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A request from a Silver City Citizen


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[!] A flyer is delivered to the gates of the Elven Settlements where it may be passed on to the other nations across Almaris [!]




To the denizens of Almaris I send you this missive, be you receive it from a pinned notice or handed to you by another. If you’re willing to read, I hope this welcomes you. This isn’t a notice from an official of Haelun’or, but it comes from a concerned citizen of the state of the upcoming war. I wish to share my experience living within the walls of Haelun’or from the last dozen human years, from three Sohaers in the span of my arrival to the current day.


Haelun’or or the Silver City has had many hardships and discerning members of its governing body starting before Dimaethor Elevethar from the rise of Kalenz to the rise of our current governing Sohaer Idendril Elassidil. The current Sohaer of the Silver City has shown significant progress for the mali’aheral, high elves as with other elven races, the mali’ame, and mali’ker so far so, having them run establishments, living within the silver district, and being a part of our military body Sillumir without strife. The state has started a patronage program for those who wish to succeed in the ideals of progress and health to live within our walls, open to all races.


I am addressing this to you all to open up dialogue within our nation and see the progress we’ve made in the prying times over the former leaderships that got it wrong within Haelun’or. Showing progress that any race is welcomed within the walls of the Silver City and, much like other nations allowing them patronage to live within the walls if they so please it. 


The outlier is that of purity, and I understand it is a hard-hitting word though phrasing it to be the rules of the state is how it should be, much like the human nations, dwarven, Uruk, or mali. We each have a set of laws governing the cities built upon the land. The spouted discrepancies of slavery, servitude, kidnapping are things of prior leaderships which Idendril Elassidil is identifying and fixing to push further a greater Haelun’or than that which preceded the Sohaer. 




I urge other nations to look into the current city of Haelun’or and see the people, how they’re welcoming to other races, other nations, and other affiliations within the walls and aid us in the progress and health of our people. We do not seek conflict, nor do we seek war. The people behind the walls haven’t left to battle or raid other lands even before the current Sohaer reign. To the followers of lady Ivarielle, I implore you not to further your attacks on the nation and start your own. The people here are of no threat to you, and we respectfully urge you to unite your forces against the immense evil of the land of Azdromoth or the voidal abominations plaguing the land. The Haelun’or people stand by governing ideals that you don’t follow, nor are we forcing it on you; you’re welcome to build your own nation; I hope you don’t take the one made here and abandon it. Don’t allow further bloodshed of the people you claim to rule over; we’re not warmongers. 




Evo'lur Tartarus.

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"My city" The princess corrects as she hangs the small concern on her wall, a content hum sounding before she returned to playing the lyre.

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"What to make of this?" Minuvas looked to the Elves about him, he stroked his chin reading the missive. "Are we to be the only Mali uninvolved...Malin's will is unclear"

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1 hour ago, Twinny said:

"My city" The princess corrects as she hangs the small concern on her wall, a content hum sounding before she returned to playing the lyre.

"She obviously cares not for the people she intends to rule over, perhaps all the elves in Haelun'or should just exodus from the city if she takes it over, let her continue as she lives now - ruling over nobody." remarked Walton.

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"A final call to avoid the cusps of OBLIVION that awaits the Sohaer and his supporters" A dreamer of the Void would speak, disregarding the message

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"Mar'maln..." A brown elf mumbled in a low grumble to himself after reading one of the flyers during his journeys. Then proceeding on his walk as he pocketed his hands "When I'm allowed back into Haelun'or without dying my hair or lying about my name, I'll believe your words."

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Not far from Ebonwood, a man in a ragged overcoat sipped from a shallow mug of coffee - one he'd just refilled from the fire-hung kettle in the middle of the cramped courtyard. Soon after was another allowed in through the gates, carrying a bundle of papers.


"Ongi etorri, kamarada," the man said, looking up towards the new arrival. "Gure auzokideengandik ezer interesgarririk ekarri al duzu?"


"Misiva bat bidali zuten zilarrezko hiritik," he chimed back, an eagerness typically unfamiliar to the youth.  "Iraultza bat egiten ari dira."

Itxaropenak pizten baino hobeto jakin beharko luke, the man thought to himself as took another sip from his coffee. "Eta zergatik kezkatzen gaitu horrek?" he inquired in a placid, ultimately uninterested tone.

"Beren liburutegia zabaldu dute publikoarentzat!"

Midsip, the man froze, quickly swallowing and setting down his coffee. He'd rise from the chair, and, pardoning himself to the others 'round the fire, shuffled inside the administration building. After a few minutes, he returned to the fire again in a freshly-pressed suit. He'd raise his case up to his face as he murmured something to the youth. Afterwards, he'd then turn to the concerned glaces of the other Mercatorii. He clasped his hands together, clearing his voice, and bringing with it a depth and clarity of tone so long gone from the man.


"Lagunak, negozio bidaiara noa. Itzuliko naiz." He'd ruffle the boy's hair once, before stepping through the gatehouse. Peeking back through the door, he'd add:  "Mantendu nire mutila osasun onean."

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