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Medieval Age 1203 AD


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Kingdom of Makuria & Alodia


Circa 1203 AD




‘Pon the blessed river Nilus, down the craggy cataracts and washed beaches. The acacia standing tall and triumphant, bushes brushed by the wild wind. From Luxor, through Aswan, passing Qasr Ibrim and it’s neighbour of Faras, further down at the mercy of the third and fourth cataract sat Dongola. The City of Mosques they called it, its fertile grazing land strewn heavy with cattle and equestrian labours. The people were free and honest folk, peoples only burdened by the searing heat of the sun. The river Nilus giveth and taketh away they say, for if the people don’t tend to their worship of Allah then droughts be many. Through the bustle of the streets walked weary caravans, woeful men and merchants, the air loud with calls and cries, wares sold for the wanton. Many from the Ayyubid, Gezira, Shaigiya and greater Nubia gathered, t’is the day of festivities, of honouring cow and crown. Their fires clad with fine beef, fed from the green grass, fattened by the fallen leafs and undergrowth.



Depiction of Moses George II of Makuria & Alodia


At the head of the city, past the lofty confines of the Makurian Throne Hall. There, light bewitching from the stray sun rays that scattered on gold and metal, splendent and in full glory. T’was his Royal Majesty, Moses George II and below hushed in respect and expectation his peoples, men, women and child a plenty prepared for his speech to reach their ears. “My people it is with great joy, with great pride and great honor that I speak before you today. We stand together on this day of merriment and attest to the great future of our Kingdom, to be able to have head held high with pride ‘fore ancestors.” Brandishing a well garmented arm, raising it to the wind as fingers came to a clasp. He roared with great might, hand still rested by his side coming forward whilst his other hoisted down. With a thorough twist he gestured to all present with both arms, golden dressings flickering in the wind. “In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. And as for the sacrifice of cattle, We have ordained it for you as one of the symbols set up by God, in which there is much good for you, Hence, extol the name of God over them when they are lined up for sacrifice; and after they have fallen lifeless to the ground, eat of their flesh, and feed the poor who is contented with his lot and does not beg, as well as him who is forced to beg. It is to this end that We have made them subservient to your needs, so that you might have cause to be grateful.” Stepping away the cries of cattle cut for the slaughter and the merriments of the poor and passionate could be heard.



Two Scouts on horseback overseeing Geziran Fields in Alodia


In the deepest reaches of the river Nilus, where one became two, where gray split to white and blue. There on the banks sat the City Soba, capital of Alodia in its well wrought wealth clammered and clattered from camels in caravan. This was a land of gold, buildings made of reddened brick and caravansaries a plenty. Beyond the paths bustle the Qubba’s stood serenely and protected Islams faithful in the afterlife, gravestones carved out of granite, etched with appropriate scribery. In the city proper many fared back and forth, workers running at an all time high and many men on horse escorting precious goods. The wood and rock sent forth in two directions, for the Crown Prince was well prepared to deal with the projects mandated to him by his father.






+Makurian Festival Held in Dongola to feed the poor and hungry.

+Signal tower system, four cardinal directions leading out of the capital Dongola.

+Make new gold mines.

+Survey the old gold mines.

+Further the production of Gum Arabic.

+Begin building walls around the local cities.

+Begin construction of The Shaigiya Village outside of Dongola.

+Send a force of 200 Makurian Knights and 100 Learned men to bring the Shaigiya Tribe to the future Village to settle. While also thoroughly documenting, names, age and relation of each tribesmen, taking proper care to note down criminal offenders.

+Makurian Throne Hall expansion (It doubles as military Fortress).

+Send Envoy to the Ayyubid Sultanate and Rum, asking for a trade agreement, peace treaties, ask further for the Ayyubid Sultanate to provide an elite Mamluk trainer as a gift. In return some Gum Arabic will be provided in trade in the first year of his service.

+Send riders for the border forts to make a report of recent activity.

+Secret Actions.



+Signal tower system, four cardinal directions leading out of the capital Soba.

+Begin construction of the Gezira Scheme, any fields that are finished shall be seeded with Egyptian-type long staple cotton.

+Begin building two Caravansaries to capitalize on the capitals trade hub status, bringing in trade from Makura, the Middle East, western Africa, India and even China.

+Have King Moses George II’s eldest son directly spearhead Alodia, keeping it in his experienced hands.

+Send wood, stone and the locally available granite to Badi in preparation for proper reconstruction of the port city. The King offers sums of coinage for local caravans to provide such services to the crown.

+Send riders for the border forts to make a report of recent activity.







Dongola -

Soba - Capital of Alodia Described as having "extensive dwellings and churches full of gold and gardens"

Qubba - Islamic Grave Site and structure

Granite Mosque of Dongola - Grand structure in the capital

Caravansary - Large area protected for Caravans to stay at

Cenobium - Like a monastery but also defensible.(see Image ->)mERiIM4aZdeR5On-VkXxRmxTV9Km93PCh2tBJ_efFFuv08xWfXWz4PITy4YRtiIGrIM8JBjwftN5OfFVupu375nyzb5c5ykqDNSdHoluc6qiOkdWjV4a828O1xtaFr8m6ZzzlQP_

The River Nilus - The River Nile

Lower Nubia -The area from Aswan and up

First Cataract - The First stoney part of the river Nile

Second Cataract - The Second stoney part of the river Nile

Third Cataract - The Third stoney part of the river Nile

Fourth Cataract - The Fourth stoney part of the river Nile

Fifth Cataract - The Fifth stoney part of the river Nile

Sixth Cataract - The Sixth stoney part of the river Nile



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Turn 1

Current Nation Leader: Ashlim Kharlaben

Heir: Abbas Kharlaben

Capitol City: Baku

Total Population: 1,500,000

Total Military Personnel: (Not today metagame)

