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The Uneasy Peace (1684): RP Thread


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The Ottoman Empire


Strong Roots


The year 1684, the Ottoman Empire seems to enjoy a resurgence in her wealth and stability under the watchful eye of the Grand Vizier. However the Sultan Mehmed IV seeks to rebuild the Ottoman Empire into a modern state, one which can compete with the swedes and other Europeans in terms of economics, trade and military. The Sultan decrees the following;

  • The restructuring of the military and development of new current weaponry seeking to update the aging Ottoman equipment


  • Building a new Ottoman fleet to allow for creter security of her extensive coastline


  • Seek out new trading partners, opening talks with their Sunni brother the Mughal Empire to trade and work together, as mutual partners in the Indian trade.


  • Building of fortifications along the Balkan borders of the Empire in fear of foreign expansion south.


  • Opening of the economy to more countries and businesses, with the Sultan wanting to make Constantinople a trading Hub


Foreign Affairs


  • The Ottoman Empire is willing to sit down with the Tsardom of Russia, despite their warmongering words the Ottoman Empire wishes to act in the interests of peace.

  • The Ottoman Empire formally accepts the trade proposals from both Qing China and the Duchy of Brittany

  • Mehmed IV sends diplomats to Austria, the Commonwealth and the Papacy.

  • The Alliance between Venice and the Ottomans is signed ushering in new investment and trade to the Ottoman market in Europe

  • The Ottoman government makes plans to establish settlements in the caucasus Mountains along the edge of the black sea, looking to connect their lands in modern day crimea.


Domestic Affairs


  • Money is poured into the arms businesses looking to get Turkish gunsmiths to create a variant of the new and efficient flintlock, to be designed and made in the Ottoman Empire

  • Taxes are raised slightly to accommodate the growing expenditure with an town crier claiming ‘It's in the interests of all Turks to support modernisation’

  • The Sultan gives the required additional funds to the Suqar Allah to use at their own discretion

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De Madrid, Jueves 25 de Mayo de 1684



Desde el Palacio Real, a 12 de Febrero 1684


-The pressure mounts on Charles, and the Queen to produce a male heir to secure the throne. As Maria Louisa grows old, many aristocrats in the court, especially the Queen mother and others  within the royal family, begin to think that she is not strong enough to bear the strong hapsburg seed, and as she grows older by the day, there is less and less chance for the birth of a strong male heir. Charles has been reportedly seen, multiple times a day, praying in a fervour at the chapel of San Santiago, no doubt to intercede on their behalf. He even takes a spontaneous visit to Galicia to assure of this! (mod………..)


-Charles II and the Queen Mother, begin to entertain the opinion of several key thinkers and reformers in the high circles of the crown. Notably, he has a change of heart and begins to accept the advice of several known individuals in the court that go by the name arbitristas, which are a group of reformist thinkers concerned by the rapid decline of the Spanish economy. The ideas of mercantilists are especially embraced, especially those of Sancho Moncada, and others who went to the School of Salamanca. Gold, and other luxury goods that make their way into iberia, instead of losing their value in the coffers of the bureaucracy, are reinvested into the economy in manufacturers,  industry, public work projects and in irrigation waterways in a hope to facilitate the growth of the state economically. Luxury goods that are imported into the peninsula are marked up in price and sold in order to profit off of the importation of foreign goods into the mainland and de-inflate the spanish currency. The money that is gained off of the sales of the imports are reinvested into producing more resources for exports into massive markets such as China, India, and Europe, and hopefully kick start the mercantilist economy of the Spanish Empire once more.





De Amberes, a 10 de Mayo de 1684



-The Army of Flanders, led by the Spanish General Alberto Octavio T'erclaes de Tilly, of Flemish descent, springs into action on an early day in March. In the fortified city of Nijmegen, where most of the Flemish army is heavily entrenched, under the cover of darkness, 35,000 men detach themselves from the main force at Nijmegen, and cross the Rhine back into spanish dominated territory. Now that they are away from the peering eyes of the enemy Dutchman, the magic begins. Utilising bribes and well established connections with catholic lords, the Army crosses into the Holy Roman Empire, attempting to cross the Rhine through the land of catholic lords, and attempting to bribe the protestant lords when necessary. The army would then enter the Netherlands once more in the rear, in the land of the rebels this time. The maneuver thought of by a young, energetic Galician nobleman was accepted immediately by the General, as a way of evading the defenses erected on the river by the rebels.


-Upon the entrance of the Army on the eastern border of the Netherlands, the first stop of the army would be the village of Bourtange, the first village on the road that leads from germany intl the Netherlands. However after this, the army would fly back to the river Rhine, smashing against Dutch water defenses there, specifically adjacent to Nijmegen. They seize towns and cities on the road from Bourtange back to Nijmengen, notably stopping at Apeldoorn, at the palace of The House of Orange, and if possible, burning it to ashes.


-As defenses along the waterline erupt opposite to towns with the burgundian cross flying proudly above, soldiers from the army of flanders and local garrisons alike begin to reciprocate. Fortress towns along the Waal and the rhine are given extra layers of defenses, guard posts along the river are manned, and new ones are erected. No inch of the river is left untouched. Defenses are extremely heavy adjacent to Rotterdam.


-Albert Octavio, being of Flemish Descent, knows very well the vast system of dykes and other feats in the region constructed to tame the sprawling system of marshes and swamps in the area. As such, he utilises such opportunities as an advantage, manipulating the environment through construction when possible to his advantage.




De la Havana, Lima, Bogota, y la Cuidad de Mexico, a 10 de Marzo 1684

-A contingent of roughly 700 men in 10 ships depart from Spain and stop in the beautiful port city of Havana, Cuba. From there, the ships would travel to the port city of Merida, in the Viceroyalty of New Spain. From there they will go to the port city of Acapulco, where they will embark once more on their ships, and begin a voyage northwards, across the mystical island of california, mapping its features, exploring the untamed wilderness and communicating with the lost tribes of savages. They are to return in 3 years, claiming the island for Spain and with a comprehensive map drawn of the land.(mod)


-A settlement is established on the mouth of the Rio del Espiritu Santo, or the Mississippi river. Several hundred families, predominantly from a collection of eastern towns in Castille where the land is littered with wetlands, make the voyage southwards under promise of land and wealth in the Americas. They establish the town of St. Ferdinand, named after the ancient Castilian King whom many of their ancestors pledged their swords to. The settlement stops in Havana, where they receive a regiment of soldiers to accompany them and give them protection from the dangers of the savages that lay in the land.(mod)


De Luanda, a 15 de Abril 1684


-In order to keep exporting civilization to the savage wilderness in the world, and gain a good amount of coin from it, several ships of Spanish colonists depart from Cadiz, and travel down the West Coast of Africa, restocking and refueling at the trading posts established along the coast. The 5 galleons, packed with some 100 families of Spanish colonists and 500 soldiers, ATTEMPT TO disembark their ships and begin to establish a settlement at the Cabo de la Buena Esperanza, or the Cape of Good Hope. The official name of this town is Puerto de Nuestra Bellisima Virgen de la Loma de la Plata , but it quickly becomes known amongst the townspeople as Puerto Bello, in attribution to the region's abundant flora and its magnificent landscape.


-Immediately upon arrival at the cape, the colonists disembark and begin construction on a fortified settlement, and a church, the two most important aspects of any colonization effort. Once the settlement has firmly entrenched themselves they begin to send out missions to the natives, subtly introducing them to the ways of the true church.




