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[Shelved][✓] [Addendum] Azdrazi - Severance


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The Inner Flame of an Azdrazi is an esoteric thing, wholly comprised of a metaphysical network of dragonsflame that spans the entirety of the Azdrazi’s body, beginning within their torso and twisting along the otherwise comparatively mundane circulatory system not dissimilar to the flow of blood. In a relaxed state, the inner flame will remain static, having no reason to move ichor along the network; if an Azdrazi chooses to manipulate their inner flame, however, then it will seamlessly work to supply its vessel with enough of the substance to carry out the desired tasks. That being said, the inner flame only operates as expected in hosts with functional organs, as it consistently transmutes mortal essence into draconic ichor: the substance that flows through the ethereal network of dragonsflame.


To sever an Azdrazi’s inner flame by force is to strip them of their very source of being. The only method of severance is valid in its definition, undoubtedly and unforgivingly stripping an Azdrazi of their flame, and thus leaving them hollow. Tales of Azdromoth plucking the fire from excommunicated followers are few and far between, yet exist among those who could be called his children, and more common are those records of Azdromoth’s Gift to his children, the Immaculate Blade, being used to enact his judgement. This form of Severance was through the use of a closely guarded Draan that has long been in the possession of the eldest of the Titan’s children. Pruzah Tuz, known also as the Ritual of the Immaculate Blade, was gifted by Azdromoth to the first of his children to bear the mantle of the Immaculate Blade, the righteous instrument of his wrath. A failsafe to ensure that the Azdrazi would not turn against their master, it became exercised frequently during the war between the Archdrakaar’s children and Malin’s Kingdom as corruption befell their maker and some doubted the sacrosanct purpose they uphold in the defense of their master and the hallowed grounds of Tor’Azdraeth, rooting out those they deemed unfaithful. While it was not always upheld, the Creeds of the Titan served as a precedent for what warranted the excommunication of an Azdrazi from the Titan’s gift.





I. Speak not in blasphemy of the Draconic Canon, for it is the Law of the Firstborn

II. Consort not with the dragon-foe, for they besmirch Him

III. Obey His decree, for it is thy purpose

IV. Honor His flock, for they are thine

V. Revere foremost the Firstborn, for He is thy father



Severance does not necessarily entail death, and those fallen from the grace of the Titan have been recorded to go on and live mundane lives free from the burden of their immortality. However, some being unable to withstand the sudden and drastic change in their physiology and mental state die of a state of shock, or become comatose through the sheer mind breaking shift in being stripped of their draconic aspects which had constituted their personalities and being for so long. To be stripped of one’s inner flame is an excruciating process. The ritual itself requires two individuals who possess the Pruzah Tuz Draan and must be carried out in unison. Each ritualist must, in turn, be empowered further by an Azdrazi or Herald requiring in total four individuals at minimum to carry out Severance. The ritual for Pruzah Tuz is uniform without variation unlike other Draan rituals. Upon invoking the Draan, an ethereal blade of dragonsflame is conjured not unlike that of the Dragon’s Spear. The invokers, upon driving the weapons into the heart of an Azdrazi, absorbs the draconic ichor that constitutes their inner flame into the Draan and forcibly rips it from their body. The immediate effects are intense pain, feelings of disorientation and complete and total emotional apathy as their body rejects its draconic constitution and their powers begin to fail them. There is no reversing the ritual once it is carried out, and the only way to restore an Azdrazi’s inner flame is for them to undergo the Transference anew.




The first phase begins as soon as the flame is put out. An Azdrazi will immediately notice the beginning of the end as they fail to cast any enrapturements, their current disguise rapidly deteriorating and thus revealing their true draconic form pursuant to feelings of confusion, apathy and disassociation. For the next three days, their muscles will shrink, leaving them weaker than they’ve been in recent memory—about as weak as a tier 3 voidal magic user—by the end of the third day.