Manpower: ( Not today Metagame )

Trade: Open

Trading Nations: None ( Better be not be one of them crusading folk )

Faith: ISLAM! and a some Jews

Nation Relations: Muslims are to be respected and treated with kindness. Christian nations are to be treated with caution

Everyone else is neutral


“In the land, the light of Allah shines down upon his people. Let him protect us and guide us until the day that we are to meet our judgement. Until that day come, let there be peace between our brothers and let the land stay pure without the spill of another’s blood. Let our people and land stay strong in the face of adversity with the love that we share for one another.”

Action for the round:

The leader of Azerbaijan meets with his fellow Muslim man in the Middle East, but to be specific a convoy sent to the Ayyubid Sultanate for a trade agreement to ensure a peace without tension between the two Islamic nations. 

The nation of Azerbaijan also starts to allow Christians to participate in their faith openly without fear of higher taxes, loss of credibility, and their work.

The army has enlisted another 15,000 people to increase the power of the army for defense of the citizens and possible allies.

The army is sent through rigorous training to get ready for the possible battles to come to the front face of the nation’s problems. This is also followed by training taking most of the time with the enlisted army.

The nation leader and his advisers have enlisted the help of all of the thinkers of the nation to explore their scientific option for development of weapons and ways to make life better for their people.

Celebrations of life and happiness are held throughout the nation as a way to ensure the happiness and moral of the people. 

The aspects of force in the scientific world are further discovered and assessed for the time to further develop the technology of the time.

The life expectancy has improved from the age of 45 to the age of 70 due to lots of factors that made life easier and diseases easier to combat.

Troops are now sent to the border to be able to patrol to make sure that invasions are seen much earlier than they have before.

Trade agreements have been sent to all of the other Islamic nations to be able to set up trade with all of the others. 

Overall taxes, especially the merchant’s tax, has been lowered by 10% of what it used to be before the trade agreements were sent.

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Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem
The Teutonic Order
“Helfen, Wehren, Heilen”

Turn: 1
Current Grandmaster: Heinrich Walpot von Bassenheim
Population (Members): 11.000
Allegiance: The Holy See/The Holy Roman Empire
Headquarters: Byblos (Kingdom of Acre)


“Christ ist erstanden von den Toten..” Sang Grandmaster Heinrich together with his most trusted Knights and close company in the halls of the Byblos Citadel in Acre. They had arrived there in the early morning, having travelled through the night from Acre itself, where the King had granted them the Citadel and surrounding lands. The remainder of the Teutonic Knights’ forces were also travelling to the citadel now, their new headquarters.

After morning mass in the citadel’s chapel, the men had breakfast together and then got to work with their German Arbeitsgeist. Unpacking of supplies and the setting up of a camp big enough for over ten thousand men began in Byblos, while others saw to the castle’s defenses, repairing them and making plans to improve and expand them. Training and sparring grounds were set up for the military side of the Order and within a few days, knights were busily sparring, and the normal warrior monks of the Order were given training.

The port of Byblos started expansion under the Grandmaster’s orders, so that it could accommodate more ships from the west. Envoys of the Order were sent to the Holy See in Rome, and their Seat in Vienna. The envoy to Rome was to ask the Pope for a similar Seat and Hospital in Rome as a base of operations together with the Pope. The Envoy to Vienna was to recruit more men from the Holy Roman Empire and seek the Emperor’s blessing in the Order’s cause.

Meanwhile, the priests of the Order who were less involved with the military side, started making sure any muslims or jews in a wide range around Byblos would be converted to catholicism. The local church also started ambitious expansion to accommodate both the city’s new german population, as well as the new christians.

Once the Order got its initial organization done, patrols of Knights and cavalry were sent out to patrol the county of Tripoli and it’s borders, enforcing order.

-Headquarters is moved to Byblos
-Castle Byblos’ defenses are improved
-Army’s quality is refined
-Byblos’ port is expanded
-An envoy is sent to Rome
-An envoy is sent to Vienna
-Recruiting more Germans for the order from base in Vienna
-Converting of any HERETICS in a wide range around Byblos
-Expansion of local church
-Patrolling county of Tripoli


Christ ist erstanden von den Toten,
im Tode bezwang er den Tod,
und schenkte den Entschlafenen das Leben.


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Ruler: Caliph al-Nasir

Heir: al-Zahir

Nation: Abbassid Caliphate





[!] al-Nasir would wake up deep in sleep, a struggle between the Abbassid Caliphate, and the Ayyubid Sultanate, he would begin to write a letter, sending it with a Envoy, going back up the Palace, he would go back to sleep...


[The Next Day] al-Nasir would get up, talking to Persian Bureaucrats. about Taxes for the People, getting them Lowered to make them all Equal, and would send a Survey out for what his people wanted. After the talk, a few of the Bureaucrats would follow al-Nasir would view the army as they are training, he would talk to the Bureaucrats ordering a Conscript of 10,000 Men into the Army...


[The Next Day] al-Nasir would wait for what was to come...



