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21 minutes ago, Telanir said:

What is 1 unironic suggestion, unique to you, that you think would improve LotC?

Also what does your character think about Farmer Billy Bob? 🙂🥔

Generally encouragement and management of villainy RP. I want to see more bandit RP, or more pickpocketing RP, or better raids, just some more low life criminal scum RP. Ik it isn’t something that staff can force players to do, but even just nudging ppl in the right direction would be a better start imho. Every story arc begins with a conflict of some sort 🤷‍♀️

and I’ve never RP’d with Billy Bob but I do remember watching him comically dance with Belestram at the Aegrothond ball once 


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51 minutes ago, CornPhlake said:

who are you? 😕

ur mom lol

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What are your favorite books?

Where do you get inspiration to roleplay?

Who are your favorite characters on the server and why?



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14 minutes ago, JasperJohn said:

What are your favorite books?

I haven't read in a while BUT my favorite book series was the Gone series by Michael Grant, and the Unwind dystology by Neil Shusterman. Gone involves a group of teenagers (who actually act like teenagers) who get trapped in a supernatural force field for many years and develop strange abilities and powers and more or less fight for survival. Unwind is a lot more darker. The terms in this book are basically subjected to purification (being "Unwound") if they're bad kids, and follows the story of Connor who leads a rebellion against the Unwind system that's been set in place. 


20 minutes ago, JasperJohn said:

Where do you get inspiration to roleplay?

I wouldnt really say I found the inspiration from anywhere, more so just realized I have a strong interest in this stuff. I've been RPing since I was really young, even if it was just on shitty creative plot servers, but I eventually found my way to LOTC by means I dont remember and I've had some of the most intricate and beautiful storylines on here yet.


22 minutes ago, JasperJohn said:

Who are your favorite characters on the server and why?

I know he didnt exactly have the best rep on the server nor does he play anymore, but Karyssmov is a character I've always enjoyed interacting with. It's why I often reference him in creative writing posts I make, because he's a character that's significantly impacted the life of my character Cyrene. Not to mention, he was one of those character you could interact with and wouldnt get bored with. I do miss RPing with him but I'd be a **** if I tried to drag him back to the server lmao


Next on my list would probably be Nectorists characters in general. He's one of those people who you can RP with and not get unseasoned, boring emotes. I dont see many people that often who can write like that. Not saying no one else on the server is good af wtiting, but more so just the manner in whichit's done. It's something that's interesting and leaves you wanting to read more, and I think both Nect and Kary pull this off really well.


Also honorable mention to Pale Pot, Waibiao, Lien, and Saliva

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56 minutes ago, Mister_Gavin said:

Thing you find most infuriating about LoTC?

This one is probably pretty common among the players, but staff choices have been really irritating to deal with in the past, too many to name. Ntm the absolute irresponsibility admins have shown when it comes to dealing with legitimate pedophiles on the server

Also **** Flamboyant

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Who stole my beer from the fridge?

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8 hours ago, Vangroth said:

Who stole my beer from the fridge?

are you dewlox???? i dont know anyone else from lithuania with ender vip that isnt dewlox


praises the legend that if you’re lithuaninan you’re either dewlox or lithuanian

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How’ve you been, and what are your future plans (if any) with Aegrothond?

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on a scale from 1 to 10 what is your favorite color of the ancient Sumerian cuneiform codex of representative symbols?

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16 hours ago, Vangroth said:

Who stole my beer from the fridge?

I did

6 hours ago, Waibiao said:

How’ve you been, and what are your future plans (if any) with Aegrothond?

Hey I've been pretty good, thanks for asking. Hbu? 


As far as aegrothond goes, I dont necessarily have any plans. I'll just be sticking around doing my own thing on 8.0, mainly stuff with my new welf clan I made 🙂

5 hours ago, TheFlowerBandit said:

on a scale from 1 to 10 what is your favorite color of the ancient Sumerian cuneiform codex of representative symbols?


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28 minutes ago, Ducklingator said:

you’ve made two out of three popular threads. how does it feel to be a celebrity


feels pretty good to be mineman famous

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On 10/2/2020 at 11:56 AM, Unwillingly said:

joined when I was 13 and now I’m almost 18 can’t believe I’ve been here for almost 5 years

god help me


Joined when I was 16 and now I’m still here 21 ½ fml...


I hear ye brotha


So why ya still play? By choice, or is it just the meth for your creative dopamine?

Edited by LeoRabbit99
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