The second phase begins shortly thereafter, on the fourth day. The flameless Azdrazi will find that their blood and lungs carry hints of ash, the ichor and lingering embers beginning to expend themselves from the Azdrazi’s form as their body begins to reject the remnants of their draconic being. The affected Azdrazi will find themselves wheezing and retching on a more and more frequent basis, cold ash replacing heated breath as their body begins to violently reconstruct itself, bone and flesh reconstituting itself in an agonizing process that slowly restores them to their original, mortal form.


The third and final phase begins on the sixth day. With lungs of ash, an Azdrazi’s mind will begin to degenerate and they will lose the sharp mental clarity and recollection they once had as many aspects of their draconic self fade, such as the intrinsic urge to seek out knowledge or maintain their hoard. At this point, their mundane flesh is fully reconstituted and by the seventh day the weakness passes and they are returned fully to normality. This is however not always the case, and some Azdrazi will befall more severe symptoms in their bodies rejection of the inner flame, leading to physical degradation and outright death, or mental decay.






The ritual requires two Azdrazi who have been taught the Draan, as well as two Azdrazi or Heralds to additionally participate in the Severance.

Severance does not require prerequisite rules to be broken, and while the Creeds of the Titan are used as a precedent, Azdromoth enforces no specific mandate on his children to that end.

Under no circumstances can the ritual be used to enforce a permakill on any character. Death as a result of the ritual is entirely opt-in based on the recipient’s desires and will otherwise cause them to simply reverse to whatever state of being they were prior to undergoing the Transference.




Pruzah Tuz - This draan is used in the Ritual of the Immaculate Blade, in which two Azdrazi sever the inner flame of another of their brothers, excommunicating them from their covenant and reversing their transformation, returning them to a mortal existence. Azdrazi only. Exhausts 4 draan slots. Must be taught.

[1 emote to begin ritual, followed by a minimum of five of preparation emotes]




To reintroduce the old concept of the Immaculate Blade into the lore, as it was a present aspect of much of the roleplay for the Azdrazi in the Axios – Atlas period, while moving away from the old concept of ‘one person, all power’ and instead provide it as a Draan ritual that allows for the disconnection of an Azdrazi without forcibly permakilling the character in order to provide an out and as a means to provide an in-character quality control mechanism that ensures Azdrazi cannot simply stray from their purpose and service to Azdromoth and what he upholds without any possibility of consequence.

Edited by Simpalicious
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+1 Much needed.

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A needed amendment, to be certain. 

Edited by Malaise
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2 hours ago, Simpalicious said:

Severance does not require prerequisite rules to be broken, and while the Creeds of the Titan are used as a precedent, Azdromoth enforces no specific mandate on his children to that end.

I don’t like where this is going.

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Just now, Pup said:

I don’t like where this is going.

Azdromoth does not police his followers like Xan or deities in that vein would, therefore it wouldn’t make sense from an in-character perspective to magically restrict the ritual to being used on offenders of xyz code and tenets. It is a guideline to be followed, and generally speaking, would be the only reason a character would suffer consequences as an Azdrazi without invoking the wrath of the rest of the Azdrazi for what might be considered an unjust disconnection. All of the Elder Azdrazi who are still active (and would be given the Draan were it approved) are not the kind of people to go gung-ho and start advocating disconnections for stupid things. It was never an issue when the Immaculate Blade was present and in the hands of a player character, who could literally enforce a permakill on any Azdrazi for any reason whatsoever, so I don’t think it’ll become an issue here.

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A needed addition.

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Honestly just as long as it goes to all teachers it shouldn’t be an issue.

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3 hours ago, Simpalicious said:

Severance does not require prerequisite rules to be broken, and while the Creeds of the Titan are used as a precedent, Azdromoth enforces no specific mandate on his children to that end.

This is absolutely going to be abused. Under no circumstance do I hope this lore is even considered. I’ve personally never played an Azdrazi, and haven’t even rp’d with one in probably a few months, but would outright deny this as a concept. This is a great way to start disconnection wars. You cite before that ‘elder azdrazi’ would consider it a big nono to do to someone who hasn’t broken non-lore enforced creeds, but if only one group exists large enough to do this and no other group exists, then there is no way a person can contest this and it leads to absolute tyranny.

