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The Art of the Oscillit



Key Terms

Metaphysic - Literally beyond physics. Refers to a universally constant form of physics mostly unknown to both mortal and immortal alike. Its own nature of being beyond causes it to be extremely difficult to be measured by both those on the mortal planes and deific forces.

Resonance - The core anomaly that Kani harnesses. If there was a way to measure it, it would appear similar to a pressure/sound wave. 

Oscillit - Any individual who can cause the resonant anomaly.


The One With Tarnished Lungs

As with all things, there must have been a discovery and a first practitioner. Among the Oscillits it is spoken of one with damaged lungs, lungs that were scarred by flame, lungs that created difficulty in the regular act of breathing. This individual's patterns in breath were irregular, taking great amounts of effort to mimic the breath of the average person, a breath that often didn't supply enough air. But he noticed peculiarities as a result of his breathing, this peculiarity leading to a desire to satiate his curiosity about this phenomenon. With a determined push, this individual would spawn the beginnings of an art that would come to be known as Kani.




The Resonance Anomaly

Resonance is a curious effect that takes place within the bounds of mana, in which the energy of mana is displaced and in turn displaces what is around it, creating an effect similar to a sound wave. As mana exists within everything it can translate to physical effects on the environment, as well as curious interactions with mana based forces. 


Certain frequencies of Resonance can, with careful practice, lead to a control of inertia and friction. Liquids are the most receptive to these effects, while large solids are the least receptive with a rule that can be explained in simplicity. A solid is less receptive to manipulation. If a single particle in its construction moves all other particles must move simultaneously, whereas a liquid does not require this, meaning waves of resonance may more easily form. The less tangibly solid a medium is, the more it may be manipulated by frequencies, meaning things such as liquids, powders, and fabrics are easy to manipulate while a solid block of hardened steel the least. Naturally this effect isn’t one or two, it's one, two, and every decimal in between. This means every material is affected slightly differently. By following the rule between a hard solid and a soft liquid, it shouldn’t be too difficult to understand how a material would respond.


  • Liquids are the most receptive to Resonance.

  • Logically, solids are the least receptive. The harder a solid, the less receptive it is.

  • As a rule of thumb, the less tangible something is, the more it is affected by Resonance. Liquids, powders, and fabrics, for example.

  • Every material is affected differently, and by following this guideline it should be easy to accurately and fairly roleplay Resonance in any roleplay environment, combat or otherwise.


Interaction with Mana

The Resonance Anomaly has a basis in mana, and as a result it can be assumed that forces of potent mana will be affected by it. With the Resonance stemming from an Oscillit’s body, it can allow for a form of contact and interaction with mana. Mana exists within every factor of reality such as the air, the walls, and the ground. These things, being of normal physical forces, will not become anymore tangible or have much effect from Resonance. It's when mana exists outside of the normal physical forces that this effect comes into play; Evoked mana, non-physical beings of mana, and an abundance of mana due to some areas effects. Really it isn’t practical to list every single phenomena involving mana, but the point remains. The Oscillite must also be Resonating in some form to bring forth these effects, meaning interaction is selective and varies in intensity. This will become more significant in the abilities section.


  • Sources of potent mana are affected by Resonance, given Resonance is by nature manipulating environmental mana to build up to larger effects.

  • This does not apply to traditional physical laws or objects, when ‘potent mana’ is said. These things can still be used in Kani in general, but their ‘tangibility’ cannot be altered. ‘Potent mana’, then, refers to specific sources of mana and the effects an Oscillit can have on them.

  • For reference, sources of potent mana include the evoking of a void mage, beings made of mana, and or high potency of environmental mana from some outside source.

  • Mana anchors cannot be affected by Resonance, for balance reasons.

  • There are other things that could be considered potent sources of mana, but it’s largely circumstantial. These are just some of the more common and clear examples.


Passive & Aggressive Ranges

Resonance happens across a large range of frequencies that can be controlled by the Oscillit. The two main ranges are passive and aggressive, but they do not act in a binary fashion. The distinction between passive and aggressive stems from an effect in the aggressive resonance range where mana begins to act as though it were tasked mana, thus being considered active and burning away into aura as active mana tends to do. With the ranges not being fully binary, a resonant frequency can slightly enter into aggressive ranges with a slow burn, or delve fully in and create a brightly burning aura with powerful effect while passive ranges burn no mana and produce no aura. ‘Aura’ in this case is defined by effects and appearances surrounding the Oscillit.


The Aura produced from an aggressive Resonance frequency regularly deviates from the regular smokes, glows, and wisps of typical aura. Due to the nature of Resonance it tends to manifest in more chaotic patterns such as arcs of electricity or licks of flame. Really it may appear as almost anything imaginable in any combination of color so long as it never produces enough light to interfere with vision, is respective in intensity to how intense of an aggressive frequency it stems from, and comes from the locations in which the resonance is occurring. Often times more creative examples of Oscillits will purposefully train to tune the shape and color of the aura into their own artform.


  • There are two categories for frequencies in Kani: Passive and Aggressive.

  • Aggressive usage would result in the ‘burning’ of mana, causing the appearance of an aesthetic aura of choice around the Oscillit.

