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[✗] [CA] A Hanyō - The Half Yōkai


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Dayum, demon slayer in lotc... Anyway approve it or st are not good +1

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9 hours ago, Kornazkarumm said:

I don't think suicide counts as an ability.

It was implemented so that if a characters guilty conscious comes after them for merging their body and soul with a demon they can effectively kill the demon off instead of dying and letting it wander off to the next victim.  

19 hours ago, punished breeni said:

as much as i despise the evil CA bloat its almost a shame this wasn't proposed before yong ping's activity went down the drain, i'm sure it would've been pretty popular. 


with that, thematically, im not sure it'd really have a place to thrive in lotc among the thousands of other evil creatures that exist: especially now that there isn't an asian-centric city. 



Like I said earlier, the asian thematic is a contribute to Yulthar and a way to present the lore, even though there is no asian city it doesn’t mean however people can’t play asian themed yokai! 

TLDR they are not bound by any means to play an asian themed demon, merely the presentation/aesthetic of the lore piece.

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Ayo this looks insane


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rip the yong ping people 

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So would this being accepted make Yokai a playable race as after playing Nioh for the last few days i have developed a love for Yokai and would love to be able to play as one.

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3 hours ago, Ali Renegade said:

So would this being accepted make Yokai a playable race as after playing Nioh for the last few days i have developed a love for Yokai and would love to be able to play as one.

Essentially. This is a half version of it but fully blown Yokai will be ST played when the post on them goes up! (If this gets accepted, which tbh isn't a given these days! and you're interested should this get accepted, find one of the grandfathers of it in game and I am sure they'll be happy to get you into the rp around this group to come!!! Enjoy your weekend!)

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This looks dope!

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More Changes Made - 
-Updated all of the redlines with help of @Sorcerio so that we do not miss any cross lore piece redlines as well as general formatting for LT and readers.

-Removed Aurum Weakness ( They are not Undead ) 

-Removed Wistera

-Added weaknesses to shamanism and spells.

-More Yokai Clarifications

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On 5/11/2022 at 10:33 AM, Qizu said:

Yokai Baindingu

This is and incorrect translation. Please don't use google translate to try and put yokai binding into Japanese, since here it's come with the Katakana (English loan word) for binding. In Japanese a lot of words are just English adjusted to fit with the Japanese alphabet, so this is literally just the English word with an adjusted accent.


I will forever advocate that Japanese shouldn't be used on lotc bc it will always be used incorrectly. As neither should other already existing languages unless used by someone who actually knows the language. Using irl culture always sits on an edge of appropriation unless you have a proper and meaningful understanding of it, as was tastefully shown with the initial Li-ren who even though made by a majorly south east asian player base made up an altered and simplified language. 


Similarly, the name of this CA is also a funny non-sensical translation. You've taken the literal word for numerical half and slapped it in front of half of the word yokai, which quite literally are ghosts and spirits, which I think speaks enough on how this lore seems to encroach on the mechanics of Mystic. (Though if you'd named it just Yo I would have had a little laugh.) 


I think this lore has good intentions, and a cool theme, but I don't think its quite ready for the server. Perhaps maybe an expansion on the Oyashiman culture and a leaning away from using complex irl languages on a mineman server, and perhaps instead lean towards using a conlang and less anime magic tropes. 

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私は文化を尊重します (: (: 


and I think the post respects all culture of the real world but then again, we should take in consideration that this is a roleplay server

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23 hours ago, Lulah said:

This is and incorrect translation. Please don't use google translate to try and put yokai binding into Japanese, since here it's come with the Katakana (English loan word) for binding. In Japanese a lot of words are just English adjusted to fit with the Japanese alphabet, so this is literally just the English word with an adjusted accent.


I will forever advocate that Japanese shouldn't be used on lotc bc it will always be used incorrectly. As neither should other already existing languages unless used by someone who actually knows the language. Using irl culture always sits on an edge of appropriation unless you have a proper and meaningful understanding of it, as was tastefully shown with the initial Li-ren who even though made by a majorly south east asian player base made up an altered and simplified language. 


Similarly, the name of this CA is also a funny non-sensical translation. You've taken the literal word for numerical half and slapped it in front of half of the word yokai, which quite literally are ghosts and spirits, which I think speaks enough on how this lore seems to encroach on the mechanics of Mystic. (Though if you'd named it just Yo I would have had a little laugh.) 


I think this lore has good intentions, and a cool theme, but I don't think its quite ready for the server. Perhaps maybe an expansion on the Oyashiman culture and a leaning away from using complex irl languages on a mineman server, and perhaps instead lean towards using a conlang and less anime magic tropes. 