De Goa, a 1 de Abril a 1684


-In the Indies, especially in Goa and Ceylon, bearing the Spanish flags, as part of economic reform in Spain, begin to up their spice production quotas. Spices are a very valuable and important luxury good, as they never lose value. As such, Spanish Galleons begin to dock themselves at Ceylon and Goa more often, packing their holds full of cargo, stopping in Macau, and proceeding to Manila where they make the journey across the wide sea into the port of Acapulco, where they are transferred to the Atlantic coast and begin the last part of a continental voyage to return to the Spanish Mainland, where they are not only sold in Spanish marketplaces, but in towns all across the Spanish domain. (Mod)


-The crown grants a series of grants and permissions to begin the process of phasing out older matchlocks for newer, flintlocks of a Spanish Model. The process is gradual, and is meant to be carried out over a period of time. The first being authorised are the peninsular armies, followed by the armies in the italian peninsula, starting with the Duchy of Milan, followed by the rest of the European territories, followed lastly by the colonies. In the plans it is hoped that they may do away with matchlocks in the European armies in a maximum of 5 years, whilst for these reforms to reach the outer reaches of the Spanish empire it may take decades at least.(mod)


-As a result of the ongoing war in the Netherlands, sieges will soon become the trademark of the war, in the eyes of the officer cadre. The chief military engineer of the Army of Flanders, Cornelius Verboom, is given the task of inspecting the defenses of fortresses all across the Low countries, below the rhine at first, and rebuilding many sections not suitable for siege warfare in the modern age of battle. When the spanish army has to get their hands dirty with the dutch rebels, and seige, then he would serve an intristical role in coordinating the siege, putting unconventional and new tactics to use, such as flooding the land, or manipulating the vast networks of dykes and levees to their advantage.(mod)


-With the utter humiliation of the Spanish army at Lisbon, the crown among many other government officials and aristocrats, have come to the agreement that action must be taken to preserve the Spanish honour and prevent a humiliation to the scale of Lisbon from ever occurring again. The state creates a school for officers, where the new blood of the Spanish Army can hone their skills, and learn the ins and outs of the tactics of war. La Academia Militar de Toledo, or the Military Academy of Toledo, is created, installing themselves in the Alcazar de Toledo. Veteran officers are given teaching positions at the academy, which will educate and train the incoming cadets in the fields of war. Stress is placed on educating the men on cutting edge tactics, doing away with the older, outdated pike and shot. (MOD)



The Spanish Armada continues on its duties, roaming the seas, all of them, and doing its duty to the state and the crown. In the Low Countries it is serving the Army of Flanders, blockading the rebels and preventing any outside help from entering the hands of the enemy, and delivering needed supplies and goods to the brave soldiers laying down their lives in the name of honour, justice, right, and the crown. Outside of Europe and in foreign faraway seas however, the Armada is executing their duty flawlessly, protecting ships packed with colonists sailing for new life in the vast network of colonies the Spanish Empire possesses under their flag. Never Before has the armada lost in the Atlantic, protecting the galleons as they travel back to the motherland packed with riches and splendors extracted in the name of GOD and GLORY in the Americas. The shipyards are filled with more ships to be added to the fleet, and even the small farm boy recognizes the undefeated, awesome strength of the Spanish Armada.


File:Royal Monogram of King Charles II of Spain.svg


Edited by Alfonso X el Sabio
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Qing China


Emperor Kangxi’s procession stretched out for many leagues. At the head was ten thousand Imperial Manchu’s. In heavy armor on great war horses, they mad for fearsome troops. Behind them was row upon row of carriage, wagon, ox carts, and other transportation methods. Tiered rows of Korean Matchlock soilders and Han Spears flanked this massive flock of nobility and merchant. In the center, the Emperor’s elephants and Kangxi himself riding one. Ever a fan of these smart and noble creatures, he had taken to riding them at an early age. And behind them all was the longest line by far. The supplies, gifts, and equipment of the mobile Imperial Court. To guard the most important prize was the elite units drawn out of the Eight Banners Army. Loyal Manchus, Mongols, Koreans, and others.


*The point of the Emperor moving his court quite literally is multi faceted. The stated and official reason is to tour the length and breadth of China after a victory of a four decade long war. To witness the regrowing splendor of China, help it’s people, and lift up it’s lords. This will help spread the growing Qing control, while not overtly making it look like such. The other primary reason is for Kangxi to sort out the local provinces himself. The Qing and their loyal Green Standard Army of Han had just won a war that cost them dearly. They would not let a resurgent crop of local warlords and officials grow again. But they will not use Imperial muscle. Instead one by one the Emperor and his court will visit these miscreants on their tour. The Majestic Emperor will use his personal power and charisma to either win these lords over, or dispose of them.


**In a further act to disperse and dispose of these local warlords, the war in both North and South continues. In another deeper move, the Emperor offers several Generals and War-Lords of his opposition leadership positions. To balance it loyalist Generals will serve hand in hand with them. Many are sent to lead the frontier forces with Russia, where peace is being drafted. Their men will be sent south in larger part, to fuel the growing campaign. This however is all honorable and high ranking task. To refuse these ranks of command would be to insult the Emperor, and forfeit ones rights. 




Sumatran War 


The Dragon rises to the challenge of a glorious campaign in Indonesia, mandated by heaven itself! For too long the natives near and around Sumatra have ignored the Orient’s greater picture. These muslim opportunist were content to fight each-other on their ships, and sell the riches of Indonesia from the lucrative isles further east. The Emperor himself has blessed the Southern army, and given it his best Generals and Troops from the Green Standard Army. The Eight Banners troops have paved the way, alongside the Tributary States. A smooth winter march has deposited a war host and fleet in ‘Singapore’. They have been busy preparing for a oceanic invasion. Tens of thousands of tents litter the coast, and over two hundred ships comprise a grand fleet.




 Phase I; Ideally the Muslims of Sumatra did not anticipate this was the Qing’s true purpose. The first signs of war would be when the advance elements of Admiral Shi Lang’s [victor of Taiwan!] fleet cross into Indonesian waters. The lighter and more agile ships, these were meant to take on the Indonesians in their comparatively small and weak coastal ships. The two sides will play games of cat and mouse, the goal to stop the Indonesians from harassing the main fleet. Crossbowmen and Swordsmen will accompany each ship, to assist in boarding and close up actions. They may even have to land at smaller villages and bays to instill control. [50 Lighter Junks. Roughly 25,000 Sword/Crossbowmen]


Phase II; With the vanguard in action, Admiral Shi Lang, the General staff, and main fleet will begin the first true move. In three separate battlegroups of roughly sixty-six ships each plus troop transports. They will follow up in the chaos of the initial skirmishes, to take advantage of the lull in security, and calmer summer weather. The heavier Junks will move to secure the straights of Indonesia, and secure the troop landings. IF there is no naval opposition, the three battlegroups will splinter further. The purpose here is to avoid the supply drain of massive host on foreign shores. Instead an even spread of Qing troops will begin a full scale invasion of Sumatra’s northern coast. The war truly begins! [200 Junks, 20k Eight Banners, 55k Green Standard Army]


Phase II.v; For the landings themselves, it’ll most be standard procedure. With the Junks and lighter ships pinning the smaller Indonesian navy, the more medium ships will escort the various troops transports up to the various beaches, harbors, and bays. Then row boats will begin the laborious process of carting all the troops off the ships onto land. The first to arrive are typically the veterans, to clear and hold the beach head. In most areas little resistance is expected. But in populated landings, many more troops and ships are committed. Priority is to avoid head on beach assaults, and use smaller more discreet forces to land elsewhere, and flank. All canons that can be scraped together are given to the best Junks, and tasked to help crack tough coastal fortifications. [All Forces]




Overall the Navy and Fleet will pursue as much gains as they can achieve during the summer. As it turns to autumn and winter, the army will fortify whatever beachheads and land they hold. The Navy will assist and protect a constant ferrying of supplies to the army. The Tribute States of China will not be required to furnish this all, the Court sends it’s own funds for the army and it’s supply. 


[!] The Muslim Isle of Sumatra is offered the chance to become a Tributary State, in exchange for their continued way of life and religion. This offer will be made after the initial moves where surprise is needed end.


