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Signed December of 2019


The rest of the world may call us plague bearers and disgusting vermin, but no more shall our kin suffer alone. We have come here today to secure our alliance, strengthen the bond of our people. 


We shall aid each other in war and peace.


The rats will leave the cat food and trash to the opossums.


The opossums shall leave the sewers and alleyways to the rats.


Safe travel may be discussed beforehand, allowing access to said territories.


Neither side may ally with cats nor bird of prey, it will break the pact.


Ave the Vermin Horde



Rat Queen,




Opossum Queen,




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2 minutes ago, Benelux said:

“Squeak Squeak Squeak” Said the plague bearing rat, a verminous glare shining in its red eyes as it skittered across the alley. Awaiting its next victim....


The exterminator would see the plague bearing rat and catch it with a net. He’d then throw the rat into the back of his van, storing it for later extermination.

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10 minutes ago, Benelux said:

The Rat’s many fleas would spring off of it. Going to begin sucking the blood of the exterminator, giving his foul soul the deadly disease they carried, incurable by modern science.... “Squeak Squeak Squeak” the Rat said joyously, as it became a martyr for the cause.


The foolish rat and it’s fleas should have known that the exterminator would be wearing an airtight uniform, one which the fleas could not penetrate. After all, he IS an exterminator, why would he not be wearing proper exterminator gear? The fleas, in defeat, jumped out of the moving van’s window, hoping that the fall would end their lives.

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4 minutes ago, Lionbileti said:

What the ****


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25 minutes ago, Benelux said:

An airtight uniform? The rat wonders how this technology is accessible with the teck lock of Lotc.


The exterminator continues to drive his van down the streets of the city in the year 2019 drinking a Pumpkin Spiced Latte blasting Kanye West.


26 minutes ago, Lionbileti said:

What the ****


Excuse me sir, we’re trying to RP here smh

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To the Vermin


We are sorry to hear, that you have recent complains with the way we Cats manage the realm, keeping it safe from the likes of you. That would spread sickness. We have tried to help you get clean, for this you can blame none but yourselves. The Cats laugh at this foolish notion. We shall clean the water ways of you. Adorn your armorment, you shall die within our jaws. Feel our sharp claws. To this, we declare open war open you, though it is not as if we ever stopped. 

  • The Rats will accept their place in the breeding pits, you will be fed, fattened, and devoured. An honor, truly. 
  • The Opossums will leave the Cat feed alone, or suffer the wrath of the Canines. 
  • The Rats and Opossums will accept their place beneath animals of prey, as nature intended. 
  • The Rats and Opossums will agree to re-location, or suffer annihilation. 


I adorn my armor, if you refuse you shall meet my teeth and claws. 




His Regency, The Lord Funky Bunch


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1 hour ago, ThatFunkyBunch said:

To the Vermin


We are sorry to hear, that you have recent complains with the way we Cats manage the realm, keeping it safe from the likes of you. That would spread sickness. We have tried to help you get clean, for this you can blame none but yourselves. The Cats laugh at this foolish notion. We shall clean the water ways of you. Adorn your armorment, you shall die within our jaws. Feel our sharp claws. To this, we declare open war open you, though it is not as if we ever stopped. 

  • The Rats will accept their place in the breeding pits, you will be fed, fattened, and devoured. An honor, truly. 
  • The Opossums will leave the Cat feed alone, or suffer the wrath of the Canines. 
  • The Rats and Opossums will accept their place beneath animals of prey, as nature intended. 
  • The Rats and Opossums will agree to re-location, or suffer annihilation. 


I adorn my armor, if you refuse you shall meet my teeth and claws. 




His Regency, The Lord Funky Bunch


 “you fuckin what mate? I’ll end your day.” a Video would play, proving the rat superiority. 

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9 hours ago, rukio said:

 “you fuckin what mate? I’ll end your day.” a Video would play, proving the rat superiority. 


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*bows to rat queen as he thinks about the return of the small rat king and the child ….. im going to post the picture 

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