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[✓] [In-Game Ban] [MisterBlitzkrieg] Appeal


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Ban Selection


In-Game Ban


Ban Reason


Metagaming, Innappropriate Rp, Slander


What circumstances led to this ban?


My character Björn Ragnarrsson Mösu and ZollaRets character, Uhtred Mösu, were messing around and parkouring on the streets of Atrus, the capital of balian, when suddenly we saw the mother of Björn (Dahlia Sigvardson-Mösu who is played by AlexMagus) enter the house of Cesar Kommenos (KamikazeReaper) to discuss something which I do not know about on the second floor of the building. Björn and Uhtred climb up to the windows of the second floor and try to listen or get an idea on what is happening. Uhtred, a mentally ill man, started being annoying and knocked on the window of the building, thus disrupting their meeting and eventually breaking the window to get into the house. Warnings were issued by Cesar Kommenos that he would shoot and kill us with a crossbow if we tried to enter his home. Uhtred tried to enter and eventually got shot and killed. Björn did not enter for he did not wish to get killed like his adopted kinsman although he warned him that if he lays one hand upon his mother he would personally gut him alive (Björn is very protective of his mother) before leaving. While this was happening an Admin or mod or whatever kept blasting Zollaret with tridents and thus killing him which interfered with his mentally ill rp and thus lowered the quality of his rp due to the fact that you aint gonna write several paragraphs just to get killed by some mf who is abusing their admin powers just before you send the paragraph and interaction.

A day or a few hours after that a court summon was made by the judges and legislative officials of Balian about the event where Björn and his kinsman were accused of breaking and entering alongside other stuff which I do not remember since it was 3 months ago. Either way we were ready to attend the court summon although we intended to win it and not get punished or at least get a slap on the wrist by twisting the truth and what actually happened to make Cesar Kommenos look bad. The lie is that he got violent and attacked AlexMagus's character (dahlia) with the crossbow after being rejected which is why me and zollaret where knocking on the windows and breaking them to enter. I shot a dm to AlexMagus and asked them if they are willing to meet in character to discuss her possibly lying about what happened in the court summon, thus making cesar look bad since she is the core witness to what happened. She said sure and we soon enough meet and spoke about it IRP, she even refused to lying about him getting violent and trying to attack her after being rejected and coming to the court summon due to the fact that she was being hunted by a Paladin for selling paladin weaponry alongside wanting to test her for vampirism (because there were rumors that the Mösu family was filled with vampires due to the Fact Kol Ragnarrsson Mösu was one) but also speaking about Björn's personal life and his relationships.

Soon after that, I received a dm from Burnsider on discord. The subject was me being banned for Metagaming (which never happened since we did rp it), Inappropriate RP (which didn't happen), Slander (only irp slander). The inappropriate rp charge was because Burnsider believed me having asked Alexmagus to lie about what happened was me asking her to lie about her character being raped and sexually assaulted by KamikazeReaper's character. I am aware that my dm to Alexmagus can be perceived as that is what I meant although that is not what I had planned as proved by my actions and what happened. You can go through all my DMS with the people I spoke to and planned with about lying and you will find no message of me or them implying she would lie about being raped. Even when I asked for proof about me saying that is what I wanted her to lie about, Burnsider refused because "To protect the privacy of those users that provided evidence, I will not share it.". Eitherway I tried to discuss the ban with both Burnsider (who shut down the convo because he didnt have time for "arguing") and Rilath (who resigned and left LOTC or whatever before we could even settle it) who said he would speak to Burnsider about it.


Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


I do not agree with the ban at all since it was an unfair punishment for what essentially comes down to miscommunication between staff and players. What I said might be vague and I am sorry for that. I should've been more clear with what I meant and for that I should maybe be punished for but not for 3 MONTHS. 3 MONTHS because of miscommunication. Furthermore, the fact of not showing evidence that proves me "guilty" just seems wrong and fishy to me. It is as if the whole ban was rigged and they are personally coming after me just because they don't like me. They never really asked my side of the story or what happened but instead opted to give me a 3 month ban directly. No investigation seems to have been done. Guilty until proven innocent in other words which was not possible due to the fact that Burnsider refused to discuss the matter alongside very slow if no response from people above Burnsider. In other words the whole situation could've been handled better and with more professionality.