***Elsewhere several lucrative deals are signed with Europeans. The Imperial court begins to go about inventorying and transferring all gunpowder weapons to armories to later be processed. But the most important factor is the revitalization of gunpowder production. The Han had several caches and factories, having been superior to the Qing in technology. Thus it is there the first matchlock and gunpowder factories of the “modern” age will be built. Preliminary work is relying purely on the Europeans skill and old Han knowledge. Funding won’t be an issue, as the Imperial Treasury donates lump sums made off the Christian trade and tax, and any extra funds needed will be procured.





*Emperor begins tour of China to stabilize Empire after recent Civil War victory.


**Giving several troublesome War-lords the honor of leading frontier troops in Russia, etc.


 – Sumatran War! [War Plans] [They are given offer of peace]


***Matchlock factories.






Edited by GrimBeard
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Tsardom of Russia 



War with the Ottomans

With the Ottoman Sultan refusing his demands, Tsar Ivan VI orders his ambassadors to return from Constantinople and issues a formal declaration of war. Though both the Commonwealth and Holy Roman Empire rejected his offers of alliance against the Turks, nonetheless Tsar Ivan has not been deterred. The Ottomans are an Empire in decline, they will be crushed by the endless legions of the Russian people. Surely the Ottomans cannot hope to hold on to territory so far removed from their Empire proper. With this in mind the Tsar marches south at the helm of fifty thousand men. Tsar Ivan’s son Alexander, has returned to Russia after being summoned by his father. He is to assemble an additional twenty thousand men and link up with the Tsar’s army encamped at Tsaritsyn along the Volga, together they march to Azov. The city of which would be the main objective of Russian forces in the war. As the Russian Army marches on Azov, bands of Cossack raiders are sent forth to sow terror within the populist of the Crimean Khanate. The Cossacks plunder the countryside taking everything that is not nailed down and setting fire to the fields. These attacks prevent the Ottomans from massing any significant force in the Ukraine, leaving the region barren for any army that seeks to march through it. In doing so the Russians force the Turks to meet Tsar Ivan directly at Azov.



Return of the Tsarevich and the Prince of Savoy

After years of travel the young Tsarevich Alexander has returned to Russia and joined his father in campaign against the Ottoman Turks. However the young Tsarevich has not Returned alone, with him is a young Parisian-Italian nobleman. He was born in France and brought up in the Royal Court, The Tsarevich met him while studying in Paris and the two became friends of like mind and interest, his name is Eugene of Savoy. The previous year, the nineteen year old Eugene had appealed directly to King Louis XIV of France for a military commission though was denied. Once Alexander had gotten word of the outbreak of war between Russia and the Ottoman Empire he easily persuaded his friend to come with him and assured Eugene that he would receive an officers commission with the Russian Army. The young Prince of Savoy quickly proves himself to be a logistical genius, wherever troops under his command go he makes sure they want for nothing in regards to boots, provisions, medical supplies, and ammunition. Eugene also proves to be an incredibly brave soldier leading his men from the front, commanding both infantry and cavalry units. One of the conditions that Eugene had for his service to the Tsar was that he would choose his own subordinate officers. Eugene accepted no officer who had purchased his commission, choosing instead to promote primarily from the rank and file based on merit alone. In battle Eugene served in the vanguard of the Russian army commanding his troops alongside the Tsarevich whos own approach to command would be greatly influenced by his friend. Over the course of the campaign Eugene and Alexander would develop a friendly rivalry between their respective units with the two competing over who could capture more of the enemy’s standards and the loser having to buy a round of drinks for the other’s men.



Siege of Azov

Arriving at the Fortress of Azov the Russians began to dig in for a long and bloody siege. Knowing that the Ottomans would most likely try and relieve it , the Tsar ordered the construction of a double walled encampment around Azov consisting of trenchworks, sentry towers, and ramparts. Once completed the Russians began a day and night bombardment of the fortress. In order to prevent Turkish supplies and reinforcements from reaching the fortress, the Tsar ordered mines and debris to be dumped into the Don river making it too hazardous for Ottoman forces to relieve Azov by sea. It is for this reason why the Tsar ordered the construction of a double wall, he anticipated the Turks would land a relief force behind the Russian encampment and attempt to trap him in an encirclement. However with the wall protecting his army on all sides, all he need do is simply reinforce whatever section of the walls needed it. Now the Tsar simply waits. Whether he starves out the Ottomans inside of Azov or defeats them in a great battle it does not matter to him, for Tsar Ivan knows that victory in this war is only a matter of time, Russia has it and the Turks do not.



Russian Order of Battle

Army of Tsar Ivan VI

32,000 infantry split into a main force of 15,000 men and a reserve force  of 17,000 men

9,500 Regular Calvary

5,000 Cossacks

2,000 Russian Hussars

250 Cannon with 1,500 Artillerymen

 Total: 50,000


Army of Tsarevich Alexander

14,000 infantry (6,000 in reserve)

4,000 Regular Calvary

1,200 Cossacks

500 Russian Hussars

50 Cannon with 300 Artillerymen

Total: 20,000


Peace in Siberia

With peace secured with the Qing, the Tsar can now fully commit to efforts against the Ottomans, though to be safe he raises an additional four thousand men to garrison forts in the Far East, furthermore In a show of good faith Russia does not sign the arms embargo levied against the Qing and even seeks to establish a permanent diplomatic mission in the Imperial city of Peking.



The Polish Threat

Not long before departing for his campaign against the Ottomans, word reached Tsar Ivan that King John III Sobieski was attempting to rally a coalition against Russia. Enraged by this news he demands the King of Poland-Lithuania immediately sign a nonaggression pact with him. The Tsar also reinforces the defenses along the border with the Commonwealth, ordering regional governors to raise militia to garrison fortresses and be on guard should hostilities with Poland breakout.



- Having marched to Azov the Russian Army lays siege to the fortress


- Due to the unreliability of most Russian Nobles, the Tsar has raised a number of prominent foreigners to the nobility and given them commissions in the Officer Corps. trusting them to carry out the complete modernization of the army


- Cossacks continue to raise hell in the Ukraine in a sort of offensive scorched Earth strategy to prevent Ottoman troop movement in the region


- Tsar Ivan requests his ally Karl XI of Sweden send a detachment of troops to reinforce his army in the Azov Campaign


- With Poland and the HRE rejecting his alliance, Tsar Ivan reaches out to the Catholic powers of Great Britain, Portugal, and Spain. Offering them a temporary alliance and the chance to take Ottoman territory in North Africa


- Russia seeks to strengthen its ties with Brandenburg-Prussia, the trade deal is accepted and furthermore the Tsar offers the hand of one of his daughters in exchange for a lasting alliance.


- The Tsar’s emissaries invite Qing military officials to observe the campaign against the Ottomans in order to properly show them how modern wars are fought

Edited by PaxZeon
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Suqur Allah




(Year 1)

Current Leader

Amar Al-Husan

Anwar Al-Husan

Base of Operations

Damascus Outskirts

Total Military Personnel

5,000 Total

1,500 Syrian Arab Elite unit

2,300 Syrian Arab Foot Men

1,000 Syrian Arab Dragoon/Cavalry

10, 18 Pounder Cannons

Artillery crew 200(20 per cannon)



Trade with Nations



Sunni Islam

Nation Relations

Ottoman Empire-Employer(2 years left)

Muslim Nations-Great respect and Good Friends

Christian Nations-Cautious

Russia and allies- WAR AND HOSTILE cuz hired by their enemys

Everyone Else-Neutral



The Encampment


A group of men every morning sings a nasheed in the morning after the call for prayer fajr prayer as ordered(Top music)

The men trained from Fajr to Maghrib, still day in and day out, but something was new..no...not new...stronger...the pride in the group, Nasheeds were song louder, training became more intense, all to prove themselves...but to who? They all knew...to Allah... they were competing to be the best of Allah’s Falcons.

