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[✗] [Magic Lore] Hags - Instruments of Superstition


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All terms (and the Origins) used in this piece are OOC. Hags and Familiars are not IRP names and, though they may be used by their definitions, it is encouraged that cultures should use their own terms befitting this RPly unknown magic.


 Hags - Instruments of Superstition 


My very being is made to give.

Boons through flesh and blood.



- Origins -


In days of yore, there was a woman by the name of Desre; the elven daughter of a Shaman, and an odd one at that, who carried with him a relic through which he could commune with the spirits, and manifest them, if only briefly, unto the world.


It was she —Desre— who’d grow up to steal and abuse this relic, who sought power higher than what spiritual faith she had, for she cared for, and heard only of power and superstition. She abused that instrument of worship, using it cruelly to manifest and entrap lesser spirits - diminishing them to a boiling pot of mixed matter, of Things reaching out for release that none would. 


It was she who claimed this power for herself, that absorbed it and had it moulded by her own beliefs; that leant towards superstition and fear, and dug deep the roots of what it would slowly become. Each spirit slowly withered, without power of their own, or freedom, leaving them husks of what once they were.


She soon died, and became part of that cruel mixture - Divine Empathy - that would carry down her bloodline and spread soon, quietly, beneath the surfaces of society, playing on its vices and blemishing with superstition.


- Explanation -


Hags came about centuries prior, wrought by tained matter; an accumulation of Spirits and descendant matter (DE) in the vessel of a woman. Though she passed in years after, she’d bestowed unto others this Divine Empathy, and so the practice stayed. Hags lean largely into superstition and the natural vices of Descendants, playing on their worst aspects and blending in with greater society.


  • This is a [2] slot deific magic.
  • This may be learned under any Hag with a valid TA that has been taught the connection ritual.
  • Due to its nature, this magic may only be learnt by creatures with organic parts.
  • Due to the nature of Divine Empathy - a tangle of dead spirits and souls, Hags may not have deific involvement with Shamanism.


- Divine Empathy -


Divine Empathy is the gift the Hags had stolen. It’s a spurious matter with no lasting substance which binds itself to the soul of its wielder. Though typically intangible, it can be manipulated to affect the material and immaterial alike; as such, at any point a Hag may draw upon it harmlessly. The way it affects the outer world can vary greatly from Hag to Hag.


This Divine Empathy (referred to by DE) has spread subtly through the feared and fearing alike through centuries, such that the amount of Hags made part of it ‘disguises’ it. As such, Seer 'Reading' (and things alike) detects a discoloured soul with tumor-akin lumps on it.


- Casting -


To harness the Divine Empathy bestowed upon their essence, Hags need to expend their own body’s organic matter, serving as the “conduit” for this channelled energy. Commonly used parts are Nails, Skin, Eyes and Teeth. Due to this, only those with the appropriate organic parts may cast through them. The issue presents, however, that as Divine Empathy depletes it becomes harder to maintain stability in its ever-fluctuating state. 


Always in casting, there are major and minor tells. The minor tells are those that cast through organic matter, and appear in every spell (unless explicitly stated otherwise). The major tells are those more magical in nature, fueled by Divine Empathy let loose that hail unusual signs around the casting Hag.

Casting does not require line of sight (unless specified otherwise), and must abide by the range of the spell being cast. By nature of the magic, they may cast under extreme pain.

They may not cast if either one of their minor tells is in disuse (blinded, dismembered, etc). 


All Hags have 10 DE max, and regenerate [3] DE a day unless provided more by another Hag or through other means (such as those of Bottled Emotions or Replenishing). 

If at 0 DE then it does not regenerate, and the Hag must be provided DE by a Hag or through Replenishing/Bottled Emotions.



- Tells -



My body is my instrument

and you will hear its twisted echo.


Divine Empathy when raw appears to be a thick, churning smoke, though totally intangible. When cast it may take on hues of any colour - or a mixture of them. In many spells, Divine Empathy is used and made tangible, or an optional part should the Hag wish to manifest it.


A Hag may only have 2 of the 4 minor tells at any time, though may choose any major tells on a case-to-case basis freely.

To change minor tells, a Hag must be out of combat and at [10] DE, and consume a descendant body part of the related minor tell (A finger, an eyeball, a patch of skin or a tooth). Once consumed, this may replace a minor tell. 


This process of changing minor tells may be done multiple times.


Minor Tells:




When casting, the Hag’s nails slowly grow and sharpen (such that they may make easy marks in the dirt, but not cause any significant harm), having grown roughly half an inch at the spell’s end, and may recede back to their usual length.


  • 10-5 DE - No repercussions.
  • 4 DE - Two nails grow an inch more and don’t recede. They snap, and leave festering sores on the finger.
  • 3 DE - Two more nails grow an inch more and don’t recede. They snap, and leave festering sores on the finger
  • 2 DE - Two more nails grow an inch more and don’t recede. They snap, and leave festering sores on the fingers. 
  • 1 DE - All nails on the hands of the Hag snap and leave festering sores without nails, which take 1 OOC week to heal over, and render the Hag unconscious after casting. Their hands become shaky and unable to grip anything for a week after. 
  • 0 DE - In addition to all before, the Hag is without DE until it’s seeped into them by another Hag, and may not cast this until the body part is regrown.




When casting, the Hag’s pupils constrict and blood seeps harmlessly from their eyes.


  • 10-5 DE - No repercussions.
  • 4 DE - Blood begins to well up in one eye, making sight difficult, and inducing pain.
  • 3 DE - Blood begins to well up in both eyes, making sight difficult and inducing further pain.
  • 2 DE - Blood wells up entirely in one eye of the Hag, and it either bursts, or falls out. The pain is fitting to such. The eye will grow back within 1 OOC week.
  • 1 DE - Both eyes have welled up with blood, and have burst or fallen out. Both eyes will grow back within 1 OOC week. The Hag is rendered unconscious after casting.
  • 0 DE - In addition to all before, the Hag is without DE until it’s seeped into them by another Hag, and may not cast this until the body part is regrown.




When casting, the Hag’s skin flakes and clear cracks crawl up their forearms and neck.


  • 10-5 DE - No repercussions.
  • 4 DE - The cracks on their skin grow wider, lightly restricting movement and inducing pain.
  • 3 DE -  Their skin flakes up to their face and hands, restricting movement and inducing further pain.
  • 2 DE - The scale-like cracking of skin fills the Hag’s whole upper body and ruptures, leaving their body scarred, reddened or scabbed. This takes 1 OOC week to heal.
  • 1 DE - Their skin cracks completely and bursts from their body, leaving them completely scarred and making moving around extremely difficult. This takes 1 OOC week to heal. The Hag is rendered unconscious after casting.
  • 0 DE - In addition to all before, the Hag is without DE until it’s seeped into them by another Hag, and may not cast until the skin is healed.




When casting, from the Hag’s mouth seeps blood or a similar, dark liquid.


  • 10-5 DE - No repercussions.
  • 4 DE - A clump of teeth falls out of the Hag’s mouth, inducing pain.
  • 3 DE - Another clump of teeth fall out of the Hag’s mouth, causing further pain.
  • 2 DE - Another clump of teeth fall out of the Hag’s mouth, along with more blood and clumps of their tongue (which may form a shape - such as a forked tongue).
  • 1 DE -All their teeth and their tongue have fallen out/been destroyed in some aesthetically obvious way. This renders them unable to talk. It takes 1 OOC week for them to grow back, and the Hag is rendered unconscious after casting.
  • 0 DE - In addition to all before, the Hag is without DE until it’s seeped into them by another Hag, and may not cast this until the body part is regrown.



-Minor tells are inherently necessary in every spell. There are very few exemptions, but this is the baseline. 

-In the event that DE is used past the harmless threshold (10-5 DE) but no tell is shown, the effect is still suffered, but not the tell (teeth might fall out of a Hag’s mouth without the mouth blood of a tell).

-If casting and facing the drawbacks (at 4 DE and below), the Hag may only face one of the repercussions, and cannot alternate between the different losses of two minor tells.

They cannot change displayed minor tells in a combat encounter. Non-combatively, they may display both or only one. The drawback they face (loss of body part) must fit one of their casting tells, but need not be the one they’re casting with.


Major Tells:


Major Tells are far more significant tells that manifest in casting, though aren’t mandatory to manifest. These tells typically manifest in moments of tension or stress as a result of loose unhandled DE that stretch out into the environment. They hold no actual weight on the surroundings, and hold only aesthetic purpose.


Major Tells manifest in the way of:


Tremors - When a Hag is casting the room they’re in, or their surroundings (up to a 20 radius) might harmlessly shake, such that nothing will be offput, and no movement will be hindered. Some books might fall out of cases and things alike, but these must be harmless and inconsequential.


Bending Light - When a Hag is casting, lights in a 20 block radius may seem to bend slightly towards the casting Hag, such that it’s as if a spotlight is shone upon her. This is completely unobscuring, and does not remove any light.


