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[✗] Tawkin - The Epitomic Alchemy


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A depiction of the angels visiting the Alchemist King of Llull, creating Alchemy.




The Epitomic Alchemy


“And so they looked for the Tower of Llull, desperately hoping to find truth.” — An alchemist to his student


There are many legends which spring from Alchemy -- ecumenical cures, ultimate weapons, and immortality, beckoning forth those daring such pursuit. Many have tried, yet failed, to procure such wonders of the sciences as these nigh fabled tales evade the grasp of even the most resolute of scholars and philosophers alike. Yet there are none so beguiling, dare I say enchanting, as the creation of life; to apply the arts of alchemy as seed and station akin to that of the womb, and thus engendering moldable life, organic matter, and the shapeing of flesh and bone. Truly it is a wonder, if not a profane one, to see such accomplished, for it stands against the high-held belief that only GOD, in His good grace, was entreated to constitute sentience and manifest forth being. Yet in their asininity, mankind sought to circumvent the doings of fate (for they are of the most ambitious and impertinent sort), achieving a means of replicating this divine right through a most unnatural employment of Material science.


The craft was first perceived in the nigh ending ages of Arcas, amidst the second Orenian age. The confrontations and conflict with the damnable hordes had left the descendant peoples lost and divided, further erupting into quarrel amongst themselves. Fire and gold had met in rage as the lands of man scrambled for whatever allies they could so muster in those trying days. Dark sorcerers and wretched cults had come to proliferate and fester amidst the kingdoms of man, sewing their iniquities amidst the few fair souls which lingered among humankind. And although not profane inherently, even those untainted by dark liturgy had come to bear within themselves a divorce of mind, sent spiraling into madness at what marvels they had seen -- for that which Tawkin bore were of melded flesh and bone, birthed no longer of GOD’s grace, but of the devil’s own machinations.


Such low-held creatures were naught but a sacrilege upon the LORD’s good work, bearing themselves below the most contemptible of beasts, no longer of the orderly and pureOne might have thought such wrought of wicked malediction and the occult, but alas, they were far more natural than those would deign to admit; for these wretched creatures were not of blackened sorcery, but rather, the Material Arts themselves -- wrought forth in a idolatrous effort to play god. This inane exercise of the alchemic was hence christened by its progenitor it as Tawkin -- the practice of creating and transmuting life itself.






The foundation of alchemy hinges upon essential truths, for just as GOD’s word is law, so too do the sciences of the Material follow a distinct pattern and principle, namely that of equivalent exchange; for one cannot gain what they do not offer in turn. Those of Llull had come to know this well, for even the great Philosopher King himself employed such postulation in all goings of life -- and when Alchemy was given form, not only were the materials of the world looked to, but also the flesh and bone of man, and with that, were birthed many esoteric practices. Through this, the art of Transmutation developed further, imparting upon the philosophical sages of yore the ability to alter the very flesh of the living, and seeding even greater potential.




Shaping is an arduous task, requiring that any who employ it take heed of its intricate and precarious nature. Through this particular practice, an alchemist may make use of one particular compound known as Molder’s Tincture; an elixir capable of rendering flesh and bone malleable as if it were but clay, permitting the alchemist to mold them to their will. This can be used for all sorts of things; from grafting, to perhaps changing one’s appearance slightly. Of course, one must employ great caution with such a potent solution and process, as even the slightest mis-application could result in irreversible damage to oneself, creating permanent warps in the flesh and bringing further blemish upon the body.


In order to perform this alchemic process, the alchemist must possess an adequate workspace which possesses amidst it a large vat or tub, one conventionally drainable. Once this is acquired, the vat may be filled with the Tincture whilst the victim lies within it, overwhelmed by what may seem akin to a tingling sensation, if not even pins and needles from the sheer nature of the tonic. Hereafter, the alchemist may mold the flesh and bone of whomever lies submerged in the tub, rearranging them as they see fit, albeit taking exceptional prudence as the slightest misstep may wreak devastation upon the alchemist or their query. Granted, less significant changes may be employed, such as to one's limbs or ligaments, oftentimes merely done by the alchemist themselves, though this too requires delicacy and attentiveness, as any use of Shaping can still lead to grave impairments upon the flesh.


Though by no means inherently harmful, should one act to hasty or lack precision, they may very well warp the flesh and bone of an individual to a nigh irreversible degree, and while oftentimes not causing pain or harm, it may prove to be detrimental to function. Say, for example, an alchemist were shaping a leg -- should their movement slip, they may cause the leg to bend back, and thus, cause the individual to become cripple due to the legs inability to function. Furthermore, should one attempt to graft the head or chest, it is more than likely that they may damage a vital organ such as the heart, lungs, or brain, certainly leading the patient to perish in a most agonizing fashion as their very insides are warped beyond repair. 


  • Essentially, an alchemist may use Molder’s Tincture in a vat or large tub whilst an individual is submerged (mostly) within it, allowing them to manipulate the flesh and bone of the individual as if it were mere clay. The use of this requires OOC consent on the part of the manipulated individual and cannot be done in combat, requiring a great amount of effort and focus lest the alchemist make a mistake and unintentionally harm the individual.
  • Shaping cannot be used to shape vital regions such as the head, the chest, any internal organs, nor (and it pains me to say this) genitalia. Additionally, shaping cannot altar height and will offer no benefit to the effectiveness of organs, such as sight. Natural armor made with Shaping will only be as strong as leather, while natural weapons have the maximum durability of bone. These may only be improved by means of further mutation.
  • Shaping will offer no benefit to any natural skills or affinity that would surpass the maximum of the individual’s given race. Moreover, magical weakness cannot be circumvented by any means of shaping.
  • Though there is no particular emote count or time requirement, should the alchemist be hasty, they may very well make an error in their work. This would likely cause some malformation like a bent back finger, or visible warp in the flesh, inciting great discomfort to the individual and impairing their function significantly depending on what was warped.
  • While able to perhaps cover surface-level wounds, assuming they are non-fatal and relatively small, shaping by no means is capable of healing injuries, acting more akin to some weak sealant. Additionally, if flesh is shaped over a wound, it will be made rather thin, now even more likely to be torn open without caution like some delicate scab.




Aextraordinary matrimony of Tawkin Creation and Transmutation, permitting the creation of a perplexing, faux-life which bonds with the individual it is made attached to, and thus becoming one with their own form. This is hence made an attachment naturally bound to whomever it is applied, acting as an extension of their very being; whether an additional ligament, or ,God forbid, an entire limb. These synthetic creations are wrought forth as the product of Bogodan’s Clay -- coined after the leper, a great Aeldinic Alchemist, who in his quest for a cure to his affliction, created many wonders of Alchemy. Bogadan’s Clay is a term used for artificial flesh and bone, malleable, and key to many feats of Tawkin. Though, these often have more use than their initial function; it can be used to structure life, to help heal someone who lost chunks of flesh, or are missing fragments of their bone. Depending on the shape and thickness of clay, it will determine its strength; for example, hollow bone clay would be incredibly weak, but useful for things such as avian flight — assuming one wanted to fix a bird’s destroyed wing in this case.


Forsooth, once the modification has been fashioned of the clay, it must be surgically implanted onto the individual, oftentimes through a rather strenuous and painful procedure. Though the use of Molder’s Tincture might be applied to make the ordeal less arduous, it will nonetheless require great effort and leave the individual with a much remaining pang wherever the graft was applied as their body further acclimates to the foreign presence. Different augmentations, however, take varying amounts of time to shape based upon their size and complexity, this further adding to the amount of time for the body to adapt to the graft. This will also necessitate practice in order to control, as they certainly would be unable to pilot things as additional limbs in a single day. Even the control of newly grafted ligaments is not inherent to the being of whomever it was applied to.  


To remove a graft, however, is a far more taxing feat; for whilst one is subject to great pain upon its inception and installment upon their form, to have something added pales in comparison to remove that which has been made a natural part of an individual. The performance of this is one that necessitates the use of Forced Divergence; an antithetical concoction to that of Molder’s Tincture, pulling apart the seams of whatever has been granted by Tawkin, severing the intricate weavings which tie the modification to the individual and permit it severance. This procedure is one of conceivably greater strain and agony, leaving said individual broken for a time as their body makes a gradual effort to mend itself from the trauma.  


  • Grafting is the process of using Bogodan’s Clay and other various alchemical reagents in order to create a faux-life which attaches itself to an individual and becomes one with their body, though by no means parasitic or symbiotic; making itself fully part of the body it is grafted to as if it were natural, albeit with some time given to acclimate. 
  • Internal organs must be able to fit within the body and be surgically added. One cannot add an extra lung, for example, as it simply wouldn’t fit. Replacement organs are also possible, though again, must be surgically implanted. Furthermore, grafted organs would not be superior to a regular organ on their own and would arguably be more inferior. Grafted organs cannot be any respiratory or circulatory systems, nor can they be the stomach, liver, any type of gland, or the brain. Again, sexual organs cannot be grafted by any means. I can’t believe I have to write that.
  • The strength of grafted limbs is spread throughout. For example, were one to have two grafted arms, about one-fourth of their strength would be designated to each arm, the total amassing to their maximum race’s strength, assuming they were in such a condition as to promote that effect.
  • All significant functioning grafts require a MArt submitted by the graftee in order to be applicable. Aesthetic grafts which bear little to no function, such as an extra finger, do not require a MArt to operate.
  • Removing a graft is incredibly painful and cannot be performed in combat. When a graft is removed, the character is, while still playable, incredibly weak and unable to perform any combat for up to two OOC days for a minor graft, and four OOC days for a functioning, major graft. This is done through the use of Forced Divergence and is incredibly painful; leading to phantom pain for some time after, if not permanent, upon the graft’s removal. 




Often seen as a far more vile application of direct Tawkin Transmutation, Mutation is the process of altering life in a way that is beyond its current form and capability, not merely in the realm of aesthetics, but as well as application, whether that be people, animals, or plants. Frequently, this is used as a means of coaxing particular traits in animals, such as dogs and cats, or even horily mutating them into some wretched beast, this furthered through means of Chimera making, which is explained moreover later on. Such practices were evident through the Aberrant of Mordskov, who mutated hounds to bear terrible mandibles split, and the ability to eject razor-sharp spikes from elongated, barbed tails which stood the envy of all manner of demonic evokers. 


This process is performed through means of a particular elixir which bears the recipe for the particular mutation one much desired, though ultimately dependent upon the alchemist themselves for application. Almost certainly, a sort of metamorphosis occurs wherein the potion is either consumed or perhaps applied over a long period, some of the more zealous lot even going so far as to submerged the mutated individual within a vat of the stuff as they are made helpless to watch as pain courses akin to fire throughout their veins, their very body contorting and warping into that of a mutated, damnable form, perhaps even against their will; only made further excruciating the more drastic the mutation, lasting from days to months in the process.