With their new own designed uniforms, they show themselves as a strong and powerful unit





It was a normal day, but for some reason this day, had no gun fire, Citizens concern, unsure, came out of their homes, to find Suqur Allah Horsemen. They begin to slowly trot and bang drums

“Allah Allah! Ya Allah! Oh People of Damascus, Oh gems of the land of knowledge! From this day forth, The Suqur Allah will begin firing their cannons! It will be louder than the gunshot, but distanced away more to not cause too much disruption! This will be day in and day out! All are welcome to come and watch! Oh people of Allah, We urge you to rush to the ottoman Recruitment office! Volunteer! The Kaffir wish to kill the Muslims of this land of Islam! We have fought the kaffir in many Jihads! This one the Muslims Need you! Spread the word! Volunteer into the Ottoman army, Donate what you can! We The Suqur Allah move soon to defend ISLAM! Please Donate food, blankets, and supplies for the cause. Damascus, Syria, Al-Shams, THE OTTOMAN CALIPHATE, AND ISLAM WILL NEVER FALL BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE MEN WHO THE PROPHET LOVED!  DEFEND ISLAM, Remember these two great deeds! Martyrdom or victory! Martyrdom or victory! Martyrdom or victory! Martyrdom or victory!


in the streets the city cheered, The call of Allahu Akbar reigned and shook the ground. Allah Will help give courage in their hearts.

The Field Of Smoke


Silence took Amar Al-Husan and his brother Anwar Al-Husan as they looked upon the cannons. These will change the battlefield as they witnessed so many times within sieges… But this time… A new purpose… A new warfare was to be made with them.

In the past and current times, cannons were never used on men, but forts and cities… That will change now. Back at the camp, Amar was eating cherries, a two cherries were connected by two stems connected. Eating them, both he teasingly flung the seeming like connected balls at his brother but to his surprise...It spun in the air, to his brother in a straight line also nicking a fly. Which gave him the idea… Chained cannonballs… they were normally used on forts to shoot ship’s mast that were smuggling, and to prevent ships from entering areas, but...what if they were fired, swinging in all their glory...into a row of men...cavalry...let alone a building… The force would cut men in half and destroy the very ground!


A Large portion of the city came out to see the cannon’s first time to be fired. In the distance were targets as well as large rows of wooden staffs to represent units in armies, muttering was long and noisy as they watched the men load the cannons...With Chained cannonballs but it fell silent upon the sight of a man on a strong brown Arabian horse. Amar saddled upon his steed lifted his hand to signal the men to prepare, the men jumped to positions, taking aim.

“In the Name of Allah, The most merciful, All praise be to him, and All praise belongs to him, there is no God but God, and Muhmmad is his Messenger!





Amar swung his hand down upon his lord’s greatness and the cannons roared, with the shout and shock of the citizens unused to the loud roar of cannons.(Video to provide proof this was a idea :3)

    A chained cannonball tore through the poles and crashed into a long-abandoned hut in the distance, and others hitting their intended targets.

Allah’s Falcons, shall send with heavy wings and talons into their enemies, and split the body of the Kaffirs, in flash, fire, smoke and blood..

The Field


Anwar Al-Husan, marched along with his troops, for months they have been training, perfecting their skills for the glory and the might of their lord. The Men’s legs stronger now from this, they now can march from columns into line in their sleep! “Halt!” The large unison steps came to a halt, the men at the ready awaiting orders “Company! AT EASE!” As if it was one man, and one brain, the men grabbed their flintlock rifles and moved it to their other shoulder, then the butts of the rifles to the ground.


“I am proud, You have mastered many things, formations that have never been done. Such as our Square formation. Who can tell me what’s its purpose!”


Only two seconds of silence was heard before the men shouted together in one voice that almost shook the earth, but cracked like thunder in the sky


“To Protect My brother, To Protect My Faith, We stand As one, Against the Hoarding Calvary of our enemies. We stand to let none of them in, As the house that protects Allah’s Love! HU!” In which the unit All moved their heads down to their hearts for the Zikr Allah of HU


Anwar nodded slowly before beginning again


“The Line Formation, What is its purpose!”


Yet again, the Men took only two seconds as if this was a sacred ritual done for their hearts and faith.


“Together we stand, The shields of Allah, We stand a Wall against the Kaffir of Shaytan(Satan). Our united gun fire, the wings of our falcon that soars into their hearts, making them drop to the cold floor, and their souls to the fires of Jahannam(Hell/ or Hell fire)! HU!” The men in which the unit All moved their heads down to their hearts for the Zikr Allah of HU.


Their Falcon’s pin upon their cap, glinted in the sun as if it was fire.


For A while this continued before Anwar finished with a roar of a battle cry



(Who is the greatest or Allah is the greatest)



(Allah/God is the Greatest)



(Who is the greatest or Allah is the greatest)



(Allah/God is the Greatest)



(Who is the greatest or Allah is the greatest)



(Allah/God is the Greatest)





  1. Training will be enhanced to this:[MOD](SAME THING)



From Fajir Prayer(Before dawn) to Maghrib prayer(Sunset),

Men will be in their regiments, Uniforms will be checked and made sure there was NO Slacking of any form, The lines perfected, They would be trained to become fully disciplined.

They will drill constantly on marching, and speed marching, staying in formation, nice and organized.

All men would practice every day their reloading and firing, learning to fire four times a Minute while making sure their accuracy is improved as well as their range!

They will also practice melee, ONE ON ONE, making sure they can defeat a enemy with ease, the use of the shamshir, and other common weapons will be in effect!

All new Recruits will go under ONE elite Syrian Arab Soldier(1k recruits, 1.5k Elite Syrian Arab Soldier)

500 of the current Syrian Arab Soldiers will be trained by 500 Elite Syrian Arab Soldiers, to train them to become their equals and once ready transfer them into the Elite Syrian Arab units

The 1,000 Syrian Arab Dragoons will practice their riding skills, being able to dismount and fire as a UNIT, as well as able to reload and fire four times in a minute, as well as mounting and dismounting!

The Syrian Arab Dragoons will practice firing from horseback into selected targets, while idle and in movement, setting up sacks of sand as targets.

The Syrian Arab Dragoons will also practice melee on horseback as well as foot.

Every man would have to clean his weapon, uniform and keep everything well organized and at its peak!


ALL Men will be lashed if they are caught slacking off, or un-disciplined(messed up uniform, disobeying orders, ya know the works)



2. Training for Cannon men: [MOD]



20 men for each cannon,

they will practice their aim, and consistency,

Chained cannonballs will be used to tear into enemy lines as shown in the video of post 2,

From Fajir Prayer(Before dawn) to Maghrib prayer(Sunset),

Men will be in their regiments, Uniforms will be checked and made sure there was NO Slacking of any form, The lines perfected, They would be trained to become fully disciplined,

They Must master their AIM, Accuracy, and reloading UNDER EXTREME PRESSURE! Mastering to fire cannon balls, Canister shots and Chained Cannonballs!

They will also practice melee, ONE ON ONE, making sure they can defeat a enemy with ease, the use of the shamshir, and other common weapons will be in effect!

ANWAR will take charge of this unit of 100 MEN PERSONALLY!



