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A painting of Cailin in her early 20s.


The Trials.

It was all Cailin thought and sought. 

Dirt road traveled by foot or hoof, it mattered not where she went.

She was in pursuit of freedom.


Freedom from her childhood of homelessness.

Freedom from the tug-of-war between families.

Freedom from the War of Haelun'or and Fenn

Freedom of the lies she had told. 


Lies to her family.

To her friends.

To her brothers.

To her boyfriend.


Cailin was fortunate and unfortunate.

She had family, but they certainly didn't like one another.

She was a Ni'Leya by blood, but a Valwynn by adoption.

A child who had spent her youth alone sought the affection of her loved ones.

Pulled from one side to the other, Cailin was a pawn.


Cailin didn't know her mother or father, but she loved her adoptive Mother,

Ayliana Valwynn.

She taught her manners.

She taught her basic elvish.

She gave her a glimpse of joy in the darkness.


Cailin didn't know her mother or father, but she loved her Uncle,

Braxus Ni'Leya.

He taught her what it was to be a proud mali'thill.

He taught her to not eat too much sugar.

He gave her a roof to sleep under.


It was Ivarielle who inspired her.

Who piqued her interest.

That was when the lies began.

That was when she moved

From the island of warmth to the snowy mountains.


Cailin never had brothers or sisters, but she loved her adopted brothers.

Connak and Miryaris.


Connie taught her how to play.

He taught her to appreciate the cold of the snow.

He gave her something to laugh about.


Mirya taught her not to jump off of roofs.

He taught her how to make a snowman.

He shared his warmth when she was frostbitten.


A snowball to the head.

A forget-me-not pressed to preservation.


They didn't have money, but they had love.

But unfortunately that doesn't pay the taxes.

Nor does it win a war.


Cailin, defeated, returned home.

The war was over.

Haelun'or was independent and Celia'nor was formed.

She was barely 20 when she met her Uncle again.

But even then, the lies grew bigger.


Cailin was no longer a child soldier.

Taking interest in the Lectors, she travelled to Du Loc.

She seeked solace, not salvation...

But maybe what she really needed was therapy.


The Path of Owyn.

Day One: Pilgrimage.

Day Two: Sitting in front of the Eternal Flames.

Day Three: Read the Scroll of Spirit written by Owyn.

Day Four: Confession.

Day Five: Quest to repent for sins.

She didn't get to finish.


She had much to confess.

But she did confess.

To the El'Sohaer.

To her Haelun.

She didn't get to finish.


It was on the road to Du Loc that she fell upon trouble.

Cailin found herself homeless once again.

She'd always sleep on the bench across from the pyre.

She never made it to her unconventional bed alive.


Instead, her body was dumped there.

All that was left were the letters she had written.


Her final thoughts as the blood stained her pale blue robes was a man.

A man with auburn hair and golden eyes that radiated like the sun.

Voldar Heartstring-Vanari.


Voldar taught her how to love.

He taught her to not be afraid of her true self.

He gave her hope.


She lost her sight, but she could still see him.

She lost her hearing, but she could still hear him.

And she finally lost her feeling, but she could still feel him.


The sight of his beauty.

The sound of his sweet voice.

The warmth of his supporting hand.


Cailin was dead.

The letters would be found and sent off to her loved ones.


Perhaps it was with these letters, Cailin would achieve her full confessions and succeed in her Trial.



Ayliana Valwynn


My Haelun,


Should you ever receive this letter, know that my heart beats no longer. You have held my hand since I was a child and loved me each day consequently. You have loved me unconditionally despite the war.


When I learned you were a spy, I was ecstatic. I thought what I was doing was wrong, but I wanted there to be kinder people in Haelun'or. I wanted people like Uncle Braxus to not be so mean to those who weren't mali'thill. I've already confessed to you what I've done. I just wish I could have told you how thankful I am for you taking me off the streets and giving me food to survive. 


Tell Mr. Vallein I said thank you for taking care of me and playing all those rounds of that gambling game. It was a lot of fun, I just wish I hadn't spent all his money!


I love you, Haelun.

May we find one another again somewhere in the soul-stream.



your oem'ii



Braxus Ni'Leya




If you're reading this letter, then you know that I have died. I'm sorry I wasn't able to truthful to you during the war. I don't know if I've confessed to you yet or not, but as of the writing of this letter I haven't. 


I lied. I was a spy for Fenn the entire war. I liked their ideals of fairness and diversity. I believed in peace and co-existence in such. I'm truly sorry.

I had intents to kill you at one point. It's why I just up and left one day and moved to Fenn. I had to get away from you. If I killed you... I would have been a hypocrite to my beliefs. I was... really messed up.


I'm trying to find who I am. I don't know if I'm succeeding right now, but the Lectors are wonderful. I'm happy with the results of the war, and I'm glad we were able to reunite after years apart. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have the pride of knowing I have such a wonderful Uncle. We'd have simply been ex-El'Sohaer and a homeless girl. You blessed me with the culture of my home, even if it was rooted deeply in prejudice and the fear of extermination by extinction. 


I hope I have made you proud. 

I love you, Uncle.





Lectors of Du Loc




Thank you for the opportunities you have given me. You have given me a chance to live again. To live free of my sins. I have confessed my sins to you, and you welcomed me with open arms. I thank you with all my heart.


If my body is of use, I donate it to you. Put it to good use. I've always loved alchemy, and you are the best of the best. Spare a lock of my hair and give it to Voldar in an aurum ring. That is my only request.


Thank you, Lectors. I hope we will meet again. I hope I have not made you disappointed.