  • Utilizing Kani in any combat encounter counts as Aggressive Resonance.

  • Preparing oneself for Aggressive Resonance, a sort of ‘connection’ if you will, takes three full emotes.

  • This aura tends to be very chaotic, such as aesthetic and harmless electricity or flame.

  • It can be whatever you’d like, so long as you follow a couple of criteria:

    • It doesn’t produce enough light to interfere with vision.

    • Equivalent to the intensity of the frequency, and increasing or decreasing the intensity would affect the aura respectively.

    • It originates from the location of the resonance.


Mana Usage

An Oscillit’s abilities stem from mana, which is already present in the environment. As a result, the usage of their pool does not tire them like that of a typical mage. The normal mage’s mana pool stems from the soul, while an Oscillit’s pool does not. The Oscillit simply manipulates environmental mana, utilizing Resonance and frequency to get a desired effect. When an Oscillit’s pool runs low, it manifests as mana in either (or both), the body and the environment thinning out until it reaches a point where it simply won't respond to attempts at inciting Resonance. With the natural functions of the world, the mana will eventually restore after extended periods of time, but in extremely rare circumstances it may restore faster. Typically it's an unnatural occurrence caused by something outside of the Oscillit’s control, but the specific details belong to other lores.


  • An Oscillit utilizes mana in their environment, meaning they do not suffer exhaustion like a typical mage.

  • When the ‘pool’ runs low, the mana in either or both the body and the environment decreasing to a point where one can no longer incite Resonance.

  • This mana will be restored naturally after an extended period of time.

  • Certain rare circumstances may restore this faster, but that’s entirely outside of the Oscillit’s control and is the result of other lores.



It’s important to note that an Oscillit’s Resonance has range, though it’s very difficult to give exact numbers considering the myriad of materials and elements in the world with varying solidity and toughness, along with the flexible nature of the art. The manipulative range of water would be roughly six meters, whereas the manipulative range of hard solids tends to be a few millimeters.


  • Range varies greatly depending on the materials involved.

  • This depends on tangibility, toughness, and flexibility.

  • For a liquid such as water, an Oscillit could manipulate in a range of about six meters.

  • Harder solids can only be manipulating within a few millimeters.



All Descendants can use Kani, so long as they are capable of breathing to manipulate Resonance. However, Kani does require 1 magic slot, as well as learning from someone with an accepted Teacher Application. Additionally, for balance reasons, creatures who wish to use Kani must submit an additional submission explaining their usage of it and any unique effects as a result of their nature. Below is a small list of already accepted ones.

Azdrazi (in their descendant forms), Afflicted, Hou-zi, Kharajyr, Wonks, Musin, Siliti, Epiphites, Anthroparions, Homunculi (sized and strengthened no greater than the peak for humans) and Tawkin Husks/ Vessels are all capable of utilising Kani. 


CA races cannot perform Kani alongside any activated combat relevant abilities and must allow a single emote break following the completion of said abilities before they can begin to incite resonance again (IE: a passive ability, such as maintaining a third arm after the fact it was created by an Afflicted, would not render one in capable of inciting resonance, though active abilities such as a Varg shifting into their beastial form, all manner of Azdrazi flame abilities or a Siliti’s Metamorphosis (Major) ability would require a break after the ability’s completion before inciting resonance again).

Resonance cannot be incited through any location covered in hardened/ armoured flesh due to a CA (IE Azdrazi scales).

Kani requires breathing to use.

Kani requires 1 magic slot as well as an accepted MA to use.

Kani must be learned from someone with an accepted TA in Kani.

Above is the accepted list of current creatures able to utilize Kani. Others will have to submit a lore submission for their creature to use Kani, or include it in their base creature lore, if they are capable of utilizing Kani.

Unless lore states otherwise, all Descendants are capable of utilizing Kani. Even those connected to Aengudaemons, such as Paladins.

CAs not listed are incapable of utilising Kani. 




This exists to establish a rough balance and Kani should be played. Any and all actions within this section are not to be played rigid as it does not cover every possibility. Effects may be combined, so long as it follows lore and the rough limits provided.



Delaying of Inertia


Force is delayed for a short period on a striking point, and an aggressive aura will engulf the Oscillit’s weapon/fist. A faint aura will begin to grow upon the point that's struck. As more force is channeled into the striking point the aura will become more intense before flashing away when the force is released. Each consecutive strike against a chosen point will essentially reset an unseen timer placed upon it, a timer that scales with the material being struck. Something that is the epitome of solid will maintain a two second timer while a liquid will maintain a ten second timer. When done in combat, this can be considered to be in the aggressive range of frequencies.

On a metaphysical level, the frequency of resonance is tuned to such a specific point that it creates an echo within the area of impact. The resonant waves collide with one another, persistently canceling force and passing it unto the next wave. The medium that is host to this reaction provides interference to the waves of resonance, essentially causing them to taper off, at which point the accumulated force will translate back into normal physics all at once.