Restless Waters - When a hag is casting, waters in a 20 block radius may begin to harmlessly foam and froth, and hold within them mini waves, as if a storm were forming.


Omens - When a hag is casting, around them, in a 20 block radius may be heard the sound of cawing crows, in any multitude, and this sound may seem to get closer as the spell continues.


Stir Shadows - When a hag is casting, the shadows around them, in a 20 block radius,  may seem to shift into the shape of animals and become nearly ‘animate’, travelling across surfaces.


Visions - Listed in spells, [0] DE.


Mirror Distortion - Listed in spells, [0] DE.



-All major tells may only manifest within #rp range of the casting Hag.

-All major tells may be totally harmless and unobscuring, effective only for aesthetic and superficial purposes. No sound, sight or smells may be hidden through these.

-All major tells should be clearly harmless - not the spectacle nor effect of a spell, but (at most) a side-effect of it.

-Mirror Distortion may only be cast by a T2+ Hag


- Physical Effects -


Constant sprouting. Constant growth.

As if my flesh screams to shed from me.


Upon connection a Hag’s soul is flooded with Divine Empathy. This alters them upon connection instantly, and only makes more uncertain their state of being. Furthermore, it disrupts their relation to the soulstream, and prohibits revival (elaborated on in “Revival”). Hags are not afforded an afterlife, for their soul only joins the same matter they abuse.




DE channels through the body of a Hag, and blemishes any stability that once it might have had - upon connection, a Hag’s body grows fragile and fickle through the next few moons. The extremity of such a case can vary (depending partially on the degree to which they cast), from a general sedentary appearance to skin clinging onto bones. This is not as detrimental as it might be to a voidal mage, but it means, at least, that they can not be peak of their race (save for in states such as “Bestial Form”). To aptly wield heavy armour or weapons is a practical impossibility.




In much the same way that Divine Empathy can extend and cast through the organic parts of a Hag’s body, these same parts may gradually grow back - a necessary adaptation by cause of the volatile essence they wield that readily frets them and puts at risk their vessel.


Regeneration is a feature that starts at T2, slowly restoring any lost body parts as DE flows through their body to slowly build them up. This process happens over the course of the OOC week from loss (of the specific body part), and on the 7th day it returns, permitting casting anew. This applies to all body parts, however occasionally produces body parts that appear heavily scarred, permanently bruised, or otherwise deformed and unhealthy. 

Larger body parts - limbs, to be precise, take 10 OOC days to regenerate, and have a far higher chance of some degree of deformity by the simple fact of their size.


They may deter this by drinking bottled emotions (elaborated on below) that serve to dilute the messy deific energy within DE, producing healthier parts.


When a missing body part is regrown the Hag must roll out of 20. If they roll 12+ then their limb appears deformed and unhealthy, this threshold is raised by 2 for every Replenish used (Hags of Scorning) or Emotion Essence consumed (Hags of Divinity).


Regeneration, however, is not without its drawbacks, for it is ceaseless and unresting - it gives no heed in its messy reparations. Thus, without tending to, a Hag’s body can often deform and become more and more estranged. More, useless, lesser body parts will grow from their form, and remain there lest’ tended to (cut off, typically). Examples of such a case can be smaller eyes forming atop their own, fingernails growing across their palm, long, extra teeth growing from their gums or 6th fingers and the like. No matter the case, they are obviously obstructive in some way, and any benefit they might provide is minute and superficial. Whichever minor a Hag ascribes to is likely to be the most prevalent in terms of regeneration, though all may grow back in such a way.

The more often a Hag loses specific parts, the more likely (and often) those parts would grow back.


Furthermore, regeneration holds no notice to prosthetics, as DE cannot flow through them, and so is unaware of them - any prosthetics a Hag should possess are constantly at odds, and are relentlessly damaged by the regrowing body part. This causes immense, constant pain for the Hag, disrupting any casting and activities alike.



-It takes exactly 7 OOC days for any lesser body part, no matter how minor (nails, fingers, eyes) to regenerate. For limbs (or limb equivalents) it takes 10 OOC days from the loss.        

-Any deformities provide no extra functionality. The same applies for any extra limbs or body parts.

-There are no precise guidelines for how much Emotion Essence can deter deformities, as this is intended for flavour - no matter the case, treat it with reason (smaller body parts would require less Emotion Essence to grow healthily, and larger body parts more).

-There are no precise guidelines for how long it can take for additional small body parts to grow upon them, such should be treated with reason, and to not RP it to some extent is powergaming. They may provide only minor functionality.

-Artificial, obstructing prosthetics (such as those of Animii or Atronach limbs) cause immense, constant pain with no relent; to not RP it as such is powergaming. Organic ones (such as those made by blood magic, shamanism or things alike) are treated as part of the Hag’s body.

-For clarity, the regrown body parts of a Hag do not have the same alchemic or ritualistic value as they might normally have, as a reliable deformation of the DE-made parts.


- Mental Effects -


The mental hold on a Hag is great and varied, fluctuating in uneven rhythms in much the way the matter they wield does. 


Overall, a strong emotional bond with their familiar is always created. One which might even develop into an emotional dependency should the Hag be particularly fond of their presence. These feelings might not necessarily be mutual, depending on the familiar’s traits.


The roots of divine influence are always present through a Hag’s familiar, manifesting as this constant wish to give out their ‘gifts’ and keep blending in with Descendants. Some Hags are blissfully unaware of the woe they bring through these pursuits, some simply think each boon has its fair tradeoff of good and bad, and some might be keen on bringing woe to those deserving of it. It all depends on their personal perspective.


No particular disorders or mental alterations come from these practices, but the road a Hag walks down is very commonly a lonely, miserable downward spiral of obsession. Antisocial behaviour is easily developed or enhanced, but at times Hag do come together to form Covens and groups alike.


- Familiars -


Moulded essence, I harken thee.

Split from me then make me whole.


Familiars are the first thing a Hag gains after having cemented their connection - an aide with which they can commune. Instantly upon connection, a dark ball of Divine Empathy forms in their hands, which they can mould as one might clay - or a tangle of  string - into a small or medium sized pet. This may be no smaller than a toad, and no larger than a large dog. This may take any shape, and any hue, such that it may look exactly like the form it replicates, such as a green snake, or take a much more shadowy, and loose form.

The eyes of a Familiar replicate the colour of their Hag’s, and their pupils may take any shape.


This forms immediately into a tangible familiar, which presents its own, unique, personality, but always one that serves to encourage the Hag and their descent into witchcraft. 


The Familiar serves as a stable ‘conduit’ for a Hag, where its proximity brings a subtle warmth and pleasure - due to such, should their Familiar die (by will of the Hag or other circumstances) the Hag will feel brief phantom pain, and a lingering, subtle sadness until their Familiar is revived.

Proximity of a Familiar is not necessary for spellcasting.


Familiars are intangible to near all but those they serve, able to be gripped only by a Hag. Should they be struck by any weapon of deific energy (or thing alike), or enter any area of potent deific energy (such as the Chanceries of Paladinism) they will immediately demanifest, and only Harken may return them.



-These familiars are totally non-combative, and will move as far away as it can from the combatants, regardless of range. It will only return once all hostility has ended, but it will never attack someone. Combative spells involving them deal no direct harm.

-Though some spells for Familiars are able to be used in combat, they are only able to make contact with Hag.

-In combat, flying familiars must stay low to the ground and don’t have any exceptional or special dodging abilities.


With these Familiars a Hag may, at the cost of [1] DE, spark largely passive (and completely non-combative) effects. Should combat break out at any point, the Familiar flees as it normally would, and the effect ends.. These effects take place over [1] emote without any tell:


-The Familiar may become tangible for [5] emotes, but displays an odd tell on the casting emote, such as spitting up a vanishing hairball, lumps moving around its skin, letting out a quiet squeak or similarly mundane and harmless, aesthetic things.


-The Familiar may seep an aura of emotion [10] blocks out, that manifests clearly from the Familiar. This may be any clear, single emotion. This does not force an emotion, only inclines any near towards it (in much the same way any large hound might inspire fear).


-The Familiar may become especially docile or hostile - it may appear to contend with the Hag, or seemingly ‘sleep’. This costs [0] DE.


-The Hag may speak through the Familiar in any voice befitting their form, or in the voice of the Hag. This costs [0] DE.



-All of these must have obvious tells that link to the familiar.

-Should combat break out these effects end (unless already docile).

-Hostile behaviour is made only to the Hag to which its tied, and only at their will (for whatever reason!).



- Spells -


Minor tells are always mandatory (unless explicitly stated otherwise) and Major tells are always optional (unless explicitly stated otherwise). 


[T1] [NC] Harken 


This spell, over the course of [2] emotes, may manifest a previously slaughtered or trapped familiar, and during which may also alter its form (such as from a toad to snake, cat, or any applicable form). Its eyes, however, remain the same*. Whilst manifest, it must stay within 10 blocks of its related Hag, and may be telepathically communed with. Familiars, despite their duality will always abide by a Hag's command, so long as it doesn’t work against the Familiar’s safety or the safety of another Coven member.  


