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The Last Snowflake has Fallen [PK}


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There comes a time when one must meet their; judge, jury, and executioner.





A woman with many names and faces, originally known as Astrid Palmer, was born in Al-Faiz long before the Inferi war. She lived a rather simple life but she was rather troubled, causing tavern fights at the age of seven, it only progressed from there, outside forces aiding with guiding her through the darker ways of life; an aunt of hers a practicing Shade, another lived among them as well, finally her father loving and caring from the start but it quickly changed on one fateful night thus which caused the young Palmer to leave and search out for her distant family, to hide from her father until she was certain it was time to return to him. But during that time, many plans came to light for the death of the man, it was kept secret from him until that night came about. The family of Palmer’s and Morgaine’s all in one house, the house in the mountains of Kaedrin, her father went to his old room while the chaos downstairs unfolded. Alone, Astrid and her father were in that room, the old man had drifted off to sleep. Soon thereafter the blood bath had begun, the child who once looked up to her father, was the one to be his end. 


Time only progressed from there, a life in Helena working underneath Ostromir Carrion and living with her Aunt Meredith in Haense. In her free time, she studied many different languages, cultures, and whatever else she could find, spent her time traveling to other cities to meet people and to cause trouble. But the trouble never seemed to stop, she was able to always weasel herself out of any situation and avoid banishments. One time in particular, in Talons Grotto, a past sovereign Gail Cordius, the man had fallen for Astrid’s trickery and deceit, which led to a banishment but she was easily able to beat the elder man in a fight to have the ban lifted. That was just one of many instances. 



Enough of the past, time to make the jump to the present.


A friendship had been formed with another woman, one who possessed great power in this world; she was rather fond of Astrid and took her under her wing and crafted something that many did not see coming. A woman of ice and snow finding a new path in life, one that many only hear stories of. It was not easy, at first it was quite painful, blood turning to slush, teeth turning to fangs, having to hide away as the process took its course.  But after such, Astrid turned into Theodora, the same woman but a new name and look, long brown curls with a blueish-gray gaze, a devious and cold nature about her, not a care in the world with only a few rules to abide by. Her newfound life, it started off small but then it started to grow, one mother to three daughters, close they became, helping to guide one another through the world with the life that they lived. Theodora was not like the rest around her, she was the odd one out, still yet closed off to the ones she trusted, she was rather fond of getting lost for days at a time in a library or lost on the roads of travel in search of who knows what; it could’ve been knowledge, new hunting grounds, or perhaps a life she had wished to change. 



On her many travels, she ran into some rather interesting people, ones who wish to see all darkspawn slan, she saved one with a warning to tread cautiously, another she worked within the Haense clinic, finally met someone who was in a drunken state but was in need of a deep conversation. Now at the conversation, many things were spoken between the two, a realization was opened up, a change , of course, was taken almost. But Theodora waited and kept to herself, offering a listening ear until she was alone as so she began to write, she wrote for days on end, recalling all accounts of her past life, old things of yore. Years seem to pass by, a snack break is taken from time to time but all she did was write, the writings never seem to stop until one day it did. And on that day, a perilous and treacherous journey was made. 


She stood in front of those imposing gates, waiting to be let in. All she had asked was for one last final conversation and so she was granted, a few more hours of such, a sinner repenting her sins, a final cup of tea. And so, her time upon this world had finally come, a fate long accepted. Astrid, the last of the Palmer bloodline, was no more. 





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A woman stood high above on the mountain tops. Her crown faltering from its place as her iced hair and dark clothes swayed in the shimmering storm, a chill forcing its way along her spine…

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LUDOVICA FALCONE sat in silence, pondering a figure she knew long ago.


The last Palmer, bound by blood, MILENA 'GISELLE ANTONIETTE', drummed her fingers atop a hollow desk- awaiting a letter that's never to come.

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Smoke cascades from the mans dry mouth as he strides through the busy Orenian streets. Pausing only for the warm feeling of a hand on his shoulder. The man ponders shoving his free hand into an open pocket continuing on.


A lone elfess sits in a candle lit room clutching at a long forgotten recipe she was never able to make. 

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[!] Silence befell an aged elf. The memories of one she knew so many years ago and tended to as her own plagued her mind, left pondering silently what had become of the woman. It seemed more and more the recollection of her allies began to slowly drift from her.



unknown.pngthese were the days


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Kallian would cackle in his grave if it wasn't for the fact that he is dead. 

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Atop the embodiment of an ancient witch's face laid an expression devoid of warmth, such news reaching the very innards of her lonesome abode. She remained silent, dormant and past her prime.

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An elfess once socially human idled in her cabin beside rows of luscious crops, sipping on a glass of wine. During times such as these she would reminisce about her days in Kaedrin, recalling the fertile soils which housed the best of crops across the realms, and the mountain which hugged them. During her thoughts she recalled the family Palmer and could not help but smile.

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