This functionally allows the Oscillit to build force on something. The usefulness is largely dependent on the situation at hand. This object becomes increasingly encompassed by an aura on the point of contact. This flashes away suddenly when the force is released. Each strike will reset an unseen timer, increasing the force put on the object in a building tension. A solid object will maintain a timer of around two seconds, while liquids will maintain one of around ten seconds. This is a range, depending on the object in question. However, each strike would reset this timer, until the Oscillit decides they’ve reached the desired force and it unleashes on the point of contact all at once.



  • This does allow for an Oscillit to build extreme force, but it’s all centralized on the point of contact. As a result, this doesn’t allow an Oscillit to say move a mountain given that would require a great deal of distributed force.

  • Additionally, each contact is still going to be a direct contact from the Oscillit, meaning the physical tiring and duress on the body from doing a repeated action is taken on at the cost of a single, stronger motion.

  • This requires an Oscillit to make contact with the same point as the first strike. You cannot make contact with an object on various different points to achieve this effect, as each one will be attempting to start the process and none would gain any more than the strength of a single strike.

  • This can be used on a living target, but given the fact that it requires repeated strikes on a single area, a target could very well likely move away before the Oscillit has time to compound their strikes.

  • When done in combat, this counts as an aggressive frequency.


Selective/Penetrative Inertia


It is possible to cause force to bypass an object. It's easy to think of this in a similar manner to a Newton’s cradle where a single weight strikes a series of weights who don't move until ejecting the rear weight, except with the manipulation of resonance it may reengage force in the center of a series. This allows for a penetrative effect towards armor, while it won't damage the armor the force passes as if there was no armor. With ultra hard solids, like carbon steel, the force may penetrate up to 3/16th an inch (7 gauge) and with softer solids, like hardwood, it may pass up to two inches. (If you can’t conjure a clear picture in your head, the measurements are well past what could reasonably be worn as armor and exist in the lower ranges of what would be considered structural.) In its own curious manner this effect does not produce the desirable effect when torque is brought into the equation, meaning nothing of importance would happen should one attempt to channel this through a large stick and strike an opponent across the head. Meanwhile, a direct strike from one of the body’s extremities, such as an Oscillit’s fist, carries the effect just fine. The effect is only possible in the aggressive ranges, making the feat impossible to perform without burning off mana.

On a metaphysical level, it’s similar to a Newton’s cradle. In a Newton’s cradle, there is a phenomenon where waves of pressure form between the suspended spheres that travel much faster than the spheres themselves, often times traveling the whole length and returning several times before the visible reaction truly carries. By tuning resonant frequencies at higher hertz it causes the propagation of force to fail in the physical realm while continuing in the metaphysical, often times making small leaps through lack of medium, continuing to oscillate. Eventually the metaphysical resonant waves will align with where they should be in the truly physical and allowing force to propagate at that point, thus having skipped past a portion of the series and allowing the Oscillit to control reengagement through the frequency of resonance. Forces such as torque prevents the waves from realigning and propagating due to waves skewing off at separate angles, thus never hitting the aligned point.



This ability can be equated to something like a Newton’s cradle. In essence, it allows the Oscillit to make contact with an object and to transfer the inertia of their strike through the object without affecting what is in between. This can mean armor, or any other object within the bounds of what can be manipulated through Resonance. The range of what can be affected is as follows: With ultra hard solids, like carbon steel, the force may penetrate up to 3/16th an inch (7 gauge) and with softer solids, like hardwood, it may pass up to two inches. (If you can’t conjure a clear picture in your head, the measurements are well past what could reasonably be worn as armor and exist in the lower ranges of what would be considered structural.) This doesn’t function when torque is used. This is because of how it functions on a metaphysical level. This means direct strikes are required to carry the effect. An example of what wouldn’t work is swinging a stick down over somebody’s head through their helmet. The torque in the swinging of the stick interrupts the oscillation. A direct punch, however, would carry the effect in the ideal manner.



  • For ultra hard solids, the force may penetrate up to 3/16th an inch (7 gauge).

  • With softer solids, like hardwood, it may pass up to two inches.

  • The measurements are well past what could reasonably be worn as armor.

  • Torque cannot be used with this ability; it interrupts the oscillations on a metaphysical level, preventing the inertia from being carried through. As such, direct strikes such as with a fist function in the ideal manner for this.

  • Given the direct and intense nature of manipulating the Resonance in this fashion, this ability has to be an Aggressive frequency.




It is possible to cause liquids and softer solid matter to temporarily harden. While creating a durable membrane out of the surface of a pond for easy passage would call for a passive frequency, a fabric fixed to behave as armor would require aggressive resonance. By using more aggressive frequencies it is possible to further the influence of the effect. A good four could be achieved on fabric while a 7 meters could be achieved in liquid. Hardened matter behaves similarly to what would be an extremely sturdy rubber. Piercing and cutting instruments would not bounce off without a mark, they’d cut into the material, but face heavy amounts of resistance.