3. The Accuracy of the MEN, will be given more focus, but they must keep their fire rate![MOD]

4. Soldiers will also go and buy wool in towns that sell it cheap, make rugs and sell the rugs at a profit.[MOD]

5. A cheaper/ Discount will be found for Food supplies to cut down the expenses I.E finding a farmer, or company that would sell to us at the cheapest price for such large shipments/orders of supplies[MOD]

6. Send Letters to the Imams who agreed to join, that a bit hase needs to be made, as The Kaffir has declared war, and Jihad is needed to defend the lands of Islam.[MOD]

8. Cannons will be shot daily as per the training says, but a little distanced for the courtesy of the people of Damascus! [MOD]

9. An ACTUAL Response and reaction from the people in the section The field of Smoke! [MOD]

8. Supplies are to be gathered for a long campaign maybe around 2 years! [MOD]

10. Same words and For three times a week the Call for men to join and volunteer the Ottoman empire’s Army for Jihad and supplies to be donated to Suqur Allah in the part Damascus is done. [MOD]

11. A portion of this years collected money as the Muslim Sharia law’s requirement is given out to the poor, Nasheeds and Zikr is sang while doing so, to strengthen Islam in the men, and to make strong reputation and relations with the city and Syria, in hopes maybe people will find this as a army like the COMPANIONS OF THE HOLY PROPHET![MOD]

12. The story of the battle of Yarmouk is made often, a matter of fact, going to the city, the men of suqur allah, gather the kids, and especially the orphans to draw a crowd IN THE MARKET! This way, parents and young men and the city come in interest, this is to as an extremely smart way to spread the story by mouth and merchants, as well as those encouraged by the story who may join the army or tell the story to others, to spread it out WITHIN THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE AND MUSLIM WORLD and the story is given as such:[MOD]




The Muslims by the grace of Allah, began to liberate the people of the province of Al Shams(Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Cyprus and the Turkish Hatay Province) under the Command of Khalid Ibn Walid, this was no ordinary army. It was built up upon the companions of the prophet Muhmmad(SAW).

The very men that Allah said that one of them, Is worth GREATER than an entire nation. They were men, like me and you, They made mistakes, but what made them special, is how they reacted to them… they fixed themselves, instead of blaming others… There was no Sunni, Shia...It was Just...Muslim…

They marched, these men, with swords and shields, little armor… wearing the clothing like every day man. The muslims numbering in only 24,000 men...These we believers in Allah, they marched and found the roman army… Do you know how big they were? (let kids guess, they probably assume a small number less than the muslims?) The Kaffir Romans were 170,000 men! And you remember when I told you how the muslims were in equipment… The romans...Had Strong iron armor, the best of armor, the best of weapons, the best of training, these men fought years in war with the great empire of Persia. When the new muslims saw this they said “How can we fight this, their armor reflects even the sun! They outnumber us and our equipt us!” but the Companions of the Prophet said these POWERFUL WORDS their voice shook the very air with the glory and determination of a thousand LIONS! “You were not there with us at Badr.”(say in a deep strong voice, also battle of badr was first battle of islam, everyone knows it, muslims were out numbered and won)...

Then the fighting began, The muslims knowing the greatness of their lord ALLAH, the almighty, and the promise to them of JANNAH! Marched into the OCEAN AND WAVES of the Strong powerful kaffir army...But...The muslims, PUSHED THEM BACK, Like lions, tearing into one after anothering, each muslim against ten men, swinging a sword many times! Khalid Ibn Waleed the man the prophet named the sword of Allah, BROKE 10 SWORDS IN ONE DAY! And guess what… The Romans...sent men behind the muslims...to attack the MUSLIM WOMEN IN THE CAMP! (let childern gasp) But what they did not expect...Is the WOMEN, HOLDING SWORDS AND CHARGING AT THESE MEN! Men who took women, and hurt them, Who thought they were property! They did not understand Islam was here to save us from those views! The Women, Pushed the kaffir army back! And joined the battle! THE ENTIRE BATTLE Sand and dust filled the air, blinding the eyes...But what could be heard? Most battles, the clash of swords and shouts of men..but not this battle...THE Muslims SANG THE ZIKR OF ALLAH! “ALLAHU AKBAR! ALLAHU AKBAR! LA ILLAH ILALLAH!

This Scared the kaffirs...They knew Allah was there to punish them...the Voice of the muslims were so loud...FROM YARMOUK to...DAMASCUS HERE IN THIS CITY! It was heard...the calls of Allah...It shook the ground!



Allah would laugh and give them ease, and reward them with the best of rewards…

The Kaffirs lost 120,000 men! JUST FROM 24,000 MEN! They lost 120,000! And they were 170,000 men! The best of the best….


Allah does not give strength and victory to those in numbers and equipment, no...He gives strength to those who remember him, and glorify his name…


Be like Amar, whom fought in jihad, even his family comes from the companions of the PROPHET Muhammad, His family faught in this battle… be like the Suqur Allah, and remember us...For we will make another Battle of Yarmouk…

(THEN PROCEED TO Toss candy into the crowd of kids, :3)


13. A new march is to be made, it is like the janissary march but different, with the same purpose like the janissaries and ottomans have(aka, ottomans show when taking a city their might and basically legitimately look it up subue the people with a cool dance/march. They enter a city this way(like after conquering fully) this is to made and unique, and then drilled within the training, but a new nasheed is to be made(will be in the next post) and they sing such while they do the march.[MOD]


14. The army is to memorize Zikr and nasheeds, this helps in discipline and moral, as this makes the men united in voice and body, and is truly a beautiful sight(this is probably already done) every month, in Damascus all 5k men split into large groups in the city and make a day of festivities, singing nasheeds and zikr, doing marches and EVEN their own form of a janissary march that is to be made and only when they master this march.[MOD]

15. TRAIN THE MEN TO DIG AND BUILD FORTIFICATIONS! They will all now carry small SMALL shovels, picaxes, and axes. they are to learn how to make a trench within a few hours(talking a man trench, like where they can stand in and shoot out of) and to fortify the encampment as well as how to make TUNNELS[MOD]

16. Doctors that can tend to battle wounds and such are to be enlisted around 200 from around Syria is to be gathered, and be brought to the camp. MUST BE SUNNI MUSLIMS![MOD]

17. The secret stuff ;3[MOD] [Pms if ya want]

18. Finding 12 pounder cannons for sale, around 30 of them.[MOD]


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Archduchy of Austria and Holy Roman Empire






Emperor Leopold I along with his advisers would cautiously watch as the events of the world would appear before him, the foreign policy of Austria and by extension the greater Holy Roman Empire was one of neutrality due to the great religious wars that had been going on for many years. The Hapsburg Hegemony in Germany and Spain had held for so many years and Leopold would see it prepared for the coming centuries, with new ideas in economics, administration and even expansion.


Watching the Russians and Ottomans about to enter a phase of war presented risk to further greater Muslim Expansion into Europe, however the Russians were far away and the relationship with the Commonwealth would seem more important due to them being direct neighbours.




The Imperial reforms into studying economics and the potential of reforming the systems to allow for greater access to free but fair trade within the Empire itself are looked into. Seeking to build upon concepts of free trade within the borders of the HRE, rather than to the greater world. (Mod)




The reforms are then looked to be pushed into the smaller Catholic realms in the HRE, aligning their own central bureaucracy with the greater Imperial one being established in Vienna. In return for surrendering some domestic control over the bureaucracy the Austrians offer to pay for infrastructural improvements and ensuring economic protection for merchants within the Empire. However Leopold strictly forbids this occuring in the Protestant States, as not to upset them at this stage. (Mod)




Ottoman Diplomats are received in Vienna but are told sternly to send a missive to the Sultan “Withdraw from Hungary and no longer proclaim yourself Caesar. Once this is done, amicable relations can begin.” as the Ottomans to the eyes of the Austrians claim the title King of the Romans, when it is in fact held rightfully by Leopold I. (Ottoman Player Response Required)




The Austrian Military would look to improve their line infantry and command structure with their officers. Seeing the Ottomans Military reforms they would not have the Holy Roman Empire fall behind. Military Reforms to improve the quality of the soldiers and officers of Austria would be undertaken as to incrementally push reforms if successful across the Catholic States of the Empire. (Mod)


A Mobilisation of Austrian Military Forces would be undertaken, at this time HRE States are not levied. They would encamp close to Vienna as to prepare for a potential campaign.