-Then Caliph al-Nasir would send a Survey to what his people needed
-Caliph al-Mustarshid would Lower taxes to make them all Equal.
-Caliph al-Nasir Conscripting 10k people to the Army.
-Caliph al-Nasir would Send a Non-Aggression, and Trade Pact to The Ayyubid Sultanate
-Caliph al-Nasir send envoy to khawarshim sultanate for Non-Aggression and Trade Pact
Edited by TheodoreSampson
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Sultanate of Mosul



Nation leader: Sultan Abdul-Hazeem

Military: (to avoid meta)

Population: 800k

Trade: open


crusader state-hostile

Muslim nations- friendly

Christian nation - cautions


Sultan Abdul-Hazeem sits in the council looking down upon the Ayyubid envoy

“ Assalam waalaikum messenger, by Allah put a salute to your letter. What news did you bring?” Abdul says before looking to his guards with a firm nod. “Wa alaikum salaam, I bring with me an offer of trade, non aggression pact as a gesture of goodwill to fixed relations between our two nation.” the envoy says looking behind himself as he heard footsteps, before hearing Abdul speak “Inshallah this will bring fruit, although -” he stops for a moment before continuing “May Allah help the Ayyubids dynasty.” [!] Scene changes “Ghafiz I want you to send out word… ten thousand is to be conscripted and if any volunteers to join the army are welcome, send word to the Sultan of Rum, Abbasid caliphate, Azerbaijan for trade and non-aggression pact. After this is done follow the Muslims roles in lowering the taxes on the Christians, after that is done begin preparing our nation to march off to war, if rumors of what we heard is true then...” says before marching off to the harems “Of Course my sultan…” Ghafiz says with before rushing off to the courtyard


10k are to be conscripted into the army while at the same time accepting a volunteer to join the army all the men in the army will be paired up with the more experienced men to help boost their daily training.


The nation would prepare to march off to war if needed in short time as well as prepare to hold out in sieges.


Envoys are sent to Seljuk Rum, Abbasid Caliphate and Azerbaijan for trade and non-aggression pact.


Accepts Ayyubid Sultanate offer.


Abdul goes to harems ;3


Taxes on the Christians would be lowered to the same as Muslims taxes if the popular policy that spread in the region.

[Sorry I had a late start making this post promise to put more rp in it next time]

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World Events

1203 AD

Image result for Pope Innocent the Third

Following the Siege and sacking of the Christian city Zara, Pope Innocent iii excommunicated the crusaders. Now with news reaching him of their plans to place a pretender on the throne in Byzantium he further denounces calling end of the fourth crusade, and for the army to stand down.

Image result for Fourth Crusade 


Once the Crusader Army arrived at Constantinople, a meeting is held between the Enrico Dandolo of Venice and the Roman Emperor. Finally, they emerge with a deal of peace, with the Romans promising to back the crusaders in the holy land. However, the leaders of the crusader army are outraged.

They were promised to place Alexios IV on the throne and be paid after all this. Fearing they’re already in to deep after the exicummnatcion, the leaders order a camp set outside the walls of the city demanding the ‘Usurper’ Alexios III give up the throne. Bands of crusaders raid the surrounding area, looting and burning villages.

The Eastern Roman Empire

-The theme system is put into place, men across the empire are called into service. However due to a shortage of funds and the demilitarization of the Empire, only around half of the 153,600 men are raised to defend the empire.

-The walls of the city are repaired and reinforced, enough food is stockpiled to last the city for months. A total of 15K men are rallied in the capital for its defense, including 5 thousand elite varanine guard.


Ayyubid Sultanate

-fifteen thousand men are conscripted into the military, many of these men are simple farmers with little battle experience.

-The canal system is started, but with a shortage of manpower from the recent conscription and lack of funding the project’s completion is delayed.

-With the lowing of the Christian tax and the Sultan returning many holy artifacts the people grumble that he is too weak to lead them. Some nobles are brave enough to call him a coward publicly and push for war against the Christian invaders.


Principality of Kiev   

-On the 7th of January the feast brings people from all across the principality, nobles and merchant alike. The people rejoice for the new year and praise their prince.

-The 12 thousand men are raised and stationed to protect the borders of Kiev. They are easily able to fend of the small bands of Cuman raiders.



-The Galicans refuse the offer of an alliance, but instead seek to open trade with Denmark.

-The festival draws many people, leading to a week of celebration and games held.

-The census is conducted, ((Answer sent in pms))

Kingdom of Acre

-Nobles grumble about the treaty with Egypt but quickly come to accept it after the return of the True Cross

-Many Nobles are weary of the idea of a united Cyprus and Jerusalem. Those who hold power in both Kingdoms openly support the idea, leading to many lesser nobles following their example and campaign for unity.

Kingdom of Cilicia

-Trade is opened with the republics of Venice, Genoa and Pisa. This combined with the income from the spice trade, enrich the realm and fill the royal coffers. However, some merchants begin to look for different routes to avoid the tax.

-The castle of Kuklak is now under the command of Hethum, Lord of Lamprom. He oversees the repairs and upgrades to the castle and recruits several hundred locals to add to the garrison.

-The nobles that can afford armor, eagerly equipped themselves leading to the emerging class of elite mounted warriors.

Kingdom of France

-With the order for more men, nobles across the France begin to raise their levies. Meanwhile the remains of the Briton forces manage to regroup and start to march to join their French allies.


-The tax is placed on the people; however, many nobles pay little or just refuse it all together.


Sultanate of RUM

-Kingdom of Georgia agree to the terms.

-Many people grumble about the lowered taxes on Christians, while the minor Christian people rejoice.

-The five thousand slaves are recruited; however, many were taken by force leading to outrage from the nobles and man refusing to pay taxes.