On a metaphysical level the resonance is tuned to induce a fundamental frequency, overriding the true fundamental frequencies that would occur within a true medium. In reality the fundamental tone, or first harmonic, is simplified as a frequency where a single wave travels back and forth through the medium. In the metaphysical ‘world’ of mana, the fundamental resonance may oscillate at a higher frequency than reality without losing its fundamental status. The results in the medium housing the mana to become synchronized in relative space, meaning the molecules in a liquid or soft solid material lose their ability to move relative to each other. This means that a material loses fluidity, elasticity, and plasticity. Fluidity and elasticity are the first to be lost, molecules will not freely pass each other and once displaced in any manner will not make any attempt at returning to original position. Plasticity comes on quickly with a tapering rate, meaning properties similar to a moist clay appear almost instantly and quickly rises up towards those of a hot metal with more aggressive frequencies. It is theoretically possible to run a frequency aggressive enough to make a perfect solid but doing so would burn valuable mana at an extreme rate. As such, it remains a simple theory.



Hardening allows for an Oscillit to harden matter past it’s natural point. Using it underfoot to travel across the surface of a pond would count as Passive Resonance. However, using this in combat in any fashion as well as say, hardening fabric to behave as armor would require Aggressive. Around 7 meters of water at once can be hardened, while only about 4 meters of fabric could be hardened. Other things could be hardened as well, but the effectiveness is only as relevant as what you start with and both fabric and water are the most likely options. Something that is hardened can be likened to very sturdy rubber. One can cut into it, but would face much resistance from it. The effect can be ceased rapidly by an Oscillit, and will fade on it’s own within a short period if ignored.



  • Usage in any combat scenario would count as Aggressive Resonance.

  • 7 meters of water can be hardened at once.

  • Only about 4 meters of fabric can be hardened.

  • Anything else is within a range between these two.

  • The texture and resistance of a hardened object is like tough rubber; one can cut through it, but would face much resistance from the nature of Hardening.




Friction can be both added and subtracted using Kani, resulting in two different scenarios. Friction can only be altered within a 6 meter area, though this area can be moved by one making contact on a new point to incite Resonance.


Addition/Subtraction of Friction

An amount of friction may be added to a surface, whether this be a martial purpose of planting one's footing or a feat of scaling a waterfall. A simple amount of friction required to prevent one from slipping on a surface may be done within passive resonance while something that carries body weight will require aggressive resonance. It would be impossible to scale a sheer 90 degree stone wall regardless, as the material simply isn’t receptive enough. As a rule, you can only climb things that one can scale mechanically. This rule can be bent in events, however, with ET permission.

A surface may be made more slick but on your average flooring this effect doesn’t have enough influence to affect any individual other than the Oscillit themselves. While on a surface that consists of a receptive material it may be done to cause something beyond oneself to slip, but doing so would require the usage of an aggressive resonance.

On a metaphysical level, friction is caused by imperfections in an object's surface interfacing with another object's surface and creating resistance when they attempt to move past each other. Resonant frequencies are tuned to interact with these surfaces and either amplify the imperfections of a surface, creating more friction, or minimise them, causing less. This effect slightly rearranges the molecular structure of a surface, either removing or creating imperfections.



There are two ways an Oscillit can utilize friction. This is by either creating more friction, or reducing it, on an object. In either case, friction can only be influenced within 6 meters of the point of Resonance. Adding friction to an object will allow scaling it easier. Using Passive Resonance, one can prevent themselves from slipping off a surface. Hauling one’s body weight, however, such as in climbing, requires Aggressive Resonance. You can only use this to climb things that one can climb mechanically, though this rule may be bent in events at the discretion of an ET. Subtracting friction doesn’t necessarily allow an Oscillit to make somebody ‘slip’, as average flooring isn’t receptive enough for it. However, if on receptive flooring such as something smooth or otherwise wet, an Oscillit can manipulate this to a point where it’s very difficult to walk upon. If the Oscillit wished to manipulate something rough -- akin to gravel, grass or sand -- they will find their range limited to only [4] blocks. Doing so would require Aggressive Resonance.



  • Changes in friction can only be achieved within 6 meters of the point of Resonance. If one repeats this elsewhere, the previous point of Resonance ceases to increase or decrease friction.

  • These effects can be stopped by the Oscillit, but will otherwise slowly wear themselves out within a few passing minutes.

  • Passive Resonance can be used to turn the flooring underfoot to be more receptive to friction, allowing the Oscillit to stop themselves from slipping.

  • Hauling one’s body weight in any fashion, however, would require Aggressive Resonance.

  • One can only climb what can be done mechanically, but this rule is bendable in events and is up to the discretion of the ET.

  • An Oscillit cannot cause someone to slip on normal flooring, it’s not receptive enough.

  • If the floor is slick to begin with, regardless of if it’s slick with ice or water or whatever else, then the Oscillit can manipulate it to be unbearable to walk upon. This does, however, require Aggressive Resonance.


Persistence with Mana


Tasks that mana has been forced to partake in may be ‘extended’ in time, or in other words forced to freeze. This means that an evocationist’s bolt may be forced to persist in reality and in a form of stasis.  Even if the original source of mana is removed it will persist, although tapering off with time. This effect can only be accomplished in Aggressive Resonance.

On a metaphysical level, certain frequencies of resonance can stimulate mana, often causing it to seize up. In relative observation it appears that it, in a way, has frozen itself in time. With this assumed stasis, most effects halt as well. Transfers of thermal energies halt, transfers of kinetic energies halt, and if for whatever reason it is normally effected by gravity, it will not fall. If the stimulated mana was being fed and was cut off from its source its total lack of current function means it only fades out at a considerably slow rate.