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Image result for karl xi coat of arms




Image result for swedish line infantry uniform


The Swedish Army has long since dominated Europe. Since the days of Gustavus Adolphus Magnus and his reforms, Swedish forces have triumphed time and time again across the length and breadth of Europe. A century of conflict, experience and innovation has seen the Swedish Army  take her rightful place as the greatest example of soldiery in Europe – and thus the world.


There is, however, a rather ridiculous, baseless and infuriating rumour whistling around Europe, that there is an army greater than the army of His Majesty, King Karl XI. That is to say, it is oft said that the Portuguese Army is an army superior to that of Sweden!

Such nonsense is, of course, utter madness, but it is an accusation that angers the King to the very core of his being and he has thus decided to put an end to such foolish rumours, once and for all.


The King begins with the last remnant of a past age – he begins to phase out the 3000 pikemen remaining in Swedish service, replacing them instead with proper line infantry. In addition, Karl XI feels a distinct lack of light cavalry among his armed forces, and seeks to raise 4 new regiments – four thousand men. Two of these regiments shall be Hussars, while the other two shall be “Light Dragoons” in the Dutch style.


Finally, the King musters his army in the Spring and spends several months drilling his men constantly and consistently. However, these troops are not drilled within their individual branches, Karl XI drills his army together, seeking to drastically improve coordination between the infantry, the cavalry and the artillery. The goal is not to simply improve his forces, but to improve the manner, coordination and organisation in which they fight – let none speak of the Portuguese as Europe’s best army when the King has finished!



The attempts at expanding the arms industry last year were... unfortunate. However, Karl and his ministers are not deterred from attempting to expand and already exceptional industry. Quickly established as a method of making uniform the conditions for apprenticeships was the Honourable Company of Armourers, Gunsmiths and Artillerists, of which membership was compulsory for any of the relevant tradesmen.


It is hoped that this system of enforcing uniformity would fix the problems with the previous policies and ensure investment was maximized to its full value. Additionally, foundries and the like are expanded, with the government greedy for increased production of the precious cannons upon which Sweden built her military reputation.


As war breaks out between the Russians and the Turks, Karl makes good on his pacts of alliance. His daughter, Sophia Hedwig, goes to the Imperial Court, where she will be educated along with her betrothed. Accompanying her are the Svea Life Guards – the Royal Foot Guards – and a detachment of the Life Guard Dragoons. The Life Guard Dragoons will remain with the Princess as her bodyguard, but Svea Life Guards, a full regiment of a thousand infantry, with the accompanying six light guns as is customary for the Swedish Army, marches onwards to Azov where they will serve under the command of the Tsar for the duration of his campaign.




-Army improvements (mod)

-Continued attempts to expand arms industry. (mod)

-Dispatch of the Svea Life Guards to Azov.

-Continued establishment of Karlstad. (mod)


-The East India Company raises 3 thousand Company troops, largely made up of brutish thugs trained and led by the more inept officers of the Swedish Army who, lacking opportunity for promotion seized the chance of command in the Company. The King orders these men drilled by sergeants and drillmasters from the Army, and they are equipped with the pike and older muskets phased out of the remaining Pike regiments in the army. 1000 of these men are dispatched to Karlstad at the first opportunity, by a Company eager to protect its interests. (mod)

-Continued attempts to find allies among the native tribes that can be traded with. Swedish colonists are quick to offer these tribes aid against their enemies. (mod)

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Dutch United Provinces





[RP to be added later if I have time, Going on vacation soon]


-Seeing the state of the Dutch economy, and the lack of funding, a census is ordered to be carried out across all the provinces in order to update seemingly outdated lists and more efficiently collect revenue for government endeavours.


-With the help of foreign officers and commanders, William begins the process of drilling and training the men whenever possible. He hopes to achieve a level of parity in regards to training against the Spanish forces, or perhaps even surpass it.


-Under state guidance, a new entity is formed in the United Provinces. Known as the Verenigde  Wapengieterijen (United Arms Companies) or VW for short. VW is directed to be a single entity that will supervise, regulate, and more easily facilitate the production and standardization of Dutch weaponry.


-Following the foundation of VW, Gunsmiths and ‘Capitalists’ from across Europe are invited to work in or invest in the company. They are promised to have plenty of work! Should the formation of VW fail, they are invited anyways!

Edited by Krefarus
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Late winter, 1684.



In an attempt to create a large army of standardized conscripts Frederick had failed, though he had an army of 20k, now. It wasn’t nearly the 35-40k army he wished for, and conscription was a bust. Though this would not be his last attempt.


    As the snow began to stop falling Frederick William sat on a tree stump drinking a cup of Spruce needle tea with his vanguard whilst he waited for his son and his companions to arrive with the bags and wagons for their journey to Berlin. Frederick was at the outskirts on the western side of Konigsberg admiring the scenery, he quite enjoyed Prussia in the Winter, he was horizontal to the road and listened to the whirl of wind blowing snow all around and into the now bare trees devoid of life, like a skeleton hand sticking out of the ground. He had had plenty of time to think. Clearly trying to implement these changes wouldn’t be possible in times of peace, so he would have to wait for the perfect moment to start his recruitment and arming. For now he would stick to improving the economy and increasing the output of arms and munitions slowly over time. Frederick was also well aware of the large waste of his budget he had just used, which angered him greatly but there wasn’t anything he could do now that it was done. He would make sure and cut expenses from his personal spending, via extravagant parties and the like, only the bare necessities from now on. No more living a wasteful life he told himself flat out. And as he set out for Berlin he came up with a new plan.




Firstly he would implement a census in all of his lands, with the intent to gather information about population, and to also try and improve tax efficiency so the realms coffers get replenished.

Then he would go about improving the industries in which made the most money, and with that he would use it on his military ambitions, and to further improve centralization in the future.







                    -Many gun smiths from Brandenburg are contracted with large orders of firearms and ammunition (enough to aptly supply the current troop numbers that are lacking equipment)

-Construction of the 45 cannons is slowed dramatically, only as many as can fit in the budget are to be produced any further


-Subsidies are given to the Prussian maritime industries to aid in their further expansion


Edited by Otto Hohenzollern
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(sorry i been extremly busy as im preparing for college)

Duchy of Brittany


{I hope I got the right flag for its time period}

Leader: Duke Leo
Trade: practically almost every nation

Relation: Friends with British Empire,, portugal, Papacy, and  Venice
Cautious of France, Spain

Neutral with everyone else

Economy: Significant


Duke Leo listens as the breton merchants and other citizens complain about the french merchant taking jobs away from the lack of taxes on them. “I understand your case, however I cannot raise taxes on the british but what I will do is raise taxes on Swedish, french and Spanish merchants. While the swedish and spanish taxes will resume to a normal rate as before the French taxes will rise up back up to their normal rate and 10% more.” he nods to the merchant as he then looks to the concerned citizens, “as for the loss of jobs I can only promise to set up more businesses for our people in which you can be hired from.” with the people pleased with Duke leo decision they were sent away.
Businesses/ Economy  

With taxes on the French traders rissen, and spanish and swedish traders taxes moved back up to their normal rate. With only hopes this will bring back a bit more profit to help sustain the country. Businesses are to be created: A large Crab factory made in Brest to fish and produce food and jobs for the country, and with promised guarantee that the british navy will aid in the protection of its ships in doing such a job.
With help from his Advisors Dukeleo decided to turn the city of Loudeat into an industrial trading city by issuing the following orders: Flintlock, Ammunition and Gunpowder Factories to be created in Loudeat to help mass produce its armory and jobs in the making. While understanding the risk of fires or explosions that could turn the city into chaos, Duke Leo issue a fire brigade to be formed whose sole purpose is to help take down fires and burning buildings, they will work alongside local garrisons. Although there is no effective way to stop burning building Duke leo Issue to find a better way to help the country in its issue (look at Research for better understanding)



With the now new standing army, the foot soldiers will begin an Intense training on shooting at least 3 shots per minute When they are able to master this firing rate they are to better improve their accuracy to better prepare for future wars.
With a new calvary regiment They are to be transformed into light dragoons, they are to go through a training program to help them better shoot on horseback as well as improve their melee and riding skills.

