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An Oakheart-Barrow Wedding

7th of The Amber Cold, 98 S.A.



Ilya and Zemzy enjoying the delicacies at the feast









Long Awaited Union

A long time has passed since Zemzy Oakheart and Ilya Barrow, formerly Ludovar, began their courtship; even more since they had met. Having shown little less than the most truthful love to each other during this time, it is now official that the couple shall be finally getting married, despite some unfortunate circumstances having delayed the event by many a year.







Her Ladyship, Marcella Georgina Ludovar

Her Ladyship, Adalia Aleksandra Morovar

Her Ladyship, Cecilya Angelica Ludovar

His Lordship, Jakodi von Draco (& Only Jakodi)

Sir Orin Vel'venest


Any & all friends / llirs of the bride & groom


The wedding ceremony will be taking place in the Serene State of Lurin, to the south. Follow the signs past the camel to Balian & the old fort Myrine-Redclyf to attend.





Mister Ilya Vladimir Barrow

Ilya Vladimir Barrow

Miss Zemzy Ellenoir Oakheart

Zemzy Ellenoir Oakheart


OOC: It will take place on October Sunday 16th at 5:30pm est

Please dress accordingly~!

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"neat" sarah, friend of the bride-to-be said as she chewed on a delicious apple

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The groom and soon to be husband, Ilya Barrow, would smile widely as he took a look at the missive "Well this took a while, but it's finally happening" he commented before sighing softly as his smile grew a tiny bit "Hopefully this means the troublesome times are over as well" he would add

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An old elf stared at the invitation in the relative comfort and saftey of his home "Would you look at that, I get my name plastered to a piece of paper. Not too much of a walk either."

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Adele Emma Ludovar stares daggers at the invitation sent to Ricksburg for Marcella. The Countess frowns thoroughly before scrunching the piece of parchment up, and tosses it into the Feast Hall's fireplace. "Ridiculous." She scoffs, "Nie honourable Ludovar would attend such an event, ea forbid it." She hisses sourly.



pspspspsps, i love you lokvank, congrats on ma-rri-age


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Adalia IV Aleksandra Morovar looked at the invitation, she stared at it for quite some time giving a small nod. “Ea suppose ea could attend, Adele is going to kill me..” - “The things ea do for my dearest brother.” She stated shaking her head.

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Alucard stared at the invitation with a narrowed gaze and glanced over to Sarah - who was happily munching on an apple - with a small frown "Who the hell is Ilya? Why hasn't Zemzy ever mentioned 'em?" He grumbled, shaking his head as he stashed the invitation away within the pockets of his trenchcoat.

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