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1 minute ago, Zacho said:

This is absolutely going to be abused. Under no circumstance do I hope this lore is even considered. I’ve personally never played an Azdrazi, and haven’t even rp’d with one in probably a few months, but would outright deny this as a concept. This is a great way to start disconnection wars. You cite before that ‘elder azdrazi’ would consider it a big nono to do to someone who hasn’t broken non-lore enforced creeds, but if only one group exists large enough to do this and no other group exists, then there is no way a person can contest this and it leads to absolute tyranny.



There’s literally no issue with this disconnection war stuff it’s literally people being babies and being scared they are threatened. It’s genuinely a sort out in roleplay issue that doesn’t need to be redlined in lore because someone might ‘unfairly’ lose their status (even though it doesn’t even PK them). If a magic is lead with Tyranny, it naturally dies out. I hate the idea of blocking disconnections and **** with OOC redlines over just what happens IG, why should you have to appeal to a random LT to disconnect a character when it happens IG.



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100% mirror Joel’s words on the matter. There should not be some mystical OOC redlines enforced on disconnection; all it would serve to do is hinder roleplay. There was not an issue when the Immaculate Blade was still in the lore and a single player had the authority to force permakill any Azdrazi at will for any reason whatsoever. If that was not abused, I do not feel like this would be when it requires two ritual holders plus another two Azdrazi (or one and a herald). Most of the Elder Azdrazi do not see eye to eye on a lot of things in roleplay, they do their own things and have their own beliefs and the only thing that would legitimately prompt its use would be if people were blaspheming against Azdromoth or doing things that are in a similar vein. That said, I really do not believe it would end up being problematic considering we have for a long time self-policed without a single problem, @Jake! and @Harrison can back me up on that.

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1 minute ago, ScreamingDingo said:



There’s literally no issue with this disconnection war stuff it’s literally people being babies and being scared they are threatened. It’s genuinely a sort out in roleplay issue that doesn’t need to be redlined in lore because someone might ‘unfairly’ lose their status (even though it doesn’t even PK them). If a magic is lead with Tyranny, it naturally dies out. I hate the idea of blocking disconnections and **** with OOC redlines over just what happens IG, why should you have to appeal to a random LT to disconnect a character when it happens IG.



Except there has been many problems with disconnection wars in the past. A prime example of this is the clerics. People were fairly obviously OOCly biased against one group or the other, and it led to characters simply disconnecting other clerics all because of OOC, but there was nothing to stop them because they could simply just say their character wanted to, even though the person getting disconnected had never broken any tenets. It leads to absolute **** fests and the past shows us this perfectly.


@Simpalicious If it wasn’t written into the current lore, why would it be excluded? Seems like something pretty important to just miss out on writing down in a formal lore rewrite.

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Just now, Zacho said:



@Simpalicious If it wasn’t written into the current lore, why would it be excluded? Seems like something pretty important to just miss out on writing down in a formal lore rewrite.


Can you clarify on what specifically you’re referring to as not being written into the current lore?

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Just now, Zacho said:

Except there has been many problems with disconnection wars in the past. A prime example of this is the clerics. People were fairly obviously OOCly biased against one group or the other, and it led to characters simply disconnecting other clerics all because of OOC, but there was nothing to stop them because they could simply just say their character wanted to, even though the person getting disconnected had never broken any tenets. It leads to absolute **** fests and the past shows us this perfectly.


@Simpalicious If it wasn’t written into the current lore, why would it be excluded? Seems like something pretty important to just miss out on writing down in a formal lore rewrite.

It was intended to be in the original lore but was omitted as we wanted to focus on getting Azdrazi simply passed first and foremost. The intention was to then have a comprehensive expansion on the Azdrazi. A disconnection method is one of the expansions that was agreed upon by the active Azdrazi base and through the LT we consulted when @Taylor rewrote it. Azdrazi are incredibly powerful, and need a method to keep the mentality that our lore defines in check. 

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Just now, Simpalicious said:


Can you clarify on what specifically you’re referring to as not being written into the current lore?

the immaculate blade

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