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A Disgusting Onslaught of Depravation, Death And Bloodlust On The Hands of Oren


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"Damn Orenians..." Rosemary muttered to herself upon learning of the horrible events that took place recently in the beautiful farming village. Without hesitation, the one-handed bartender whipped around and nodded, postponing her adventure to aid in the defending of her home.

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No signature.

No seal. 


We are to suppose, I guess, that the author of the Nordland newspaper must have written this gossip column. 


Many tales of this bloodshed end with 'The [child] or [mother] fled into their room" they emphasize the fear but not the fact that Orenia spared the women and children, only by the horror they felt of foreign armies on their soil. As war tends to do. 


Let us look at this document for the strangeness that it is. 


First, it bears no legal authority. It lacks the signature of the Duke or any signature at all, it's a vaguely worded and anonymous document from the 'Duchy'.  It doesn't even have a seal.  We can dismiss the document outright at this point as it has the official bearing of toilet parchment at this point; but let us examine its contents for but a moment. 


Second, this is another attempt to label a piece of territory as 'civilian' , 'a farming duchy' and 'absolved' from conflict. There is no peered Noble in all of Almaris who promises to serve their liege and make no effort to raise their arms. The Sovereign Duchy of Elysium was at war and at arms against the Empire, it just happened to be unprepared. To be blunt; Horse Manure. Individuals can be innocent, not entire territories - shall Nordland like to submit any other territories deemed too important to them they'd prefer the Imperial Army not to attack?


When an Army attacks your territory, it should not simply turn around because it met a light garrison or because the Keep claims it only 'partially' supports it's liege - we can assume a simple surrender and laying down of one arms would have equally resolved it with no bloodshed but can assume the defenders offered resistance.


The attempts to contort this small strike, which duly captured an enemy vassal lord and caused the capitulation of an entire Duchy, as a massacre are nothing short of propaganda. 


There are a sore lack of funeral rites for such a massacre, a typical measure of combat losses post conflict. There is a great deal of Nordland mother's weeping for their scared sons, which proves the only thing massacred on that day was Nordland morale. 




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30 minutes ago, Minuvas said:

No signature.

No seal. 


We are to suppose, I guess, that the author of the Nordland newspaper must have written this gossip column. 


Many tales of this bloodshed end with 'The [child] or [mother] fled into their room" they emphasize the fear but not the fact that Orenia spared the women and children, only by the horror they felt of foreign armies on their soil. As war tends to do. 


Let us look at this document for the strangeness that it is. 


First, it bears no legal authority. It lacks the signature of the Duke or any signature at all, it's a vaguely worded and anonymous document from the 'Duchy'.  It doesn't even have a seal.  We can dismiss the document outright at this point as it has the official bearing of toilet parchment at this point; but let us examine its contents for but a moment. 


Second, this is another attempt to label a piece of territory as 'civilian' , 'a farming duchy' and 'absolved' from conflict. There is no peered Noble in all of Almaris who promises to serve their liege and make no effort to raise their arms. The Sovereign Duchy of Elysium was at war and at arms against the Empire, it just happened to be unprepared. To be blunt; Horse Manure. Individuals can be innocent, not entire territories - shall Nordland like to submit any other territories deemed too important to them they'd prefer the Imperial Army not to attack?


When an Army attacks your territory, it should not simply turn around because it met a light garrison or because the Keep claims it only 'partially' supports it's liege - we can assume a simple surrender and laying down of one arms would have equally resolved it with no bloodshed but can assume the defenders offered resistance.


The attempts to contort this small strike, which duly captured an enemy vassal lord and caused the capitulation of an entire Duchy, as a massacre are nothing short of propaganda. 


There are a sore lack of funeral rites for such a massacre, a typical measure of combat losses post conflict. There is a great deal of Nordland mother's weeping for their scared sons, which proves the only thing massacred on that day was Nordland morale. 




Similarly, it shall seem that the writer is completely omitting their own seal or signature as well. Hypocrisy. 

There is a sufficient enough verification in that the official declaration was stated with the Astrean crest, and this notice was placed up within the Kingdom of Norland with both ducal and national assent. 

I presume, as this originals can only be found within the Kingdom of Norland, that you are able to transverse into Norland and her vassals just fine to peruse and give your responses here. 

There is no attempt at all to subvert that the agricultural duchy is not the military strength of Norland and King Sven's warbands. This statement of affairs is a testimonial from Elysium, for Elysium and her allies to hear of its own perspectives on what happened on the late evening. 