The Remaining forts are to be repaired after the project was abandoned due to lack of funds with now hoping to come back up.
800 men are to be raised to become a sapper regiment learning to build trenches, tunnels. [MOD]



The country will begin to  research and develop a better and effective way to put out fires.
While other experimentalist are to further improvement of the bayonets to help replace the plug bayonets which is widely used as a last resort.


Hoping to further improve diplomatic ties with the great British Empire Duke Leo Sends an Envoy to King Richard the IV offering his daughter hands (waiting for britain reply}

Trade Agreement for fine ass turkish/ Syrian rugs with Amir Al- Suqur due to its effective way to help get through winters they also request them to ship over 200 Date palm tree saplings while providing cash upfront for them to profit and to pay for shipping.

Actions summarize

-Intense training for the army

-Creation of businesses to help provide jobs and income

-Research on how to better rid the fire hazards, also a way to get rid of plug bayonets

-trade taxes on french, swedish, spanish traders are raised back to normal with exemption that french traders are taxes 10% more.

-offer of Marriage alliance with Great britain

-800 men are raised to begin training to become sappers to help in future warfare.

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Kingdom of Portugal


The recent success of the manufactories in Portugal has proven to be an effective way to revive the local economy, and these measures are to be taken further. Minor subsidies are provided to domestic textile manufactories and porcelain crockers, creators of some of the finest arts. Additionally, the Magnaneries of Portugal are to recieve some 200 000 Mulberry trees. To further aid the local industry, an increased tax is placed on the import of textiles, silks, and porcelain. [Mod]


During the Summer months, King Pedro II Pacifico exchange many a letter with members of the French aristocracy, visiting Normandy and the Île-de-France to meet with King Louis XIV and François Marie, a member of the house Lorraine. A marriage to take place in Autumn of this year between the King incumbent and François Marie’s daughter, Béatrice Hiéronyme with the support of the Sun King. [Mod?]


With the arrival of the British admiralty, logistic and strategic planning is underway, headed by Admiral Luís Inocêncio de Castro. Measuring the capacity of the Portuguese shipyards and harbours, sailors and captains, and supplies for the navy. Planning and training in naval warfare for the inexperienced Portuguese admiralty is also to take place. [Mod] The navy is not to reap all of the benefits of Anglo-Portuguese training. The arrival of John Churchill was well-received, and teaching the art of war with the best army in Europe only goes so far. One Matias de Albequerque, nicknamed “Hero of two Kingdoms” departs for England to meet with the commanders of the British army. His experience from the war and leadership in the famous Battle of Lisbon ought to bring with him quite the renown. [Mod]

Edited by Dex
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The Most Serene

Republic of


Late 1684


The City of Venice is a hive of activity in August. Soldiers can be seen sharpening their swords, and large galleys row men ashore from assembly points in the center squares. In more industrious areas men not going off to war are rushing construction of several new convoys of galleys newly commissioned for trade with the Ottomans. Moving through the city streets towards the capital buildings Senators and common folk can be seen intermingling and politicking as news of a plot against the Ottomans has reached the common folk. The summer of 1684 is a buzz of activity and political machinations.



Disaster strikes Francesco Morosini as he heads the Venetian army encamped near Mantua. Word arrives at the camp that Louis XIV has personally ordered the withdrawal of the French mercenaries provided. The very next day an entire third of the camp packs up and begins marching home, despite the desperate pleas of Morosini. This withdrawal comes at the same time as the letter of reply from Modena, aptly refusing the demands made by the Venetian government.


Although the mood in the camp is worrisome, the people remain jingoistic and no major plagues have broken out. Morosini waves off delegations from his militia commanders, stating that it is critical to Venice that this mainland foe is defeated. Morosini orders Lundardo di Mazi, his second in command, to hold the camp with 2,000 citizen militia and muster more supplies and soldiers to replace the French. di Mazi proceeds to use the army’s war chest to send news to the Germanic states that there is a need for 6,000 additional mercenaries. Meanwhile, di Mazi sends riders city to city to muster citizen militia for the war. Before the beginning of autumn, di Mazi also moves his force to the fortress town of Peschiera del Garda to better organize the raising of troops.


While di Mazi organizes and supplies, Morosini leads his host of 14,000 soldiers over the border of Mantua into Modena and declares war. The soldiers maintain themselves in close formation while fore riders and spies are sent forth to discover the intentions of the Modenese. Morosini would encamp in Modenese territory before deciding whether to attack, siege, or wait for reinforcements depending on the number of men Modena has raised.





The Venetian Republic, with the bringing in of Crete and Negroponte stands at just under two million citizens. Only around five percent of the country lives inside of Venice as of now, however.


Meanwhile the Republic of Venice brings in well over two million gold sequins, but state expenses has risen drastically. By next year Venice will have to begin taking out loans to pay for the war effort.


Government Affairs

The Doge, upon hearing rumors of a Venetian intent to attack the Ottomans, thoroughly denies the scandalous rumors. Venice was simply carrying out a transaction with French mercenaries, no more and no less. With the Patrician class fearing a costly war without the support of French mercenaries, a great debate in sues. Through the fall months, stretching all the way into winter the Senate debates the continuation of the war with Modena. After three and a half months of arguing, with different sessions coming and going the Senate comes to a decision to send a delegation led by Senator Augistino Domenico to oversee the war in Modena and report back to the Senate with a recommendation. It is ultimately deemed necessary to continue the war due to the honour of Venice.


For their part the Council of Ten also remains divided and twice assigns more money to spies attempting to ascertain the positions of Tuscany and others in the conflict. Multiple members complain that the war seems to have been thrust on too fast by Morosini’s aggressive behavior. The Capello family however, in a reversal to their previous complaints, has come to head the war effort. They demand that other members of the Council contribute and equal amount to the war effort and encourage new fortifications near Mantua. For this the Council of Ten raised 100,000 gold sequins for the start of construction of a large star fort.



The citizenry of Venice currently remain optimistic about the war against Modena. Unemployment in Venice and it’s nearby lands are at an all time low as both soldiery and shipping begin to take off, while the manufacture and organization of goods for the army continues unabated. In terra firma and the colonies, approval for Venice also continues to be higher than average. The shipping sector see’s a continued boom which might seriously increase immigration to Venice long term should it continue. For now, wages are on the up across the Republic.



Venetian diplomats including the already famous Antonio Foscari score an amazing sets of treaties collectively known as the Anti-Piracy Accords. These accords have barred citizens from Venice, the Ottomans, England, and Spain from partaking in barbarous activity on the high seas in the Mediterranean against Venetian ships and their own respectively. Antonio Foscari particularly has put pressure on the Ottoman Sultan to once and for all end the Barbary Pirates attack on Venetian shipping. This treaty leads to widespread appraise from the export oriented sectors of the Venetian economy. Particularly, it leads to renewed pressure from the mercantile sector to abolish the strangling regulation requiring all merchant ships in Venice to travel by convoy with protection.


!Must Mod!

  • The raising of new mercenaries and militiamen and their morale.
  • The war against Modena.
  • Modena’s troop composition ascertained through spying to both the Council of Ten and Morosini.
  • The diplomatic leanings of Italian states towards the war with Modena.
  • The construction of a new star fort near the border with Mantua.
  • The effect of the Anti-Piracy Accords.
Edited by SuperKeziak
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The Swiss Confederacy




The previous six months have been a flurry of activity for the Swiss. Many men have been moved and the armies merged. In the flurry, the governments have struggled to amalgamate their scriptures and ledgers, meaning many men are left by the way side. The resulting army that came from a force that, while disparate, may have numbered in the tens of thousands, can now barely scratch five.