When outside the 10 block range (which it will not do so ‘lest commanded) it will remain idle, with only light movements. It may be commanded to a certain set of words when out of range (which should be displayed through a sign), and may speak any words commanded by the Hag if in range. This may be in the voice of the Hag, or a voice befitting (and in the nature of) the animal it assumes. 


This costs [2] DE to cast, using a minor tell, a major tell and (optionally) raw DE.



-Familiars cannot convey any information not already available to the Hag. As to avoid metagaming.

-A Familiar may be only directly commanded within a 10 block range of the Hag, outside of that it may only act on commands for speech (that must have been given whilst it was in range). This works on a basis that the familiar speaks once seeing a person, or a similar such thing. 

-Familiars possess no combative capabilities, they are incapable of dealing any damage, and will stay as far as they can from any combatants.  

-Familiars are no more resilient than their real counterparts, and will die to any wounds that they might normally die of. 

-Familiars must be killed to allow a change in appearance (which may change form, but not the eyes).  

-Any time a Familiar is killed for DE, they incline negatively towards both the Hag.

-*The eyes of a Familiar always remain the same colour as their bound Hag, unless new eyes are inserted into the Familiar, or the colour of the Hag’s eyes change.



[T1] [NC] Visions 


At will, a Hag may manifest freeform images and depictions within reflections (such as those of mud puddles, ponds, cauldrons, mirrors, crystal orbs and the like). These are generally unobscuring, such that any onlooker might glance past the visions, but look varyingly real, and may display anything the Hag can think of.


This costs [0] DE to cast, and uses minor tells. Raw DE and major tells are optional.



-May not be used in combat, or to totally obscure any reflections.

-May be used alongside other abilities, excluding Mirror Distortion/Mirror Striding.

-May not use any other senses other than sight.



[T2] [NC] Mirror Distortion 


At will, a Hag may distort the reflections and appearances of mirrors, unstained glass and water within a 20 block (#rp) radius, such that faces in reflections may appear to scar or darken, fleeting silhouettes may form in the peripherals of onlookers, and a (harmless) sense of unease may strike any that look at these reflections for more than [2] emotes.


Furthermore, should the Hag wish, unintelligible whispers may be heard from the reflections.


This costs [0] DE to cast, may use minor tells, major tells or raw DE.


Over [1] emote (in which DE wreaths around their hand) and costing [1] DE, the Hag may manifest 1 theme in the reflections for [5] emotes (at most).

Grief: A missing/deceased friend or loved one that the subject misses appears in the reflection.

Horror: A personal fear becomes manifest in the reflection.

Envy: In place of themselves, in the reflection appears a person, thing, or idealised thing.

Pride: Nothing but an idealised version of themselves appears in the reflection, placed in a slightly distorted, mist-like void swirling around them.



-May not be used in combat.

-May not be used to conceal anything in reflections.

-Whispers aren’t deafening or obstructing any sound.

-Things prompted by emotions (Grief, Horror, Envy, Pride) that an individual sees in the mirror are personal to them - summoned emotions are seen only by their onlookers, and cannot be viewed by the Hag or anyone else.

-Manifesting “Pride” doesn't necessarily blind the person from seeing their surroundings through a reflection. All else will just look misty and slightly colourless.

-The base version of Mirror Distortion may be used as a major tell with any spells, but not any versions costing DE.



[T2] [C] Possess Beast 


Over the course of [3] emotes, a Hag may prepare their Familiar, during which smoke will seep and blur from its form, as the Familiar comes to hover before being able to be flung 10 blocks from where they originally were.


While tossed, the familiar can move freely, able to zig-zag its way to its mark, but extra manoeuvring comes at the cost of the 10 block movement. A Hag may only toss a familiar within 10 blocks of them. 


Though no harm can be dealt by the flung familiar, should it collide with any animal it will “possess” this beast for [3] emotes. During this time it is immobile (unless moved by an external force) but the Familiar (or the Hag, if in range) may speak through it.

The Hag is immobile for the duration of Familiar possession, but not during the [3] casting emotes.


This costs [2] DE to cast, where the Hag’s familiar blurs and and changes. This uses raw DE and a minor tell.



-May only be used on animals with lesser souls.

-This spell requires an alive and present Familiar within 10 blocks of the Hag.

-Deals no harm to anything - it goes directly through anyone until it meets an animal with a lesser soul (if it doesn’t after 10 blocks it simply lands there, unharmed). 

-If the possessed animal is hurt during this time the possession ends and the Familiar reforms beside the Hag.


[T3] [C] Witch Lights 


Over the course of [3] emotes, a Hag may conjure a witch light - a small, luminescent orb that stands out amongst the darkness, and flickers.


Should it be a temporary witch light (lasting 5 emotes at most), it costs [1] DE to form and must be within 20 blocks of the Hag (though does not need to be in line of sight). It may be freely moved up to 4 blocks per emote, and anyone who sees it feels drawn to it, and may opt to make a roll of 14+ (or decide personally) whether they are lured by it.

Any who touch it see moving shapes in the distance, and are afflicted with a fear that anyone/thing in their immediate surroundings could cause imminent death. This ends at the end of the encounter, or if they leave the area (whichever happens first).


Should it be a permanent witch light (which may last indefinitely and be dispelled by a Hag or deific mists, such as those of a Paladin), it costs [2] DE to form and must be formed within 20 blocks of the Hag (though it stays formed even if the Hag goes out of range).

It may be freely moved up to 4 blocks per emote by any Hag in range, and anyone who sees it (especially those of innocent/free mind) feels drawn to it, and may opt to make a roll of 14+ (or decide personally) whether they are lured by it.


These may be displayed through signs (such as /rpsign) and may have 1 of the 2 following effects:

Any who touch it see moving shapes in the distance, and are afflicted with a fear that anyone/thing in their immediate surroundings could cause imminent death. This ends at the end of the encounter, or if they leave the area (whichever happens first).


Any who touch it feel warmth, and feel a beckoning ‘presence’ luring them towards a specific direction.


This costs [1] or [2] DE to cast, with a minor tell & Raw DE forms the outline of the Witch Lights. Major tells are optional.



-These will not ever lure someone into obvious death (an obvious pit of spikes, fire, etc)

-The lure does not last indefinitely, but rather however long the lured might typically go. It’s not a compulsion, only a ‘pull’ of sorts.

-This is ineffective on a Hag.

-Witch lights become ineffective on someone once they “leave the area”. This is left intentionally undefined due to the spaces it might occupy or lead towards (a house, a forest, a cave, a castle and the like). This should be treated and roleplayed appropriately by both the Hag and the lured person.


[T3] [NC/C] Mirror Striding 


A spell in a Hag's arsenal for mobility, in which they seed a reflective object with Divine Empathy to permit travel through it.


Non combatively, in [1] emote the Hag may place their hand upon a mirror (or equally reflective surface) and cause ripples to spread through it, giving it a water-seeming quality. In the same emote (or the emote after) they may walk through it. 

They may also do this by touching mundane water in the same way, and producing constant ripples. They are transported once fully submerged.


This serves only as an aesthetic replacement for the soulstone, and may not be used in combat. 


This costs [0] DE to cast, and may be used with no (or any) casting tells.



-Can only be used to replace the Soulstone. May not be used to escape combat, or to get anyone they wouldn’t be able to otherwise.

-Only Hag may travel through, anyone else would still feel the reflective material.


Both combatively and non-combatively, the Hag may place their hand upon a mirror (or equally reflective surface) and cause cracks (or prominent ripples) of DE to spread throughout it. This takes place over [3] emotes, and on the 3rd emote they may walk through the reflective surface to emerge from another reflective surface on the same emote. The destination must be reflective, within 20 blocks, and visible. The cracks close immediately after.


If upon reflective, mundane water, a mini whirlpool opens in the respective spot, in which the Hag must submerge and travel through.


This costs [3] DE to cast, with minor tells. May use raw DE or major tells.



-Only Hag may travel through the reflective surface, and should it be water, they must be fully submerged once it’s opened.

-May not be delayed. It opens and closes on the 3rd emote.

-Any cracks made are false, and disappear immediately after the 3rd emote. 

-Destination must be reflective, within range, and visible from where the Hag stands.

-Should a Hag be unable to get entirely through before it closes for whichever reason, they’re aggressively pushed back out of the reflective surface and remain where they previously were, with some bruises. The DE is used up regardless.

-The way cracks, ripples and distortion may manifest can vary - it could appear as obvious raw DE (which takes a generally smoke-like appearance) or as if the material itself were extending out in formations.



[T3] [NC] Evil Eye


The Evil Eye has made home in cultures aplenty, for always in cultures is there envy, and the fear of envy. It’s this belief that Hags use and manipulate.