The Oscillit can utilize Aggressive Resonance to ‘seize up’ mana that has been evoked, essentially extending it’s stay in the Descendant realm. You can consider it frozen in time. This persists even if the original source of the mana, such as the mage, has ceased to persist. This stasis has a couple of significant effects. Thermal energies halt, kinetic energies halt, and regardless of if it should be affected by gravity or not it will instead hang in the air. It will, despite it’s stasis, slowly trickle away back into the void into nothing albeit taking a rather slow time to accomplish such.



  • This persists even if the caster, or otherwise the source of the mana, has stopped evoking it.

  • Heat transfer stops, as well as kinetic energy and the effects of gravity.

  • For all reference, it functions and appears as if it’s ‘frozen’ in place.

  • It will slowly trickle away to nothing, but it shall take a significant amount of time to accomplish this, around one to two narrative hours.


Tangible Energy


Tangibility can be created within energy, of course the energies that exist naturally in the Descendant realm would not somehow become more tangible than before It's that which isn't physically bound that gains tangibility. At passive frequencies the response is weak, only able to cause minor distortions with little practical usage. Aggressive frequencies give a much more usable response, allowing the Oscillit to handle energy as if it were physical matter. Naturally energy behaves based upon how it manifests, meaning if you attempted to grasp energy traveling at velocity it may not be the wisest of ideas. Something that's manifesting in a gaseous state is likely to behave as an overfilled water balloon, with it quite simply washing over the appendage used. Something manifesting as a solid is likely to behave as if you were attempting to catch a baseball or knife without any protective hand gear, and any overwhelmingly large moving object is quite simply a bad idea. When the energy in question is at lower relative velocities the effects are quite different. If the resonant source has a higher relative velocity it has the tendency to bludgeon, allowing the Oscillit to strike at the nonphysical in the same way they would strike the physical. When the relative velocities aren't largely different the Oscillit may grab or induce the curious effect of latching. Latching quite simply locks the resonant source onto a body of energy, allowing the ability to grab something that's too large or too smooth, as well with force that varies depending on the way energy is manifest. Something that isn't manifested as a strong force may be pushed and pulled while something stronger would be able to fight against the influence like a fish on the line. Tangible Energy can only be accomplished with Aggressive Resonance.



Resonance can be utilized to give further tangibility to what wouldn’t have it otherwise. As such, Tangible Energy has no effect on naturally occurring objects or forces of energy, only that which is an ‘independent body’ of energy without being bound to the physical plane. This must be used wisely, as giving ‘tangibility’ to something moving at velocity will allow it to make physical contact. Something gaseous would be constantly attempting to escape it’s new boundaries, pushing like an overfilled water balloon. Something as a solid moving at velocity would be, if you made contact with it, like trying to catch a fast moving baseball; a bad idea. With lower velocities, however, it can be manipulated further. If the Resonance has a higher velocity than the target, the Oscillit may grab, strike, or otherwise make contact with the force themselves as if they were striking the physical. This allows the Oscillit to punch ghosts. When the velocities between the Resonance and the energy source are similar, an effect known as ‘latching’ takes place where the fist, hand, or whatever part is being used to conduct Resonance is latched onto the energy source. This allows the Oscillit to push or pull something without much force or velocity, while something with more force behind it could fight like a fish on the line and possibly harm the Oscillit by proxy.



  • Can only be enacted on ‘independent’ bodies of energy, nothing naturally occuring.

  • A good example is Ghosts, but any body of energy not intrinsically tied to the physical realm can be affected by Tangible Energy.

  • If one’s strike is at a lower velocity than the body of energy, then it would result in the body of energy being able to strike the Oscillit rather than the other way around; imagine catching a fast moving baseball, or worse.

  • If one’s strike is at a higher velocity, then you could do the inverse; striking the energy source as if it were physical.

  • Latching requires a similar velocity to the moving body, and will connect only the first point of contact with the body of energy.

    • No ‘proxy’ such as a rope can be used for this, to extend the reach, as Resonance has to be done within a few millimeters of the point of contact.

  • Latching a moving or living body of energy could be a bad idea, as it could move and fight like a fish on the line.

  •  Latching works both ways; if the energy suddenly pulls away the Oscillit will be dragged along with it, should they refuse to release.

  • Latching does not lock onto an entire body of energy, only what's in close proximity to a resonant source.

  • Cannot be used to catch spells projectile spells, at least not without the consequence of a projectile making contact.




Through resonance it is possible to cause granules and particulate matter to condense together. Matter is made to stick together when eventually making contact. Thus something heavier than air and at rest, such as sand on a beach, will condense must faster than something floating through the air, such as smoke. What results is particulate matter condensing around a resonant source within a few millimeters.

On a metaphysical scale, the act of condensing runs off the same core effect that allows for tangibility within mana with very few differences. The core difference is that the pull is slightly larger than the push. The mana bound within matter naturally wants to remain bound, and thus resists the push but remains fully receptive to the pull. Because of this each time two particles contact they begin to stick.