Mutation may be split into two categories, those being Major and Minor mutations. The former, as implied, tend to consist of rather trivial things, limited to aesthetics or whatever lies within the bounds of the individual’s own race, assuming it would not conflict with things such as the effects of the profane arts of the Void upon one’s flesh. Such applications may come in various forms, though some examples may be things such as permitting a dog shinier fur and granting them webbed paws as to endow them greater swimming ability. Others tales have told of somewhat perturbed alchemists who had turned their friends into albinos as a mere cruel joke, or perhaps even granting an individual greater metabolism, albeit not superhuman to any capacity.


Major Mutations, meanwhile, are far more dire applications -- oftentimes exceeding the bounds of the natural in their employment. Vast in application, these can grant anything from slight boost to a change within the very fabrics of one’s mortal coil. These mutations, too, come in many forms; from making one’s arm a blade, to granting them a regenerative boost which remains nigh unmatched by any descendant who calls themselves as mundane. Though not limited to merely these, one should take note of the tedious nature of each mutation and their supposed inception, as even the slightest oversight may yield utter torment and true disfigurement to the unfortunate victim of such error.


  • Tawkin mutation is the use of an alchemical concoction, either ingested (minor) or rigorously and frequently applied (major) to an individual in order to grant them some form of alteration within an organic individual; plant, animal or descendant. While there is a base concoction which one must work off of, the alchemist is left to their own devices when employing the other necessary signs and symbols to yield a particular mutation. 
  • All Major Mutations require a MArt to be applicable, submitted by the mutated individual. While Major Mutations are capable of exceeding the maximum capabilities of one’s race, this cannot be so to an absurd degree; for example, one could not likely yield a major mutation granting olog strength a human under nigh any circumstance. Though Minor Mutations do not demand a MArt, it is recommended one logs them on a document, and they are not able to exceed the maximum capability of an individual’s race; for example, a minor swimming mutation would only permit an individual to swim akin to the maximum performance of their race, not greater than an athlete at most
  • Mutations require OOC consent from the individual, and are only applicable to those who are capable of retaining them. Creatures or individuals who possess regenerative or metabolic abilities that would prevent them from retaining such changes (i.e. striga, siliti) would not be capable of receiving any sort of mutation. Additionally, creatures whose soul blueprints have been altered to a significant degree, such as Zar’akal or Frost Witches, are unable to be receptive to any sort of mutation. Typically, however, any normal individual, chimera, or homunculi would still return with their mutations.
  • Mutations to a plant/animal/creature that is non-playable should be detailed thoroughly on a document with expressed LT approval, much like signing. LT should be informed when one of these mutations is changed. MArts may be needed if they are significant.
  • The placing of a mutation upon a living organism is a rather lengthy and potentially painful process. While a lesser mutation could be applied seamlessly and develop in one’s sleep, a major mutation upon a person could take a series of several excruciating OOC days, the individual’s body taking time to accustom to the new function/presence as it is significantly weakened for that period of time. Furthermore, one would not have mastery over said mutation within the first day, even if such a mutation were incredibly minute such as an additional finger or what have you.
  • Removing a mutation is just as painful and lengthy, as the mutation’s flourishing, taking three OOC days (minor) or five OOC days (major) in which the individual is incredibly weakened and unable to fight effectively in combat.
  • Mutations cannot break any in-game mechanics, such as flight, and should still remain reasonable in the case of Major Mutations. No mutation is going to let you shoot out laser eyes or anything of that sort. They’re biological. Additionally, no mutation of any sort can be used for any sexual, explicit, or romantic purpose.
  • Mutations cannot circumvent a race’s primary curses. For example, no super-fertile elves. 




The following are examples of Major Mutations which may be applied to an individual. While such are not merely restricted to those below, nor do they follow the particular format, they should give the player a general outline as to what these mutations may appear like and how they may function. However, should a custom mutation be made, its explicit mechanics, drawbacks, and redlines must be stated upon the MArt. Furthermore, submitted mutations are not hidden, and can be easily replicated by another assuming they possess the proper means in-roleplay. Welcome to copyleft.



Natural Weapons -- An individual may be mutated in order to possess natural weaponry composed of bone, though no greater than that of steel in terms of durability, making it still susceptible to damage from enough force. These often come in the form of some modification to one of the individual’s appendages such as one’s hand, or perhaps their entire arm should they wish. However, The natural weapon is completely fixed upon the applied location, and can only be hidden through unconventional means. It does not merely dematerialize upon whim or anything of the sort, and often requires one to hide it through means of some gauntlet or making themselves appear as an amputee. 


Superior Metabolism -- Through means of Tawkin Transmutation, an individual may be made to possess a superior metabolism as opposed to that of a regular descendant, capable of regenerating themselves at a significantly faster rate. Though such is rather passive and fast-acting, it is not instantaneous, and is relatively painful to the mutated individual as well, their very flesh and bone mending in a most horrific fashion. Along with this comes the immunity to things such as ingested poison, though only to a certain degree. Due to the stimulation of the blood, however, when mutated in this fashion, it is not uncommon for those under this boon to face things frequent afflictions such as internal blood-clotting, as well as nausea, vomiting, and light-headedness. Though not restricted to merely those three, they do set a base for the severity of this mutation’s drawbacks. 


Heightened Sense(s) -- An individual may be mutated in order to be granted ‘heightened senses’, permitting them greater feats of dexterity and sensitivity to things as sound, and perhaps even things as keen eyesight. In the case of dexterity, a mutated individual would gain a benefit in such only slightly above that of a regular individual of their particular race, though not superhuman to any capacity. For sight and hearing, theirs would be akin to that of their peak capability, perhaps able to hear a footstep behind them or see as akin to some predatory bird. Nonetheless, despite being mutated, these capabilities are still rather foreign and unnatural to the body of the individual, often instilling a sort of “sensory overload” where the individual is caught off guard by something as numerous noises occurring at once, a strong and perhaps unappealing smell, or a loud flash; each of these briefly dazing the person/animal, especially towards the early stages of this mutation. Migraines are also frequent in circumstances of excessive stimulation.


Boiling/Freezing Blood -- An individual may be mutated to make their blood colder or warmer than normal, allowing them to traverse through extreme regions much more safely. Having boiling blood would allow one to traverse cold and icy regions more comfortably, while having freezing blood might allow one to traverse the interior of a volcano for a longer period of time than any mundane individual. The drawback is dependent on the type of mutation. In the case of boiling blood, one would appear relatively red and warm as if they had a fever, often requiring more water in order to sustain themselves as perspiration formed upon them easily. In the case of freezing blood, meanwhile, one would find themselves to be rather chilly, their movement sluggish.









“A fusion; a convergence.”  —A Witch Hunter upon examining a Chimera corpse.  


“Even GOD Himself looked upon such beasts and saw within them no beauty, for they were but a perversion of what he had made good.“ — The Archbishop of Ithm


Terrifying beings which stand as the product of alchemical fusions between creatures in a botched attempt to create new life. By mashing together animal carcasses within a vat of Transmorphic Tincture, a Chimera may be created, retaining traits from each animal that were melded together. For example, a dog conjoined with a cat would hold traits of both, yielding perhaps dog-like fur, yet with whiskers and a gravely malformed maw -- if not potentially having two heads. Through such a process, their lesser souls have conjoined, leading to great conflict within the perverted beast, causing it to often run rampant and be rather difficult to tame. However, far more wicked applications have come about through such a practice, namely the melding of descendant and an animal into what is known as a Descendant Chimera, a true perversion of all that was once both man and beast.




The creation of one such as a Chimera is done through a process known as “Melding”, which employs the use of advanced alchemy and a clear understanding of the Material Alphabet. First, one must concoct what is known as the ‘Transmorphic Tincture’’.  Once the tonic has been measured correctly in proportion with the creature’s size, it must be carefully poured into a vat of lukewarm water, then mixed for a moderate duration of time until uniform. The intricacies, process and, recipe for the tincture itself is recorded privately as to avoid metagaming. After this is complete, one may set themselves to adding in the parts of the creatures desired; up to three for bestial chimeras, and one animal and a human for a descendant chimera; each of these set in different regions of the vat to ensure they don’t meld prematurely. Lastly, one must slowly stir again, moving closer towards the center to draw each of the creatures closer together, their soul essence compiling, at which they will be melded -- the Chimera now fully formed and emerging from the vat to either subdue or be subdued by whatever questionable man wrought it forth. 




Chimeræ themselves are grossly hideous beasts, mottled with deformities from stippled patches of hair, to hideous growths and malformations in their flesh as a result of their abominable fusion. Monstrous by their very nature, by no means do they bear any conventional attributes of the common beast or critter, instead a gruesome blend of all that embodies the feral nature of GOD’s creation. Best left described as a patchwork of flesh and souls, Chimeræ possess a myriad of deformed traits, either by their original merit, or adopted from their coalescence, whether that be brute strength, agility, keen senses, or other such traits; alas led to an early demise as their contorted spirit rejects its twisted host. 


Some among them might bear amorphous bodily components, such as irregular maws and crooked teeth, and other perversely set deformities. Both Bestial and Descendant Chimeræ hold similar asymmetric features and physical imbalances, though the latter’s physical stature being more humanoid in composure; along with whatever animalistic proportions resulted from their melded counterpart. Though some bipedal Chimeræ remain, quadrupedal abominations are far more prominent, even in the case of descendant abominations, as both branches of these creatures now withhold the characteristics and capabilities of other animals employed in their synthesis whilst they were still whole. For example, a small pony melded with a wolf would perhaps have sharpened teeth, keen eyesight, and some speed, each living moment made one of perpetual torment. 


Further among their defects, these creatures endure fallibilities akin to that of darker, more impious entities of the realm, for indeed they are as such. Ecclesiastical, or ‘holy’ powers hold an incredible and excruciating influence over Chimeræ, smitting them with the power of whatever deity withholds contempt towards their lot. Silver too, though not as damaging as aurum would be upon some  revenant soul or other damnable entity, may still prove a viable means of warding off these fell creatures. Such a lustrous material is rather unpleasant for a Chimeræ to come into contact with, akin to a hot iron upon their flesh. Moreover, any regular means of damaging the a beast may be employed against these, whether it be flame, or blade, or some other ingenuity of man. Still, one should take heed of these vicious creatures, for do they spare no wit nor reason in their moments of weakness. 



Chimeræ Anatomy Abridged

- All Chimeræ appear incredibly repulsive and disfigured, bearing bald patches or tufts of fur, feathers, scales, and other external features as a result of their fusion. Amorphous body parts, irregular maws, crooked teeth, and other usually placed deformities are also all common for both species. Generally, the strength of both types is mean of the initial animal(s)/descendant’s combined vigor, rarely exceeding that of an olog in any scenario. In addition, any traits or abilities the Chimeræ possesses cannot be greater than  or differentiate from that of the animal counterparts that made them, and are limited to mundane traits unless explicit ST approval is granted. A Chimeræ would not have steel-strength natural armor unless there would be some viable explanation for such (i.e. Tawkin Mutation), wherein that case it would be applied in a MArt or their CA. Lastly, Chimeræ are susceptible to the effects of Deific/Holy magic, such as Clericalism or Paladanism; and pure silver may cause them excruciating pain, though does no inherent damage. 