-After becoming a protectorate of the Ayyubid, the survey of the people reports that many are discontent and some even speak openly about revolt.

-The festival is held which distracts the people for a time of the recent blunders of their Sultan.

-The Christians resist the attempts to convert especially now with less taxes to pay.

Kingdom of England

-A fresh force of 5 thousand men is raised and cross the English Channel, but poor weather conditions lead to many ships being lost at sea. Only three thousand men land to join King John's host.

-Many local lords don’t attend the feast; Arthurs allies seems to favor the French invaders after their recent victories.

The Most Serene Republic of Venice

-The reconstruction of Zara is started; however, lack of funding and supplies slows progress.

-The Gold Company is raised; many veterans join this elite force. But with a shortage of funding from the crusade and other projects the quality of the equipment is lowered.


-two thousand men and the cavalry are easily raised.

-No major mercenary companies seem to find.

Kingdom of Makuria & Alodia

-the feast is held, leading to two weeks of celebration and games.

-the signal tower system is put into place, funded easily with the gold from the mines.

-New gold mines are created, several new veins of gold are found, while the old mines seem to be running dry.

-Funding from the gold mines is used to start construction of walls and the new village.

-The Makurian Throne Hall is expanded, and its defenses improved.

-Reports of bands of raiders begin to pour in from the borders.

-The construction of the Gezira Scheme and  two Caravansaries is started predicted to be finished by the end of the year.

-The port cities reconstruction is started, however with funding spread thin from other projections the completion is delayed.


-Christian rejoice, and begin to practice their faith openly. While many nobles openly speak out against this reform.

-Only ten thousand men are raised, many don’t see the need for the military buildup.

-Celebration are held leading, however in one event bands of unhappy commoners start a street fight which turns into a riot. Its quickly put down by the local guard but also ends the celebrations.

-The life expectancy hasn’t improved.

-The borders are protected, and bandits are fended off.

The Teutonic Order

-Nobles and commoners alike seek to join this new order, leading to another two thousand men and 2 hundred knights enlisting.

-Chapters for the order are created across the Holy Roman Empire, and one is founded in Paris.

Abbassid Caliphate

-People rejoice with the lower taxes.

-Only six thousand men are raised, many don’t see a need for a large army in times of peace.

-The khawarshim sultanate agree to open trade and non-aggression pact.

Sultanate of Mosul

-Only five thousand men join the army, many refuses in times of peace.

-many nobles grumble about the lower taxes on Christians.


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Turn 2


Ayyubid Caliphate of Islam


{legit its flag)

Current Leader

Al-Adil I



Total Population


Total Military Personnel

[hiddin to avoid meta]



Trade with Nations
Seljuk of Rum

Kingdom of Makuria & Alodia

Kingdom of Acre

Kingdom of Cilicia

Sultanate of Abbasid

Sultanate of Mosul

Sultanate of Azerbaijan

Sultanate of Tunis


Al-Adil I Smiles upon stepping out of the balcony, he had just sent envoys to many muslim nations to meet him in damascus to talk about the threat the muslim ummah faced he silently waits patiently for 3 months for them to arrive…

[!] week right after the meeting with nation leaders[!]

Drums banged across the muslim world

“Caliph Al-Adil I formed the Ayyubid Caliphate! Hear ye hear ye! Princess Nur of Ayyubid and Prince Zahir are to be married by next spring! The Muslim world have giving Caliph Adil Bahiyah! Caliph Adil is now Caliph over the muslim world!”

The drummer screamed as the people begin to cheer. Celebrations were held throughout the Ayyubid Caliphate in the next 2 weeks. Caliph Adil pressured by his council agreed to change the flag of the Ayyubid. Messenger sent throughout the muslim world informed of what is to happen by August 20th the old yellow flag was taken down and replace with the new one.

Caliph Adil pats his friends Hussien and Abu Bakr shoulder before sending him off. “Allah protect you from harm my friend, return once you receive a reply…”

[!] Hussein is sent to the teutonic order with a letter

“As-salamu alaykum, I Caliph Adil I request that you Heinrich Walpot von Bassenheim Agree to keep the peace between our people, we demand you do not attempt to break the truce of peace between the Caliphate and the Kingdom of Acre, May Allah protect you from harm and give you reason to accept this offer.”

[!] Abu Baker is sent to the kingdom of Cicilla with a letter as well “As-salamu alaykum, Dear king T’agavor we receive troubling news that you have place heavy taxes upon our trade caravans and request that you lower it with ease, may Allah bless you and keep you safe I hope this letter find you in good health.”

For 1 whole weeks the Ayyubid Caliphate would dine in feast to make the populace extremely happy with their new caliph.

Caliph Adil I would look up at the sky feeling the nice cool breeze

“The Muslim Ummah have finally United..”


[Marriage agreement is settled with the Abbasid Sultanate and agreed to have the wedding by next spring.]


[The Army would be prepared to move out against any invaders, cities will repair their walls and defenses as well as restock their food supply in case of sieges]


[Envoy is sent to the teutonic Order]


[Envoy sent to Kingdom of Cicillia]


[10 caravansaries are to be built across the Ayyubid Caliphate and if possible close to the silk road]


[Warnings to the nobles that if they attempt to break the peace between the muslims and the christian world they would be severely dealt with.]