An Oscillit can utilize resonance to pull together small particles, causing them to condense and come together into a whole solid. An ideal target would be sand on the beach, which is heavier than air and at rest. As such, something like sand particles would condense much faster and much better than something such as smoke. Smoke can still be accomplished, but it’s trickier and takes more time to coalesce all the smoke.



  • The more ‘at rest’ particles are, the easier they are to Condense.

  • Sand is the easiest, something like smoke would be the most difficult.

  • Using this in combat would count as Aggressive Resonance.

  •  Nothing being condensed will ever directly touch the Oscillit; only by proxy through Resonance.

  • If something like rain is under the effect and is being forced together into a ball it will eventually be subject to the gallon limit.

  • Solids that are forced together will eventually become subject to the ten pound limit.

  • You cannot flick condensed materials into the air on a whim, you must physically interact with it, using Resonance as a proxy to direct touch.




Description & Mechanics

An Oscillit can briefly augment their own passive resonance to envelop objects and surfaces, temporarily linking that surface’s resonance to be more attracted to another’s than the ground’s resonance and consequently cause them to float, freely orbiting (or remaining locked in the space surrounding) the Oscillit.

This allows the Oscillit to ‘carry’ an array of objects in a floating orbit through the immediate space surrounding them (the point of any object being held being no further than one foot away from the Oscillit’s skin) or alternatively remaining stationarily ‘stuck’ in contact with their physical form as if held by a magnetic force. Practitioners of Kani will still be encumbered by the weight of these orbited objects, though freed from the restrictions that come with having to use their hands, pockets, pouches or other means of carrying objects along. The weight of objects placed in an individual’s orbit will be felt by them, as if they were carrying the objects normally. 

Objects in this ability’s grasp will always move through the path of least resistance, shifting out of the way of incoming projectiles, walls and people. In this regard floating objects cannot be used to strike nearby individuals and will actively shift out of the way when attempted to be used for such, and Orbit cannot be used to drop objects onto people, with even recently released objects persisting on said path of least resistance until they hit the ground. Similarly, floating objects will avoid incoming strikes if held between the Oscillit and oncoming strikes or projectiles, though this does not apply to objects that have been rigidly ‘stuck’ to the Oscillit, which behave moreso as if they were strapped in place. 

An object can be physically pulled out of an Oscillit’s orbit just as easily as if it were being pulled out of an open pocket or bag. Objects that have been ‘stuck’ to the Oscillit however will require more force, akin to pulling apart powerful magnets, requiring at least the strength of an adolescent human to yank out of place should the Oscillit not willingly release it.

Furthemore, Orbit can be used for a passive bubble of ‘minor avoidance’, allowing an Oscillit to keep shielded from rainfall, dust, sand, being muddied, being bloodied or otherwise; protected from contact one might consider to be a nuisance, either having said nuisances miss around the Oscillit in the path of least avoidance or idly orbiting around them in droplets or particles. 

Orbit can also be harnessed on an Oscillit’s own attire, allowing them to for instance guide cloaks out of the way of being snagged or tripped on, or even moving their own hair out of the way of their face.

Unlike other abilities in Kani, the passive ranges of resonance manipulated for Orbit are low enough that master Oscillit (T5) can even maintain and utilise its effects whilst speaking.


-Orbit cannot be used to directly attack or harm others. 
-The Orbit ability does not alter the way in which Oscillit apply their other abilities (which still all require physical touch to incite resonance aggressively). 
-Naturally being limited to a one foot range and primarily used to comfort an Oscillit in terms of keeping attire and luggage in convenient places via their passive resonance, objects in an orbit also cannot be thrown, or moved with significant enough force to hit or block in a combative sense. 
-Minor avoidance is explicitly defined as allowing the Oscillit to avoid ‘nuisances’ headed towards them. It has no bearing on combat, and will not affect incoming strikes, splashed liquids, powders or projectiles during nor can it allow the Oscillit to orbit droplets or particles significant enough to hide or obscure themselves within. Minor avoidance immediately reaches its limit and collapses in when droplets or particles sufficient to ‘submerge’ any part of the Oscillit are orbited, meaning an Oscillit could not for instance stick their head underwater and keep it dry. 
-Objects in orbit cannot collectively weigh more than what the Oscillit could reasonably carry with their own physical strength, stacking atop any weight that the Oscillit is also carrying naturally.
-Attempting to apply Orbit on the resonance of a surface too heavy for the Oscillit in question to lift will cause the spell to backfire, sticking the body part of the Oscillit to it for three emotes as if they were themselves magnetised. This cannot be used to fly or escape a fall with.
-Requires one emotes per object: the Oscillit’s focus followed by physically touching the object to ‘place’ it in orbit. The exertion of this ability is felt as the physical exertion one would feel from carrying objects normally. In this regard using Orbit to stick a tower shield to one’s back would tire the Oscillit just as much as if the tower shield were being held on their back with straps. 
-Orbit requires the use of Passive Resonance
-Orbit is a Tier Three Kani effect.