The mind of a Chimera is in a state of perpetual conflict, the various voices and souls of the amalgamated creatures crying out in agony, anger, and confusion, pleading and begging for their cruel, profane existence to be ended. They may spontaneously lash out in confusion and anger or suddenly slink away in fear and anguish. They are far more vicious and rabid than their animal counterparts, regardless of their composition, making it difficult to tame even the simplest of Chimeras. These creatures also take on a great disdain of regular animals,  envious of their whole and pure forms in comparison to the Chimera’s melded amalgamation of body and mind. As a result, Chimeræ of any sort will tend to keep a distance from other animals, even more so those of similar composition, lest they tear the poor creature limb from limb in a vicious frenzy.


In terms of behavior, Bestial Chimeraswill be twice as ferocious as their whole counterparts due to their distraught state. Taming creatures such as these is no simple feat, regardless of the pure separated forms the chimera was forged from. As any animal or creature of the earth, Bestial Chimeras act akin to a beast, having relatively limited intelligence and cunning based upon the nature of the creatures which were melded in order to create it. They are chaotic, and seldom obey direct commands, acting with recklessness and oblivion. They may be territorial and defend land viciously to the point of death, creating danger for those careless enough to wander into the Chimera’s  lair unaware of their nature. This may be, however, dependent on what animals were melded together. Should you, for example, meld a dog and a wolf, one would find the chimera to base its behavior off the basic docility and obedience of the dog as well as the complex ways of the wolf. Ultimately, the most effective means of subduing these creatures is through dominance, as trust becomes a foreign construct to them.


Whilst somewhat more docile due to the half-rational mind of their descendant counterpart, mental imbalance still plague the Descendant Chimera which can often lead to severe brief bouts of animalistic behavior. In terms of decision making, they are quite indecisive due to the conflicting preferences of the descendant and animalistic standpoints. Additionally, while less ferocious than their Bestial cousins, still hold a larger degree of feral personality than any typical descendant or animal. These Chimeras may be tamed with more ease than Bestial Chimeras, though still difficult and rather costly to perform. Above all, despite their more rational side, they are feral, ceaselessly hungering their animal counterpart kicking in more prevalently during encounters that may require more primal instincts, such as fighting, hunting, killing, or fleeing.



Chimeræ Psychology Abridged

- Chimeræ are ceaselessly torn between the agonized voices resounding through their head, each pulling in a different direction which seldom permits the Chimeræ clarity or coherency in their thoughts or actions. They often act upon the mere base instinct of the creatures employed in their creation, causing them to lash out at the slightest provocation or perhaps none at all. As a result, they can never be truly tamed to be loyal, though may be subdued through means of force or coercion. Even so, they are incredibly careless and will seldom follow command to a tee, capable of enacting simple commands such as “attack” or “stay”, assuming they wished to. Even Descendant Chimeræ lack clearheadedness and are often reduced to acting upon whatever is the greatest interest to them in that moment (i.e. kill for food, run away, etc.). Neither species tends to think in the long-term and at most have the mental capacity of a toddler. 




Being the abominations of nature that they are, even the monks refuse to resurrect such blasphemous creations, even in the cases of Descendant Chimeras. Thus, alchemists developed a way to revive their precious creations, reassembling the amalgamation using a variety of reagents. However, this process can only be performed if the alchemist has located their precious creation’s corpse, or whatever is left of it if more violently dispatched of. And so, by retrieving the body of the befallen beast, an alchemist who is knowing in the making of a Chimera may recreate their form, further offering body mass is offered to the vat of Transmorphic Tincture, once more engendering this woeful and ill-wrought beast.



Chimeræ Death/Revival Abridged

- Chimeræ are unable to be revived by the monks as they are no longer whole in terms of spirit. When they die, they are subjected to a temp/perma PK depending on whether or not they are revived by the alchemist. Should the alchemist manage to find their remains (at the very least an appendage or limb, though a mere vial of blood would not do), they would be capable of reviving the Chimeræ in similar manner to how they were created, taking the remnant parts and additional corpses pertaining to the animal(s) used, and stirring them within the vat to reassemble the creature’s form. Chimeræ still adhere to all mechanical/roleplay rules of death (i.e. no remembering death, etc.).



General Chimeræ Clarifications

  • Chimeras appear significantly disfigured and warped. One would not be able to walk around without some disguise or covering and not appear obvious. Additionally, all traits must be reasonable and fit with the creatures used. 
  • When creating a Chimera, one must take into account that all the creatures melded must be of relative size, meaning that a rat could not be paired with a tiger. This also applies to the fully grown sizes of the creatures; for example, should you meld a human infant with a house cat, the Chimera will die once the human portion reaches its supposed growth spurt.
  • The digestive systems of a Chimera must also relate to one another. An herbivore could not be melded with a carnivor, yet an omnivore could be melded with either an herbivore or carnivore.  Respiratory systems follow a similar rule; a creature with gills unable to be melded with an air-breathing animal. 
  • The physical strength of a Chimera will never exceed that of the strongest beast used in their melding. In the case of a descendant Chimera, this is limited to no greater than that of an orc, and only if the creature they are melded with would reasonably have that sort of natural strength. An elven child melded with that of a wolf would not possess orc strength; while a grown human man melded with a bear might.
  • Any sort of claws, fangs, or other animalistic trait would never exceed that of the Chimera’s mundane animal counterparts, typically no greater than natural or durable bone. No steel-strength natural armor or weapons unless the creature had other mutations applied to them by an alchemist. The particular traits and abilities of said Chimera should be listed in detail on their CA.
  • The traits of Chimeras would never exceed that of their animal counterparts, if not slightly lessened in potency. For example, an eagle merged with a human would have a keen eye, though would still be limited to the range of a regular descendant, albeit capable of locating smaller details much faster. Whilst wings are possible, they will only act as aesthetic for descendant Chimeras and offer no function. In the case of Bestial Chimeras, wings are only usable if they are able to support the weight of the creature, and only for a short amount of time.
  • Chimera are grotesques beasts of alchemy. They are not capable of being sexually appealing to any degree, and furthermore, attempting sexual actions with them strictly disregards the bestiality clause (i.e. no catgirls you filthy degenerate). No Chimera may engage in procreational activities nor reproduce sexually. Additionally no Chimera may, under any circumstance, sexually FTB. 
  • Descendant Chimeras require an accepted CA to play. 
  • The creation of Chimeras falls under Tawkin Transmutation.









Wrought of madness and zeal, Alchemic Creation is fed upon by the notion to play god; holding dominion over life itself, or even to crack open the secrets of existence and make it their own. Thought to have originated within the deepest annals of Llull, the very prospect of alchemic creation was condemnable, for the Philosopher King himself knew full well what a terrible malpractice could yield. Still, many came to employ its use in secret, eventually coming to be destroyed by their own damnable creation -- truly a befitting fate for crimes such as theirs. Word and knowledge of this alchemic discipline nonetheless escaped the deepest dungeons of the Great Tower, made employed by all manner of philosophers and scholars alike, often in far more vile circumstances than the mere pursuit of knowledge. This branch of Tawkin, creation, is one which permits the employing alchemist to design for themselves nigh any life they might will within the Material Plane, an execrable pursuit in and of itself. 


Tawkin Creation centers itself around the creation of new life with means of alchemy. When creating a listed creature through Tawkin, the alchemist is encouraged to keep screenshots on a document logging the creation of these creatures, as anyone is entitled to request proof of the legitimacy of said entities. Failing to adequately roleplay, log, and present the creation of Tawkin Fiends adequately will result in severe repercussions, and even handful of such offenses may result in the individual’s app being denied. Furthermore, custom creatures which are not listed may be submitted through additions or MArts.



  • Creatures placed within a den or lair should be distinctly marked by signs which establish their presence, as well as an adequate build if the creature’s size require such. Should interaction be requested, the alchemist would be obliged to allow at the earliest opportunity. Tawkin Creatures in a den may be roleplayed by the alchemist who created them, or an ET if the alchemist is unwilling or unable. Do keep in mind that you cannot metagame said people if your creature is being attacked, and that being there to roleplay and emote your creature does not necessarily mean that your character is there as well. Failing to adhere to this will result in severe punishment.
  • Creatures designed to be placed within a den will not leave said location typically. 
  • ET are able to use any sort of Tawkin creature for event purposes and are permitted to bend the rules and redlines of such slightly so long as it retains the creature’s general theme.  New creatures employed should still tie into the lore somehow. 
  • No aspect of Tawkin Creation can be performed or made in combat. In order to create a tawkin creature, one must have the necessary means, including but not limited to; an adequate laboratory, necessary tools, vats, vails, and cauldrons, areas in which these creatures might be stored (such as cages), and other such things.
  • Tawkin mounts may exceed the large creature accompaniment size so long as they follow the respective mechanics/redlines of said creature type. All Tawkin mounts count as a large accompaniment and must be represented by a horse or some build should the creature’s size call for it.
  • Creatures made by Tawkin are inherently abominable and unnatural, and thus are unable to be communed or controlled by druidic influence, instead the druid receives mildly irritating feedback, much like television noise, upon attempt. The more experienced among the attuned (T4+) might make our very, very faint screeches and utterances, mostly of miserable nature. It should be noted that the active practice of creating and mutating new life is clause for disconnection among certain deific magics should said magic’s tenets pertain to the preservation of the natural and orderly. 
  • Once a creature has been given its traits by Tawkin, it will not be able to change those traits unless they are a type of Collective/Paramecia or are directly mutated by an alchemist.
  • Tawkin Creatures are always organic in nature, oftentimes based off some crude melding of animals, or simply being totally alien. There are no fire monsters or steel robots with this.
  • Tawkin creatures are not forced or compelled to listen to their creator by any means, and should there not be sufficient reason for them to obey, they will run off or perhaps even attack their master. 
  • If a creature is destroyed or killed, they may be reassembled by the alchemist should there be an adequate corpse left. If not, the alchemist may need to create a new beast.






“Warped, but a step forward.” — The Giver of Ulmsbottom. 


The beginning of alchemical life, artificial in every way. These things, created either by mistake, or purpose; are twisted in nature. Their appearance, while varying, is often some foul perversion of the mind, tending to be limited in their intellectual capacity, for they are among the lowest of the low. Whether they be of a gelatinous goo, or an impish, ravenous beast fueled only by rage and ravenous hunger -- when one seeks to make oduos beasts and monsters, they would seek to make a fiend. 



