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To The Maheral


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To The Maheral




Issued on the 4th of Sun's Smile, 67 S.A. 

by the Silver Princess,

Ivarielle I





Elesia Elervathar.



The time to recover from war was afforded to the state and yet it is still in dismay. Instead of preparing defences or for further warfare all that were done within the walls were idling, failing to squabble over positions and writing a constitution that will not live beyond you, yourself. The situation is clear moving forward, so I believe it is fair I enlighten you to it. Fenn holds the funds and has an income greater than the expenditure it costs to sack the city and organize the execution of councillors, there will be no end until those who dwell turn tail or the streets are inhabited by spectres if this route is pursued and repeated time and time again for decades to come.

I write to you to give you the chance, one single chance, to come to a compromise with me. No discussions, no considerations, a compromise. Further bloodshed will be avoided, raids prevented and I give you my word that the position of Maheral will be preserved if we come to an agreement and with such I give you my word that you will remain the Maheral. I have no intention of calling for your execution nor your abdication but I will not protest to the Dual principalities repeating the conflict prior if we cannot come to an agreement. I invite you to my Hall within Fennic Territory so you may understand what it is that drives the Princedom and why it is I press so heavy-handedly to reinforce that the Princedom is the future of the mali'aheral. I give you my word, my promise, that venturing here to meet with me will not result in your harm, and my word is my honour- I do not intend to stoop so low now by disgracing it. If you accept, I will meet with you at the gate, and escort you to the hall.

Three days. If no response is given within this time I will assume you are unwilling to strike an accord and end bloodshed and will not reach out again, not even to he or she who would be your successor.

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High Prince Evar'tir Oranor tacks his copy of the missive to an ever growing corkboard, muttering to himself. "I hate the elves." He declares, pondering the prospect of a fishing trip.

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ChildTea groans upon hearing of her missive. Didn't she say herself that talking would bring about nothing? Though, I do agree that this new.. dictatorship in Haelun'or has to be done away with. I just wish that the alternative wasn't Ivarielle, of all people.

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The Silver Lubba coughs a bit as he sees the missive "That's one way to do it"

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Valindra scoffed. “Bleed fenn dry of their funds and use them for war. Use them as the meat shields and fell the spawn of Dimaethor. Hopefully both sides take out as many of their foes as possible- doing my work for me. Long live the Silver Princess.”

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Laerdya looked upon the missive and gave an approving nod, remarking to herself within private "The time has been long overdue for 'Aheral that are able to provide for the state, and the ability to defend it to have their home, I wonder if the Haelun'orian's would prefer to submit or continue to perish."

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"Perhaps it's more of the domain of individual heroes to end this most twisted mind" a beautiful masked elf dons polished greaves. 

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