I know we didn't talk much, but I don't think you know how much of an impact you had on my life. You were the brute, the tough guy, the man. But you were so much fun to play with! I always enjoyed our little games of snowball fights. 


I broke my arm while climbing on your house to peek into your window. I just wanted to play, but I fell and broke my arm.

I wanted to confess that to you.

And that I see you as just as much of a brother to me as I do Miryaris.

I also wanted to confess that to you.


You know my past.


When Miryaris finds out I've died - to which is the reason why you're getting this letter - please take good care of him. 

My dying wish to you both is to be better brothers to one another.


Thank you again, Connie.






My dear mal'onn, Mirya,


I'm so sorry. Please don't take it out on yourself. I know you've lost someone before, but this isn't your fault.

I think we both knew my dumbass would die before you.


What would I have done without you? You helped me survive on my own - but not really. I had you by my side. The snowman is still there. I went there recently to try and find you and Connie to do a confession, but you weren't there. I guess it's so cold up North the snow never melts. He looked a little worn down though, so I fixed him right up! Please give him some check-ups so that he's okay.


We met because I wanted peace. I hope that in my short time I was able to make some sort of peace somewhere.

I also hope I didn't do something stupid that caused my death.


I love you, Mirya. The nights we cuddled close by the fire under our one blanket because we nearly got frostbite or we waded in the water behind Haelun'or and I got to show you the beautiful giraffes... I wish you had taught me how to swim. Though, it seems like you needed it that one time you decided to swim in the pond in Nor'Asath. I don't know what you were thinking, mal'onn!


Thank you for caring for me. For being my doting brother. I love you.

Please, I must have you as my brother again. Somewhere again in the next life. Please be my mal'onn again.



Your lari'onn

Your forget-me-not



Voldar Heartstring-Vanari


My beloved Voldar,


I love you. Beyond all you know. 

If you've received this letter, I'm sure you have learned I have died.


Voldar, my love. I may dead in this life, but I will love you for an eternity. 

I wasn't able to make my vows with you, but I have followed them the day I found you cut and bruised at the tree.


I will love you in sickness and in health. With my every breath until my last, I am yours. 

How I wish I could have held you one last time... though even if I died in your arms, I would still wish that too.


I have nothing to confess to you. You were the only person I was truthful with in my life.

The only thing I lied about was the initial feelings I had for you. I denied them, but I just couldn't stop walking in circles around you.

I was totally judging that ponytail. It was hot.


My heart will always belong to you, Voldar. I'm donating my body to the Lectors. They may use my heart for alchemy, but my heart will be yours for eternity. 


Somewhere, either in this life or another - I will make sure to be by your side at all times and ensure your safety. I love you, dear.





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Miryaris he was worried  as  he was  running around Fenn and Nor'sarath unable to find Cailian. Worry began to spread "Where could she be? Where could she be?" He thought to himself as he  paced around his small house that he had shared with her,  it was the longest he had been  without Cailin ever since he had met her, he reached into his back pocket and removed a flower that she had gifted him when they first became friends, long before the two considered eachother brother and sister. "Perhaps she's in Celia'nor? she's probably there" And with that he departed Fenn on horseback through the blizzard of snow, his mind was temporarily put to ease thinking she had just been  at Celia'nor, about mid way when he had arrived  to Urguan a bird landed on his back  carrying a letter. "oh good, it must be Cailian" Miryairs said to himself,  once he had opened the letter and read it terror would befall  his eyes, "it can't be" he thought to himself, his  eyes scanning  the paper over and  over again to make sure what he was reading was infact real, it was. Miryaris' hand clutched  the paper which  crumbled it slightly, shortly after a tear fell from his cheek and onto the page below "no... no that can't be real, it can't be" He repeated that line for a few minutes  before grabbing the  flower from his bag again, he turned back  to the path that he had walked, he knew what he had to do for the young elfess who, despite being in his  life for not that long, still had a huge impact on him.


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Oijin frowns upon news of the aspirant's death. It wasn't often path goers died while on the Path of Owyn and a thought of lost potential lingered on the Lector's mind.


"Last rites are in order," He would say upon receival of what remained of Caelin.

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Designated Unit HAL had returned from the Western voyage to Celia'nor, and by proxy Elysium.  Heavy and coordinated steps rang out like a metronome as once again the machine had made its peace with the Great Filter.  


At his finest hour he saw only sorrow among the few and yet familiar faces of the Lectorates, and yet he did not understand.  Rather, the machine made to spite the undead had only obedience and death in his head.  He did not understand the great horror of losing a friend, or a comrade, or a loved one.  And so it could only return to its place of making, as it slowly began to return to a power saving mode...  Drifting in dreamless metal as it thought for mere moments, wondered, or maybe aspired.  The unit wished that it had tears to give.

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Voldar Heartstring sat at his desk within the Vanari castle, the letter clutched tightly in between his hands as tears streamed down his face. His glowing gold eyes could bring no warmth or comfort to the sheer pain within his heart as he read the words upon that page. He would have read the letter dozens, no hundreds of times before he finally chose to accept them. He would slowly rise from his seat as he wiped his tears with his cold armored hands. His only solace was wandering around aimlessly until he somehow eventually reached the tree where she had been when he truly met her for the first time. "Cailin... how could this have happened? What was the point of my quest if I couldn't even save You?" His head was flooded with thoughts, memories, and dreams that he had shared with her. He would sit at that tree for hours, as day turned to night, and night to dawn; the young Paladin having nothing on him besides the ring he wanted to give her, that piece holding a promise to have and to hold in love unto death. Thus, there he remained staring at the ring until his thoughts drove him to sleep. A bittersweet respite from the reality of her death, another day of pain and uncertainty awaiting his awakening.

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