Kinetic Blast

Description & Mechanics


The only ability in the art of Kani known to will Resonance out of an Oscillit’s physical form, the Kinetic Blast is a short-ranged bolt of concussive force often utilised by masterful practitioners to shatter doors and windows, as well as a last ditch attempt to keep foes at bay. 


By assuming the proper stance through which to channel their resonance, a masterful Oscillit can focus the inertia of all of their limbs through a single blow, propelling forth their full strength into a single concentrated strike that travels up to five meters forth before dissipating.


When at out of combat and without risk of disruption to their resonance the ability can be used nigh instantaneously by expert Oscillit with a flick of the wrist against inanimate objects. This is because the ability requires both more time and focus against creatures with active resonant fields, as the Oscillit is challenged with overcoming the usual laws of Resonant entropy. 


-Kinetic Blast occupies a one block wide space of force, which can be released by the strike on physical contact with a target or travel forward up to a maximum range of five blocks before dissipating. Kinetic Blast cannot have its course altered once launched.
-Kinetic Blast when successfully impacting a target will bear the combined force of the Oscillit’s physique, somewhat akin to if they had tackled the target with their whole body. This output varies depending on the strength of the Oscillit (for instance a Halfling’s Kinetic Blast would be less forceful than an Orc’s) though even the strongest of Kani users can exert no more force than an Olog’s fist.
-In combat this spell requires three emotes: the Oscillit’s focus and the appearance of a resonant field upon their hand or foot, followed by a drawn out pose as if about to punch or kick in their chosen direction. The third emote would entail the swinging of their hand or foot and the release of the blast towards their intended target. The exertion felt by this spell is triple that which would be felt if they had physically swung the blow themselves. Out of combat the spell can be cast instantaneously on inanimate objects or spaces.
-When used in attempts to break locks and windows, standard rolling rules apply; Kinetic Blast offers no advantage to the chances of breaking in or out of a building in this regard.
-Kinetic Blast requires the use of Aggressive Resonance. 
-Kinetic Blast is a Tier Five Kani effect.






It is established in lore that the immortal planes are linked to the void and Aengudaemons channel their powers through links to the void. Spells and energies that are channeled through deific sources are subject to voidal metaphysics. Deific forces that directly manipulate the physical realm, such as druidism, are subject only to the physical interactions stemming from the metaphysic. Lifeforce is an element of the mortal planes and qualifies as physical. When lifeforce is within living matter there is no method to interact but when it is present in the environment it by default acts as a gas, unless otherwise specified.



Quirks are factors that cannot be controlled in character. Mostly notable things pertaining to, and caused by the functions of, metaphysics.


Enchantment Interference

Due to the Oscillit's energy pool stemming from what's naturally existing energy in their physical body and what exists around them, enchanted objects will drain at an accelerated rate or face a diminished return. Items that have a finite pool of energy will not last as long and items that have a regenerating pool, or infinite pool, will have a diminished potency. Should an Oscillit refuse to use their powers then this will not be in effect, but as soon as an aggressive resonant frequency is hit anything in their possession will be affected. On the other side, should an Oscillit attempt to abuse the natural drain of aggressive resonance to nullify an enchanted object, while it may work, it will also drain their own pool.


No Connection

Metaphysical magics do not use a traditional connection. It stems from something physical and no souls are involved. As such, most are eligible for Kani unless some other magic or connection states otherwise.


Ignorance of Deities

Unless a deity explicitly is dedicated to studying a portion of metaphysics it's unlikely for one to be aware of metaphysics. A deity has the power to simply will something to happen within their own realm, meaning that the tedium of setting up the conditions for a metaphysical reaction to manifest then carefully learning to manipulate these conditions is extremely impractical.


Environmentally Based Energy Pool

Nothing that adds energy will be able to undermine resonance as that is similar to putting out a fire with gasoline. Additionally, it would be unwise to lead an Oscillit into the rare area where energy is explicitly more abundant or to set up a condition where energy is more abundant. When the environment explicitly has more energy for whatever reason this does count towards the energy an Oscillit is able to utilize. 


Requirement of Organs

Internal organs are required to become an Oscillit, more specifically respiratory organs. Anything with the ability to breath could possibly use Kani. Due to the potential any balance may be violently skewed or destroyed by certain creatures Kani may not be taught to any creature until an amendment is passed. The amendment is to establish balancing factors or create balancing factors, ham handedly if need be. Refer above in the ‘Eligibility’ section to see creatures that are currently okay to use Kani.


Energy Based Creatures

Energy based creatures will be able to perceive the drain from aggressive resonance. This is not to say aggressive resonance will give the scorching agony of holy magics as no two Energy Based Creatures will feel the same thing as a result of resonance. How something will perceive and respond to this is up to the player of the creature. Common reactions are discomfort or other similar, unsettling emotions.


Armor and Weaponry

Large amounts of heavy solid armor inhibits resonance by being both a non-receptive material and increasing the complexity in which the Resonance frequency must travel through. The interference of strong solids vastly cuts down upon potence and range of Resonance while also cutting into the control the Oscillit has as the common shapes of armor begins to distort frequency.

Light gear and non-solids provide less interference than heavy solids. With varying levels of rigidity and density will have various levels of interference but in simplicity less direct protection means less interference.