The burghers, in their alarm, begin the confederacies move into a more centralised state. Using part of the uncompleted census has given them a basis for the governance, and the cantons agree on a central government, based off the fourteen, along with their associates. While some of the Cantons have much greater clout, the divide between the people of the Swiss must be closed. They must have peace in the confederacy, even if the outside world burns.


The Cantons

20px-Zurich-coat_of_arms.svg.png 20px-Berne-coat_of_arms.svg.png 20px-Lucerne-coat_of_arms.svg.png 20px-Coat_of_Arms_of_Geneva.svg.png 20px-Uri-coat_of_arms.svg.png 20px-Schwytz-coat_of_arms.svg.png 20px-Wappen_Unterwalden_alt.svg.png 20px-Zug-coat_of_arms.svg.png 21px-Glarus_alt.png 20px-Bale-coat_of_arms.svg.png 20px-Fribourg-coat_of_arms.svg.png 20px-Solothurn-coat_of_arms.svg.png 20px-Schaffhouse-coat_of_arms.svg.png 20px-AppenzellRI-coat_of_arms.svg.png


The cantons are in a state of flux. Many merchants and business men run their errands through the streets, for they are rebuilding a nation.


Underclerks and minor dignitaries speak to grizzled veterans, beginning the start of a recruitment drive. Assessments of the equipment the swiss is undertaken and the business the swiss do have is assessed.



[Mod] The Swiss Confederacy takes stock in their current forces, beginning a pogrom of training, having the men train in the traditional pike square, as well as the new musket techniques sweeping the continent.


[Mod] Recruiters are sent throughout the Swiss lands: to recruit fresh faced young men to swell the ranks once more; bring back those who were lost in the merging; and to find those Swiss mercenary captains who have retired to their farmsteads, to bring experience back to the forces. The aim is to bring the army back to a force of approximately fifty thousand within the next three years.


[Mod] Trusted burghers of the state are told to inform Swiss who either live, serve or work abroad of the sweeping changes being brought to the nation. They are instructed to hint to these individuals that the new confederated states wish to employ numbers of people to the land and the forces.


The Swiss government undergoes it’s severe reform, forming it’s bureaucracy to oversee the land.


The census of the confederacy continues, as the previous bureaucracy must be worked through.


((Apologies for the mass of actions and lack of RP, this week has been rather busy.))

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The Kingdom of Great Britain

The East India Company

During the latter half of the year 1684, two expeditions found themselves being funded by the British EIC. Primarily, the Company would again attempt a colony in Guiana, attempting to land roughly 1,000 men in the region, separating them into three separate colonial areas in the hope at least one of the colonies would take root. Two of these colonies would be located on either side of the Niger River, while the third would be further west near the mouth of the Forçado River. A second expedition would also take place, with a ship loaded full of furs, tobacco, cotton, sugar, and a number of other goods from North America and British West Indies. The ship would strike a course west, first stopping at the British trade ports in India, then continuing onwards to China and it’s island neighbor of Japan, should they allow entry. A fledgling route is Britain’s goal, with the hope of Guiana becoming a major waypoint on the journey East.


The Hudson Bay and the remainder of coastal Northern America is also formally claimed as a British colony, with expeditions being planned to begin an expedition down the newly named St. Henry’s River✝ in order to begin mapping the regions in the coming year.


Refers to the St. Lawrence River in Canada


Royal Weddings and Foreign Affairs

A grand royal wedding is hosted in London, with King Richard being formally married to the Princess Maria Antonia of the Holy Roman Empire in a Grand, Catholic ceremony. Much of the court of England are invited and the wedding is hosted in Westminster Abbey. The wedding is a grand spectacle, with much of the court and nobility of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland were invited to London. Prince George, Princess Alexandra, and even Prince Henry are expected to all be in attendance, with formal invitations also being extended to the King of Spain, the Holy Roman Emperor, the King of Portugal, and other Catholic monarchs. A second wedding between Prince George and Maria Elisabeth of Austria would also occur, but it would be a far less marvelous affair in order to not overshadow the marriage of the King.


The marriage offer from Brittany is accepted though King Richard requests they wait roughly three years as Prince Henry is still quite young and had just begun his schooling.


Prince George continues his studies in London, reading of the first Tudor Kings, Henry VII, his sons, and grandsons. From these, the Prince hopes to learn more about his country and how it is run, while also furthering his political knowledge of Britain and Europe.


The alliance offer from Russia is declined, with King Richard publicly swearing he will not align himself with any nation who does not recognize the supremacy of the descendants of St. Peter.


An agreement is made with the Republic of Venice regarding British privateers.


The Royal Family

With the marriages of the two elder Tudor siblings, Princess Alexandra and Prince Henry begin their work elsewhere. Prince Henry would return to London briefly for the marriage of his two brothers, where he would begin to learn under Sir John Hammond, the son of renowned Admiral Jack Hammond. He would study the operations of the British navy and the past two centuries of reform, hoping to one day oversee the continuation of British Naval Supremacy.


Princess Alexandra would continue her own work with the Church in London, becoming closely associated with the Archbishop of Westminster. Her work brought her to Edinburgh where a Catholic mission was planned to Edinburgh, with Princess Alexandra overseeing a charity in the Scottish city which hoped to both feed and even convert some of those who had been affected by the recent civil war. She would be protected by a contingent of guards and would remain under their watch constantly while in the city, due to the remaining fear of ill will upon the Tudors from the Scottish. It is hoped that this act of generosity from a member of the royal family would sway the Northerners away from the pretender James VII.


The Royal Army and Navy

John Churchill remains in Portugal in order to learn from their military minds, with the hope that by the end of the year and the Royal Wedding occurring in London he can return to Britain in order to begin the reform of the Royal Army. There would be no rushing this process though, as Prince George and Princess Alexandra urge their brother to allow him to remain in Portugal as long as needed for him to aid and learn from them.


King Richard orders the building of seven new ships for the British Navy. (See Actions)


Actions (Brief Summary of Actual Info)

  • The East India Company embarks on a second colonial journey to Guiana, formally claiming the territory for Great Britain and the Catholic Faith while also beginning their second expedition. This time, one thousand men are formed together in order to create three separate colonial bases with the hope that their separation prevents a total wipeout due to disease. Two colonies begin on either side of the Niger River, while the third is just east of the Forçado River. They would also work with natives with the hope of opening new trade routes further into Africa.
  • The EIC begins planning a trading expedition to India, China, and Japan which would depart from London. A number of goods from North America and the West Indies would be loaded onto ships and transported west to the Eastern countries in order to potentially open new trading routes. It is hoped a number of exotic goods could be traded for along the way and brought back to Britain.
  • A mapping expedition down the newly dubbed St. Henry’s River begins planning within the British EIC. The remainder of the Hudson Bay is also formally claimed for the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Catholic Faith.
  • Two marriages occur between King Richard and Maria Antonia of Austria as well as Prince George and Maria Elisabeth of Austria.
  • A marriage offer from Brittany is accepted, though due to Prince Henry’s age and his schooling only just beginning, it would be requested that the wedding would be held off for three years.
  • Russia’s alliance offer would be formally rejected, stating that the Kingdom of Great Britain is not interested in an alliance with the Orthodox power.
  • Prince Henry begins tutoring under John Hammond, with the intention of studying Naval Tactics at Oxford University.
  • Princess Alexandra continues her work in London, largely working with Church officials to perform charity. A trip to Edinburgh is planned for 1685 where the Catholic Church of England intends to help those who were affected by the civil war.
  • John Churchill continues to oversee the reforms in Portugal while Portuguese officials do the same in London and elsewhere. Churchill would not return to London until he believes his job is done and he has learned enough from the Portuguese to maintain their reforms.
  • The Royal Navy is ordered to be expanded, ONE more First-Rate, TWO more Second-Rates, and FOUR more Third-Rates are to be constructed with the intention of completing them by the end of the year.
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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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