[Envoy is sent to Makuria agreeing to send 10 mamluks to help train their armies however they are to return once the mamluk believe they have done their job. A letter of offer is also set to Makuria]


[Mock battles and sieges will be implement into the army once every month. The 15k new conscripts each one will be under 1 seasoned soldier each they will train everyday as the seasoned soldiers give them all the knowledge of combat and experience they need. They would by then be formed into different skills all of them train for 5 days straight every week sunday to wednesday and free to relaxes on thursday and friday  doing this should help them be able to give their opponent a real fight. They are drilled in formations and tactics until they are deem worthy to be promoted unto the next rank. {MOD}]


[Construction to build canals throughout the syrian desert from the euphrates river and to fertile the land to be made into suitable land to farm on.{ this is expected to take YEARS for first 3 post is to gather materials then the next 4-6 post is to build and constructed it and finish ( 2/4 ) (0/6)


Picture on where the canals will be built, sorry doing all this by phone so its extremely difficult]


[Continue on defending both christians and muslim pilgrims]

[Actions that have been done via discord {MOD}]

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Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem
The Teutonic Order
“Helfen, Wehren, Heilen”

Turn: 2
Current Grandmaster: Heinrich Walpot von Bassenheim
Population (Members): 13.200
Allegiance: The Holy See/The Holy Roman Empire
Headquarters: Byblos (Kingdom of Acre)


“Heinrich, wir haben ein Brief bekommen! Von die muslimischen Hunde! Vielleicht ist es ein Scherz!” The Grandmaster’s right hand man called with a bit of laughter as he walked in with the message the Ayyubids had delivered to them. ‘We received a letter! From the muslim hounds! Perhaps it’s a joke!’ He had called. As the two read the message, they began laughing again. “[in German:] He requests me to keep the PEACE between our people? HAH!” “And he DEMANDS us not to attempt breaking the truce between them and Acre. Like we have anything to do with any agreements Acre has signed...” The Grandmaster snorted. “May Allah protect us, yeah right! May GOD tell them his name is GOD and not ‘Allah’.” He jested with a grin before walking outside into the camp of the Order to stand upon a crate and read the letter out loud. Approximately 20 seconds later, some ten thousand men were laughing their asses off.

Later that day, the Grandmaster altered the letter a bit, making a better version before sending it off to Rome, with the side note that copies of the altered letter were to be made and spread throughout the Holy Roman Empire and hung up on every door of the Order’s chapters, serving as propaganda for the Order’s cause. The altered letter reads:

“See this letter as a supplication, I King Adil the first, from the Ayyubid Kingdom, request that you, Heinrich Walpot von Bassenheim, Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order, keep the peace between our people, we beg you not to convince the Kingdom of Jerusalem to attack us. May GOD protect us all when Allah fails to do so and please, please don’t attack us, we can’t take it.”
Underneath the letter, it reads:
“It appears the muslim hounds think there is any sort of ‘peace’ between us proper catholics and them pagans. They fear our ever-growing strength and have resorted to sending letters of pleading to avoid losing the Holy Land. Join the ranks of the Teutonic Order now and we shall show the muslim hounds together what our response to this sign of weakness shall be!”

They rode in 3 groups of 30, 2 going north and 1 going east across the mountains. Die Herren im weißen Mantel, The lords in white capes rode out to show the Ayyubids what they thought of peace. As they galloped through the Levant, they sang an ominous song. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5D2jyuJaSAU&list=RDjUtXo1sTPDg&index=2)
“Die Eisenfaust am Lanzenschaft, die Zügel in der Linken… So sprengt des Reiches Ritterschaft, und ihre Schwerter blinken… Heja heja heja! Heja! Und ihre Schwerter blinken...” It sounded in the morning wind. They were out to kill any Ayyubid muslims they came across and pillage some of the villages leading up to Tartous, Homs and Damascus. They were told to be quick and efficient, if any trouble in the form of local guards was seen, leave them be if there’s too many. They were expected back in Byblos the next morning. “Heja heja heja! Heja!....”

-Castle Byblos is further fortified
-Army’s quality is refined through extensive training
-Raiding bands of Teutonic Knights are sent across the Ayyubid border.
-Recruiting more Germans for the order from chapters all over central and western Europe, aided by the propaganda of muslim weakness.
-Forced converting of any remaining HERETICS in the county of Tripoli
-Meeting with the Pope
-Patrolling county of Tripoli

Christ ist erstanden von den Toten,

im Tode bezwang er den Tod,

und schenkte den Entschlafenen das Leben



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Afbeeldingsresultaat voor eastern roman empire flag



The Eastern Roman Empire



Throughout the Empire the Purple banner is hung again, to reaffirm the Phoenix being on the rise.

Along the walls of Constantinople the soldiers watched ever vigilant to the rebel crusaders..

The Farmlands seemed to filled with men and their families, working on their lands waiting for the call to arms. The Empire was ever expanding its Theme works, trying to fill up the lands with young men and their families. An actual map is made to show the Theme System and the additional men are requested to fill its place.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor farm lands byzantine


A few weeks went by as heavy negotiations took place between the Romans and the Crusaders, but in the end an agreement was made and the fears of a siege was gone. The city started to distribute food again and a caravan of supplies was sent to the crusaders to aid them.


Afbeeldingsresultaat voor Crusader camp painting

Per agreement Alexios IV was hailed back into the city, and Alexios III hosted a grand feast in honour of his heir, and with that trying to restore relations between the two. At the feast Alexios announced to the world Alexios IV was to be his heir.

A Fair is held inside the city to celebrate the victory of no war!




Continuing the Theme Works

An agreement is reached with the Crusaders and Venice, lifting the threat of a siege so City life could go back to Normal

A feast is held in honour of Alexios IV

The Drilling of the Varangian Guard

A fair is held in Constantinople

Trade offers are sent to, Hungary, Sicily, Kiev, Novgorod, France, England, Cilicia, Jerusalem and Venice.