General Redlines

  • Being physically unable to breathe would prevent you from being able to learn Kani.

  • Unless specified, an Oscillit cannot create resonance in the air, or any gas, past a few inches. 

  • An Oscillit cannot use Resonance to ‘bend’ elements. They may influence an object, but not to such a refined point that they could manipulate it as though they were using transfiguration or elementalism.

  • Resonance cannot be achieved directly through any metallic weapon or armour piece worn by the Oscillit. This also applies to materials of similar density to metal, such as Ironwood, as the inciting of Resonance through objects is hindered by said object’s hardness first and foremost. This leaves the possibility for wooden or softer weapons to be used in certain ways and with certain abilities should the ranges be met. 

  • If an ability does not state a specific range, that range is expected to be the point of contact and a few millimeters around that point of contact.

  • Touching back on the previous red line about air, Resonance cannot be directly used for ranged attacks. Indirect methods are possible by using Resonance to interact with certain objects in the environment, though you’d have to get quite creative.

  • As the magic relies heavily on breathing, speaking will upset your breathing rhythm, preventing you from inciting Resonance.

  • Resonance does not scale the strength of your strikes.

  • Does not arbitrarily make punches stronger.

Tier Progression

Since learning Kani is an experience of learning how to create and use Resonance, as well learning an unarmed martial art, it’s difficult to give a learning time. The floor limit would be three months, but in most cases it would be much longer. To make progress, a student must roleplay training, on top of that they’d need to train with other Oscillits. Kani may be taught with OOC oversight, and does not require knowledge of spells to progress in tiers. However, one may not utilize spells they have not been taught by a teacher in roleplay or make a TA without knowing all spells.


T1 (Immediately) - The soon-to-be Oscillit is just learning proper breathing techniques, along with how to incite Resonance.


T2 (2 weeks+) - The Oscillit is able to create and manipulate the more passive ranges of Resonance (Referred to from this point as Passive-range Resonance), but not without an active effort and full concentration.


T3 (1 month+) - The user has gotten the basics of manipulating Passive-range Resonance down, able to perform passive tasks with only mild difficulty, and is now taking their first steps into more aggressive ranges of Resonance. This tier would be spent learning the proper breathing techniques, along with optimal movements.


T4 (2 months+) - The user is able to harness and manipulate Passive-range Resonance near effortlessly, commonly performing tasks subconsciously with muscle memory (Without direct thought and effort). They have learned to create and properly utilize Aggressive-range reverberation, though by no means have perfect form. Reverberation may be used too lightly or heavily in some areas, producing potentially erratic results. Creating and roleplaying your own flaws is encouraged.


T5 (3 months+) - The user, now a master of both Passive and Aggressive-range Resonance, they can harness and manipulate any range of Resonance with ease.


Continuous Resonance

Continuous Resonance is a technique that may be taken upon by someone who is skilled with Kani, but still wishes to study the arts of the void in their full extent. By training oneself to maintain a minor state of passive Resonance in the body through daily life it is possible to resist the corruptive forces of a strong voidal connection while bolstering one's physical condition, effectively negating the typical mage weakness. This does not fully nullify any down sides but merely shifts the downsides into another factor. With a state of constant resonance you begin to develop a constriction on your own ability to pull from the void while the continuous frequency causes mana leaving from the regular mage pool to burn. This provides the effect that resonant aura accompanies casting in times of tumultuous resonance, meaning casting times are doubled (three emote becomes six) during combat.



  • Continuous Resonance can begin as soon as someone is T3 in Kani, and is not a feat nor additional slot.

  • Continuous Resonance allows for one to surpass voidal weakness. However, this comes at a cost. Despite maintaining the same amount of mana and subsequent exertion as a non-Oscillit, voidal casting times are doubled during combat, and will require additional concentration if shifting from inciting Aggressive Resonance to establishing a Voidal Connection and vice versa; the two can not be done in tandem and a one emote break is required between beginning to utilise either.


Purpose (OOC)

I have always held the opinion that Kani has held it’s own niche on LotC, though one I believe has never been fully realized. By rewriting this and submitting it I hope to revitalize it as well as fix what I saw as issues. I have never been much a part of your community, but to you Kani players, I hope I have your blessing. Feel free to suggest some changes if I do not.






Dunstan/Bestscarface76 - Creating the original lore, which I’ve kept mostly the same.

Aehab - Fixing the original lore, turning Dunstan’s illegible madman scrawlings into (mostly) coherent sentences.

Archipelego - Me, for spending the last 8 ******* hours to reformat, edit, fix, update, and adjust all of this.

ZachoSnacko_ - Critique and writing assistance.

Squakhawk - Critique and writing assistance.


Mordu, 26/05/2021: multiple edits and additions in light of this piece's acceptance.

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punch me Archi +1

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oh, so you’re approaching me? Instead of running away, you’re coming right to me?

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1 minute ago, TheMissileKnowsWhereItIs said:

oh, so you’re approaching me? Instead of running away, you’re coming right to me?

I can't beat the **** out of you without getting closer

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Good lore, all concerns had been addressed in pms!

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Thank you for submitting your piece! Your piece is now under review and a reply will be given once a verdict has been reached.

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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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