Crafted from lard, slime, and a handful of other alchemical reagents, these creatures stand as a true testament to the more destructive nature of fiends. While varying in type, they sustain themselves by means of consuming what they touch in a rather slow and painful process, consuming anything from the mana in a mage to flesh itself. Gelats often increase in size the more they consume, this adding onto their total body mass. Similarly, the more brains a gelat consumes, the more intelligence they will garner. This does, however, have its limitations, as a gelat can never exceed the intelligence of some primal, limited ape regardless of how much they consume. There are several known subcategories of gelatin, each of them seeking to feed in order to enlarge themselves. The most common among these are rather mundane, yet some may be hulking and towering blobs, whilst others may seek to sap away the very mana from an individual. 


With enough biomass, the ooze can begin to swell up to a size where it is massive to a point where it might be able to birth other oozes. If the oozes have consumed enough brain matter to be intelligent, then they have the potential of being tamed, and become able to regulate their corrosion to be lower if they wish, meaning that if an alchemist was to tame one via feeding it enough biomass, then it will allow said alchemist to touch it, and will be unreactive to them, save for being slightly playful. To have an intelligent one, an alchemist will need to use regents, or feed it some brains. Typically, these creatures will lurch onto their victims and try to engulf, or burn them with their bodies, feeding off the biomass’ nutrients. Otherwise, these creatures are rather simplistic, and skulk about wherever they are set, oftentimes in damp and dark environments.


The creation of these creatures often varies depending on type, though will always require some form of lard or slime as an initial base, along with various representations of life. While simpler symbols as vitae may yield only mundane oozes, using additional reagents or symbols such as liquid mana or symbols of fire may produce. Particular creation components are hidden to avoid metagaming. Mana Sapping and Heat Resistant oozes respectively. Typically, formless fiends as Gelatins are weak to intense heat or cold, able to be incinerated or frozen to death, though normal weapons may be used to cut them to insignificant pieces and salt will also begin to dissolve them, assuming one applies enough of it. Certain types of gelat may have different weaknesses, as listed in their descriptions.


  • Oozes are rather unintelligent. Though their intelligence may scale upwards with biomass they consume, it would never be greater than that of some moderately clever monkey. They are rather playful with those who have tamed them effectively. 
  • An ooze will never melt right through an individual. Rather, their effects are long and gradually applied over time, moving from a soft stinging sensation to an intense burning over the course of four emotes. Even engulfing oozes, while able to completely consume an individual, would require eight full emotes to fully kill said individual, either by consumption or drowning, assuming they can keep the victim inside them for this entire duration.
  • Magic Sapping oozes cause no physical harm. However, their influence will cause magic-wielding individuals to be exhausted gradually over the course of five emotes, assuming they draw upon mana. This will never fully incapacitate or bring a mage to unconsciousness, but will render them unable to cast due to their lack of mana, or at least cause them to faint should they attempt such.
  • Any other effects of an ooze are slow and gradual and will never be applied instantly, save for the pain and soft burning sensation upon the first emote of flesh-contact. 
  • An ooze would be unable to eat through more than half an inch of metal or an inch of cloth or soft wood. Likely, they creature would try to squeeze itself between the armor plating of an individual, assuming they were wearing such; and even then, they would still need to eat through any gambeson or undergarments they wore before accessing the flesh of the victim.
  • The presence of an ooze  on an individual is noticeable. Either it will be incredibly painful upon the victim’s flesh, or they will feel its slimy presence upon contact with their flesh.
  • Oozes are rather tenacious and will require some effort to remove, though never impossible. 
  • Upon creation, most oozes will be no larger than the size of one’s fist; engulfer oozes will be no larger than a meter in diameter initially. Oozes will grow larger the more biomatter that they consume, most oozes able to grow up to a meter total in size; engulfer oozes will be capable of growing up to three meters in diameter total. Larger oozes may be employed with a MArt, or through means of an ET for event purposes.
  • While small, they may be able to fit through gaps or into bottles, and though larger oozes are still capable of fitting through things as cracks and armor, they would require a larger container to fully contain their entire mass. Hairline gaps in bolted metal plating wouldn’t be enough for a gelatin to fit through.



The following are a list of creatable gelatins. Typically, one is restricted to these below unless they are to make a MArt Gelatin with differentiating effects or sizes. The limitations and capabilities of said gelatins are also listed here. Furthermore, submitted mutations are not hidden, and can be easily replicated by another assuming they possess the proper means in-roleplay.



Standard Oooz -- These oozes have caustic forms, able to burn away at flesh when they touch it. At first, it is not very strong, but the longer the ooze is applied to the flesh, the more it burns and eats away until it hits the bone. This process allows for the ooze to drain nutrients from the material, and feed itself. Sometimes these creatures will try to engulf biomass to feed off them efficiently. These ones are susceptible to high temperatures, able to be boiled by heat, and frozen by intense cold. Salt appears to cut through them effectively, acting like an intense acid to these creatures and making it so that if one were to lop off the pieces of one after salt were applied, the ooze would likely be burned away, or dead. Hacking at it until it is no longer a threat is also an option.


Highly Corrosive Ooze -- These gelats are much more corrosive, enough to withstand the cold due to various reagents for heat and corrosion, though salt and normal weapons are able to harm it with relative ease, as splitting it apart will cause more damage than the previously listed type; making it so parts of the lopped off pieces become inert by normal weapons, and salt causes the beast not only to become slower, but allows for one to carve through its mass with ease. Much like the standard, these creatures dissolve biomass for nutrients, albeit at a faster rate than that of standard oozes.


Heat Resistant Ooze -- The heat resistant oozes, though lacking corrosive and consumptive benefits, do not tend to eat through material and flesh at a fast rate, albeit far more resistant to things as flame in turn. Furthermore, though the flesh itself is not consumed quickly by the gelatin, the touch of this creature also inflicts terrible heat burns upon the skin, beginning at first degree and scaling gradually upwards with every moment the gelat remains. The cold, salt, and normal weaponry are able to dispatch it rather easily.


Engulfer’s / Temp. Resistant Ooze  -- These oozes gave up the ability to be as corrosive to be resistant to the elements; taking regents that represent resistance, and the elements. These creatures will aim to engulf their victim, and choke the life out of them. Suffocate and eat away until no life rests in the target. They digest the body soon after, and it is a slow process, with the body sometimes remaining for weeks, slowly being consumed until bone remains. Notably, these ones are thicker, which means greater strikes with normal weapons will be required. Salt has less of an effect, but it still damages the creatures, making it easier to cleave through the ooze due to their size.


Frigid Ooze -- These oozes, due to more frigid based regents, rather than having a corrosive touch, will have a more frigid touch, and in turn be more cold resistant, but more susceptible to fire. They will cause frostbite gradually over contact, and through the cold they will find nourishment from the biomass consumed, often applying themselves to snow and ice in order to hide in wait for their prey.


Magic Sapping Ooze  -- Formed by liquid mana, and the same regents to make a standard slime, these beasts are notable for eating magic and magical energy away. They are a bane to mages, whereas to others, they are very little threats. They consume magical energy such as spells should they make contact, and when they touch mages, will sap their energy from them, though having no effect upon flesh. However, with their magical craving also comes magical weakness, susceptible to things such as abjuration and auric oil, as mana weaves between the slime which brings them together.




Peculiar products of alchemy, a collection of small, individual creatures yet working in tandem, akin to a colony of bacteria. By means of consumption, they adapt, shifting their forms as fit to adjust to their environment. They may be used for a variety of applications, often for constructive purposes by the alchemist, taking on the properties of the material or resource which they consume. These particular fiends are rather mindless, being numerous semi-microscopic individual creatures working in tandem to consume and adapt to a material at an incredible rate. They will consume and adapt to any material they first come into contact with, often requiring the Alchemist to be careful when handling such things. Once they have adapted, they will remain stagnant and not consume further materials unless they are reverted to their organic state. 


Paramecia are remarkable in their conception, hinging fully upon alchemy in their creation. They rely upon the employment of small clumps of slime infused with the alchemic symbols of connection, rigidity, life, vigour, swiftness, and a handful of others which will ultimately form these creatures. These must then be set to a high temperature to allow the symbols to permeate the sludge and imbue it with their properties. Typically, they are small on their own, ranging from a grain of rice to a small marble, though are boundless in size when they come together to form some structure. 


These creatures, however, are very fragile in their regular state, as while they take on the characteristics of the material they consume, such as concrete, should they revert they may be easily dispatched as you would any critter, absolutely defenseless. Depending on the characteristics of the material they take on, they will also take on the material’s weakness. For example, if paramecia take on the properties of wood, they will become susceptible to fire and breaking. 


Paramecia are oftentimes created together in groups, being linked together akin to some basic hive-mind. They will act together when within the near vicinity of each other, though their intelligence is still incredibly limited -- their only capability to consume and replicate said materials, following only basic commands (i.e. reconstruct, deconstruct, etc.). This may be applied in numerous creative ways, such as house construction, or perhaps a door which melts away into Paramecia before reconstructing itself when instructed. Paramecia cannot be applied as a means of transportation inherently.


  • Paramecia can replicate almost any material and its characteristics so long as it is based within the material realm. This also means that they take on the weaknesses of said element; if they turned into wood, they would be susceptible to burning and rot, causing them to perish. Should Paramecia be destroyed while replicating an element, they will revert to their original state and die. Being damaged merely reverts them so long as it is not a grave wound.
  • Things such as boomsteel, while replicable initially, will not explode or light aflame when struck or destroyed, as the Paramecia would merely perish from such force. 

  • Though able to replicate the characteristics of most materials, the maximum strength of these creatures would never exceed that of high-carbon steel, unable to replicate durabilities like that of Carbarium or beyond, despite perhaps appearing as such.

  • Elements that originate beyond the Martial Plane, such as ones of deific origin, would not be replicable. 
  • Paramecia may only be used for construction of things as buildings or other structures. Attempting to use them as a means of forging weapons and the likes would cause them to revert to their normal state.
  • Paramecia cannot have any combat application. This is not to say that Paramecia will merely revert whenever combat occurs in their vicinity, but rather that they are unable to be used as something as a sort of weapon or to benefit movement (however that may be applied) before losing their properties. 
  • Paramecia must have a substantial amount of a material to replicate it. For example, they cannot replicate aurum with mere dust, and must have a substantial chunk to replicate. Furthermore, if a material is not refined, the Paramecia will not replicate it in its refined state, only the state presented.
  • Despite their replicative abilities, Paramecia are still considered living organisms, and adhere to all redlines against the manipulation of such. For example, telekinetics would be unable to manipulate them, as they still adhere to the redline against manipulating organic matter.
  • Furthermore, should a druid connect within a structure formed of Paramecia, they would hear a sort of strange, undefinable static, unable to manipulate them -- though may perhaps try to communicate if they are of substantial prowess, capable of hearing a ringing chorus of voices chattering about ‘replication’.