To Genoa, Pisa,  Austria, and the Pope.

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Sultanate of RUM




Current Leader

Rukn al-Din Suleiman II

Heir: Kilij Arslan III



Total Population


Total Military Personnel

Unknown(to avoid meta)



Trade with Nations







And some Christians and jews

Nation Relations

Muslim Nations-Great respect and Good Friends

Christian Nations-Cautious

Everyone Else-Neutral



Suleiman II stood with his council as he was reading over his reports, he stroked his beard seemingly in thought, news of the Teutonic order raiding Muslim lands have been reported and three hundred of his new corp have died in the intensive training, but they are learning. People still in discontent, were in need of some form of encouragement, how, is the important question. A letter arrived from the New Caliph, a task has been assigned and it needed to be attended to. He decided it was time to have his son speak to his new corp in private.


“My lions! You must all be wondering why you all have been gathered here, and what you are doing. Before I took you all in...you were slaves, No pay, hardly food or water, abused and mistreated, you all had no futures, but suffering till death…


I took you in because I saw a future for you! Young brave Muslim men, Men who will be told in history and legend, Men that were orphans, who became the Khalid Ibn Walids’ of our time! You were orphans, abandoned, alone and lost...But to me...you are all my sons, the braves of the Muslim world! With you, the justice of Allah rises! Train hard!

Push yourselves to become the best, If I see in SIX MONTHS TIME, a Large improvement, I shall reward my sons, with glory. You are not Slaves anymore, Today you are the Falcon’s corp! Wise is the falcon, swift, smart and brave! You will be the ones that the Prophet predicted, the ones who were the best of the best!

Rise, my Sons, my lions, and yourselves with the glory of Allah!”


Letters of Propaganda are spread through the country, and the military each soldier gets their own copy




“What is a Muslim? A Muslim is one who submits to Allah. The Muslims are people of justice and bravery. Ending corruption, bringing justice and peace, fighting in Jihad to defend the lands of Islam and to end oppression and to do what is right. Many fought for The Almighty Allah, and gained the rewards of Jihad in this life and the next! In the Holy Quran!


It says

'and do not say about those who are killed in the way of Allah, 'they are dead'

Rather, they are alive, but you perceive [it] not.'- Surah 2 Ayah 154


Even our Prophet(SAW) said

‘For every good deed there is another good deed superior to it till getting killed in the way of Allah. There is no bigger good deed than getting killed in the way of Allah’

‘Allah has placed the soul of the martyrs in the stomach of a green hen. So that they can drink water from the sea of paradise. They eat the fruits of the trees of the paradise and they move around in the paradise wherever they desire.


The martyr also does not feel the pains of death, he only feels a slight pinch before the angel of death takes his soul.’


Subhanallah, those who fight in Jihad are most beloved of Allah, those who are martyred in jihad are promised, and the martyr has six traits  

One is That the first blood of the shaheed(martyr) that all of the sins are forgiven and they will be able to see their seat in Jannah(Heaven).

Two they would not be punished in the grave.

Three they will be granted ease on the day of resurrection and they will have no fear.

Four they will be given a crown of honor and dignity, many jewels will be attached and only one of them is more valuable than the earth and all it contains!

Five They will be given amongst the most beautiful spouses ever created by Allah.



Allah tells us death is a difficult and painful experience...BUT Allah remove the pain from the martyr for the sake of ALLAH, and they will only feel the bite of a Miskito upon death, that is all the Shaheed will feel upon death.


But remember that the Shaheed is the one who dies for the sake of Allah! Not the one who kills innocent people, Kills himself! Those who do that are the Martyrs of SHAYTAN(the devil)!


So Join the army for the sake of Allah, to Defend the lands of Islam!

You can see the Teutonic order raiding and killing innocents! Does this not prove they are the servants of the devil?! Join for the sake of Allah!”



With this done, the Sultanate began working on saving up for sieges, and consistent trade





-The new conscripts Their training would continue, attempts to lower death rate is made by, making sure water and food and doctors are on stand by. Their training made solely on combat, discipline, is to be made. Every month two Mock battles happen to speed up their understanding of fighting, in these mock battles, medics are put on standby for any injuries. The private speech to the conscripts would happen to try to encourage them to learn more and work harder. The mentors would be increased to TWO Seasoned soldiers will train ONE conscript, this is to push to make them ready for battle and war.[MOD](janissary corp peps)


-News would be spread across the nation that the crusader Teutonic Order, has begun raiding Muslim lands! Imams would begin to preach more about jihad and encourages the young men, and old veterans to join the army, to defend the lands of Islam.


-Recruitment of volunteers informing of the INFIDEL crusaders returning to harm the Muslims, Voices of encouragement and reminding of the first caliphate and the first jihads the Muslims had will be made, now informing them that the caliphate has returned![MOD]


-With the recent news, all forts and begin to gather supplies for sieges, any repairs are to be made.[MOD]


-Propaganda of the Heir Kilij Arslan III would be made stating of his brilliant leadership, Strong will in faith, powerful military tactician, and grand justice is to be well known, giving hope of a grand future.[MOD]


  • Defenses of Ancrya is to be upgraded, a new moat is to be made. It's not a priority[MOD]


-patrols are still happening.[MOD]


-and the secret actions are still in place and being built and worked on.


