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2 hours ago, EX. DERFEY said:


I personally call upon @SquakHawk and @ScreamingDingo to shelve the creature. It has been seven-years of belligerence, misuse, and abuse.


At this point it's absolutely futile to un-**** this creature race, and it ought to be removed.


Oh man I've wanted them gone since you originally wrote them.


Maybe I'll finally oblige

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Truth be told I don’t know you as well as I would’ve liked. While I am utterly abhorred by the shameful conduct of certain members of this family playerbase, I believe that the many responses on this post alone go to show that you have made more friends here than you have foes. Although I have disagreed with some of your methods, I can respect that you went out of your way to do something genuinely different for the community. Both of these speak highly of your integrity and character, and for that you have my respect.


Whatever it is you go on to do in life, I hope that you find yourself better off there than when you started. Take care man.

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So long, pal.  Take care and enjoy time living. ❤️

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Really sad to see you go. We neither roleplayed or knew each other much, but I was fond of the few interactions we had, and wish there'd been more of them.

I also find merit in your willingness to involve newer players into deeper lores of the server, as often many of the fantasy aspects of LOTC are kept hidden and gatelocked OOC (a middle-ground imo being the ideal). 


Hope you have a good time wherever life takes you next🖖

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Once a group singles you out for any reason (whether through OOC not wanting you in their community, deciding they just don't like you for whatever petty reason, etc) they will hold onto that grudge for years and never change their mind. How pitiful of a person do you have to be to oocly try to target and force pk someone's character? People's ego on this server never ceases to amaze me.


It should be noted that these kinds of people aren't stupid by any degree. Of course they are going to use VCs and strict private chats to target someone. As long as there's "plausible deniability" mods won't do anything. What's worse is if there was/is staff involved with people that were doing the targeting. Sorry, but there's no shot you'd be able to do anything if enough staff got together in defense.


Thanks for pointing out the issues of LOTC before your leave, there's a chance it could have some impact on the future. May your departure/break/whatever you decide to do contribute to your irl wellbeing.

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Have only had good RP experiences with your characters. Wish you the best.


I cannot stress it enough, this server needs to change. Staff NEED to hold themselves to a higher standard instead of using their position as a pseudo-qualified immunity.

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When the server makes a set of rules that clearly states to keep RP in RP and OOC in OOC and not let the two mingle and actually enforces it, you will see change.

You were always cool in my book. I never had any problems with you. As someone who has been through what you've been through multiple times since I joined in 2011, I feel your pain. Even to this day, I still cant go into another VC where some of my friends are without the group I am currently with calling me out for it. Its sad. 

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You deserved better bro, really sad to see this happen but do what's best for you

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Good luck on your next adventure, but I disagree with your post.


You weren't the unblemished victim. You goaded the other side into war.


I would suggest you were toxic in almost every interaction i've had with you.


You gave as good as you got, and no amount of white-washing will get rid of that.


Do I think less of you for that? 




Enjoy life, touch some grass, it's nice out there.




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Ok but we play stellaris right?

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The lot of you who are this vindictive over what appears to an outsider to be a dragon-yiff dress up collective really need to get a 9-5 if you haven't already so you can snivel about this topic around a water cooler.


PS: This isn't directed towards Qizu as he seems to be the brunt of this vindictiveness if all things check out.



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5 hours ago, kazoo said:

Ok but we play stellaris right?

always, just shoot me a PM :)

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Qizu, thank you for everything you did especially teaching me that not all noobs deserve a chance


keep gaming noob nephew :)

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13 minutes ago, Bardmancer said:

Qizu, thank you for everything you did especially teaching me that not all noobs deserve a chance


keep gaming noob nephew :)

LMAO I’m going to fight you

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On 7/5/2022 at 5:57 PM, EX. DERFEY said:

I had numerous people approach me (the original Azdrazi creator, and a person with the Disconnection Ritual) out-of-characterly to disconnect you.


When confronted, they cited:

"This is not how Azdrazi should be."

"He is doing [x, y, zed]."


"This threatens the purity of our group."

"He is an enemy of my faction [redacted]."


For the sake of coherency, and to not throw other people under the bus, I will make it immensely clear I did not tolerate this charade, and openly told people one thing essentially: Who cares?

You cannot disconnect somebody for being an annoying personality or doing something that may be interpreted as cringe. I made it clear to these people that if we were to disconnect, say Qizu, for being "cringe", "not in line with the lore of the creature", or what have you, all the present-day Azdrazi would be disconnected for the same thing. Nobody left, bar perhaps Jentos and Spoon, role-plays the creature according to the spirit of the old, original lore. It's a bunch of facetious cute boys with horns who grip handlebars and abuse fire-paladin spells to get ahead in Mineman Politik, with no regards to the original mission of the Azdrazi, and with no regards to the original intent of having a playable draconic species to begin with.


I personally call upon @SquakHawk and @ScreamingDingo to shelve the creature. It has been seven-years of belligerence, misuse, and abuse.


At this point it's absolutely futile to un-**** this creature race, and it ought to be removed.

This is something I agree with.


As someone who helped keep azdrazi on the server through lore games and the mess that created to getting new lore accepted twice, after I took my own personal break from the game for around a year, I came back to find out the entire azdrazi community became a toxic dysfunctional group of players, I was disappointed in what they had become after trying my hardest to keep them afloat, which I also feel partially at fault for.


Qizu, we've not interacted once but I give you my deepest apologies for what happened to you, if I knew something like this would ever happen, I would've contacted the team I was working with on the rewrite and told them to scrap it, but as they say, hindsight is 20/20. You seem like a good person and I'm so sorry this awful thing has happened to you. Much love, enjoy life. <3

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