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[✗] C/A CREATURE LORE - Selkie


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Selkies are creatures connected to the sea. In water, (be it a lake, pond, ocean, etc), they take the form of a seal. On land, they take a humanoid figure. For hundreds of years, they remain bound to nature, and the ocean, due to a curse from Sequana, the Prince of the Cetacea. 

Originally, they were merely a band of humans surviving off of the land in the harsh, cold environments. Over time they learned to adapt, and started hunting for sport. Seals were their favorite target, as they would skin them for their coats and toss the rest back into the ocean to rot. One day they found there were no more seals to slay, and before they resorted to hunting dolphins in their place, they faced the wrath of the Leviathan, the Lord of Whales. He cursed their tribe to forever bound to the sea, and to become what they took advantage of, so that they could feel the same pain that their prey felt for far too long.



Selkies can come in a range of different appearances, though most are short and sport black eyes, like they would as a seal, as well as sharp teeth. Another feature are black hands and feet, sometimes having the same sort of discoloration on their shoulders or knees as well. Hair color varies, though the most common color is a fiery red shade, often being quite curly. Pale skin is quite common as well, though shades can range between that and darker shades. 

Height Range for Females tends to be between 5’ and 5’6, their weight ranges between 100lbs and 150lbs.

Height for males ranges between 5’5 at their shortest and 5’10 at their tallest, and their weight being between 140lbs and 190lbs.

[Lifespan of a Selkie normally lasts up to 700 years]


As a seal, Selkies take the form of a grey seal (and have no special abilities in that form, they’re just a regular old seal), which vary in size, females typically coming to around 7.5 feet long (and weighing in around 550lbs) and males being 10 feet long and weighing around 880 pounds.


[Example of Selkie as a human, art done by me (verriberri)]


[Source: Natasailincic.com // Natasa Ilincic]


[Source: JamesBrowne.net // James Browne]



Selkies, as seals, tend to have a more lighthearted and mischievous type of personality more often than not, especially when they’re around their kin, which is preferred for most if not all of them. Other than that their minds aren’t very different from descendants, since their kind originated from such. 

They tend to steer clear of water unless absolutely necessary; while they need to be nearby to ocean water to survive, they avoid entering it at all costs because of the pain of the transformation from seal to human.



Transformation: This ability is the main focal point of their kind, as well as their main curse. Once fully submerged in water (salt or freshwater) the Selkie will quickly transform into a seal. While this process is quick and painless, the transformation back to a human once they get back on land is painful, due to the curse they suffer. The Selkie sheds their seal coat and emerges as a human. This process feels as if they’re being skinned alive (Rain does not cause this to take place, and to be fully submerged their head has to be all the way underwater).


Turning: [All time stated is IRL time] This is the ability to turn another person into a Selkie. The person has to wear the seal coat that the Selkie sheds for three weeks. At the end of that three weeks, the person has to be drowned in the ocean by whoever they got the seal coat from. The next day they will wake up, seal coat gone, feeling just fine, though over the course of the next week they will start feeling more and more dehydrated, needing to stay closer to the ocean and carry seawater around, and by the end of that week, they turn into a seal and must reach the ocean before the end of the day, or else they stay a seal forever. If they reach the ocean before sundown, then the turning is complete. (Both parties must be in full consent for this to take place, both irp and ooc)



-Selkies cannot be more than 1000 feet away from seawater, for the farther they go away from it, the weaker they physically feel. If they wish to travel farther, they must carry a vile or container of salt water on their person at all times


-Selkies dehydrate quickly, so they must also drink plenty of water (fresh, not salt)


-Selkies cannot learn voidal magics


-Cannot forcefully turn a person into a selkie


-The transformation from human to seal takes three emotes, and the pain the selkie feels must also be emoted, it can’t just be “Crawls out of water” “Starts removing coat” “Tosses coat aside”.


-A Selkie cannot store their coats and keep them over long periods of time. If they’re not being used for turning, they will deteriorate in three (IRP) days


-A selkie cannot be transformed back into a regular human, and the turning into a selkie is permanent


-Selkies cannot speak whilst in seal form




A Selkies purpose in life is to group back together with its kin. The more Selkies in one area, the safer each will feel. 


OOC: I believe that Selkies will bring a refreshing new rp to places that might not have all that much action. A cursed species that only wishes to be brought together for the feeling of security could certainly add a bit of spice to areas that have a duller roleplay scene. 



[thank you to nivndil to suggesting the use of the mani, specifically sequana]




Edited by uilliam
further explaining seal forms, and even more redlines
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siren / mermaid gf...



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35 minutes ago, ohhehe said:

Maybe you should make selkies fey instead of the curse Route 

thats a really good idea! if i need to rework it i’ll definitely take that into thought C :

Edited by uilliam
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This is great lore +1. These creatures are in D&D and should also be in LOTC.


EDIT: Also, I don’t selkies should live for 700 years. Selkies in D&D only live for 70 years.

Edited by NotEvilAtAll
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**** it yeah man
server needs more variety

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I very much adore selkies and this so far looks great.


However, I would add more explainations regarding the seal form, just to keep people from any form’ve abuse. Likewise, a explanation of what kind of seals are available to turn into would be great. (As there is a great variance between say- a spotted seal, and a leopard seal.)

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6 minutes ago, Quavinir_Twiceborn said:

I very much adore selkies and this so far looks great.


However, I would add more explainations regarding the seal form, just to keep people from any form’ve abuse. Likewise, a explanation of what kind of seals are available to turn into would be great. (As there is a great variance between say- a spotted seal, and a leopard seal.)

i’ll definitely edit that! thank you for pointing that out to me ^^

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Also, does the standard selkie appearance over-write another race? (Like say a dark elf became a selkie, would they gain red hair and pale skin? or simply get a paler shade of grey, and a ruddy hue to their hair.) Or would dwarves or goblins turn taller?

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2 minutes ago, Quavinir_Twiceborn said:

Also, does the standard selkie appearance over-write another race? (Like say a dark elf became a selkie, would they gain red hair and pale skin? or simply get a paler shade of grey, and a ruddy hue to their hair.) Or would dwarves or goblins turn taller?

that’s also a good question; there would be changes to an appearance, but not completely. dwarves and goblins would stay their same height, but still get some attributes, like the black eyes and black feet/hands, etc. The dark elf is also a good example, and the latter is what would happen ^^ they’d get a little paler and get a slight red tint to their hair. having every selkie being super pale with bright red hair would be pretty boring!! so races like goblins and dark elves as selkies would be some pretty cool variety ^^

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Hello @uilliam

Post is here to confirm that you have gathered all the feedback necessary for your lore and wish to proceed with the reviewing process.

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