The terms and imagery used was merely for reference and aesthetic in regards to the Yulthar lore. Names, images, etcetra do not reflect upon how characters have to play their A Hanyo. In roleplay even they will likely be called demons and other terms will likely be used. As per encroaching on Mysticism there are a few aspects that can be the same however multiple magics and creatures have things in common.  Players use translators all the time when they base lore off of IRL inspiration such as germanic, irish, dutch, japanese etcetera.. This is merely for a roleplay aesthetic and does not correlate to the IRL world or IRL languages as this is purely for roleplay. I don't think this really sits on the "edge" of appropriation either as like I said it was merely aesthetic for a magical creature in a magical world and was never used maliciously. 

This lore piece was merely inspired by demons and spirits all around the world and it's folklore, the japanese aesthetic was chosen because of it's origins in Yulthar. As this is a fantasy server, many things were alternated and changed because again, this doesn't correlate to IRL as deeply as you may be viewing it to.

A prime example of this would be the Demi-Djinn CA as it uses heavy inspiration from creatures in arabic folklore, and even utilizes using the arabic language within the lore piece.

On another note, if you'd like to help me correct translations etcetera I am always welcome to criticism and feedback. As per the comment of the server “not being ready” I feel like that is such a poor statement that is often used against lore pieces so if you have constructive reasons as to why you said that I would love to hear them as well.@Lulah

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33 minutes ago, Qizu said:

The terms and imagery used was merely for reference and aesthetic in regards to the Yulthar lore. Names, images, etcetra do not reflect upon how characters have to play their A Hanyo. In roleplay even they will likely be called demons and other terms will likely be used. As per encroaching on Mysticism there are a few aspects that can be the same however multiple magics and creatures have things in common.  Players use translators all the time when they base lore off of IRL inspiration such as germanic, irish, dutch, japanese etcetera.. This is merely for a roleplay aesthetic and does not correlate to the IRL world or IRL languages as this is purely for roleplay. I don't think this really sits on the "edge" of appropriation either as like I said it was merely aesthetic for a magical creature in a magical world and was never used maliciously. 

This lore piece was merely inspired by demons and spirits all around the world and it's folklore, the japanese aesthetic was chosen because of it's origins in Yulthar. As this is a fantasy server, many things were alternated and changed because again, this doesn't correlate to IRL as deeply as you may be viewing it to.

I can't comment on use of arabic on the server, as its not a language I speak and I can't speak of the very broad culture it encompasses, but I still think using irl languages on lotc is simply distastefull in most circumstances, especially japanese as it is the language most commonly used wrong. I studied it for 8 years and still am nowhere near fluent. If you look at any other european based cultures on the server, german and russian in haense and other broadly slavic places about norland, they don't actually use the real language they use conlangs. In fact one of the only cultures on the servers that actually use the language would be Oyashiman and the small french playerbase. Even the polish community that play a polish based culture use a conlang. I'd be happy to help with the translation, but I think including honorable suicide along with anime trope abilities in a piece is just kind of distasteful. 


I think the magic could be really really dope if it just pulls away from the japanese aesthetic, but it doesn't need to come from a malicious place for it to be on the edge. Usually im all for basing off of cultures, but idk if this is the way to go about it.

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15 minutes ago, Lulah said:

I can't comment on use of arabic on the server, as its not a language I speak and I can't speak of the very broad culture it encompasses, but I still think using irl languages on lotc is simply distastefull in most circumstances, especially japanese as it is the language most commonly used wrong. I studied it for 8 years and still am nowhere near fluent. If you look at any other european based cultures on the server, german and russian in haense and other broadly slavic places about norland, they don't actually use the real language they use conlangs. In fact one of the only cultures on the servers that actually use the language would be Oyashiman and the small french playerbase. Even the polish community that play a polish based culture use a conlang. I'd be happy to help with the translation, but I think including honorable suicide along with anime trope abilities in a piece is just kind of distasteful. 


I think the magic could be really really dope if it just pulls away from the japanese aesthetic, but it doesn't need to come from a malicious place for it to be on the edge. Usually im all for basing off of cultures, but idk if this is the way to go about it.

I will PM you as per the translations however as I stated before the Japanese aspect is merely an aesthetic presentation of the lore piece. There can be farfolk, radagastian, viking, orcish themed A Hanyo that have no correlation at all to the aspects of Yulthar, which is where the decision to have said aesthetic comes from.



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