-The propaganda would be sent out, after six months of preparation.[MOD]

-Festivals and celebrates is to be made around the sultanate for The return of the Caliphate of Allah, uniting the major Muslim world[MOD]

-Research for a new form of weaponry that will outmatch recent tech, it must have an upper edge to the new technology and better and can win against the current (1/20)[MOD](cannons and muskets? If not I'm happy with anything badass that's new)

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Turn Number 2


The Abbasid Sultanate







2 Mil


Military Personnel

Quite a Bit


Trade Open


Ayyubid Caliph of Islam

Mosul Sultanate

Azerbaijan Sultanate

Sultanate of Rum


[!] Al-Nasir, fulfilled with the marriage of his son Al-Zahir, and one of Al-Adil I’s Daughter,

he would hold a feast, lasting a week, throughout all of Abbasid, for the poor, and Nobles.


[!] Al-Zahir would continue to see the Daughter of Al-Adil.


[!] Al-Nasir would receive a letter from The Ayyubid  Caliphate of Islam, sending 11 Thousand Troops to Damascus,  along with a letter to be Returned to Al-Adil.




-Al-Nasir sent a letter back to the Ayyubid Caliphate


-Al-Nasir would hold a feast consisting of many foods, inviting everyone in The Abbasid Sultanate.


-Al-Nasir sent 12 Thousand Troops to Damascus


-Al-Zahir would continue to see Al-Adil’s Daughter until they’re marriage in Spring


-Al-Nasir would send another 5 Thousand to Damascus

Edited by TheodoreSampson
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Turn 2

Current Nation Leader: Ashlim Kharlaben

Heir: Abbas Kharlaben

Capitol City: Baku

Total Population: 1,500,000

Total Military Personnel: (Not today metagame)

Trade: Open

Trading Nations: None ( Better be not be one of them crusading folk )

Faith: ISLAM! and a some Jews

Nation Relations: Muslims are to be respected and treated with kindness. Christian nations are to be treated with caution

Everyone else is neutral


Sultan Ashlim Kharlaben would receive a letter from the Ayyubid Caliph “Curse them Crusaders! Assemble the army! we march to help out brothers!” he says ordering his General Turgut, “As you wish Sultan!” he rushes off without a minute delay. Sultan Ashlim would sit down in exhaustion he would look to the squire before speaking “Is the letter to Khawarism Sultanate ready? As well to Georgia?” he ask the squire nods affirming Ashlim would signal him to go to the messenger stables. “It will be beneficial to us if we are apart of the Ayyubid family as well just like the Abbasid have done…” he then smiles when his son entered the room. “Father?” Abbas ask worried as his father had an evil grin staring down Abbas with a cold eye “It's time for you to marry..” he says chuckling


Thousands of men are sent to Damascus to gather at their citadel alongside the other muslim armies [MOD]

Denars are given to the nobles and peasant alike to cheer up the mood.

Envoys are sent to Khawarism Sultanate and kingdom of Georgia sending gifts as well as an offer for trade and non aggression pact.

News of what has happened in the holy lands would be told to by screamers.(they are guys with drums that gives news on what happen I call them screamers xD)

Recruitment post is set up to bring anyone willing to fight for the sake of Allah and gather for the Jihad.

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Kingdom of Portugal


Turn Two

Current Monarch:

Sancho I


Afonso II

Capitol City:

Population: 900,000

Military Size:

Over 75,000 (that is known)



Trade Allies:

Military Allies:



Relations with Nations:

Moors – Enemies

Kingdom of Leon – Relative Peace

Pope – Neutral

Others: Neutral

Sancho smiles as he receives the great news of the successes in his actions. Everything went perfectly. The border between Lisbon and the Moorish Kingdoms have been fully secured with more than 75,000 Portuguese soldiers scattered alongside the border.


The letter that was sent to Rome was received by the Pope and tensions have calmed between Portugal and the Papal States.


The National treasury has been strengthened with an official Treasury Council being formed. This Treasury Council is lead by King Sancho himself and it’s task is to administrate and overview the spending’s that the Nation makes on anything from Construction to the arming of armies. 