The following are a list of creatable paramecia. Typically, one is restricted to these below unless they are to make a MArt Paramecia with differentiating effects or sizes. The limitations and capabilities of said paramecia are also listed here. Furthermore, submitted mutations are not hidden, and can be easily replicated by another assuming they possess the proper means in-roleplay.



Constructive Paramecia --  The most common form of Paramecia, applied as a construction material by the alchemist. By consuming a material, whether it be something as simple as dirt or concrete, they can adapt the characteristics of the consumed material, then able to be molded properly into the shape which the alchemist wills. Often, the Paramecia are placed within a mold or container, before being offered the material that they would adapt to. In the case of adapting to more refined minerals such as metals, they would take on almost all of its properties, assuming they are possible to replicate, yet would merely be usable for construction, as attempting to forge these false metals would cause the item to become brittle and the Paramecia to revert to their fleshy and formless state. 




Terrible creatures molded together from flesh and bone, deceased, living, or otherwise. Foul are these abominations, exhibiting a variety of displaced and mutated features, which would be considered fiendish and twisted by its very nature. Though made of melded beast, they are unakin to Chimæra, for such beasts possess distinct form, whereas these creatures are made warped, scorned by GOD as their own mortal maker may look upon them with contempt and disgust, abhorred by this wretched beast. 


Amalgamations, lest fed and near its creator, have a rudimentary intelligence. It serves only to eat and devour flesh and fluid. Much like the ooze, it grows more and more intelligent and large with each, scaling from a small child size to make it grow to the size of a halfling, to a whole cow to make it as big as a horse, and so on. The more intelligent it is, the more capable an Alchemist is able to have one be relatively docile to them, and designated allies; this involves feeding a smaller Mound and overall caring for it. Though, they can easily be angered and turn aggressive if they are larger; sometimes immediately turning around to turn their creator to mush, which is why they are typically employed as traps for foolhardy adventurers. From the larger mounds, smaller ones can be produced and domesticated, requiring small amounts of fluid. These typically are more playful, nibbling at their masters as a means of play, and skittering around laboratories with haste. Some Alchemists do the same as they do to oozes, and keep smaller ones in flasks to throw at their foes, acting as a nuisance, though this could insight some backlash. 


These creatures are evidently weak to a plethora of things. Either by massive crushing power that would squish their entire body and expunge its lifeblood, hacking and slashing to cut it into various pieces until it is rendered inert, piercing and or breaking the eyes and mouths to the point where its fluids rapidly secrete and put it on its last legs and ultimately death if it is not tended to. Alternatively burning it to ash, freezing it, or melting it with acidic formula also proves effective.


The creation of these beasts is one of most gruesome practice, often shunned by many alchemists due to its vile nature. To construct an Amalgamation, particularly a Gibbering Mound, one must take the corpses of descendants, and perhaps some creatures, and add it into a large pile -- mashed together in a heap of gore, blood, protruding, broken parts. Once the maceration is complete, the alchemist might add in the alchemic sign; those being primarily of life and darkness, as well as some fire. After all this is said and done, the pile of flesh will begin to animate, collecting together until it has fully formed.


  • An amalgamation requires a handful bloodied, gored corpses, favorably descendant or of large beasts to be initially wrought. Once the creation process is complete, the flesh will come together and animate, albeit crudely and slowly, bearing no semblance of any particular animal or descendant, essentially becoming a sentient mound of flesh, blood, and bone. They will tend to be about a meter large initially, though may grow up to three by three meters in their total mass, assuming they’ve consumed enough to grow to such.
  • Amalgamations do not possess the same degree of animal ability as Chimeras. While they may possess claws and displaced appendages, adding in an eagle would not grant flight or keen eyesight, rather merely disjointed feathers and a crooked, rotting beak. Without further mutation, natural weapons will be strong as bone, natural armor as durable as dense leather.
  • Amalgamations are unintelligent and violent for the most part, though may be made docile and somewhat playful if tamed; albeit they may even unintentionally harm those they are docile about. They don’t tend to follow commands, lest they be incredibly simple such as a motion of a hand or some particular behavior. Most of the time, unless made to do otherwise by their creator, they will simply seek to trap and consume anything they come across.
  • The boiling blood from an Amalgamation may be spewed directly from their fleshy form, though having little range, typically no greater than three meters around them. However, the larger they get, the more this range increases, albeit it will never be totally concentrated nor long-range, being more akin to some spray of bubbling crimson mist. Additionally, the blood would only be able to give third-degree burns upon exposed flesh, akin to burning oneself with a hot iron.




The following are a list of creatable amalgamations. Typically, one is restricted to these below unless they are to make a MArt amalgamations with differentiating effects or sizes. The limitations and capabilities of said amalgamations are also listed here. Furthermore, submitted mutations are not hidden, and can be easily replicated by another assuming they possess the proper means in-roleplay.



Gibbering Mounds -- Gelatinous, vile, these aberrations are a force to be reckoned. There have been a few sightings of these creatures, one of which was the Order of Saint Lucien’s encounter with a Gibbering Mound during Mordskov. These creatures are large mounds of fleshy matter and slimey hides, sporting various eyes and twisted and bone crushing maws, with tendrils and protrusions that carry the same quality. These large creatures, while able to have an exceptional mass were able to squeeze through tight spaces, with accounts showing them slipping through cracks slowly but surely to catch up to fleeing adventurers. Not only that, these creatures secrete a blood-like fluid that they can use as spittle, or is issued when one cuts into the mass. This fluid is boiling, and is able to sizzle and burn skin with small sprays. One ought to wear some sort of armor when handling these beasts, as they ought to avoid the acidic sprays, as well as their bodies. They are like oozes in the sense that cutting them, should they be large enough, or if the Mound wills it -- will generate smaller and weaker mounds, though these can easily be dispatched. Fire seems to be the most effective tool, as well as a means to smash and thrash the beast, smashing the maws and eyes causing it to secrete its fluids and render it dead, with piercing damage potentially able to do the same. When it comes to prey, these creatures will have their mouths  gibber in a blood curdling cacophony of sounds while in proximity, as well as attempt to drive foes into their maw, with all the others moving and squirming along the skin to aid said mouth, helping it acquire as many fluids as it can. This is arguably one of the most horrifying sights, watching someone be rendered by crooked teeth and twisted tendrils, to have their blood pour into the creature, or even have someone bathe inside the mound’s boiling fluid and roast -- a most unfortunate fate.




The most common variant of Fiend, wrought from chaos and mania with only their most primal goals in mind. They are often as animals, yet disfigured to the extreme, to the point where the entity may be considered their own species. They only seek to satiate their hunger through consumption, having very little intelligence, only enough so to devise means of achieving their basic necessities. Varmints are essentially patchworks of either living or dead made to adopt a particular form, typically humanoid, albeit rather disturbing and ugly, as their appearance is not one of uniform. 


Hunched spines, bulging eyes, discolored skin, and other such ragged and other rather jumbled traits tend to be consistent among these creatures depending upon the sort of beings they are made from. For example, the recreation of a goblin may have been attempted using barts from bats, orc flesh, and boar tusks, manifesting what may seem as a hunched, bat-like creature with skin that appears akin to patchworked shades of green, having rather aberrant tusks and horns. The same might apply to more bestial creatures of this nature, or any other sort of disfigured monstrosity which might be brought forth as a varmint.


Varmints lack in essential intelligence, on par with even ologs. They feel things such as hunger and rage, and any other emotions are minimal if not nonexistent within their minds. Seldom will they listen to the direct orders of their tamer and will typically run rampant, bashing and smashing and scratching things with little care who or what they damage. They typically do not speak and will merely give guttural grunts and shrieks depending on the scenario. If there is no reason for them to listen or follow their tamer, such as food or perhaps even fear (though the latter may more likely cause them to run away), they will flee or attack them instead. 


Varmints are relatively weak, having strength akin to that of a mere child, able to scratch, bite, kick, and lash out, enough so to cause damage, though likely not death on their own unless paired against a similar foe. They are weak to fire and ice alike, able to be charred or frozen to the point of being motionless. On their own, they are generally easy to cut down, though may prove quite overwhelming and troubling to oppose when present in groups of three or more. 


  • Varmints are the equivalent unintelligent monkeys; havoc wreaking with little brains, cunning, or rationality to support their actions. They merely seek to destroy and eat, only subdued by force as they are too unintelligent and irrational to be tamed by charity or appeal. Additionally, they are unable to comprehend more than basic instruction such as a direction of one’s finger or some brief uttering, typically done out of fear for their subduer.
  • Varmints are never greater than four feet, though cannot be smaller than two.
  • Varmints possess the strength of a small child or halfling at most, though are rather quick despite this. They cannot wield very complex or heavy weapons due to their intelligence and strength, and will often employ things as clubs or maces, capable of using swords though not wielding them to any degree of expertise of finesse. If they do not have a weapon, they may merely claw and scratch at whatever it is they are attacking in that instance. 
  • Varmints possess no special traits, powers, or capabilities on their own.




The following are a list of creatable varmints. Typically, one is restricted to these below unless they are to make a MArt varmints with differentiating effects or sizes. The limitations and capabilities of said varmints are also listed here. Furthermore, submitted mutations are not hidden, and can be easily replicated by another assuming they possess the proper means in-roleplay.



Common Varmints -- Standard varmints created from alchemy, often as individuals though can be bred into larger numbers as time. These are often considered an alchemist’s ‘footmen’, being rather disposable, insignificant creations of the alchemic sort. They are far more grotesque than most other forms of Homunculi, to the point where one cannot recognize what sort of creature they are. These varmints seldom appear humanoid and are rather bestial, impish even, animalistic in nature and appearance, having displaced body parts and malformed protrusions, at most appearing skin to some goblin-esque creature. Despite their  twisted appearance, alone, they are rather insignificant, yet it is in numbers where they are truly menacing. 








“An unfortunate abomination, though progress nonetheless.” —The Hanged Man


Deviants possess intelligence enough to recognize patterns and recall prior occurrences, akin to that of a lower life form. This makes them particularly dispensable by alchemists if tamed properly, which can be done either by physical submission or appealing to their better nature. They most often will act as pets, though unlikely to be as loyal should there not be something worth their pursuits. Deviants can take on many shapes and sizes, much like the fiends. It is not impossible for a blob-like devient to exist; this implies it can take on Formless, Amalgam, or Varmint-like qualities, albeit perhaps better than such inferior creatures. However, there are two primary classifications of Deviants, namely being the Collective and the Divergents. 



