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An Empty Office [PK]

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[!] A death note would be found on the table of Okarir'tir, wet spots from teardrops upon it.

I hear them ramming on the gates. I hear them loading a trebuchet. Shots fired, they're here to end it all. Haelun'or will keep going, but at what cost. I will not stand it, this mongrel Tundrak is roaming inside, making this meraly a show, everything just to murder Sohaer Elassidil. My own bloody sister, Idendril. I have failed, this is my fault.

This is I, Okarir'tir Sixty-One, my identity is Arthellias Elassidil, I was but a tin soldier, protecting the Motherland among the other Sillumiran. I served myself up to the high ranks, probably not without the help of Idendril, who was in the council at the time. The Sillumiran became my family, the only family I was taking care of, sorry Elassidil talonnii, but I was always too busy with the job. Never spend much time with any of you. Some thought I was a traitor, some thought I was a fool. But at the end, it is I to finally step up and protect the glory of Silver State. This is ratherly suicidal, but do not blame me for finding my fate by doing my exact destiny. That's it, I will grab just anything and duel fennic Prince. That's the least I could do to try and save Idendril from her fate.


For now, Farewells:


Elassidil Family - I have no idea if any of us will survive this siege, but I have always loved you all, lari'onn and mal'onn. But I will try my best to impale that mutt Tundrak before he gets Idendril. Please, do not have anger on me, I am merely doing what our Maln taught me.

Maheral Elervathar and The Silver Council - It was pleasure working with you all. We had conflicts, we had problems, but at the end, everything has been done for the motherland, isn't it? Please do not seek avenge, this is my fate, not yours.

Seth Calith - You managed to outlive me, you senile geezer. Thank you for your wise words, you've grown a grindset in me. I wish you to dust this realm for another thousand of years.


Elsillumiran - You are the family. The one and only. It's been a long route, we've grown, we've gained alot, we've achieved even more. But we never been a real army, we were volunteers. Merely but citizen who sacrifice themselves daily to protect the state. Thank you for your service, boys and girls, it was a pleasure to command you all.

Div'kinael Fifty-Four - You mister, was one of my first sillumiran. Been there before I even got the rank. You've seen betrayal before and the first thing I got from you is suspiciouns and anger. And that is what I have always respected you for. I have worked my arse to get respected, and it really warmed me to see you trust in me.  Thank you for your service, sillumir.

Nealu'sil Fourty-Seven - Best of the best, sillumir. Please continue your duty. You've shown you hard work, you've been a great friend and a perfect battle comrade. Thank you for your service, llir.


Iphys Catullus Valwynn - Thank you for all of your help, Tilruir. But this one won't be another business chatter. If I could save time in a bottle, The first thing that I'd like to do, Is to save every day till eternity passes away, Just to spend them with you. Yes, this is a confess. I had my mind occupied by your presence, but I have never had time to spend with you. I am sorry, I had to do it. Check your dorm, there shall be an extra letter, special for you, Orange.


Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya



                                                                                                                                                                       - Okarir'tir 61



[!] The commander's office would be empty once again. Hours passed until this note have been found by anyone.





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A single tear strolls down a fellow patriots face. "A good High Elf, he was..."

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A hoplite weepss as a beautiful silver soul passes this year. Hearing the death lament of a PATRIOT hero, example to all. Woe to be entirely subsumed by the citystate. I shed a tear for you, Okarir'tir


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Dr. Primrose Gendik cried for the loss of her friend and fellow medic. On a windowsill in her Providence home was a table - lit with multiple candles and a bouquet of flowers - and yet the candle she held was special to her... The week was a tragic loss of many from all over, but the loss of Sixty-One would be one to haunt her for the rest of her years.


Setting the white candle down, Prim lit a match and set the candle aflame. "Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya" She'd croak in sorrow.

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Ayliana Valwynn sat at the council table within the citadel, staring at the empty Okarir’tir’s seat with tears swelling in her eyes.

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Glynfir had seen the duel and the Okarir's subsequent fall. He reflected upon it when he returned home. Though a Fennic citizen, he had once been a weeping blade. It felt strange to storm the nation he had been raised to protect. Once, he had wanted nothing more than vengeance for the Republic, to pull the silver walls down stone by stone himself if he had to. But as he wandered the chaotic streets, he'd felt only sorrow and shame.


Denizens harrassed in the streets, whether they were armed or not. Some were even friends of his. He'd tried to speak out and protect those he could but he knew he hadn't done enough and where he had intervened, he on some occasions should not have. His mind had not been entirely right since Korvassa and the situation was too much for him overall.  As the Okarir lay dead before Vytrek, Glynfir had mused to himself silently. 'Rest easy, soldier. You fought well. Your honor will never know the tarnishes that mar mine.'

Edited by Crymson
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The aftermath of the pillage had left Iphys scared. It was even more of a shock to her to receive the missive. Her eyes read quickly- she knew how it was going to end. She'd lost count about how many times they argued over it- standing in the rain about how he was being reckless. He knew it would hurt, he did it anyways. It made her angry, something the woman felt seldom. She made her way towards the office, which sat at the highest point of the bastille. 


There was a note, pinned to the side of the desk.  "Please take care of the Sillumiran... Maybe make me a statue, I deserve it, damnit!"  The ending of the note read. Iphys glanced towards April, who stood there beside her. "Men will be men." April shrugged, her gaze cast towards the sea. 


Iphys folded up the note, tucking it in her pocket. When she got home, she would read it over and over again, eyes continuously falling back to the same phrase. "Who would I be... To deny one's dying wish." Finally, she tucked it away with the various notes Arthellias had left for her before. "You left elSillumiran in good hands, rest assured." 

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The Captain of the Imperial Cavalry stops a moment as he recieves the letter

"A true leader. And a good man"

Hieran would mutter to himself in a little sorrow.

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Fourty-Seven gets the letter in his office and sits motionless upon reading it 
"Why do always good people need to die"

Fourty-Seven would say to himself when shedding a tear

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[!] One certain elf would, in reading of this letter of news, clutch a hand to his face - a tear shed. "I ought to have been there.. a fine Okarir'tir indeed." the man chided himself harshly, a tone of bitter regret. "To simply watch my dear Haelun'or lose such a  soldier and not act... by Larihei- !"

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