Sancho, alongside his heir, enters the Council Room for the first official meeting of the National Treasury. The room, filled with only 9 other men, is silent until Sancho arrives. The men stand as the King and the Prince enter the room. “My lords, please be seated.”, said Sancho as he makes his way towards his chair. Prince Afonso stands next to him as he is not a part of the council itself but is only there to view what happens during this meeting. “So, has there been any news on the Construction Order that I have placed? How has it all went?” asked Sancho. One council member speaks out and says, “Yes your highness, the letters and reports that we have read have all said that the Construction has gone very well and the population of the Kingdom is expected reach 1,000,000 shortly after the next spring”. Sancho grins to hear of the development of his Kingdom. “That is great news, and what of the workers, are they fed regularly?”. “Yes, they have been fed a daily ration of bread and water. A simple and cheap way to feed them”. “Well that’s hardly provisions now is it?”, said the King, “I order that on every day of mass that these workers be given time to pray and that they are fed with fish instead of bread. After all, we are a Kingdom that relies on the ocean. What kind of Kingdom that lies alongside the Ocean doesn’t feed it’s people fish?” The room goes silent. “Are there any objections towards my decree?” The room continues to stay silent. “Very well then, let us move on. Any word on our Trade Negotiations with the other Catholic Nations?”. The head of Commerce speaks up and answers the King saying, “No your majesty, we haven’t received any word as of right now from any of the Catholic Kingdoms in terms of trade. But I believe I do have a solution to this. Send a letter to the Angevin Empire asking them to open trade negotiations. In turn, we will aid them by building ships.” Sancho stands up and says “Last time I checked I appointed you as the Head of Commerce, not as the Commander of my Navy. But I do agree that it is an interesting thought. I will think over this”. The Head of Commerce sighs a breath of relief and says, “Thank you your majesty”. “Well, I suppose this concludes our meeting. Gentlemen, I expect construction to go smoothly and I also expect that our people, both workers and soldiers, are fed well and have time to pray for mass.” Sancho stands up and leaves the room alongside his son. As Sancho and Afonso walk down the hall, Sancho turns to his son and says, “So, what did you think?”. “Think what?” asked Afonso. “What did you think about the meeting son? Do you think it could have gone worse or better?” “Why do you ask for my opinion? Why not any of the other council members?”, asked Afonso. “Well why wouldn’t I? You are my heir after all. After I die, you will be the King of Portugal, and seeing as you are a man of age right now, you should be asking yourself these questions and answering them. So, what do you think about the meeting?” Afonso clears his throat and replies, “I believe the meeting went well. Many good things has happened during the year father. But why didn’t you punish the man that assumed he had the right to bargain off our Navy?” Sancho chuckles and says “But I did punish him.” Afonso looks confused and asks “What do you mean? I didn’t see you punish him, unless I have missed something”. “Well son, you see, that man did not have any right to assume that he can just bargain off the Navy, but I did not physically punish him and I will not be taking his position as he has a point. We do have some of the best ships in all of Europa and the Angevin do need ships. So I decided to assert myself, make him feel fearful, then gave him some relief. And that my son, is how you rule. You must teach them to fear you but you must also show mercy. But make sure that they never forget to fear you. Do you understand son?” Afonso turns to his father and says, “Yes father, I do.” Sancho returns to his chambers and says, “Good. Now go, I must rest after such a long day.”



  • Send orders to feed soldiers and workers fish on Sundays and to give them time to pray for mass.
  • Send an Ambassador, with a small guard, to the King of England to open Trade between the two nations in exchange, the Portuguese will build ships to aid the English.
  • Order Commanders to continue the training of the men that holds the Portuguese border.
  • Continue the conscription of men to further expand the Army and Navy.
  • Continue the Construction of new cities and towns to further expand the population. 


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Valdemar sat in his study, glancing over some letters. He fawned over some from the past year, Scotland had accepted an alliance and marriage pact, no word from France about the King’s imprisoned sister. Galicia wanted trade but unfortunately no alliance and Novogord had thankfully allied with them. Valdemar II drafted some legislation for the peasants of Denmark to be conscripted for a new crusading force for a second crusade against the pagans in the Baltic. 

(WIP going to add more)

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(Bugger forum formatting)



In THIS YEAR HENCE, a great debate took place in Acre. After the reconciliation of the Emperor of the Romans to the Venetians and the news that the Crusade would, indeed, arrive in the Holy Land, the nobles and, more importantly, the Crown, were unsure of their next action. They could hardly let their brothers attack alone and be slaughtered against the shores of Aegyptus or Syria, but nor could they readily betray the King of Aegyptus, with whom they had made a recent truce.


The debate was transcribed, word for word, by clerks of the Archbishop of Tyre. It ran:


THE KING (To Tripoli): My learned Lord, we pray you justly and religiously unfold why we should, or should not be barred in our Crusade.


TRIPOLI: Caution in all things, my Lord. These Crusaders are trouble if anything – attempting to forcefully convert my Moslem subjects without my permission! Which is more, it is only right we remain how we are, for we have a pact with the King of Aegyptus...


THE QUEEN: Frankly, we have no right -


BEIRUT: – Right and wrong have little to do with it. The Athenians said to the Melians: ‘The strong do what they will, and the weak suffer what they must.’ It is up to us to make sure it is we who do as we will, and others who do the suffering as they must! What of your obligations to the other lords of Outremer – to the Prince of Antioch and your subjects in Cyprus? If it is your wish to see Cyprus in your dynasty’s dominion in the long term, they will not look kindly upon a weak man who lets his co-religionists be crushed by the Mohammedans while he does nothing. 


TYRE: Never had monarch nobles richer, or more loyal subjects whose souls have left their bodies and lie pavilioned beyond the Jordan.


BEIRUT: O, let their bodies follow my liege. With blood and sword to win your right...


TRIPOLI: ...And earn eternal infamy!


There followed a general outcry among the Barons at Tripoli’s exclamation. The KING ordered silence.


QUEEN: Where is our brother, Antioch? He was supposed to bring news of his host.


Upon that, insistent, pounding steps were heard on the castle stairs. Striding in was Antioch’s chief Lieutenant.


ANTIOCH: I know what you are debating, and what news you await. Brother Antioch supports war. He brings a good deal of his host in aid whereof. 


Beirut, Tyre, and all the nobles who supported war looked joyous at the news; those who loved peace had a look of resignation. The support of Antioch turned the High Court of Jerusalem to war. With a heavy heart, the King said:


KING: We are resolved upon war, then. Tell the Teutons to cease immediately their forced conversions in your realm, Tripoli. 


The feudal host had already gathered, along with the Teutonic Knights. Jerusalem, Antioch and Cyprus were joining the Crusade.


Image result for morgan bible


Additionally, the king sent envoys to the Pope. The Pope is petitioned to canonise Baldwin IV of Jerusalem.



-War with the Ayyubids.

-Forced conversion of Mohemmedans prevented.

-Ask Pope Innocent to canonise Baldwin IV as Saint Baldwin the Leper!

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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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