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Recovering The Ancient Tongue Of The Elves.


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Best bet is to CTRL+F on the first page, or on the Ancient Elven wiki page. If a word is not there then try something similar (although I am pretty sure teacher is already there, as an example you could search for 'teach' and then apply an affix from the table at the top of the page to designate someone having that purpose)

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A very good thread! Bookmarking for updates and going to be trying to implement some of these words into my characters speech :D!

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I think this should be pinned because all elves should try to use it. Kind of like how the orcs do.

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Because of your tremendous work on this, I believe this should be pinned and therefore, make it so that more people will talk in Elvish. I'd also love to learn this and help accept this as a Nation-Wide Language for us elves.

Anyways, Pinned. ^^

Great Work Guys.

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Ok, so I was going to read this thread until I realized that it was an entire textbook on elvish so instead I'll just ask. How do you say "Teacher" or "Master"?

EDIT: This is great and when I actually have the time I'll try to learn it. Great job on this!

A word for teacher would be naelir

A very good thread! Bookmarking for updates and going to be trying to implement some of these words into my characters speech :D!

I always support this! You can check out the wiki page as it has more ready-to-use sentences.

I think this should be pinned because all elves should try to use it. Kind of like how the orcs do.

Well, this language is 'ancient', which means it's forgotten by most elves. You generally expect a smaller group to borrow a few words from it, and only a select few to speak it fluently. It serves a purpose, but it's different from what the Orcs do.

Because of your tremendous work on this, I believe this should be pinned and therefore, make it so that more people will talk in Elvish. I'd also love to learn this and help accept this as a Nation-Wide Language for us elves.

Anyways, Pinned. ^^

Great Work Guys.

Thank you, Mylas. Your faith is greatly appreciated. I warn you, though, that this language is difficult to learn, even with documentation. I wouldn't dream of forcing the casual elf in LotC to speak it fluently :P

With your support, however, we can bring it to light to a certain type of RPer. It certainly gives great immersion if the right people can use the tongue in the right situations.

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I really wish people would learn this.

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Thank you, Mylas. Your faith is greatly appreciated. I warn you, though, that this language is difficult to learn, even with documentation. I wouldn't dream of forcing the casual elf in LotC to speak it fluently :P

With your support, however, we can bring it to light to a certain type of RPer. It certainly gives great immersion if the right people can use the tongue in the right situations.

Indeed. I don't plan to use this fully, though in phrases and such I would. Also, we can simplify it somehow so the Casual Elf can also speak it just as the orcs did with their language. Anything is possible. ^^

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Maybe this Ancient language could be used as a way to regulate magic users? Just an idea but I see quite a few people running around firing spells out of their... yeah with no actual training from someone.

So to learn spells one would have to learn the phrases? I don't know just an idea.

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Maybe this Ancient language could be used as a way to regulate magic users? Just an idea but I see quite a few people running around firing spells out of their... yeah with no actual training from someone.

So to learn spells one would have to learn the phrases? I don't know just an idea.

Well, Ill quote myself from a PM i sent earlier today. It's about my ideas on Elven and how it ties in with magic.

In my rendition of the language, Ancient Elven was only spoken. Elves had a taboo on this, so whoever wrote down ancient Elven for other races to find was handling irresponsibly and against the laws of the coven.

Reason for this was that Elven tongue had magic in its very inflection. It was the language of nature, and could communicate directly to the dormant energies that flow through Aegis. Leaving the chants for less responsible races to find was hazardous, and leaving it inscribed on trees or rocks might leave lingering energy, 'wild' runes or sigils that could release an unnatural and wicked power.

The Old Elves wrote in a language not unlike common (middle english?). OOCly, the reason for this is that you won't have to learn elvish if you want to 'find' (aka write) Elven history. Aka, we don't force elven on anyone.

Yeah, I wrote lots of lore here, not a single bit of it approved. Of course, we can process a paradigm shift if this feels too much like 'powergaming' or you feel it's inconvenient. The ancient elven is impossible to pronounce correctly (simulated by incongruent grammar rules on apostrophes... you won't see anyone IG placing them correctly, even my character :P). Nobody gets to tap into the magic, but the lore is there to give the tongue a mysterious and taboo feeling. It definitely is too hard for a human lifespan to master, though, and my Human character will die before research comes to completion.

This kind of magic is very different from anything existing. It assumes the power is drawn from nature, while Mages draw it from themselves, and Noble Races draw it from their gods.

The language is a unique kind of magic and doesnt conflict with Undead or the Mage Guild. However, to make these musings I had actual lore I WILL need GM support, and the need to spread it.

For now, it's just for you to chew over :P What I wrote there allows for minimum conflict with people writing their own history and not knowing about/wanting to use elvish. That was the original purpose. I did not want to 'claim' magic with my language. That'd be selfish.

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There are lots of ways to use magic, so when someone wants to learn magic it isnt nessesary to learn elvish.

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There are lots of ways to use magic, so when someone wants to learn magic it isnt nessesary to learn elvish.

There you go. And if you're learning it just for magic I wouldn't recommend elven to you. It's hard. And not endorsed by anyone as actually useful so you might still get protesters.

But now that I think of it, if you RP learning elvish you could probably tie that into RPly learning magic (don't quote me though... I am no expert on what's allowed and I don't have the GMs point of view on any of this).

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I'm learning magic and I'm thinking I may try to learn elvish and use it with magic later but right now I'm good with just learning Spanish :mrgreen:

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Because Ancient Elven is practically like the language of the earth we come from, when I spoke Elvish to use magic it was much more responsive and allowed me to build a rapport with the wind.

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I'm actually willing to learn this, so I think I'll compile a dictionary like version of this to document when we have almost finished. +1. Very nice work.

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Good luck with that. Elven is based on joining words and affixes to create the word you want. To compile a full dictionary would be a VERY large task. It has been put together pretty well on the WIKI [linky link], so perhaps you won't even need to do that.

More in-game books to help people learn Ancient Elven would be good, but there's only about 5 lines per page, so it will very quickly become a large book.

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