumdir loves and embodies. He carries a deep respect for the craft, because without it - there would be little in this world, he nor his brethren would exist if it were not for the maker’s shaping. It was his creation that gave The Father of Machines a craftman’s mind, and a flame that burned as the daemon created and advanced - the fires of innovation that pushed him forward. Due to his knack and obsession with the craft, the daemon cares little about the god’s squabbles, lest they personally affect him; he keeps to his own, making and watching his creations - after all, a crafter’s joy is watching their machinations work be used. While he may choose to stay within his realm of shifting cogs and booming pistons, he cannot help but peer into the beyond every so often via his own eye and his machine-make Reevers, watching over crafters and artificers.



~An Artist’s depiction of a female Reever~

(Credit to Paizo Publishing)


Garumdir enjoys the very thought of the craft, and it warms his metaphysical being when others partake in it - eying the work of others, and hoping that these craftsmen will continue with their works, and achieve great feats. He cares little for the what and hows believing that nothing is too unethical or wrong, for it is all in the name of progress -- for the flames of innovation that so drive him to make and invent must burn on. To assist in this, the inventor crafted an odd anomaly: The Spark, one of the deity’s greatest works, something made to hide another. Through stumbling upon another world via an older invention of his -- a device to find anomalies within worlds and space -- the daemon tapped into the world’s sacred knowledge, understanding how to make something ever-so-useful: souls. The knowledge was far too dangerous however, for knowing such was what caused a friend of his to vanish, locked away in Balance’s home. Garumdir sought to avoid this fate, for the flames of innovation cannot go on without him; his research and dedication allowed the Daemon to craft the Spark, making a faux soul, justified by the daemon’s role. WIth this created, he breathed life into his world, making the beings within as complex as the descendents themselves; a majority of these artificial souls were given humanoid bodies, crafted by an odd metal -- seemingly organic in nature-- found in Garumdir’s realm to form durable and agile creatures: His Reevers. The Reeves are generally seen throughout Garumdir’s world, or within other planes, seeking out amazing craftsmen to console and assist, more often than not keeping these esteemed craftsman on track - watching and recording their innovation; however rarely, these Reevers can bestow great boons for the makers and innovators. When a Reever is in another realm, and not seeking a craftsmen, it is more than likely they are there to lounge and explore, and sometimes - they may act as a relay into Garumdir’s realm, or perhaps leave something behind to do just that.



Val’garis: The Clockwork Realm



(Credit to Daniel Dociu)


A blacksmith forging a powerful blade from an odd alloy which he took years upon years of work, a tailor who creates amazing work, and crafters and tinkerers who make baffling inventions, be it magical or otherwise, are held in high regard to this Daemon; he cares naught for the ethical and unethical, and those lives who have caught the daemon’s eye are invited into his realm; however, mortal man has been known to travel into his realm, sometimes opting to stay within the stabilized realm and live among the creatures within; When the fallen souls go through the streams, the Machine-like Craftsman will interfere and take these innovative souls - offering them the option of joining his realm in the form of flesh, or metal. Once one enters the daemon’s realm, the soul’s eyes will set on realm of cogs and pistons, literally. Each part of the realm is massive and separated on different cogs -- referred to as spheres by the denizens -- each of which having a different day and night cycle. Each sphere has something diverse, however each has wildlife of sorts - though there is more metal than there is green in many of them. Two of the most notable cogs, which most souls have ventured to is the Avant Sphere, and the Dissonant Sphere.


The Avant Sphere


~an Artist’s depiction of one of the sphere’s many districts~

(Credit to Kazumasa Uchio)


One of them most spoken about spheres; found in the center of the spheres -- a thriving continent entirely made of a massive city, split apart into a plethora of districts, accessible to one another through odd travel - either through air or via interconnected paths on land. The sights within are breathtaking, thriving with the minds of the various craftsmen and life within its walls to make structures and creation ever so beautiful and advanced; the items found within this city perhaps baffling visiting souls with its technological grandeur. The most famed district is Mordron, a place where only visionary minds, machinations, and even the hallowed daemon of craftsmanship himself stays. The daemon generally resides within a massive and beautiful spire in the heart of the district, known as The Progress Engine, though he occasionally steps outside his home, perhaps for survey, or to speak with other craftsmen. Seldom have been inside the Spire, but the few who have tell that the spire betrays what lies within; these enlightened souls speak of a world within theirs, where the metaphysical becomes real, where complex thoughts can be perceived with clarity. A realm can defy the laws of the world, shifting and turning to the daemon’s whim. Truly, this cog is the perhaps  the most illustrious, beautiful in appearance and craft. Near this cog, another lurks, the second most spoken about sphere - usually with some form of fear or malice: The Dissonant Sphere.