You may continue the spreading of falsehoods attempting to degrade the validities of the statements that were made, but the burden of proof also lies against you, it seems intrinsically suggestive of contempt and umbrage that your entire writing simply categorically denies the statement presented when our allies have arrived to verify the statement of accounts from myself, Liluth and Lex. Three out of the five that the marauders chose to attack. 

It will continue to be my expressed position to draw in question on your identity and station to be publicly stated so that your attempts to degrade and cheapen a decision that the warband gave to deem those present with me, all wearing casual clothes and amidst a chatting to a child, to be present. No swords was drawn from my side within the elven minute that the Orenian marauders pointed a sword at me and declared the raid to happen. 

Its shocking that you would also call in question on the topic of funeral rites, and you may verify that burials happened within Elysium including repairs conducted to places damaged in the raiding, as collaborated in the victory notice issued by Oren. 

As you, may categorically spread lies against my community, I will continue to defend my people. I do not believe that non-combatants should be deemed permissible 'collateral damage' and deemed to be non-entites and be part of your repugnant version of putting lives as 'Norlandic Morales'. 

If you wish to speak to me yourself, you may contact me by bird or address a neutral courier to my person. 


Eugeo de Astrea. 
Leader of Elysium. 


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Mwari Delilah Ishe de Astrea, Duchess of Elysium and faithful wife of Duke Eugeo de Astrea, had been spending the week during the elven during her husband’s imprisonment by the hands of the Imperial Army worrying. Only the day before he was gone he was in her arms, they had been spending the whole afternoon together, and yet the warmth he left on her only drove her sick with fear that she would never feel it again. A noblewoman, a mother of seven, the daughter of a might warrior, couldn’t even keep down a whole meal due to the feverent anxiety her husband’s disappearance had left on her. She grew weak quickly, her cheeks hollow and her arms too dainty to lift a chair.


On her husband’s release and return home, Delilah had been crying in the warm room of her household’s flowing baths. She had chosen there solely so that the flowing waters of the bath could cover her weeping from the ears of her children. Quickly, she washed her face at the sound of footsteps and she turned to the sight of her husband, bloody and bruised.


’Thank the spirits’ is all that came to mind as she surged forth to take his weakened form into her own weak arms, sobbing uncontrollably with both happiness and sadness.


That night was spent with herself caring for her husband and his bruises and cuts, thankfully already treated in most areas by another medic. She had to bathe him herself due to his sordid state.


The next morning this missive was written and distributed by Eugeo. In turn, Delilah would take up the task of fortifying her household to avoid Imperials breaking down her door and harming her young children. She would spend most of her days, now, around her children without a break. Her toddler, Luka, would find himself in her arms at all times now.


So is the influence of these sordid affairs upon the family of the Duke.

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"What? Why would they do such a thing?..." He'd whisper under his breath, his eyes scanning over the missive as he frowned. He'd then shake his head lightly before muttering some more words to himself "It appears that history repeats itself constantly- these events are reminding me of the past that my mother mentioned so often... My grandfather was the one who burned such thoughts into her mind... Maybe he was right after all..." And with that, the Druid fell silent as he pondered to himself. 

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8 hours ago, Suicidium said:

Similarly, it shall seem that the writer is completely omitting their own seal or signature as well. Hypocrisy. 

There is a sufficient enough verification in that the official declaration was stated with the Astrean crest, and this notice was placed up within the Kingdom of Norland with both ducal and national assent. 

I presume, as this originals can only be found within the Kingdom of Norland, that you are able to transverse into Norland and her vassals just fine to peruse and give your responses here. 

There is no attempt at all to subvert that the agricultural duchy is not the military strength of Norland and King Sven's warbands. This statement of affairs is a testimonial from Elysium, for Elysium and her allies to hear of its own perspectives on what happened on the late evening. 

You may continue the spreading of falsehoods attempting to degrade the validities of the statements that were made, but the burden of proof also lies against you, it seems intrinsically suggestive of contempt and umbrage that your entire writing simply categorically denies the statement presented when our allies have arrived to verify the statement of accounts from myself, Liluth and Lex. Three out of the five that the marauders chose to attack. 

It will continue to be my expressed position to draw in question on your identity and station to be publicly stated so that your attempts to degrade and cheapen a decision that the warband gave to deem those present with me, all wearing casual clothes and amidst a chatting to a child, to be present. No swords was drawn from my side within the elven minute that the Orenian marauders pointed a sword at me and declared the raid to happen. 

Its shocking that you would also call in question on the topic of funeral rites, and you may verify that burials happened within Elysium including repairs conducted to places damaged in the raiding, as collaborated in the victory notice issued by Oren. 

