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12 hours ago, TryaxReck said:

I would like to see some more effort put into player retention.

Hi! This is not really a moderation issue, so I'll respond to it instead.


12 hours ago, TryaxReck said:

A new player was asking in the wandering soul chat about how to create a new soul, with four other community team members online. He recieved no response, unless it was done through /msg, which I cannot see. If this is the case, disregard my concern here.

Ragnar & Sashimi are wiki team, Saviour is on our Content Creation team, and Twi only joined recently and hasn't had her full training yet. In addition, we've been struggling with a problem where people get kicked out of the wandering soul chat at every restart, so sometimes people forget to join back. Overall, it's an unfortunate situation and we try to do what we can. You're also always free to help people out yourself; We rely on other players to be active in wandering soul chat to some extent as well.


12 hours ago, TryaxReck said:

Note also the fact Savoy is still called Sutica. I checked, it warps you to Savoy. This should be corrected to be more accurate to the current state of the server.


I'd need to look up the commands for this - I'll be sure to have it fixed somewhere in the coming days.


12 hours ago, TryaxReck said:

- snip - (Voting sites, getting new players)

I think it's important to preface this one with an Influx of new players isn't a larger player retention. If we get 200 applicants in a month and we retain 20 players, we have a player retention of 10%. If we get 400 applicants and we retain 40 of them, that's still 10%.

Scalability on the application side of things is somewhat of an issue, something I wish to spend more time on. It's being worked on. Voting sites and the front page being out of date or not reflecting the server as well as they could be are on the list, but we can only do so much at the same time.


12 hours ago, TryaxReck said:

As a related topic, I believe that making the vast lore LOTC more user-friendly and readable for new players is a good idea. An idea I thought of was having nations give historical summaries of their histories, brushing over maybe 2-3 major events per map which affected their kingdom, and forming it into a timeline. This could provide a good first step into the pool of lore we have accumulated over the years.  General lore management would be nice as well. 

Right. So we have the Wiki, which has always been in a bit of a weird spot because it relies on players a lot, and it's somewhat of a mess. I had a lore project for the wiki running a while ago - To get all lore on the wiki in a digestible format - but that's been put on hold for the time being for other things. Anyone is free to make a wiki account or write posts that summarize lore in a more digestible manner - If you need help, feel free to reach out to someone on staff with what you want to do and we can point you in the right direction.


Nations & timelines for them are a bit weird as well. People would need to want to make these things - if you do, hit me up and we can work something out - and then we'll need to put them in a nice spot. Again; Things that could be done if we had people to do them.


I'm not sure what you mean by general lore management. If you could expand on that I could probably tell you a bit more.




I'll also give my personal opinion on the topic of lore, as I've done before; I don't think a new player needs to know all the lore on the server. If you know some of the basic things, you can pretty much step in and just interact with the world. I'd even say this is the most fun way to play on LotC.

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More short distance fast travels (especially boats) would go a long way.  Create a strong network of routes between nations that don’t rely on CT and the warps — they’re one of the weakest parts of the map. 

A related feature I’d like to see is teleports to at-sea versions of boats for RP purposes.  Iirc this used to be done with the boat in a pocket dimension to avoid people using the system for travel, but any way to “set sail” without staff involvement would be great. 

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2 hours ago, Dry Crackers said:

More short distance fast travels (especially boats) would go a long way.  Create a strong network of routes between nations that don’t rely on CT and the warps — they’re one of the weakest parts of the map. 

A related feature I’d like to see is teleports to at-sea versions of boats for RP purposes.  Iirc this used to be done with the boat in a pocket dimension to avoid people using the system for travel, but any way to “set sail” without staff involvement would be great. 

Different systems that intend to expand travel in the world are currently being worked on. I will be announcing something soon regarding that. 

I like the idea you propose about a pocket dimension with boats at sea for RP purposes. However I feel like planning it to be 100% free of staff involvement is impossible unless we had an independent world with a plot for each boat in the map and a warp to it. (Something that would take forever)

Currently I offer to make copies of player boats in the middle of the ocean to people who wish to do player events. I know it requires some form of staff involvement but it's a solution while we can come up with something else. 

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On 11/17/2021 at 5:50 AM, Nathaniel Calding said:

From my point of view, the only thing that's an issue right now is that there's no common enemy for the whole server

Like if there was a 'front line' of sorts against the Inferi, or Azdrazi, or whatever, that would provide some real nice RP, while engaging the server and actually giving Almaris a direction

I don't think we necessarily need a common foe to unite against. While theoretically it is interesting, it's rarely worked well. The current Azdrazi holocaust is born out of rp, but its also been heavily influenced by OOC hatred of certain players and their group. 