The Dissonant Sphere



~An Artist’s Depiction of a hulking machination traversing the sphere, seemingly scanning the bits and pieces scattered about the waste~

(Credit to Scott Chou)


Referred to as the Graveyard of Crafts, the Dissonant Sphere is a scrapyard the size of a continent, littered with broken parts and creations, either from Garumdir, or the various craftsmen that roam the massive realm. The sky takes on a metallic smog, blotching day and night, almost as though the sphere is in a state of limbo; it’s a marvel that some of the Sphere’s inhabitants can tell the time. Plant life and food is rather scarce, however the mortal savages that inhabit this scrapheap seem to live on, perhaps feeding off some form of creatures found within the cog; while mortal souls and flesh may be seen on this cog, they are incredibly rare - unlike the broken machines and wandering constructs. This sphere is one of malfunctioned artifacts and duty-bound machinations. While this sphere may seem like a woeful scrap heap of failures and broken parts, something lies within the heart of this cog, unbeknownst to all, save for the daemon and the select men who may know such a thing. The cog bears a backup for all the knowledge within the world, gathered and made here; while some may be frightened of its existence, it is in truth, useful to the daemon.




Present Day


Currently, Garumdir is working on another of his projects, and of course keeping his eyes on the worlds, as well as having his Reevers do the same; perhaps finding craftsmen worthy to bestow his gifts to and allow them entrance within his realm, alive or dead. As the Aengudaemons fight in the veil, Garumdir has decided to lend a hand, for one reason or another - doing as he always did for the battling Aengudaemons. Their dead bodies -- the stars -- are the Craft Father’s resource - using a method, or perhaps a device he made to drag the cadavers from the battlefield and manipulate their beings to forge weapons and tools to aid Vigil’s fighters; this is why one may see shooting stars. The bodies of higher entities are repurposed to serve their kin anew. Such is Garumdir’s craft, craftsmanship fueled by the flames of innovation.


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Of course, there will be more in the future. Updating Spheres and whatnot. All I ask, should this lore get passed - is to contact me, the player before anything is done with the Aengudaemon. I DONT BITE

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Just now, The Fire Mind said:



Why not???? ; )

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Damn, I need to hurry up with my aengul lore submission! Very nice work, though!!

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10000000x's yes. Also I had prerelease access so ahahah peasants. +1 for Phil





"I really like this Lore."

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But yeah, I'm a big fan of this lore. I could certainly see a very innovative non-combat magic come out of this Aengudaemon as well.

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2 minutes ago, ShameJax said:



But yeah, I'm a big fan of this lore. I could certainly see a very innovative non-combat magic come out of this Aengudaemon as well.


Soon TM *smirk*

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Me gusta


It's well written and interesting 

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I think the lore here is pretty awesome, I've been working on some AengulDaemon lore, so it's good to see that I won't be the only one posting deity lore! :D   +1

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Lovin' the idea to bits!

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Though, it brings up the question, what's considered an invention? Anything ranging from a gun to magic anti-gravity gas, or just the more metal steampunk-esque creations?

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5 minutes ago, SuperDuckyGamer said:




Though, it brings up the question, what's considered an invention? Anything ranging from a gun to magic anti-gravity gas, or just the more metal steampunk-esque creations?


Anything magical (For example your antigravity gas) and manmade (Siege Engines, Steam-Punky stuff, Alchemical concoctions such as the Pool of life, or a Panacea if it actually exists). Guns are something of an odd topic; they might fall into that line if Techlock was lifted and the community was given guns. But for now, I don't see it.

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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