Non-combatively, over the course of [3] emotes, the Hag may keep their gaze on a specific person, and upon the [3]rd emote, jinx them. This may be cast at a distance, without line of sight, should the Hag have a hair, nail, tooth or any body part of their target. To cast without line of sight, however, makes the spell cost more DE.


This costs at least [2] DE to cast + any optional extra DE. This requires a minor tell. Both major tells and extra DE are optional.

To cast without line of sight costs [4] DE + a body part of the victim. This requires a minor tell. Both major tells and extra DE are optional.


Immediately, a d20 should be rolled (and screenshotted) by the Hag, which equates to [10]+[DE expended]. If above this sum, Evil Eye fails, and nothing happens.

If the Hag should succeed, however, whatever act the victim is doing will cause harm to befall them in some way (that is up to the player of the victim) and may range from very minor to very major, such as:


Someone sitting on a chair might have the chair collapse beneath them, greatly bruising/breaking parts of them.


Someone sitting on a chair might swallow the wrong way and find themselves with a sore throat.


No matter the case, after the incited harm, the victim is afflicted with a deeprooted, subtle fear that any around them, and any close to them, could be envious of them, and suffers minor hallucinations that play on this (they may perceive different emotions than those displayed, or more cunning behaviour around them, such as seeing someone staring at them from a distance, or  perceive someone grinning mischievously towards them).


This may end through three methods:

-Any Hag wills it (they must do this with 3 emotes of sight again (without minor tells), with no DE cost).

-They rid themselves of an object/thing they think they might be envied for.

-They wear a Nazar - any token of faith they believe will clear themselves of envy.



-The Hag may not impose anything on the victim past the casting of Evil Eye.

-Evil Eye may be cleared through any of the 3 ways, which the victim will be at least partially aware of upon being cursed.

-This will not outright kill someone (no matter the scenario) unless the victim OOCly desires and decides such entirely by their own volition.



Hag Subtypes


When reaching T3, Hags are able to branch out into two Subtypes: Divinity or Scorning. Choosing one means not being able to learn the other, or switch, until mastering the magic.


At T5 a Hag may perform a ritual to lean into both, at great cost of their physical form. 


- Subtype: Hags of Divinity -



Trust my being. Beckon my fount.

I accept my role as a decrepit tool.


Hags of Divinity embrace the gift of Divine Empathy, erring away from witchcraft grounded in the material, and rather focusing on themselves and the gift given to them.

Hags of Divinity regenerate [4] DE per OOC day.



[T3] [NC] Divination 


Over the course of [3] emotes, a Hag may divine through any means (tarot cards, tea leaves, palm reading, augury etc) in which gradual changes slowly happen ‘til a ‘sign’ manifests within it. This sign should hold no strong bearing, and be generally harmless, though its effect is real.

An example of this is that birds flying above may have their behaviour altered, if briefly, to form a shape, blood around entrails may do the same, the lines upon a palm may briefly glow, move around, or spiral, and the images of a tarot card may change. 

Whichever effect(s) might take place should be harmless and bear no weight on anything, though what happens during it might be permanent (so long as it is unimportant) - such as the moving of lines upon a palm, or the congealing of blood in entrails.


This costs [1] DE to cast, and requires a minor tell. Raw DE and major tells are optional.



-Any changes made are superficial. They only affect appearance, and should not do so notably (scars may not disappear, nor any area other than palm lines be moved).

-It may not be used as a means to disguise anyone or anything, nor to remove anyone/anything. 

-This doesn’t divine how someone died, or actually ‘foresee’ anything - it is only a tool to feign fortune telling. 



[T3] [C] Bottle Emotions


This spell allows a Hag to draw out a specific emotion from a subject to bottle - with the caveat that it should later strike with twice the force. 


The Hag must maintain contact with the target’s skin over the course of [4] emotes, during which they draw out a mist-like substance (Empathy Essence) in a colour befitting the emotion to be bottled. Upon the 4th emote, this mist gathers in/around their hand, and must be bottled in a vial, bottle, jar or similar container within [2] emotes, else the Empathy Essence be lost to the air and return to the person from which it was taken.


The subject, from whom the emotion was taken, is then unable to feel the taken emotion for [5] OOC days - any situation that might push them to that would instead onset the next-most-fitting emotion - sadness might instead be anger, or jealousy to become spite. 


After the [5] OOC days, the emotion that had been taken from them returns for a week more, but whenever it is felt, it’s felt tenfold - minor inconveniences could turn to sobbing, slight nervosity could turn to panic attacks. 

All situations that might invoke the returned emotion are incredibly likely to do so, and to do so with intensity.


As for the bottled emotion, the emotion doesn’t naturally return to its former-owner, and rather it settles to a liquid or mist-like substance, able to be consumed by any. If drunk it instils a supernatural, heightened sense of the emotion for [3] OOC days. Though it is not the only emotion felt, all other feelings serve as a backdrop.

If the mist-form is opened, it releases in a 3x3 radius, where any in range (including the Hag) are struck by the emotion for the rest of the encounter, making all emotions only a backdrop to the previously bottled emotion.


Should a Hag drink liquid emotion, they may either undergo the usual process, or digest it exclusively for DE, gaining [3] DE from it.


This requires [1] DE to cast, with minor tells, and requires OOC consent to draw emotions from a subject.



-Bottled emotions do not expire, but if poured out are lost to the surroundings, only bearing weight on Descendants.

-Emotions kept as a mist don’t pour out without aggravation (shaking and the like).

-OOC consent is required for emotions to be drawn from a subject, but not for using the liquid nor mist upon someone.

-To not RP the doubled emotions once they return is powergaming, and will be treated as such.

 -Love potions cannot be made. Love may be removed as an emotion, but once returned at greater strength it will manifest as loneliness, and  an insatiable desperation to feel cared for. If bottled (and ingested), it only affirms (and does not amplify) pre-existing love.

-Emotions do not bolster anyone or ‘improve’ them in any form. They cannot force or provide adrenaline or any such thing, and the most they can do is affect the way in which someone fights.



[T4] [C] Talisman


Talismans are symbols of protection, made by Hag to protect loved ones or to induce reliance.


Over the course of [3]-[5] emotes, the Hag may make a talisman, in which they must imbue a trinket with DE, and mark it with any amount of blood of the subject for which it is intended.

Talismans may be no larger than a dagger (though rarely are they weapons), and no smaller than a pin. Often are they salt jars, amulets, bracelets, dreamcatchers and things alike.

To each Talisman, however, there is drawbacks, which needn’t be disclosed (but the wearer must OOCly consent to before wearing, else the boons aren’t applicable):


Talismans, upon creation, may be imbued with any [1] of the following affects:

-Any mundane scars vanish

-Any wounds (gashes or cuts) heal over [4] or [1] emotes (respectively).

-Wearer is instilled with permanent happiness.

-Wearer notices no dents, scratches, rust or blemishes in their surroundings. Everything is what they deem pleasant.

-Wearer has pleasant dreams, without issue, every night.

-Wearer regains [1] lost sense of their choice. If missing the body part, it does not grow back.



Dependence drawbacks mean that, so long as the talisman is away from the wearer, and the Hag’s hand is not cut off, a deeper drawback is faced:

-Scars return twice as deep and discoloured.

-Any wounds healed in the last OOC week open back up simultaneously.

-Swings into a heavy, lingering sadness, manifesting potentially as depression.

-Scrutinises everything they see, unable to find happiness in anything around them.

-Plagued with nightmares consistently, such that staving off sleep can seem strongly appealing.

-Upon removal, they lose [2] senses of the Hag’s choice.



A useful tool in a Hag’s arsenal to have Descendants abide by them. Reliance drawbacks mean that, so long as the wearer is wearing the talisman, they must be given a command (through writing or verbally) from the Hag once per week. Should they not complete it by the end of the OOC month, the talisman loses all effects and does not ‘reverse’ (such as those in Dependence), but simply doesn’t function ‘till renewed with the Hag that first made it. 



-So long as the boon is in effect the drawback will always be there. Should the drawback be removed (through removal of the Hag’s hand, for example), the talisman becomes totally ineffective. Alternatively, the talisman may be cleared of all effects through paladin purging or similar deific methods.

-If the drawback of a dependence talisman is not applicable (e.g they cannot feel sadness) the boon is also not functional.

-The talisman must be marked with the blood of the wearer-to-be. This may only be worn by them or anyone in their bloodline (any children they should have and so on).

-The wearer must OOCly consent. IC consent is not a requirement.

-Reliance tasks must be obviously detrimental (in some way or the other) or build some sort of habit. “Pick a flower every OOC month” is an insufficient, redundant task that is not acceptable, for example.


Bestial Talismans


Alternative to regular Talismans,  ‘Bestial Talismans’ are less specific tools that instill their own costs.


These sorts of Talismans must be made by putting the to-be-Talisman, the blood of the to-be-wearer and the grinded up body part of a large-variant animal (which need not be mundane). After [4] emotes of mixing, and funnelling [3] DE into the mixture, the Bestial Talisman is made.