Not a being, but rather a colony that operates under a collective will; in layman’s terms, a hivemind, their collective conscience enabling the actions of every individual entity within itself. They act as a whole, think as a whole, and communicate as a whole. They are no more than one, singular, whole, yet many. Often, these creatures vastly range in size, often smaller things, that when put together make a larger entity, though of course, one can be relatively tiny and consist of incredibly small things.  They are beings who, not only themselves are twisted, but might also twist their form further to assume nigh any form such an ill-begot beast may desire. There are two types of collectives; Colonies and Swarms. Colonies are numerous organisms which comprise a larger organism, acting together as a larger entity. An example of this might be the Portuguese Man-O-War or Scoby. 


Collective creations tend to act as a whole, their intelligence based upon their working in tandem. Their movements are fluid to the point where, while they are indeed multiple individuals working together, they appear to move and function as one entity, this being key in creatures such as Colonies and Mimics. The more these creatures are damaged, the more individual entities they lose, and thus their intelligence and movement is hindered. Typically, even when whole, their intelligence would be akin to that of perhaps a sort of dog, able to understand loyalty and submission, though becoming less rational the more it is damaged, nigh rabid in their nature.


To create a Collective requires that one create a small colony of life, likely minute in its inception. This often employs the use of Bogodan’s Clay and other alchemical reagents, particularly for a Colony. To do this, one must take the clay or whatever other base they are using (i.e. tiny worms, bugs, slime, etc.) and set it within an environment it will flourish. These creatures would likely require some sort of room or chamber, as something like a petri dish would only be capable of creating incredibly small Collective. To cause the colony to grow, one must feed it nutrience based upon what it needs, as well as the necessary alchemical reagents, typically involving life, growth, and some assorted fire symbols. These creatures, most of all, require growth, likely over the course of several narrative days, before they are complete. However, collective creatures are as susceptible as any other organism to natural means of incapacitation, such as flame or slashing or magic. Furthermore, a far more key weakness is the Collective’s dependence upon the number of individual organisms working in congruence and synchronization -- as the more they are damaged, the more individual creatures die, and thus the movement of the beast is slowed, now far less fluid.


  • The intelligence of collective creatures is dependent upon their proximity with one another. A single creature of a greater swarm will possess the base intelligence of an insect, whereas when connected their intelligence may scale to around that of an intelligent ape. They seek mostly to feed, growing in size and number, though also have varying other mental traits depending on their type. Additionally, the more damaged and seperated a collective creature becomes, the less and less their intelligence scales, their movement also suffering as a result of their disrepair.
    • Mimics are often hoarders and will pool collections of various trinkets, often shiny or valuable. Particularly, Mimics will have one item which they constantly hold within themselves, forming an attachment akin to that of a child to their parent, not wishing to part with said item, and requiring force in order to pry it from their grasp.
    • Swarms seek to feed and grow in number. For example, a swarm of centipedes will feed upon other insects and bring other centipede-like creatures under their influence, oftentimes by forcing their alchemic fluids into the new host as they are made connected to the greater mind.
    • Colonies, above all, desire to remain unified and learn as a whole, being rather curious among other collective creatures. They are oftentimes the most intelligent of the breed, though still suffer detriment to their mind should they be broken and damaged. Colonies will seldom separate themselves into their smaller components, making any effort possible to rebuild themselves should their form be damaged ot disturbed.
  • Collectives have set sizes depending on their type. Mimics can range from the size of a penny to that of an entire house. Swarms tend to grow no larger than three meters total, requiring a MArt to exceed this set size. Colonies can range from the size of a small dog to an olog, though still follow the rules of proportions (i.e. greater size, slower speed). Any creature scaling higher than olog size or strength would require an ST in order to be played.
  • The strength of a collective creature hinges upon proportions. A puppy-sized mimic will not have the strength of a large bear, nor would a collective the size of an average human possess the strength of an olog without modification. 
  • Beyond their base abilities, collective creatures possess no unique or unnatural traits on their own. Mimics may shape their form within two emotes, depending on their size, though only upon their exterior. For example, while a Mimic could make themselves appear as a metal cube, their interior would still be gooey and fragile, even if the exterior were akin to steel in strength. Colonies may dissipate their form and rebuild themselves within an emote for each action, however, this offers no benefit to movement and could still be impeded through proper means. 




The following are a list of creatable collective. Typically, one is restricted to these below unless they are to make a MArt collective with differentiating effects or sizes. The limitations and capabilities of said collective are also listed here. Furthermore, submitted mutations are not hidden, and can be easily replicated by another assuming they possess the proper means in-roleplay.



Small Mimics -- Smaller collections of organisms which clump together to an insignificant size, to the point where they are often carried on an alchemist’s person. They may be disguised as a watch, handbag, utensils, or other meaningless accessory which can be easily welded on a person, though most often as some form of container which can be used to carry an important object of the alchemist, requiring some force to relinquish such from the creature’s grasp.

Medium Mimics -- A larger collection of organisms which custer together to form a more moderate body, being the more common variety of Mimics, often found in dungeons and caves imitating some form of valuable item such as a chest or gems. These are seldom carried about due to their size and are often left within an alchemist's laboratory or den to defend against robbers or bandits.

Large Mimics -- A great collection of organisms which cluster together to form a large body, becoming enormous creatures which seldom come out of hiding, their large forms opting to hide in plain sight or deep within caverns. One might find such beasts in the shape of a tree or even as large as a house, consuming those unfortunate enough to enter such a structure unaware of its true nature. Notably, these mimics are also capable of replicating sound.


Swarms -- A multitude of small, individual organisms which operate in complete synchronization, acting only with their singular goal. They move, act, and operate as one singular entity, yet are multiple. Whether in swirling clouds of aviary insects to a collection of mutated centipedes which consume those they encounter, it will always act in singular motions and mannerisms.

Colonies --  Organisms which move similarly to a Swarm, yet far more compactly and precise, to the point where they are able to build themselves into larger entities which move flawlessly as if it were simply that creature. Their greatest weakness, however, lies in their connection, as severely damaging the general form of the creature will result in the individual organisms to die, slowing its movement and lowering its collective intelligence. 




Akin to the fiends beneath them, These beings are often mistaken for creatures of hellish origin, though their initial conception is something far less twisted, yet by no means mundane or amiable. These creatures are far superior however, can range in varying shapes and sizes. One could have a Divergent that looks like a fox, or a bird, or even one that looks like a grotesque gorilla, or some large lanky thing of horrific origin. These things, while they can look relatively beautiful or malformed, always have something off about them; it could be strange streaks on their bodies, some warping of areas, curious colors for certain things; they are imperfect imitation of life, though much better in shape and health compared to their lower counterparts. 


Depending on its make, a Divergent may have different behaviors. Non-humanoid divergents tend to be more animalistic and bestial the more they are modelled after such, falling upon basic instincts as opposed to rationality. This is not to say they lack intelligence, in fact far from it, and are able to be quite cunning and recognize various patterns and the likes. They can be playful or vicious, depending on their nature and how they are treated by the Alchemist. Humanoid Divergents, meanwhile, tend to be more collected, though still lack true human understanding and mental capability, much like intelligent pseudo-sentient ape, able to learn and apply to a basic degree. Divergents tend to remain loyal or submissive to those who have employed the proper taming technique. 


As they are synthetic, however, Divergents hold to themselves various weaknesses based upon whatever it be they were modelled after, albeit making such far more effective due to their rather crooked nature. They may be slashed by a blade more easily than a typical creature or descendant, depending on the nature of their armor or other defensive capability. They are also weak to fire, and should they rely upon lungs, be weak to drowning or other means of suffocation. 


  • Divergent creatures cannot hold any unnatural capabilities of powers unless they were designed with a particular mutation, necessitating a MArt. Enhanced speed, strength, and dexterity are permitted, albeit they are by no means supernatural or inhuman to any capacity, simply rivaling that of peak descendants if humanoid, or akin to whatever creature they were made after if non-humanoid (i.e. a dog-like Divergent runs and has the strength of a hound). 
  • Divergent creatures tend to range anywhere from three to five and a half feet in height, though may be made larger in size through means of a MArt. Natural armor and weapons of a Divergent never exceed that of dense bone without mutation. Furthermore, any sort of tendril or extension may only reach up to two meters in front of them.
  • The intelligence of a divergent creature varies, though will never exceed that of a cunning creature such as a velociraptor, though unable to rival that of a descendant due to their more monstrous nature. They do not act like descendants either, being more monstrous and bestial than Homunculi. 
  • Unless mutated otherwise, divergent creatures have no inherent or unnatural capabilities. Some may possess tendrils or quills, or even be able to dislocate their jaw, but would not be able to do things like teleport, read minds, shoot lasers, or anything of that sort. Be realistic for the love of god.
  • Again, Divergents are not Homunculi. They are monstrous and alien in nature and will never appear as a regular beast or creature on their own. Divergent creatures are incredibly easy to distinguish in comparison to other animals a majority of the time, albeit perhaps merely twisted and unassociated with any other beast in terms of wretched appearance. 



The following are a list of creatable divergent. Typically, one is restricted to these below unless they are to make a MArt divergents with differentiating effects or sizes. The limitations and capabilities of said divergents are also listed here. Furthermore, submitted mutations are not hidden, and can be easily replicated by another assuming they possess the proper means in-roleplay.



Non-Humanoid Divergents -- Beastly creations of alchemy which embody the natural order of creation falsely in a horrendous effort to play god. While they may appear in the general shape of a particular creature or being, they will never truly imitate their appearance, often having many mutations about their forms, such as additional eyes, extra rows of teeth, misplaces scales, protruding bones, additional or elongated tongues, and/or many other abnormalities. These particular Divergents have rather animalistic intelligence and cannot be humanoid. Generally, they tend to accompany Alchemists as pets or protection. Their strength is nearly akin to the creature they were modelled after, yet lacks it in full, as they are imperfect. 


Humanoid Divergents -- While more sound than the non-humanoid counterparts, these creatures still embody the unnatural. They may appear as a descendant, yet tend to lack true normalcy, having upon them various blemishes due to the fact that they were not brought about by descendant flesh. They have within them little conscious yet can also think and reason nearly to the capacity of a descendant, though not quite. These creatures may employ the use of weaponry and armor to a degree, yet these must remain simple in function lest the Divergent is rendered perplexed by their operation. Their strength would be based upon their proportion and modelling. For example, a Divergent modelled after a human could not possess orc strength inherently. 










“To create life?! This is naught but blasphemy!” — Archbishop of Kverja


The art of alchemy is one demanding of improvement, pushing alchemists to the boundaries in which they may perfect their work. Through such a fundamental requirement, it is that the tawkin alchemists come to improve what they had initially created, shifting from grotesque abomination to a perfected replica. Of course, this is by no means such an easy step to take, requiring the alchemist to still improve upon what they have, these being homunculi, beings which are much closer to perfection These are where the alchemist must employ more costly resources, requiring a base for which they may progress in their work. Such progression comes at the cost of descendant life itself, necessitating the alchemist to employ more nefarious means in exchange for obtaining a corpse which may suit their work. As a result, these creations are far more distinguishably humanoid, allowing them to reach true perfection in their craft. 