I would however enjoy being able to make up small events with the groups I'm with for some RP, but I lack the time. Many players lack the time. And one thing stopping a state of OOC cooperation to create RP is underlining OOC tensions and pressures. Undeniably, players grow to be competitive, and attached to intersubjective groups, character, and concepts. Naturally, through time, experience and our social groups, we create certain biases and assumptions that even subconsciously affect our relationship with other individuals. We are humans, we are made of flesh (and the flesh is weak), and have emotions that heavily influence player to player relationships. Exhibit A: I OOCly think wig roleplay is trash. My relationship with "wig" role-players will therefore be affected. 


How do we solve this ? I don't know, I need to reflect on this. But I think it is a good thing for players to be informed of this. Personally, I'd advocate for staff to intervene on certain groups or individual problem players that are a genuine issue in the server, but have been allowed to persist. I don't need to name any names. Then again, what do I know, I'm probably emotionally biased, but who am I to have things against grooming sex-pests, manipulators, and harassers ? 

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3 hours ago, SoulReapingWolf said:

Different systems that intend to expand travel in the world are currently being worked on. I will be announcing something soon regarding that. 

I like the idea you propose about a pocket dimension with boats at sea for RP purposes. However I feel like planning it to be 100% free of staff involvement is impossible unless we had an independent world with a plot for each boat in the map and a warp to it. (Something that would take forever)

Currently I offer to make copies of player boats in the middle of the ocean to people who wish to do player events. I know it requires some form of staff involvement but it's a solution while we can come up with something else. 

Glad to hear there’s more transport in the works!


My sticking point with the boats is waiting on a WT for the teleportation — automating that would be ideal, even if WT is needed to set everything up the first time. 

then again I’m not doing much nautical RP right now so it’s not a personal priority. 

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5 hours ago, Jentos said:

-jentos being based as per usual-


large map antags are a huge commitment and rarely do they turn out good without proper thought. having a single foe can be interesting if given the time to develop and naturally occur-... but just introducing a single antag won't fix almaris at all. 


jentos is very right in the sense that our OOC biases will leak into RP all the time. i guarantee you some people would call events i've done absolute trash because of the nonsensical nature of some of them. everybody has their preferences. since my return to the server ive made an effort to rp with many different types of groups, and i've traveled the map to all sorts of cities and different players and had a blast. in 2017 i would hardly leave the borders of oren. 


almaris suffers from dollhouse syndrome. everything is very static, things only change when they're being evicted or moved. players can hardly creep into other circles or influence anything outside of whatever region they're added to, and even then, it's very slim if they could do that! this weird DMV era limits creativity, thought, and most of all, CHIM, is horrendous. LoTC feels more like VR Chat or Forum RP than ever before!


sadly, everyone expects the problems of lotc to always be top down, that staff will make changes and it will shower down and fix the state of the server. granted, yes, policy changes are needed. but overall, i think the culture of the server is very rigid, and sometimes unwelcoming. hardly is anything done in good-faith.

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Map antags stink.


Freebuild is trash. Smallholdings are trash. RP needs to be centralized and not split into a million mini locations. I'm not even going to argue this point with the like four loud advocates again because we've seen it fail and catastrophically harm the server like 3 times now. Go play Rust or survival factions. Ligma.


Why is CT not just laser focused on getting new players into LotC through guidance and events that keep people logging in exclusively? It's kind of the only thing we need, with exception for Treshure's [redacted] island project. I love the Wiki but why is this something that has a subsection of a team who aren't tasked with helping noobs like the team is supposed to be doing? Why is the Wiki even such a focus when so much of our lore is exclusively on the forums through pins and subforums? If it's too big to handle why not just cut a bunch of the chaff and turn it into the wiki equivalent of a new player handbook covering nonsense like "what is Almaris, what are Aenguls, four brothers, the races," etc instead of throwing resources into a project most people don't read? Feels like people are just looking for more fun work to do rather than doing the admittedly exhausting job of handling noobs all the time.


WT working on transport sounds awesome. If it's more 5 minute wait timer boat rides it's decidedly not awesome. Your 5 minute boat to Haelun'or makes new players quit and occasionally my friends camp it to see people get bored waiting and log out/give up because the fact you did that is so hilariously bizarre. When is WT going to fix all the dead settlement land scars on LotC? Those entrap new players and make your world look like a DayZ server. Why do you make people pay you minas to beautify the world when that's your job? When are you going to make Cloud Temple easy to navigate, conducive to the functions it provides rather than being a visual spectacle by virtue of its size, and not look like a depressing, empty Hypixel lobby?