Bestial Talismans borrow aspects of the animal they’re marked with, at the cost that the wearer is afflicted with a supernatural fear of that animal and any pictures/things depicting it. Furthermore, the wearer also becomes more animalistic in nature and more impulsive (in much the same way of ‘instincts’).


These may be only aesthetic - anything that should have any notable change or combative value must be made through a ritual with [3] Hags (of any subtype) and a total cost of [10] DE.



-A Spider Talisman can enable someone to spin durable silk from their fingers OR give them an exceptional talent at sewing.

-A Horse Talisman can enable someone to carry the same amount as they normally could, but with more ease.

-A Siren Talisman can give someone a lustrous voice (without the effect of luring).

-A Snake Talisman can give someone a forked tongue.

-A Wolf Talisman can give someone a deep voice that may grow loud with ease.



-Same as regular Talisman Redlines.

-These exist only aesthetically. Any Bestial Talismans stretching from the 5 examples (or remotely combative) require an sreq. Any Bestial Talismans with more than 1 effect require a freeform ritual with [3[ Hags.

-These large variants should be obtained through their event versions, DIY events or Invite the Woodlands. Hags should not request or otherwise seek DIY/ET events.



[T4] [NC] Feign Familiar 


It’s at this stage that a Hag of Divinity can better mould and manipulate their matter, able now to make Familiars of their own, such that they may smoothly blend in with the greater world.


Over the course of [4] emotes, the Hag may draw from themselves raw DE and mould to the shape of an animal (no smaller than a toad, no larger than a large dog) - to keep it tangible and constant, however animal skin must be draped over its form, binding to it and giving it shape, and the appearance of a mundane animal. The animal skin used may be any sort, regardless of shape, and eyes must be put into the Familiar else they match the same hue and design of the Hag that made them.


The product of this is called a Feigner- a Familiar in disguise, seeming totally devoid of any deific substance, and to be a mundane animal. It binds to whomever the Hag should choose.


To bind a Feigner to someone, the Hag must state the subject’s full name and present a severed body part of the subject (which will be eaten by the Feigner) at which point, upon finding their subject, will bind to them (the player must OOCly consent).


Through the Feigner the Hag can act in the following ways:


-The Hag may speak through the Feigner, regardless of distance. This may be done in the Hag’s voice, a voice befitting the assumed animal, or the voice of the Feigner’s “owner”. 

This costs [0] DE, and the Hag must close their eyes and visualise the Feigner.


-The Hag may cast Mirror Distortion through the Feigner, regardless of range. 

This costs [1] DE + Mirror Distortion.


-The Hag may will the Feigner to drop dead for 1 OOC day, after which it will resume its “living” (unless any external source had killed it). 

This costs [1] DE.


-The Hag may incite hostile behaviour in the Feigner, which will specifically target the person to whom it’s binded. This manifests in the way of being an annoyance (such as knocking over tools), to attempting outright to kill its owner (these will always be unsuccessful and unharming, and end in case of combat). This is indefinite, and may be ended at any point.

This costs [2] DE.


-The Hag may incite docile behaviour in the Feigner, wherein it will not listen to any commands of its owner, and engage in minimal activities. This will end should combat occur, at which point it will flee as it normally does.

This costs [1] DE.


-The Hag may incite an aura of emotion around the Feigner, stretching out to fill the room in which they lie, or [5] blocks should they be outside. It is clear that the Feigner is encouraging or producing such an emotion, though through mundane means (the Feigner may be thought to look particularly intimidating, or nice, for example). This only inclines any around it to such an emotion, and does not force them to it (especially if it would be unfitting).

This costs [2] DE, and the Hag must channel the DE into a bottle of emotion (related to the emotion afflicted) which will be drained, and applied to wherever the Feigner should be.


Minor tells manifest in any DE expending spell, and raw DE is present in the creation process of the Feigner. Major tells are optional, and conjure around the Hag, not the Feigner.



-These may not bind to any Hag, and provide no benefits of a Familiar.

-In case of combat, regardless of the situation, a Feigner will flee as far as they can, and will not attack anything.

-The owner must give OOC consent to have the Feigner bind to them, else it won’t work.

-This should be communicated through /msg.



- Subtype: Hags of Scorning -


To be is to shift. Transmute.

This foul binding limits me no more.


The Hag of Scorning, a path of the Hags that abuse the gift of Divine Empathy,  and use it instead to alter already existing matter, ground itself in the material. It is not unheard of (nor uncommon) that those of Scorning might come at odds with those of Divinity.

Hags of Scorning regenerate [3] DE per day.


[T3] [NC] Cauldron Bubble


Cauldron Bubble is an innate part of Scorning that makes use of the Divine Empathy to mould and merge all of relevance. The Hag may make contact with the cauldron/mixing tool for potion making (should they be an alchemist) or to be used in tandem with their own Hag workings.


Over [2] (or more, if wished or specified by the spell) emotes, all raw ingredients (they needn’t be cut nor prepared) dropped into the cauldron (or other such thing) will mix and form the desired solution.

During this process, the cauldron may glow, bubble, foam, or any other thing alike.


This costs [1] DE to cast, and uses raw DE or a Minor Tell.



-May not be used to learn alchemy, and potions made through this (excluding Brews detailed below) can only be made by an alchemist Hag.

-2 emotes are minimum for Cauldron Bubble, but should any spell specify Cauldron Bubble is to be used and have a higher emote count, that is to be regarded.

-This process uses up all symbols in the raw ingredients, regardless of relevance to the mixture being formed.



[T3] [C] Replenishing


The Hag may, in [1] emote, eat a body part to replenish DE. Such body parts are:






The [1] emote must be dedicated only to the Hag’s consumption of 1 finger/eye/toe/nose (further DE may be gained from more, but not at once). In this process, the Hag grinds up that which they consume, slowly transmuting it into DE by sewing specks of DE throughout it, and letting it spread as a mould or parasite might.

Optionally, they may dedicate [3] emotes to consumption (in which they may only do menial things, to gain [3] DE from a body part.


They may not speak during this process, else the Divine Empathy flows out their mouth in the form of a smoke.


This costs [0] DE to cast, and has no casting tells unless wished. 



-May only eat 1 body part at a time.

-Whilst replenishing little else can be done. Weapons may not be prepared, nor books read, and the Hag may not sprint or things alike. This is due to the focus required for the transmutation process.

-Should a 3 emote replenishing be interrupted, any DE value the body part might have had is lost, and may not be reused.

-Body parts may not be reused.



T4 [C] Extending Replenish


In much the same way that Hags of Scorning may replenish their DE through matter, they may extend their DE to replenish matter.


Extending Replenish costs [6] DE to cast, in which the Hag places their hands upon an OOCly consenting individual with a wound (fatal or not) and, over [3] emotes, restore any/all wounds upon their body from the last [1] OOC day.

Any/all limbs grow back, and any cuts or physical wounds alike cure. Mental afflictions and curses alike remain unaffected.


However the cost of this is not light - it is not only wounds that heal up, but whoever this is performed upon also faces [1-2] of the following consequences (by choice of the Hag) exactly [24] OOC hours after:
-The skin between their fingers melds together, making their hand a ball of flesh.

-The skin between their legs melds together, leaving them with a non-functional fin-like leg.

-The skin over their eyes grows over, blinding them.

-Their ears grow shut, deafening them.

-Their nostrils grow shut, removing smell and making breathing difficult.

-Their mouth grows shut, restricting speech and making breathing difficult.


Furthermore, any repaired cuts, regrown limbs/body parts or things alike, are done so in the style of animals - regrown limbs may look to be akin to a snake, for example.

This is an optional aesthetic with the regrowing drawbacks, but provides no benefits.


This costs [6] DE to cast, requiring minor tells and raw DE. Major tells are optional.



-Requires complete OOC consent of the subject, who should be informed of the effects and extremely affecting consequences.

-These consequences last after death, and may only be undone by the healing/curing of Shamanism, Paladiniism or a similarly healing, holy magic. This restores all wounds from the time of ‘Extending Replenish’, and so if done on someone cured from fatal wounds, they will die.

-If none of the above drawbacks are applicable (somehow!) then the organs of the subject instead seal shut, and they are killed. This still requires OOC consent, and full knowledge that this induces a PK.



[T4] [NC] Scorned Home [R]


A manifestation of contempt, those who drive themselves further away from Desre’s sway may instead beckon their own boons unto their home. This can be done alone, but the ritual is much more easily performed alongside other Hags.


A Hag can imbue a house with the diminished souls of lesser spirits to foster specific traits and effects. The amount of castings and time vary depending on the size of the house, though the larger it is the more DE it takes.


Creating a Scorned Home takes [5] DE (total) minimum. The ritual is made over the course of [1] emote for every [10x10] blocks Scorned. 

All Hags present must use a minor tell for every emote.


Through this ritual, they imbue a home with withered lesser spirits and diminished souls of deceased Hags alike, such that it is subtly ‘alive’ at command of present Hags.

