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[✗] Fourth Generation Necromancy


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 From what I can see, the reason why there was two rewrites was because there were just different views for the direction in which the magic should change, not because there is a fracture between users in the community.  As someone who helped work a little on Geo's rewrite, I will say that I thoroughly respect Zarsies (and the others who worked with him) and the effort he put into the rewrite.  I think he is a talented writer and he definitely has some creative concepts I never would have thought of with the magic, some I think better than Geo's and vice versa.  Whichever rewrite goes though, I one-hundred percent believe it will change the magic for the better and tackle the problems that the current iteration of Necromancy has both in their own unique way.


In terms of what I think Zarsies' Rewrite could use is a magic moderation tool; specifically, I'm talking about the removal of clotting/sapping.  I believe that, while you should exercise caution in who you teach, you will not be able to catch them all.  Perhaps I am being pessimist for thinking like this, but I've had many experiences where people put on a front but revert to a state of tastelessness when they are not watched.  I would like to point out the issues with the Rebel Necromancer charade—where at one point Ghouls had CA hold because of which—where the magic was handed out to people who should not have gotten it and creatures were made out of players who should not have made them.  The reason why this group was allowed to get so out of hand was because of the absence of the Black Nexus (which is another ordeal) and clotting .





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Mfw zarsies isnt a complete dumbo like me and can get forum spoilers to actually do what he tells them to


+2 lore


+100 formatting




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2 hours ago, Tato said:

Lovely rewrite! Concise and elaborate, and has spoilers...

A few questions though, which I might have missed when looking through (sorry)!


- What happens with the Wight Statues on map transitions - are they able to be moved, what if they cant be moved in the way that we're transitioning, what about the especial danger they're in since you'd be forced to be going near every other player?


- Can Wights learn other magics?


- How do the undead go with Shamanism? Its a deity magic of sorts, and this might be in Shamanism lore and possibly not a question for ya'll, but the Shamans.

Statues can be moved so so can this and technically because transistion happens in CT you'll be fine as nothing can be rply destroyed there, or just be smart and sneak it in.

If they have the slots they can learn other magics.

Shaman elemtalism is just like if a rock or fire had been thrown at the undead. Curses I assume are the same to undead. Just because it's deific doesn't make it a spook nuker.



Also Zarsies is there a way reset an eidola's death counter?

Edited by Mavromino
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Holy ****, this is actually my favorite piece of lore I've ever seen on the server.

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All I see so far is mysticism merged with necromancy, and I can't say enough how MUCH I SUPPORT THAT. Conceptually the same thing: death magic. If holy magics are merging for being conceptually the same, dark magics should receive equal treatment. I may comment more as I get to actually reading.

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From what I've read so far, great job! I don't even play a spook but this seems like a very necessary rewrite. 

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4 hours ago, Tato said:

Lovely rewrite! Concise and elaborate, and has spoilers...

A few questions though, which I might have missed when looking through (sorry)!


- What happens with the Wight Statues on map transitions - are they able to be moved, what if they cant be moved in the way that we're transitioning, what about the especial danger they're in since you'd be forced to be going near every other player?


- Can Wights learn other magics?


- How do the undead go with Shamanism? Its a deity magic of sorts, and this might be in Shamanism lore and possibly not a question for ya'll, but the Shamans.

Wights CAN learn other magics and move their statues, but there is a limit for learning magic.


Although frankly i dont see why any spirit would consul with an undead of all things and bless them with power purposefully, i guess they can learn it or they can take up the newer version of dark shamanism perhaps, im not so sure about the latter though.

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Thank you everyone for the support and feedback! I've been in PMs nonstop making grammar fixes and small edits AND adding in bits I completely forgot about.


2 hours ago, Mavromino said:

Also Zarsies is there a way reset an eidola's death counter?


Yes, a necromancer can rebuild it for them and thus 'recharge' it. This makes rogue eidola possible but they are at a disadvantage if they do not have necromancer allies.


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      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
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