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Diss Tracker Maker and Edgy Character Creator's Egotistical AMA


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Why did you let Eris kick Mystery's butt so badly in fight night?


Also should I make an AMA? 


Do u know da way?

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1 hour ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

When will you succumb to Post-Modern Neo-Marxism just like @Hobbits and I?


The minute I actually give a f*ck about politics and have the mega brain to actually be able to keep up with all of your Libtard memes


1 hour ago, Elennanore said:

Why is sutica evil


I asked the lovely @Viltaren this same question just today. They decided to enlighten me by saying “Freedom is not evil.” as to suggest that Sutican lands arent abuncha extremely nerdy and lame losers walking around and trying to CRP despite the fact that they should obviously just give into the human way of only PVP and Human Politics Court. For you see the minute we all give up on the ideals of slice of life RP and other gay magic sh*t, and fully transition into truly being a factions PVP server is when we’ll be the happiest. Sutica is the final boss, the devil standing infront of the door to that transition. The minute the Empire finally impales its chest with the ideology of PVP and Guard default, is when we will truly be saved..


Now to answer your question as to why Sutica is evil?.. Idfk


24 minutes ago, Burnsy said:

What was the warning you got? Pretty sure I wrote it.


You did indeed write it.




Despite the fact that I actually did realize the slight immaturity of my actions, and even though the inside joke of baby sending did stretch the bounds of what I had originally anticipated, this is by far the best out-of-context GM warning quote on the entire server. I challenge anyone out there to find a better one.


21 minutes ago, Sorairo said:

Why did you let Eris kick Mystery's butt so badly in fight night?


Also should I make an AMA? 


Do u know da way?


A : First off, insinuating that a man falling out of a ring is Eris kicking someone’s butt is completely wrong in the first place but we’ll spare the details. Second off, she didnt get a hit on him so technically it wasnt a fight it was more of a r*tarded bullfight. And lastly,... I dont know man, ask him IRP this aint no meta ****.


B : Sure


C I see we have someone who enjoys clinging onto dead memes. I appreciate and understand that you’re still stuck in February of last year, but I believe you can make it through this time Sora.

Edited by Tha_Mystery_Man
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why didnt your pc pick up discord audio during monaco

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is propaganda okay if it’s for a good cause?
if there’s only one Marb present at a time, how could you hope to make an army?
how do i make a good looking skin?

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20 minutes ago, Veggie said:

is propaganda okay if it’s for a good cause?
if there’s only one Marb present at a time, how could you hope to make an army?
how do i make a good looking skin?

imagine trying to come over at the real marb





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3 minutes ago, Rave_Cave_marb said:

imagine trying to come over at the real marb





fite me u wont

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10 minutes ago, Rave_Cave_marb said:

imagine trying to come over at the real marb





gO aWaY fAkE mArB

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1 hour ago, Tha_Mystery_Man said:


You did indeed write it.





I was happy when I got to write that.

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12 minutes ago, Veggie said:

fite me u wont


watch me

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On 3/26/2019 at 4:58 PM, Tha_Mystery_Man said:
On 3/26/2019 at 3:29 PM, NotEvilAtAll said:

When will you succumb to Post-Modern Neo-Marxism just like @Hobbits and I?


The minute I actually give a f*ck about politics and have the mega brain to actually be able to keep up with all of your Libtard memes



Edited by Hobbits
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