As you, may categorically spread lies against my community, I will continue to defend my people. I do not believe that non-combatants should be deemed permissible 'collateral damage' and deemed to be non-entites and be part of your repugnant version of putting lives as 'Norlandic Morales'. 

If you wish to speak to me yourself, you may contact me by bird or address a neutral courier to my person. 


Eugeo de Astrea. 
Leader of Elysium. 


*A letter is returned by bird*


"Your Grace,

  I thank you for taking the time to respond to the writing in question, for I am low station and but an observer to conflict; had more people taken to writing, than wrangling of swords, we may have avoided this conflict all together.  For there is common ground at the table of friendship, even in disagreement. 


And I do disagree. I disagree that, as Oren is the accused party, that it bears the burden of proof to show that military action taken against a military target is justified. Though I would agree a joint team of investigators to determine a modicum of truth, a member of Nordland, Oren and a third party to publish a more thorough chronicle of events.  So far the accounts from both sides lend to a military justification, armed and armored by their liege and target of military importance. The military reports from Oren are thorough and detailed, and even if their actions amounted to impropriety - it is clear the Orenian Soldier on the ground felt that his life was threatened and violence need to end that threat. As I do not have access to interviews from your own citizens, only the wailing of wives and mother's and a declaration passed through the borders (Almost nearly as fast as you declared sovereignty), that lacked your signature. You can imagine the difficulty in getting a true account. 


I do not condone collateral damage. I also do not believe you are entitled to advanced notice of an attack against your Duchy and your person; such strategy is military unwise and you must admit that Orenia gained initiative against you in an unprepared battle. Your nation is at war your grace, declared by your King - and you are apart of this conflict. You cannot expect any nation to wait until you are best prepared to meet it, on your terms. For this, you should admire a textbook spoiling attack by the Imperial Army: even if you despise the outcome.  We must make all efforts to shelter and protect our good citizens, had a pitched battle or siege occur - we must come to some agreement that the suffering would have been far worse.  While you suffered some embarrassment, you also gained a great deal of respect among Orenia - we value leaders who put their subjects before their own vainglory, and in this you showed a great deal of Imperial character and spirit - reminding us that there is commonality amongst our peoples


From what correspondence I have read of you as a person, you are a wise leader who cares for his people. Thus your military surrender is equally and tactfully sound. I know, and you know, it is also in The Kingdom of Nordlands supreme interest to prevent the embarrassment this early attack played on its reputation. It has everything to gain by rallying it's Soldiers by calling this a 'massacre'. It certainly was a military defeat. If it was more than that, I am open to conducting a join investigation with neutral parties and to clamor for justice against unnecessary action taken. When this conflict is over, and if we are both still alive to speak of, I would be happy to come to your court and engage in thorough discourse with your courtiers and yourself If you so please. Last I tried, your Kingdom has long banished members of the Imperial State from entering. 


I wish you good health , and pray you do not drum the bells of war further - we would all be best served to convince your King that whatever perceived slight he has received is not worth the death of so many.  I would ask our leaders to end it, but alas they did not want raise arms against your kin - it was forced upon them. 


In hearth and health. 



Minuvas Melphestaus

Imperial Scholar





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Rha'kir, who would be chilling up in Attenlund, briefly raised up his sunglasses as he thought of the brewing war, before sliding them back on his nose. "This one wonders how it's going" He said out loud before going back to work on lunch in the outdoor kitchen.

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The retired Gail Cordius sighed as word of the events in Elysium reached Veritas, mumbling lightly beneath his breath,


"Perhaps it was foolish of me to think the Orenians had changed for the better..."

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Edward Mith smiles at the picture of a dog on the front page of the edict, on the Elysium crest. He doesn't bother to read the rest of it. He doesn't have to read a paper to hate Oren.

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In one of Sunholdt's many bedchambers, the young Selm woman proceeded to read the missive given to her with growing laughter. Only stopping when the cocaine spoon was passed about the crazed intoxicated socialites "My word this is the best part-" Vespira said as she cleared her throat, laughing before calming herself as she read the quote to her guests. "then found their doors kicked in by the marauders, many of them being dragged into the town’s streets and executed." She finished shaking her head "These poor confused savages haven't a faint clue the war is there fault. I daresay they should be thanking us. We have so much culture and dignity to offer to them once we hang the northern imbeciles- Oh.. How papa would have loved this.." She said with a solemn smile before lifting a glass of wine to her lips as she listened to her guests continue insulting the warring nations- even there allies..

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      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

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      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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