What motivates you to return to LOTC?


Because I find it fun and I like to write a story with other people such as friends and those who hate me oocly. In other words. Addiction


Attach other relevant information.




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I cannot say much about the ban myself, as i was not involved or know the full story but a quick look of the logs, but i can say the misscommunication is believable, many staff arent as communicative as others, especially the ones he mentioned. But misterblitzkrieg is a respectful guy from my experience. Everytime i encountered him irp he was nice and chill, even if the rp wasnt going on his side. I honestly havent experienced any metagaming while the time we rped with eachother.
 +1, hope he gets unbanned.

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+1 from me; I've RPed with Blitz quite a bit, and he has always been a great and honest RPer who gets things done without trying to metagame. This was indeed nothing more than a miscommunication with an admin who didn't really try very hard to discover the actual truth. 3 months is more than enough time for such a dubious offense, and the server would definitely be enhanced by his presence.

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17 minutes ago, MisterBlitzkrieg said:


I do not recall any metagaming, the only thing that might be called such was him asking me in DMs to meet IRP, which everyone ever has done since the rise of discord.


18 minutes ago, MisterBlitzkrieg said:

Inappropriate RP

Perhaps? But I've seen much worse RP result in either far less or absolutely no punishment. Zolla and Blitz both wanted inside the building Kamikaze and I were speaking in, and did parkour up to the office window and Zolla emoted breaking the window, and used /smash and so Kami fired a crossbow bolt at him. They then went away.


I see this not as inappropriate roleplay, it was just slightly annoying due to the fact I wanted to leave Balian as soon as possible, for reason stated inside the appeal, which were also the reasons which I said no to being summoned to court as a witness for either party. When asked by Blitz IRP to lie about having been assaulted by Cesar, I do not recall it being in a sexual manner, just a lie about Cesar. I said no, for Cesar is my student and also a long-term friend.


This is the only DM regarding the things that I was wanted for to represent in court,


Burnsider — 04/10/2022 20:44

Okay, and I understand that there were some DMs later about the trial?


secretly alexmagus — 04/10/2022 20:44

i was asked by both parties to represent them in the court


i said no to blitzkrieg but gave kamikaze irp'ly written letters which were neutral


because i wasnt going to the court for irp reasons


Burnsider — 04/10/2022 20:46

Alright, and I would just like to confirm, there was no violence at all between you and Kamikaze?


secretly alexmagus — 04/10/2022 20:46



not irp nor ooc


Burnsider — 04/10/2022 20:46

Alright, that's all I needed. I greatly appreciate you talking to me.

If you want the screenshot, I can provide it via discord, admins find a way to change the max total size why is it so small???


27 minutes ago, MisterBlitzkrieg said:


May have been due to the other report that was regarding Blitz? If it was regarding this situation, I don't know any slander that occurred. All slander was aimed to be IRP, not to be meddled in by moderation.

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9 minutes ago, alexmagus said:

May have been due to the other report that was regarding Blitz? If it was regarding this situation, I don't know any slander that occurred. All slander was aimed to be IRP, not to be meddled in by moderation.

Damn I seem to be quite controversial

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+1 free my boy


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+1 from me as well since I'd had some very fun RP with Blitzkrieg back when he was on the server & I've been confused as to why he hasn't returned yet. Since everything was in RP, it should stay in RP like what had happened to me in the north between Haense & Norland; everything seemed to be comin OOC when Operator_Bugman helped bring it back to in RP to sort things out enough to keep things from gettin anyone banned.


I think MisterBlitzkrieg deserves another chance on the server; not because he's a good friend of mine from the server, but also because things were taken OOC when it shouldn't have. Things were stacked against them & it isn't fair to punish those who didn't do anything wrong.

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Thank you all for the support and upvotes! It means alot to me seeing that so many people want me back on the server.

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+1 unban him get rid of burnsider (i have heard nothing but negative things from both him and former staff members at this point)

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If he isn’t free yet have another +1 from me. He did nothing wrong but he is criminally good at RP from my interactions with him.

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While deliberating on your appeal we realized your ban was made in error. We will be reviewing our processes in the future. 


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