At will, any Hags within [20] block range of a Scorned Home may make use of the following:
-The walls and floor might subtly move, creating the impression of ‘breathing’.

-The house might nudge floorboards and slightly move parts of itself, capable of knocking books, shaking lamps, opening doors and the like.

-Unnatural shadows may form around the house, seeming to traverse across it.

-Lights may flicker, whispers may be heard.

-Birds of any sort might draw towards it.


These effects may be held passive in the house, regardless of a Hag, but a Hag must be within a [20] block range to actively manipulate it. These should be displayed through signs or area emotes.


These effects need not be ‘spooky’ in nature - a house might extend a lamp or brighten its light at command of the Hag, or might knock open books to needed pages and such.

Equally, these are not the only effects, only examples. Anything that creates the feeling of a subtly ‘living’ house, an aide to Hags, may be utilised, though it may not be combative in any way.




-A Hag may give a Scorned Home a new effect which is not listed here, so long as that effect is approved by ST via an /sreq.

-This requires PRO/RO permission to use.

-Any changes made to the environment aren’t outright harmful, and may not be utilised as such in any way. Generally, the changes to the house are helpful to the Hags, and not outsiders.

-May not be performed on anything living.


 [T4] [NC] Witch’s Brew


A spell through which the Hags can make refined brews, through whichever ritualistic process they should wish, over [5] emotes, or over [2] emotes should they wish to expend [1] DE extra (to use Cauldron Bubble upon it).


Dreaming Brew:

-A body part of their chosen victim (may be hair, nails, etc)

-Mina equal to the amount of eyes their victim has

-A finger (if of their chosen victim it counts for both)

-The wing of a butterfly


These all must be stirred together and [3] DE must be imbued into the mixture. Minor tells must be used (along with the display of raw DE), but anything alongside it, such as major tells, chanting and things alike are optional. Once complete, it finishes as a smooth-looking, golden mixture with a consistency of honey.


The effects of the Dreaming Brew are as follows:

After consumption, the next time the subject goes to sleep they are whelmed with vivid dreams and imaginations that their deepest desires have come true, and a feeling of achievement is instilled within them. Once awake, they believe the dream to be true, and readily dismiss or explain away anything conflicting with this. 

The longer this goes on, the more deeprooted it becomes, and the more devastated and desperate its victim is likely to be. Each night the dreams of comfort return, and the longer this lasts the more likely they are to be thought of as ‘real’.

This has an effect of [1] OOC day minimum, at which point the subject may have it last indefinitely.


This costs [3] DE to make, and uses raw DE and minor tells.


Widow’s Brew

-A body part of their chosen victim

-Body part of a corpse

-Leg of a lion-sized spider)

-The wedding dress / wedding ring of a widow 


These all must be stirred together and [3] DE must be imbued into the mixture. Minor tells must be used (along with the display of raw DE), but anything alongside it, such as major tells, chanting and things alike are optional. Once complete, it finishes as a grey, sludgy mixture with a consistency of mud.


The effects of the Widow’s Brew are as follows:

When next the subject is grieving, they will see a manifestation of their most missed loved one, which will soon flee. These instances will grow more and more common, ‘till they find their loved one in a place of personal significance, at which point they will believe themselves to be reunited, and dismiss any indications otherwise.

This may last [1] OOC day minimum, or be indefinite up to the will of the subject.

Once the brew has worn off, the victim might find themselves with an addiction-like desperation for them to return, and seek out another.


This costs [3] DE to cast, using raw DE and minor tells.


Severing Brew:

-Cactus Green

-The severed, sliced and grinded head of a human-sized frog

-1 Pipeweed

-Body part of the subject to be affected.


These all must be stirred together and [3] DE must be imbued into the mixture. Minor tells must be used (along with the display of raw DE), but anything alongside it, such as major tells, chanting and things alike are optional. Once complete, it finishes as a dark green, water-like mixture with a notable, smokey scent even when dissolved amongst other liquids.


The effects of the Severing Brew are as follows:

When next the subject sleeps they have a dream from the perspective of someone else, taking the form of someone opposing their own values and beliefs. When they next awake, it leaves a subtle feeling of derealisation and detachment from reality. Over the next [1] OOC day this develops into a feeling that they’re sabotaging themselves and their morals with whatever they should do. These dreams continue until the potion wears off.

This may last [1] OOC day minimum, or be indefinite up to the will of the subject.


This costs [3] DE to cast, using raw DE and minor tells.



-All ingredients must be obtained IRP - those requiring unusual parts (such as those of bizarrely sized animals/creatures) may be obtained through Invite The Woodlands (detailed below) or other such things. Ingredients of completely mundane things must be RP’d, but does not need any such event or ritual to obtain.

-All ingredients are consumed in the making of the potion, and are unrecoverable.

-If descendant body parts, these are only useful for [2] OOC days, unless in a preserving mixture.

-If bestial body parts, these are only useful for [7] OOC days, unless in a preserving mixture.

-Only Severing Brew may be subtly slipped into a drink, though that has with it a smokey smell. All else notably dyes the water.



 - Rituals - 


Rituals can be performed by all Hags, allowing them to gather for special events.



[T4] [C] Invite the Woodlands 

A ritual through which Hags can get ingredients for Brews, Talismans and things alike.


A ritual requiring [2] T4 Hags (of any subtype) to gather in the open with [1] descendant subject in the middle; the sky must be visible. They must funnel into the descendant (who must be OOCly willing) a total of [12] DE and present offerings and ingredients (which is freeform), which may impermanently mutate and warp their form into creatures such as:
-A ‘giant’ form of a mundane creature - such as a lion-sized spider, a human-sized butterfly and so on.


-Any organic, non-magical DIY creature (such as a Harpy, a Siren or any DIY, meat-based event creature).


Whichever the case, it’s in this mutated form that Hags may gain such ingredients as required for many of their brews and curses alike.

If, after 2 OOC hours, the creature is undefeated (or if it has fled the encounter) then it reverts and the descendant is turned back (dazed and ill), without any reward for the Hags that made them. 

If the creature is defeated before 2 OOC hours, or is unable to flee, then the Descendant is ‘shed’ from it leaving behind the skin and matter of the creature providing viable ingredients equivalent to the amount of participating Hags - all else is lost and wasted, only for decoration or compost.


Should the creature they’re summoning be an event creature or already explicitly combative (such as a drake), it is not a giant variation - that works only for mundane creatures that would not be able to otherwise defend themselves (pigs, butterflies and so on).


The victim may have some aesthetic leftovers from the battle/mutated animal, such as broken butterfly wings, bestial vocals, a harpy-like wing, mangled voice of a Siren, and the like. Whatever the case, it may either only be aesthetic (with extremely limited and unbeneficial use) or actively detrimental to the character. 

This is exclusively up to the victim of the ritual.


This ritual costs [12] DE in total, using minor tells, raw DE, and optionally major tells.

This follows all rules of DIY Events.



-This ritual should be done with active willing and consent from the victim, as it is effectively ‘conjuring’ a DIY event for purposes of the Hags.

-This will harbour ingredients appropriate to the creature summoned, equivalent to the amount of participating Hags. Butterflies will not provide spider-legs and so on.

-This ritual may not be used on a Hag.

-Ingredients from DIY events (and things alike) are also viable, however DIY events are not to be run freely for Hags, and ingredients are not a justification to pester any players or ET.

-May not be cast in a city or other such place without PRO/RO permission.

-Must be cast in the open, without the confines of a room.

-The mutating descendant must remain alive before and during the transformation.

-Should the Hags wish to summon any event creature it will require ET permission, and must be played by an ET.

-Regardless of the means of death of the animal, the victim is shed from it without harm.

-Any other present Descendants must consent (should this be used in combat, however unlikely it is).


Alternatively, this may be used by [1] or more T4 Hag to channel DE into an animal and brandish it a new, permanent form, costing far less due to their lesser soul. This costs [2] DE per transformed (mundane) animal.

Any resources that come from these are completely unviable for ingredients in any capacity and serve only for aesthetic purposes.


This costs [2] DE per animal, with minor tells, and raw DE. Major tells are optional.

This follows all rules of DIY Events.



-This may only be done with willing participants, and follows all rules of DIY Events.

-These must be mundane, general animals (which need not be obtained in roleplay).

-This serves as a way to run DIY events, and may not be used maliciously.

-Does not need to be cast in the open.


[T4] [NC] Revival


An essential for the Hags of old and new that lets them hail back the connected souls of lost kin.


Through a freeform ritual, of [5] emotes minimum, 1 T4 and 1 (at least) T3 Hag may hail back a dead Hag, in which they must present a reflection (such as a mirror, cauldron, pond or mud) fit for them to crawl/rise from, a piece of memorabilia from the dead Hag and must funnel a total of [12] DE into it. This must happen in the open, whether it be a cave open to the sky, a spot in the forests or someplace else.


Over the process, the deceased Hag will form and rise from the reflection and into the world, and major tells will manifest from all parties involved (which may be synchronous). On the [5]th/final emote, the revived Hag (and their Familiar) will rise without any DE, unable to cast unless supplied with such.