The process of creating one as a Homunculus is one enshrouded within the bowels of the enigmatic, wrought purely of alchemy in an effort to create pure life itself. A vessel must be created through a means of Bogodan’s Clay, along with various alchemic implants and intricacies. One must then go about and infuse within them the Vitae of Life, this being Aqua Vitae mixed with Aethier and Life symbols to create the nigh fabled elixir. After this, other various alchemical reagents, signs, and symbol components must be added into the mixture, permeating throughout the corpse, now made complete. Once this is done, the Homunculi might arise, albeit groggily and dazed, like that of a child, requiring further teaching and learning of its newly granted life. 


Another method, however, also exists, employed by those desperate to cheat death. The method of constructing  such a creature begins with the alchemist taking a descendant corpse, always deceased or upon the brink of death, and placing them within a vat of Aqua Vitae, mixed with Aethier and Life symbols to create the Vitae of Life, yet also holding some connection symbols to retain what semblance of personality that might remain within the body. Lastly, the regular Homunculi reagents might be added to the mixture, soaking into the body, their physical features now shifted; made completely whole in body once again, yet lost in soul. 



Homunculi are like that of which they were manifested from. Essentially, they appear identical to the descendant or materials which was employed in their creation, save for perhaps any aesthetic choices of the alchemist chosen in their creation. Due to the alchemic composition of a homunculi, they themselves may possess a myriad of traits which may potentially exceed that of the average man in terms of physical capacity. They may be more swift, possess greater strength, or other affinities which may seem to ‘outshine’ normal descendant counterparts, granted it may vary depending on how they were designed and their level of activity. 


Furthermore, Homunculi gain a slight boost to their regenerative and metabolic abilities, with minor injuries capable of being healed without any form of external or medical aid. With this, partnered with their affinity for the alchemic, Homunculi are far more receptive to alchemical modifications,  as though the alchemical formulas and compounds are more accepting of their being; this implies that they have an easier time getting used to the mutations and grafts, as well as the melding and chimera making. Where it would take one a significant amount of time to recover from such as these, a Homunculus may simply take an hour before acclimating. In addition, if these were removed from the homunculus, they would not be crippled unlike their mortal counterparts. 


Whilst Homunculi of the past were subject to fleeting lives of disharmony, the more modern among these creatures possess significantly longer lifespans akin to Dopplegangers of yore, for they are truly derived of such beings in their conception. Most notably, something strange that is prevalent in all Homunculus is a glint in their pupils, as though the lenses of their eyes are more reflective and glassy than a normal descendant. Some might speculate it is because they lack a soul, which this is indeed the case. 



The mind of a homunculus is modelled after the liking of the alchemist, as after all, it is they who sought to create, and create they shall, molding the being to their liking. However, not all is left to the alchemist’s own as these are not mere constructs, but rather life itself created from scratch. And thus, a homunculi is free to think, believe, and act according to how they themselves judge the realm around them depending on the intellect which they have been endowed, akin to any descendant, bound not by any means of their creator, though often choosing to aid and admire them for the glorious creation of their being.


With their alchemic nature, however, comes a particular boon of their alchemic mind. As they are wrought of pure alchemy, their mind is far more assimilative of the Material Alphabet, permitting them to see the world much like that of a high-practiced alchemist, if perhaps not better. Homunculi are able to view the world around them through the lens of the Alphabet, capable of deriving the signs and symbols of materials in each, albeit perhaps not knowing the true meaning of such things should they not practice alchemy. 



A homunculus is limited to the physical capability of a descendant, and by no means possesses superhuman strength or agility. While one could possess increased reactions; higher stamina and endurance, their body is but flesh and bone, and any heightened abilities must still consider their body’s own limit. Additionally, stabs, slashes, crushing, burning, freezing, and any of that which can kill a man can kill these soulless creations. Moreover they still feel pain, and what can cause someone to go into shock will affect them similarly. 


  • Homunculi will always appear as a descendant without some means of modification, albeit with some very minor aesthetics and changes which an Alchemist might choose to give them, granted that they offer no sort of advantage in combat. They will always possess a glassy glint in their eyes. The alchemist who created them is also entitled some aesthetic liberties which the alchemist wishes to bestow upon it. Such examples may be the color of the Homunculi’s skin based upon the elements used in its creation, red for fire, green for earth, etc., though this is not required.
  • Homunculi possess the strength and agility of their build without modifications. A homunculi made to look like an elf would have the strength of an elf, albeit perhaps slightly better, while an orc homunculi would have the same strength and constitution as an orc. Homunculi still feel fatigue from over-exertion.
  • Homunculi made from a descendant corpse possess all organs which a descendant might normally possess, albeit non-functional unless they wish to use such (i.e. lungs for Kani). Homunculi made purely from Bogodan’s Clay will possess no internal organs unless they are made specifically and implanted. This will make the creature slower and more rigid in their movements unless the alchemist takes great care to ensure they are made like that of a regular Homunculus. They must still possess things like eyes to see, mouths to talk, etc. 

  • Homunculi do not bleed blood, but rather, their wounds secrete the alchemic substance used to birth them. Additionally, they will still feel pain, albeit slightly dulled. 

  • A homunculus can regenerate to a very minor degree. Injuries that would be nonfatal and are relatively minor can be healed out of combat, requiring additional food consumption and an hour in OOC time. Otherwise wounds would require the aid they would normally need to stabilize and heal. Regenerated wounds cannot exceed small cuts, bruises, or slashes. Entire broken bones, gashes, or stab wounds would require medical aid. 
  • Homunculi are able to apply various transmutations, such as grafting, to themselves much more easily than a descendant due to their alchemical composition. This means that a homunculi can apply and remove grafts and other modifications within the span of a few minutes, as well as recovering from the change swiftly. They will still feel a moderate amount of pain, meaning that this cannot be performed while in direct combat with an opponent and must take one OOC hour to be fully combat-ready once it has been removed or applied. 
  • Homunculi are soulless beings, meaning that they cannot practice any form of Arcane, Deific, Dark Magic, or any other arts requiring a soul to function. Arts such as Kani, assuming they have the necessary internals, and Afflicted are viable. Similarly, they may not be turned into certain creatures.
  • Homunculi, while not knowing alchemy inherently, are able to understand it better and see the world through the Material Alphabet as if they were a well-practiced alchemist, even if they do not know what the signs and symbols truly mean. Additionally, as a Homunculi, they may study any form of alchemy.
  • Homunculi do not grow with age, however, they may be modified to appear in such a way, having further alchemic additions added onto them to simulate ‘growth’. Typically, unless aided by some alchemic means, a Homunculi will live about 20% longer than their descendant counterpart. Synthetic Homunculi, however, will only live for up to one-hundred years unless aided by some alchemic means. 
  • Homunculi cannot possess genitalia and are thus unable to sexually FTB. They also cannot have any sexual interest or attraction. Any love or romance is purely platonic in nature.
  • The death of a Homunculi is flavorful and will cause little to no damage. While an air Homunculi’s death might cause a small burst of wind to blow back your hair only slightly, though a fire Homunculi will not be a napalm bomb, and will merely burn away rather harmlessly. Homunculi will regenerate over the course of one OOC day and will not be able to recall any of the events leading up to their death. 
  • The creation of Homunculi falls under Tawkin Creation.







The belief that deaths are not permanent have been a topic of debate by some Esoterics, believing that the soul will instead return at one point or another, perhaps with a new state of being, or in some other form. Energy is permanent, its enactment on the worlds stays. There are ways to return the soul to the worlds, with the intent to keep its knowledge. To return to the world is Reincarnation, though the Alchemists of Llull tinkered with a concept of it, making a method to have the soul return to the world, with its knowledge often intact. Some call this Reincarnation process Transmigration. Notably, one Alchemist of the past called a method similar to this ‘Kloning’, having engineered his own cousin of this Reincarnation process -- though that is all Kloning is, a now lost cousin.



One may go about such by means of two things; a vessel and a particular mixture known as the Vitae of Rebirth, a fabled elixir which itself is capable of performing what many scholars would see as sustain life itself, albeit through the explicit process of Tawkin Transmigration. The alchemist may begin within a vase alchemically treated with connection, implanting within it a vessel made purely from Bogodan’s Clay, akin to that of a fetus. A Vessel is a term used to describe an artificial thing which is used to create artificial bodies that mimic descendents. and this finds its use in the creation of homunculus. Unlike humanoid deviants who are simply made to look like a descendent, and use a different form of creation; vessels are made to look like something akin to a fetus, and go through the creation process which causes the body to grow and become. 


With the implanted vessel, the alchemist must saturate it with the Vitae of Rebirth, this becoming the very lifeblood of the newly created vessel. Afterwards, in a most meticulous and particular process, the alchemist must fill the vase with an oil wrought of alchemic growth and life, whilst the engendered vessel lies within it -- now permitting this materially begotten creature to begin its true formation and development. This process, however, is one which requires several years to perform, dispermitting one from growing at a faster rate than natural; that is -- growing faster naturally and safe from risk. More daring alchemists who may employ swiftness and vigour symbols within the jar’s oils may find their vessel to grow at twice the rate, yet at the greater cost of damage and detriment.


  • An alchemist must create a vessel of ‘The Pygmy’ from Bogodan’s Clay, shaping it in the form of a humanoid fetus. Whilst naught but a blank slate at first, during its development it will take on the traits of whomever was utilized in the Vitae of Rebirth. The creation of the Pygmy is an incredibly tedious process that demands one's full attention. 
  • After the Pygmy is made, it may be put into a clay vase treated with the necessary alchemic symbols of connection, then filled with an oil made from growth and life signs. This will lead the Pygmy to grow and manifest in tandem with the jar over the course of three OOC weeks, until it has become akin to the individual being reincarnated.
  • Once the three OOC weeks are up, the alchemist must roll a d6. Should the roll be made a 6/6, this will necessitate a mutation in the vessel. They must then roll d20 for a mutation; 1 being harmless, and 20 being detrimental if not deadly. Do note that not all of these mutations are explicitly stated and will require that one look them up to figure out how to roleplay them.
  • 1-6 -- Minor Mutation: This is often things that deviate slightly from the original, such as a lighter shade of hair, slightly lighter/darker skin pigmentation, and so on. Often these are harmless.

  • 7-12 -- Moderate Mutation: Still relatively harmless, this is where one might see a greater deviation, followed by some mutations such as heterochromia; small amounts of odd streaks, scales, and patterns on the body, altered bone and muscle structure, perhaps being thicker or thinner, though to only detriment and no benefit.

  • 13-18 -- Harsh: The body is ridden with horrific mutations that can act as a detriment. Pigmentation can be vastly different, eye color as well. This is followed by afflictions such as heterochromia, weak bones, malformed appendages, or even the lack of some appendages. Whilst one might be able to function, it would not be pleasant.

