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[✗] [In-Game Ban] [MikhaiI] Appeal


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Minecraft IGN(s):








Ban Selection


In-Game Ban


Ban Reason


https://gyazo.com/ba115abed458b55f1ad47b4d1fe79fdf (Inappropriate Roleplay & Borderline Harassment).


What circumstances led to this ban?


It was toward the tail end of the month of November when the roleplay occurred. Dantory and I had just gotten our good Finnish friend Arygon to return to the server, after a few years long hiatus. It was about 2:00 A.M for me and Dantory. Arygon and Exogens (my European brethren) had just woken up, and we all decided to roleplay together. We were out of it, and Dantory and I had just formed the Cult of Renilde (an obvious joke, albeit an inappropriate one). What happened first was that Dantory and I proposed that Exogens' character join the Cult, in which he agreed. Afterward, Exo joined Dantory, Arygon and I in VC, and he brought us to his humble abode. There, we now get to the circumstances of the ban. Exo illusioned Arygon, making him appear as the Archduchess Renilde, performing some sort of Marilyn Monroe pose. I thought this was a joke, so I decided to fade to black with Arygon's character while he was the Archduchess. I emoted that the bed squeaked approximately three times. All the roleplay was done in quiet, (behind the walls of Exo's house), and there were maybe a little more than ten people online. At the time, it never crossed my mind how inappropriate the roleplay might have been, or the potential harm that I could've caused. Three days after the roleplay, we were all investigation banned, and two days after that, we were banned for a month. (Arygon excluded).
To avoid similar circumstances such as these, I can get off the server at a reasonable hour. Next time, I promise to put more thought into my roleplay, and consider whether or not my emote's appropriate for the server before I enter it into the chat. All in all, I've learned an important lesson in what the community's expectations are, and what acceptable behavior is on the server.


Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


I agree with the reasoning of the ban. The roleplay I did was certainly inappropriate, and I deserved the punishment I received. The roleplay I did has a negative influence and doesn't belong on the server.
I disagree with how the ban was handled. After I came to the conclusion as to why we were banned, ItDontMatta told me it'd probably be a one-two week ban for obvious meme roleplay. I'm not surprised that rather than being banned for meme roleplay, we were banned for inappropriate roleplay. I am, however, surprised that we additionally got banned for borderline harassment. I don't understand why we got borderline harassment tacked onto the reasoning, when Tilly herself (Renilde) discussed it with us and said she didn't feel harassed whatsoever. Ultimately, I feel like the length of the ban was unjustified.


What motivates you to return to LOTC?


What motivates me to return to Lord of the Craft is to roleplay with my buddies again. I had plans for my character that I'd like to continue with, moving forward.


Attach other relevant information.


https://gyazo.com/46536e2a8c143c8a2f18ac0e0f78a1fb (ItDontMatta telling me 1-2 weeks).
https://gyazo.com/ad6ccb1a760b9573a6fdd4a2f2b3e42e (Tilly telling me she does not feel harassed).

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very uncanonist individual. I suggest they be sent to a prison colony in australia (schoolrp).

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i love mikhail

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The ban was handled by numerous moderators, an admin, and discussions were held between mods and your nation leader as well. 

All in all, the case was handled properly, and if you disagree you are free to re-appeal, minus the excuses, while taking more responsibility for your actions.

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