-May only be used on and cast by Hags

-Must be cast in open areas - without four walls and a door. Open caves, forest clearings, mountaintops, fields and things akin are good examples of ideal locations.

-Should the deceased Hag have any other means of revival (klones, necromancy and so forth) they may be used.

[T5] [NC] Beast Moulding


Through a freeform ritual (with a minimum of [4] emotes), [2] T5 Hags and [1] T5 Hag (without a Bestial Form) must gather in the open and present ritual offerings that can invoke in the subject a feeling of calm (incense, chalk circles and the like).


The two moulding Hags must funnel into the subject [8] DE in total, which will slowly layer and warp their form into their Bestial Form (detailed below). 

Once transformed, they will only last [6] emotes (at most) before falling unconscious and reverting without issue. This is the only time such happens.


To change any appearance or traits of a form the Beast Moulding ritual must be performed upon a T5 Hag after (at least) 2 OOC months.


This costs [8] DE in total to perform, using minor tells, raw DE and (optionally) major tells.



-To change appearance/traits of Bestial form has a cooldown of 2 OOC months. This is not applicable after the initial 'Beast moulding'.


- [T5] [C] Bestial Form -


I am the land.

Shed my skin and untether me.


The Bestial Form of a Hag is that most able to frighten and inspire; a second face to the existence of those most adept.



Transformation into this form takes place over [4] emotes, through which the Hag’s body bends and twists to abnormal (and uncomfortable) shapes, whilst raw DE forms around and grows from them, solidifying into actual body parts ‘til their form is finished on the [4]th emote. The Hag’s Familiar is absorbed during the transformation and made part of this new vessel.


It costs  [5] DE to transform, which must show raw DE, a major tell and (optionally, due to its nature) a minor tell.

To revert costs [3] DE as layers unwrap, skin reforms and the Hag is left with a severe headache for [1] OOC hour after.

When in Bestial form, they don’t have access to most spells (spell list at bottom), but listed Bestial spells expend [0] DE.

They regenerate [3] DE a day in this form, regardless of subtype.


The bestial form itself is the true ‘spectacle’ of this spell, for it may vary greatly, for it may appear in any number of supernatural ways, below details some options:


-It may have no more than 4 arms/legs (in total).


-Bone and body parts of bone may form anywhere on its body, but are susceptible to blunt force as normal bone would be. If bone covers its whole body (or the majority), its movement speed is slowed to 4 blocks.


-It may have wings, but these are functional only for floating [1] block above the ground (non-combatively).


-Their eyes may glow, but do not illuminate surroundings, they simply stand out in the darkness.


-May have claws, no sharper than regular, sharpened nails.


-Height may increase or decrease by up to 3’0.


-Skin colour/animal fur (should they have any) may be any hue.


-May have up to 4 eyes, all of which must be located on the head.


-May remove (or move) nose, mouth, eyes or hands at the loss/alteration of the respective senses. 


-May change the shape of their body to be thinner or larger.


Whichever the case, the Bestial Form is one such that they may blend and seem one of the estranged creatures of the lands. They are unfit, by many means, for combat and typical interaction, for they have the following limits and drawbacks:


-The form may be no stronger than the peak of whichever race the Hag is.


-May not cast any Hag magic, only spells detailed for “Bestial Form” (listed below).


-Incapable of speech, only broken, mangled words, grunts and bestial sounds. “Wall Writing” (spell below) is often used as a remedy.


-Must appear obviously unnatural, though does not need to be extravagant. A human-sized animal standing on hind legs is sufficient, for example.


-May possess any bestial traits for aesthetic/design purposes but must be largely ‘humanoid’, even if they should not typically walk around on 2 legs.


-Vital organs may not be moved around, but blood colour may be altered.


-In this form they have 6 genus.


Regardless, the form of a Beast is one designed to spark speculation, intrigue and fear around cultures and groups; it is the most ‘raw’ form of a Hag for it is the one in which they are most blemished by Divine Empathy. 



-May not FTB under any circumstances. You weirdo. 

-Vital organs are still required and may not be moved or changed in any way.

-May only have 4 total limbs.

-May not mimic something already existing - they can not be made of bone in much the same way a Lich is, or look to be a Varg or thing akin.


[C] Wall Writing

An estranged means of communication among the Beasts of witchcraft.


At will, a Beast may cause writing to manifest in their surroundings (this may look as if the Beast is writing them or as if the words were simply appearing) and may make any desired shapes.

Writing may manifest in a multitude of ways around the Beast (in a 20 block radius), such as:

-Written in manifested ink/blood

-Written in carvings/scratches upon a service, which may have any accompanying sounds.

-Written in an ethereal, impermanent ‘energy’.


This may not be done on anything anyone is wearing, and and in any carvings, scratchings, ink or blood can be easily wiped off/fixed. These are incapable of properly damaging anything, and may only be done on inorganic surfaces.



-May not be done on skin or any other organic matter.

-Incapable of destroying or permanently damaging anything.

-May only be done within a 20 block radius.

-Any blood writing contains no genus.


[C] Mimic

A tool for deception and luring; a capability of all Beasts.


At will, a Beast may mimic the sounds of any mundane animals by twisting their vocal chords to replicate them. This may be things such as the singing of birds, the growling of a lion, the hissing of a snake and so on.

Furthermore, the Beast may replicate any words spoken in the last [3] emotes, in the exact same voice and volume of whomever had spoken them.



-May mimic mundane animals freely.                                  

-To mimic any other sounds (such as those of a descendant, siren and such) they must be made within the last [3] emotes, and may not vary from the sound made in any way.

-A Beast may not speak in any other way, only bestial sounds and mimicry.


[NC] Phantom Limbs

A trait through which Beasts can feign power and mythos.


When out of combat, the Beast may manifest false limbs/body parts/illusory symbols on and around (in the same block) their body, such as hands, extra arms, third eyes and so on. These may feel real, but provide no extra sight, strength or anything alike. In case of combat these immediately disappear in whichever way is aesthetically fitting.



-These vanish the moment any form of combat should start.

-These are incapable of carrying anything, providing any extra sight or bringing any proper benefits. They serve only the purpose of appearing ‘more’ than what a Beast is.

-Anything made is obviously harmless/ethereal in nature, and may not be legible writing (it may not be used as an easy replacement for Wall Writing).

Spell List:

-Visions, Mirror Distortion, Temp Witch Lights

-May make Talismans OR Brews (depending on subtype)

-Other (non-combative) magics may be cast in this form.


Revival, Invite the Woodlands, Metamorphosis and Connection may be performed in Bestial Form. -2 DE is required for every participating Beast.










[T5] [NC] Metamorphosis

The daunting height of Hag magic, binding them to their Bestial form.


A freeform ritual must be performed under moonlight with [4] total T5 Hags (all of which must be in Bestial Form). In this, at least [3] Beasts must funnel a total of [20] raw DE to surround the central Beast. After [3] emotes of funnelling, the central Beast is encased in a shell of some sort, which may manifest as a large egg, cocoon, or similar fragile container.


After [4] OOC days, the Hag breaks free from the containment, now bound to their Bestial form. 


Moulded Beasts (as those bound Hags are called), gain innate access to all spells of their subtype, and due to the DE that floods their form they regenerate [5] DE per day and regenerate [1] DE the day after they’re fully depleted (should they ever be).


Moulded Beasts may talk (unlike their unbound counterparts) but lose Wall Writing and Mimicry should they choose so.


The inner biology of the Hag is not changed, only their appearance and outward traits. CA’s become impossible, as do any alchemic changes to their body. 



-Metamorphosis may not be undone under any circumstances. 

-A note must be made on the MA of the Hag that they are a Moulded Beast, and the Hag must record the features of their bound, unchangeable bestial form. This may only change once every 6 OOC months, should Metamorphosis be used.

-This permanently changes the form of the Hag, though does not change the inner biology of them. Magical and Alchemical disguises inhibit Hag magic.

-Klones and other revival methods cease to function due to the close relationship between the Hag and the pool of Divine Empathy, making Hag Revival the only way to come back.



[T5] [NC] Connection 

A means through which Hags can embrace and induct others akin, bestowing unto them Divine Empathy.


Through a freeform ritual, a T5 Hag with a TA may draw from themselves [5] DE and present it to/place it before their student. After being given [1] further DE by their teacher (directly into the student), they may manipulate it and shape it into their familiar, after which they will be considered connected and with a stable flow of DE. 

When the student next wakes up, they will find themselves with [10] DE total, and experience heavy nausea, headaches and flu for the immediate OOC day afterwards.


This costs [6] DE to perform in total, with minor tells, raw DE and optional major tells.



-May only be performed by a Hag with a valid TA.

-The student must be OOCly willing, and the teacher may not have any more than [3] students at once.

-May not be used to connect someone who is incompatible - should this be the case it will fail, and the DE expended will burst and dissipate.