  • 19-20 -- Catastrophic: It is possible for the reincarnated body to lose one or more senses, followed by the weakness of the body. This is followed by respiratory issues that can complicate the Pygmy. In truth, it's likely the Pygmy might not survive the process; which can cause one to start over. Otherwise, should it live, it would possess traits akin to some gruesome hunchback, unable to grow much muscle and becoming overall grotesque and incredibly sickly.

  • It is recommended one checks on their Pygmies every so often, though when the time has come and one is reincarnated, the pygmy awakens, and the vase crumbles. It will then begin to grow rapidly, with the age being to the discretion of the reincarnated, this is typically done by adding liquids with signs of vigour for youth, or curtailment for age; though it defaults to something in their twenties. It is noted that during incubation, the Pygmy is vulnerable and can easily be slain, and if a reincarnate has no more and dies, their death is permanent. If no such thing occurs, the pygmy can leave on normally, with the body lasting for as long as the descendant would.



  • This process may be used by a more impatient alchemist in order to speed up the growth of their Pygmy. They begin by doing all that they would normally do up to the point of setting the Pygmy within the vase. Then, once they are ready, they will add in the oil; however, instead of merely adding growth and life, they must also make use of numerous vigour and swiftness. This will allow the vessel to grow within two weeks, albeit more prone to significant mutation. 
  • - Once the OOC week is up, the alchemist must roll a d4. Should the roll be made a 1/4 or a 2/4, this will necessitate a mutation in the vessel. They must then roll d20 for a mutation; 1 being minor, and 20 being a total fail. Do note that not all of these mutations are explicitly stated and will require that one look them up to figure out how to roleplay them.
    • 1-4 -- Minor Mutation: Though relatively harmless, this is where one might see a greater deviation, followed by some mutations such as heterochromia; small amounts of odd streaks, scales, and patterns on the body, altered bone and muscle structure, perhaps being thicker or thinner, though to only detriment and no benefit.
    • 5-9 -- Moderate Mutation: The body is ridden with horrific mutations that can act as a detriment. Pigmentation can be vastly different, and eyesight can vary and be incredibly poor. This is followed by afflictions such as heterochromia, weak bones, malformed appendages, the lack of appendages, severe scoliosis, respiratory issues and the likes. Whilst one might be able to function, it would not be pleasant.
    • 10-16 -- Harsh: With this, the rushed Pygmy would possess traits akin to some gruesome hunchback, unable to grow much muscle and becoming overall grotesque and incredibly sickly. Severe ailments such as cancer, sickle cell anemia, easy bruising, poor vision, deafness, and perhaps a weakened immune system, as well as the inability to grow much muscle and forcing such a pygmy to become overall grotesque, weak, and incredibly sickly.
    • 17-20 -- Catastrophic: There is no good outcome, and the Pygmy merely dies.






  • Fiends are typically small creatures ranging around two to four feet, though creatures as Amalgams and Gelats may expand even further should they consume the equivalent biomass. At most, a Fiend can be vaguely humanoid, though are very noticeably monstrous or unnatural. Their strength is relatively weak at first, only slightly stronger than that of a child. Over time, with consumption and growth, it may scale upwards, though not to an unreasonable degree such as an olog.
  • Fiends greatly lack intelligence with their max intellect being below a chimp; though may be tamed by their creators or those who understand how to tame them. Oftentimes on their own, they can be rather insignificant and easily defeated, though are much more dangerous in packs, overwhelming their victim quickly. They cannot understand any spoken or written language, hence only making certain directions, movements, and behaviors capable of providing them instruction. 
  • Cannot use special abilities that employ some type of damage that is not physical. In essence, typical fiends do not have any magical or other unnatural abilities beyond what is inherently a part of their being, such as corrosion or acid in the case of oozes, or replications for paramecia.
  • A Fiend, assuming it has the solidarity to, can sport bizarre protrusions like horns, and bare natural weapons such as fangs, claws, and talons; likewise they can have additional appendages such as a tail. Natural weapons are weaker than iron, though somewhat greater than mere bone, and tails are not as strong as normal limbs. This is reserved for Varmints and Amalgams.
  • A Fiend can have natural armor, although at the maximum would be dense as bone; the stronger and denser the natural armor is, the more restricted movement can be. Most weapons should be capable of bypassing the armor, albeit with some difficulty. This is reserved for Varmints and Amalgams.
  • Fiends are not CA playable and rely upon the alchemist for their in-roleplay employment whether they be used for atmospheric emotes or used in combat.
  • For combative fiends, when not in a home or lair, one can have on their person; two fiends of large size, that being larger than three or four feet; three fiends of medium size, no larger than three or four feet; or four fiends of small size, that being anything below.

  • For combative fiends located in their alchemist’s home or lair, one can only have seven Small Fiends; five Medium Fiends; or three Large Fiend per fifteen blocks of space. This is not interchangeable, as each fifteen blocks represent a ‘region’ which the fiends have ‘claimed’, and over encumberment could cause them to fight. In the case of flavor or environmental emotes, these are not limited, so long as it would be reasonably RPly.




  • A Deviant can go to the max size of seven feet, though if one is not in the setting of one’s home, or in an event-like setting, it can at max be five feet (unless it is a mount). This is to allow minion-mastering to a particular degree, but not to be incredibly overpowered. Their strength is relative to their build, make, and size (i.e. human size = human strength).
  • Deviants have the potential to be more intelligent than Fiends, right below a descendant. They are able to wield tools and weapons so long as their function is not too complex. They may be loyal to those who understand the proper taming technique, and can identify puzzles and patterns if permitted such.
  • Deviants will never appear normal. While they take the general shape of the creature they were modelled after -- if at all modeled -- they will always have distinct tells which enable one to recognize their abnormality. They themselves do not inherit any magical or unnatural capabilities beyond what is inherently part of their being, such as Amalgam Boiling Blood. 
  • Deviants may have claws, tails, horns, additional limbs/appendages, or other protrusions which may be used as potential weaponry, however, these cannot exceed steel in durability nor can the tails act as limbs. Deviants may access simple weapons like swords or simple crossbows if their biology allows, this being mostly reserved for humanoid Divergents or intelligent Colonies.
  • A Deviant can have natural armor, although at the maximum would be dense as iron; the stronger and denser the natural armor is, the more restricted movement can be. This implies that if one has the max density or close to it, they are unable to wear more metal armor.
  • Deviants are not CA playable and rely upon the alchemist for their in-roleplay employment whether they be used for atmospheric emotes or used in combat.
  • For combative deviants, when not in a home or lair, one can have on their person; two large, that being four to five feet, or greater; two fiends of medium size, no larger than three to four feet; or four fiends of small size, that being anything below.

  • For combative fiends located in their alchemist’s home or lair, one can only have five Small Deviants; three Medium Deviants; or two Large Deviants per twenty blocks of space. This is not interchangeable; similarly to Devients, each fifteen blocks represent a region ‘claimed’ by the Deviants, and over encumberment can cause fighting. In the case of flavor or environmental emotes, these are not limited. In the case of flavor or environmental emotes, these are not limited, so long as it would be reasonably RPly.




  • The Vitae of Rebirth is useless outside of Reincarnation.
  • A CA is required for Transmigration/‘Shuffling’. You only need one, once it's done, though one should keep a document logging the creation and whereabouts of Pygmies should ST call upon such, just to ensure there isn’t any fishy business. Otherwise, happy making your Pygmies.
  • When someone dies and enters a Pygmy, assuming they possess any to go into, they will still face the repercussions of death and will be unable to recall events leading up to their demise. 
  • The age of a body ranges from Pre-Teen, to Elderly. Should one be the youngest possible in  regards to body, note that one is not able to FTB until it is of age, this being eighteen. The body lasts as long as a person of that descendant race would normally.
  • If one made one, and died, and said Pygmy is not ready, they will need to wait the remainder of that time until it is ready to be played and rebirthed into. Should it be destroyed during that process, again, they are forced to PK.
  • Should all pygmies be destroyed, one must PK on their next death, assuming they did not make one.
  • A Pygmy is ready in two to three weeks depending upon the method used.
  • Mutations cannot alter genitalia unless it causes the lack thereof.




Much of current alchemy is centered around logic, methodical practice, and advancement in technology and the Material. Whilst by all means it is meant to be a scholarly art, it is not one that often invokes madness within its practitioners, save those truly zealous. And though there are a small handful of alchemic pieces which offer a taste of the irrational and questionable, there is no true end-goal to this madness, no motive beyond concocting some mere potion at the cost of an elf’s ears. Most often with these cases, such roleplay tends to lead to simply kidnap, torture, and death, leaving little to memorable experience. This feat, however, seeks to remedy that, encouraging its users to take away in order to give back. Those who take up this feat are ones to truly have conflict within their character, and should have good reason for employing this damnable practice contrived of the Material Alphabet and its practice of alchemy, for goal of Tawkin is to offer mystery and intrigue to those who interact with it, creating unique roleplay beyond just the aforementioned. All ranges of communities, from magi, to huntsmen, to druids, are all permitted to interact with the products of this feat, for that is its purpose.I truly hope the community is receptive to this piece as it has been one I and Phil have put an immense amount of thought and time into. I pray that, should it be accepted, it will be employed properly by those who take it up. God forbid this become some combat Pokemon feat, as it could not be as far from it.


If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or ideas, please feel free to contact me on discord or on the forums and I would be more than happy to discuss!


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wow pund ur so cool teach me magic hah a ,,,



will sit down and read this proper when its mag time, but it looks cute

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Just now, Lhindir_ said:


Man scares me

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17 minutes ago, Sorcerio said:

All ranges of communities, from magi, to huntsmen, to druids, are all permitted to interact with the products of this feat


I don’t wanna

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Just now, Luciloo said:


I don’t wanna



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pun can create my sleep paralysis demon in minecraft make believe. 

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i only skimmed this but from what i read actual labrat catgirls can be made and i hate it. cool lore anyways tho at least i can hunt kharaboos

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1 minute ago, Ryloth said:

i only skimmed this but from what i read actual labrat catgirls can be made and i hate it. cool lore anyways tho at least i can hunt kharaboos


46 minutes ago, Sorcerio said:

They are not capable of being sexually appealing to any degree, and furthermore, attempting sexual actions with them strictly disregards the beastiality clause (i.e. no catgirls)


dw homes, gotchu covered 

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8 minutes ago, Sorcerio said:
55 minutes ago, Sorcerio said:

They are not capable of being sexually appealing to any degree, and furthermore, attempting sexual actions with them strictly disregards the beastiality clause (i.e. no catgirls)


dw homes, gotchu covered


Funniest redline I've seen in a while and I now approve +1 say no to catgirls 

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can’t support this until i am able to simp for catgirls, sorry man.

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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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