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11 minutes ago, Caelria said:

occasionally my friends camp it to see people get bored



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9 hours ago, Caelria said:

Why is CT not just laser focused on getting new players into LotC through guidance and events that keep people logging in exclusively?

Because there's other things we're responsible for as well. Applications are a big part of our time. And then there's wiki and content creation, keeping other things up to date, making sure people know what they're doing in the Wandering Soul chat - When we don't get kicked from it, as well as managing the main discord and making sure staff gets the correct roles there when they request it, troubleshooting when people are having trouble with freja sync (or getting them in contact with tech), doing monk guidance, and new player intervention to help them look over rules and stuff when needed.

Then there's other things like making sure players don't use wandering souls as drones to find nodes or patrol on raids, as well as making sure the new players are doing alright in game. tl;dr there's a lot to do and not all of it has to do with new player retention.


9 hours ago, Caelria said:

It's kind of the only thing we need, with exception for Treshure's [redacted] island project.

In case you're wondering - This project is currently on hold. I'll give some more info on that in a second.


10 hours ago, Caelria said:

I love the Wiki but why is this something that has a subsection of a team who aren't tasked with helping noobs like the team is supposed to be doing?

That's not the only thing we're supposed to be doing. Again - Wiki team is also part of the community team, and the wiki takes quite some moderation. Content Creation is also part of CT, we do stuff in the main LotC discord - Again, read the thing I wrote above. It's not just new players.


11 hours ago, Caelria said:

Why is the Wiki even such a focus when so much of our lore is exclusively on the forums through pins and subforums? If it's too big to handle why not just cut a bunch of the chaff and turn it into the wiki equivalent of a new player handbook covering nonsense like "what is Almaris, what are Aenguls, four brothers, the races," etc instead of throwing resources into a project most people don't read?

Because people want to write for the wiki and pick up projects. People apply for wiki team, wiki team is part of the community team. Their responsibility is the wiki, not new players. New players, more often than you'd think, use the wiki to find information.


11 hours ago, Caelria said:

Feels like people are just looking for more fun work to do rather than doing the admittedly exhausting job of handling noobs all the time.

Believe me - Doing applications and stuff isn't the most fun thing to do. But it does help with new players. We do what we can, but we can't exactly force people to do certain think. I can quote your own Community Team application when commenting on this:


11 hours ago, Caelria said:

Despite this, I do not have confidence my experience will make a significant impact in the way LotC is run as a grunt member of the community team staff. I am applying specifically to bring that experience to bear on vetting players and working to engage them with a strong first impression so that they continue logging into LotC.

As management, we can't force people to do certain things. We can pick up projects ourselves, we can ask if people are interested with helping with them, but we can't force them to help us with them. If people want to change things about player retention, or pick Soul Island back up, they're free to do so.

But we don't get paid; We don't have the resources to pay people. We're doing what we can, and while you may disagree with our direction, you also need to understand that we have more responsibility than just vetting new players.

You're always free to create player initiatives as well. Some things are in the work - And if you need resources from the Community Team or staff in general, feel free to shoot me a message and I'm sure we can work something out

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On 11/16/2021 at 9:49 PM, Disheartened said:

That one I understand and likely won't alter. Due to all the complications with builds, regions, PRO system etc etc etc it's hard to do large scale damage to things constantly (and trust me, it would be constant without any barrier in place), plus people put tons of work into our builds on server.... BUT.

What if we made a bit of a compromise to see if we can add it as a heist feature? People would have to make apps and it would still be controlled, but it would add more leeway to be able to do that with valid RP. That's something I'd be willing to bring up.

As for your other part, I remember seeing that post and it should be a pretty easy fix and something I'm happy to work on. Someone already brought it up in mod chat so I'll need to check and see if we ever took steps to put anything in place.

Thoughts on making the players do a draft of the destruction build then presenting it to the WT/Build Team to perform tweaks and small alterations if needed? If it's shite it's shite and deny the "heist" as it would have to be shown before hand in an application with screenshots and the sort?

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On 11/19/2021 at 10:29 AM, _Sug said:

Thoughts on making the players do a draft of the destruction build then presenting it to the WT/Build Team to perform tweaks and small alterations if needed? If it's shite it's shite and deny the "heist" as it would have to be shown before hand in an application with screenshots and the sort?

Genuinely that would be a huge huge help, but I also don't think players will want to do that. I'll play around with some ideas and see what I can come up with that might be suitable.

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      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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