-A teacher may have a student who takes a different subtype, but they are still required to guide them through spells both OOCly and IRPly. This does not give the teacher access to the spells of that respective subtype.


General Redlines


-The terms “Hag”, “Familiar”, “Beast” and the Origins of this piece are RPly unknown, and used only as an OOC means to refer to them. To use these by their dictionary definition is fine.

-If casting and facing the drawbacks (at 4 DE and below), the Hag may only face one of the repercussions, and cannot alternate between the different losses of two minor tells.

They cannot change displayed minor tells in a combat encounter. Non-combatively, they may display both or only one. The drawback they face (loss of body part) must fit one of their casting tells, but need not be the one they’re casting with.

-Familiars must stay within [10] blocks of their Hag for spells to be used upon them, and cannot provide any information not ICly available to the Hag (no spying, or informing of death).

-OOC consent and collaboration is an important part of this lore and its interactions - ensure all interactions are respectful.

-If switching subtypes, all products become inert (Scorned Home’s are undone, Brews become redundant, Talismans cease to work and the like).


Tier Progression

Hags develop to T5 over 3 months, but do not tier up or learn any spells without active teaching - as such, a Hag may not vanish for 3 months and be at T5 or know every spell, for all spells must be taught.


Tier timeframes:

Tier 1: Lasts for 2 weeks

Tier 2: Lasts for 3 weeks

Tier 3: Lasts for 3 weeks

Tier 4: Lasts for 4 weeks

Tier 5: Able to teach, provided they know a majority of spells 


Spell List:

Tier 1: Harken, Visions

Tier 2: Mirror Distortion, Possess Beast

Tier 3: Mirror Striding, Witch Lights

Tier 3 (D): Divination, Bottle Emotion, 

Tier 3 (S): Cauldron Bubble, Replenish

Tier 4 (D): Feign Familiar, Talisman

Tier 4 (S): Extending Replenish, Scorned Home, Witch’s Brews

Tier 4: Invite the Woodlands, Revival

Tier 5: Shift Nature, Beast Moulding, Bestial Form, Metamorphosis, Connection





Hags aim to fill the niche of a witch in LotC through angles that seem to be largely unexplored or left unelaborated. These aim to play into superstition and the natural vices of Descendants, and are not intended to be the sole means and way to do Witch RP, but rather to readily enable those to which this appeals. I myself am a big fan of superstitious and generally gritty witchcraft RP, which is a large part of why I wrote it; I found that a lot of other things out there, though they hold some aspects, don’t really have the aesthetic or practical/viable means for it.


Hags intentionally lean towards far more gritty and descendant involved witchcraft - it doesn’t exist to be explicitly good or bad, but rather branches of both such that its community might spread out and interact in unique ways, enabled and encouraged by their abilities that aim to prompt cooperative and engaging roleplay. It aims to encourage and prompt superstition by having them largely indistinguishable from the average person, such that they can prompt superstition, speculation and whichever else their character’s goals might be.


The magic dips into all sorts of faucets of roleplay and we feel as if it can bring something new to the table when it comes to darker topics. We tried our best to not get too edgy but come on. It’s Hags.


Happy Halloween!



@Olandyr - Writing

@tgrt - Writing, Art


Metamorphosis fixed to the Hag's subtype.

-Bestial Regeneration & Nightsight removed


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Happy Halloween you guys! This spooky magic was a LOT of fun to write and draw for, and I hope it brings a nice breath of fresh air to our witch enthusiasist out there!

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So… am I the only one to find it strange it is based on a spiritual magic source and not have shamans be able to interact with them in some way.


Edit: After looking over the lore I can say this is eerily similar to shamanism, especially witch doctor and haruspexy with a lot of power buffs shoved into it, especially the Beastial Form reminiscent to Siliti. 

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9 minutes ago, Olandyr said:

This Divine Empathy (referred to by DE) has spread subtly through the feared and fearing alike through centuries, such that the amount of Hags made part of it ‘disguises’ it. As such, shamanic purging, Seer reading and things alike detect nothing upon it. This matter cannot be separated as disconnection is no option for Hags, only death.


If it can't be separated, then how wouldn't it be seen? It's described as being boiled down Spirit essence. The method you've described is a mix of generation 2(eating spirits) and generation 3 dark shamanism ( entrapping and enslaving spirits), both of which had ways shamans and Spirits could detect and see this transgression. It'd also be impossible for a Seer not to notice something with magical/physical influence, especially if its just made of Spirits.


30 minutes ago, Olandyr said:

The typical movement speed in Bestial Form is +2 of what it normally would be


30 minutes ago, Olandyr said:

When out of combat, in a quiet and calm place, a Beast may greatly speed up their regeneration process, such that they may swiftly mend any gashes or cuts in [1] emote, regrow minor body parts in [3] and regrow major body parts in [5] emotes.


31 minutes ago, Olandyr said:

When in Bestial form, they don’t have access to most spells


31 minutes ago, Olandyr said:

Moulded Beasts (as those bound Hags are called), gain innate access to both subtypes, all spells, and due to the DE that floods their form they regenerate [5] DE per day and regenerate [1] DE the day after they’re fully depleted (should they ever be).

The bestial form doesn't really make sense in attempts to make something more witchcraft themed, as it has silit abilities, and a freeform construct creation ability with no drawbacks. None of this submission really talks about drawbacks or weaknesses, and especially being Spirit centric, there's a good basis to work with in how to balance abilities and what magics affect Hags. 


A chunk of these abilities are already shamanic abilities: Witch's Brew, Scorned Home, Visions, Evil Eye, and in the case of Bottled Emotion its a hex that can't be removed and lasts even longer then the one's currently  in shamanism. 


I really like a lot of the abilities conceptually, but its a little unnerving to see another submission borrow from shamanism but do much to try and skirt around it.   I think this submission would be better if it chose to ground itself in shamanism, and trimmed a lot of ability bloat that it shares with Witch Doctor, Farseer, and Siliti/Blood Magic. 


I.e Whats the point of subtypes if you can switch between them and Moulded Beasts have access to both.

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Honestly I wish my advice to remove the shamanism links to this had been taken, because A) it doesn't need it, and B) it just reads like a mix of shamanism and Naz. Like I love y'all but this needed more work and drafts and proofreaders and everything. I don't often comment, but this needs it.

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I honestly quite like it. With a few reworks taking all the feedback in consideration I think it could work out in due time.

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Looks fun. I agree with pretty much every critique posted though. Once this is reworked a bit I would love to see it added.

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Hey! I really appreciate the feedback the lore has been receiving - I've been consistently working on and checking back on this for some time now, and it can get quite easy to be familiar with the same old stuff. This has been hugely helpful, and I intend on making changes and modifications over the coming week or so. This has all been hugely helpful!


4 hours ago, Astrophysical said:

So… am I the only one to find it strange it is based on a spiritual magic source and not have shamans be able to interact with them in some way.


Edit: After looking over the lore I can say this is eerily similar to shamanism, especially witch doctor and haruspexy with a lot of power buffs shoved into it, especially the Beastial Form reminiscent to Siliti. 


In writing we tried to ensure we didn't stray into outright Shamanism territory, but I do wholly intend to modify/remove that do come too similar.

As for the power buffs, I don't particularly see it as a significant number of the Spells and processes require OOC consent with any involved, and none are outright combative or harmful past the will of those subjected to it.



3 hours ago, Panashea said:


If it can't be separated, then how wouldn't it be seen? It's described as being boiled down Spirit essence. The method you've described is a mix of generation 2(eating spirits) and generation 3 dark shamanism ( entrapping and enslaving spirits), both of which had ways shamans and Spirits could detect and see this transgression. It'd also be impossible for a Seer not to notice something with magical/physical influence, especially if its just made of Spirits.



The source for this is based on Spirits but the idea is that it's more of a mixture that's become clouded with Descendant souls too - I found that having them be largely unnoticed worked because I want to ensure that Hags aren't lumped into one RPly defined magic so they can branch out and fit where needed. It would mark the soul though, I'll amend that.


3 hours ago, Panashea said:

The bestial form doesn't really make sense in attempts to make something more witchcraft themed, as it has silit abilities, and a freeform construct creation ability with no drawbacks. None of this submission really talks about drawbacks or weaknesses, and especially being Spirit centric, there's a good basis to work with in how to balance abilities and what magics affect Hags. 

The idea behind the Bestial Form is rooted largely in the idea of cryptids and anomalies, and tried to reach largely for the aesthetic when it comes to them. I've limited their strength and tried to keep them more to aesthetic.

That's really helpful - I'll make more comment on their interactions with other stuff and how their drawbacks work with that.

As for the subtypes and Moulded Beasts - the subtype switching has a 6 month cooldown because the intent is to enable Hags to switch should their beliefs change, as Scorning and Divinity reach largely for the physical and spiritual respectively, and want to be able to allow Hags to change without going against that.

Moulded Beasts are basically there to allow people to be full time cryptids and that's a fair criticism - they've been limited to their subtype!

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