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Player Conduct Policy


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I want to say, this past week I have seen every administrator work diligently to talk to people in this community, seek the truth, and show real leadership. It took proper humility to not just reflect on events but also to take personal responsibility and affect change. Thank you for putting in this time to address real issues.

When I think about what happened, I think that the question comes back to how we define administration. It should be synonymous with leadership, especially in matters of community safety. It should mean rigor and swiftness in administrative processes and nobody left behind. So we sat down and chatted. We reviewed our dusty admin protocol and rewrote it. And, finally, each of us committed to adopt the new one. If you are interested, you can find it here—and we've kept it publicly accessible, just like before.

I believe these three updates will lead to significant changes at the top-level, and I want to thank everyone who made a statement and inspired us to think about building a better future proactively, and not reactively.

Now, I'm going to put the rosy glasses aside and discuss precisely what we mean in our new policy.

We will work retroactively. AKA, this policy does not begin today—it begins in 2011 at the dawn of LotC. This is not just a bold move, it is reckless—and necessary.

We know that some parts of this policy we may have to roll back, amend, or place limits on. So, we have one request. Do you have something worth reporting? Please do it now. In my 12 year history on this server, I have yet to see a circumstance where holding onto evidence led to a better outcome for victims or for others.

We review anonymous reports sent to [email protected] too. You can reach out to any admin as well to submit a report and, if you prefer, we can keep your identity a secret from the rest of the admin team. Please pick the option where you feel safe and we will accommodate you.

One last point, there is one offence we are not prepared to judge retroactively and that is haphazard slur use or spam in private mediums. I am not pointing to outright discrimination or targeted use—but plain choice of words. Moving forward, this means we are free to be more rigorous and swift in our rulings, including evidence shared from private mediums.

Until you can be proud to be a part of this community, we have work to do.


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nice, now fix the general LOTC rules and make mods enforce them following the guidelines that are listed and not make up BS. But, this is a great first step 

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2 minutes ago, Scourge said:

Also punish people who aid and defend predators and who actively contribute to the continued victimization of minors through protection of those who commit it, thank you.

Hey, this is already covered under our Safety Policy. I realize this policy is a bit hard to read, we're working on revising it and should have some updates in the next couple weeks.

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Hello hello, one thing I am eager to see looked at is the vilifying of those who have previously (and unknowingly) associated with T.O.S banned players. I still to this day sometimes get shit due to my past affiliation with flam. I'd discovered various disturbing rumors that had circulated because of such even years following his ban and I won't lie when I say they bloody hurt.


Yes, some people associate with players while knowing they're doing the big bad, but the bulk majority of those who do genuinely don't know.


Edit: Need to clarify, I did not speak to flam AFTER his TOS. What he did was disgusting.

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20 minutes ago, Jihnyny said:

nice, now fix the general LOTC rules and make mods enforce them following the guidelines that are listed and not make up BS. But, this is a great first step 

is this really the forum post to be making passive aggressive remarks about mods not enforcing benign pvp rules or whatever on


34 minutes ago, Telanir said:

We will work retroactively. AKA, this policy does not begin today—it begins in 2011 at the dawn of LotC. This is not just a bold move, it is reckless—and necessary

also I support this. people shouldn't be witchhunted bc they dropped a slur or called someone a mean word once 6 years ago but there are genuinely behaviors that cannot be excused under "but it happened x years ago" and I hope this is something that admins will really see through to in the future

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21 minutes ago, Unwillingly said:

is this really the forum post to be making passive aggressive remarks about mods not enforcing benign pvp rules or whatever on


also I support this. people shouldn't be witchhunted bc they dropped a slur or called someone a mean word once 6 years ago but there are genuinely behaviors that cannot be excused under "but it happened x years ago" and I hope this is something that admins will really see through to in the future

Helloo, sorry I'm not keeping track with lotc stuff as of Ramadan rn. But I do have a question, as your last remark confused me, as don't they counter one another. Not witch hunting people for past long ago mistakes, but also doing it because that mistake is still bad.


Are we witch hunting or no??


I'm not like countering or supporting either or, I am just hoping for a clarification.


Anyone mind giving me a nice little short explanation of what's going on and what's the new rules that would be great <3

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10 minutes ago, ibraheemc2000 said:

Helloo, sorry I'm not keeping track with lotc stuff as of Ramadan rn. But I do have a question, as your last remark confused me, as don't they counter one another. Not witch hunting people for past long ago mistakes, but also doing it because that mistake is still bad.


Are we witch hunting or no??


I'm not like countering or supporting either or, I am just hoping for a clarification.


Anyone mind giving me a nice little short explanation of what's going on and what's the new rules that would be great <3


I think unwillingly's point is that there are some things that are unforgivable and that should absolutely not be on the server, ibraheem.

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3 hours ago, ibraheemc2000 said:

Helloo, sorry I'm not keeping track with lotc stuff as of Ramadan rn. But I do have a question, as your last remark confused me, as don't they counter one another. Not witch hunting people for past long ago mistakes, but also doing it because that mistake is still bad.


Are we witch hunting or no??


I'm not like countering or supporting either or, I am just hoping for a clarification.


Anyone mind giving me a nice little short explanation of what's going on and what's the new rules that would be great <3


if you just said some edgy shit in the past that's fine, but if you were a down and out pedophile or serial sexual harrasser there's no statute of limitations and you still get banned, is more or less the point of this.

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8 hours ago, Telanir said:

In my 12 year history on this server, I have yet to see a circumstance where holding onto evidence led to a better outcome for victims or for others.


Is that not what happened when Frill got banned for reporting KP? Same imgur links, same screenshots as were used in the report that actually got KP banned. Wrong person at the wrong time or ..?

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9 hours ago, ibraheemc2000 said:

Helloo, sorry I'm not keeping track with lotc stuff as of Ramadan rn. But I do have a question, as your last remark confused me, as don't they counter one another. Not witch hunting people for past long ago mistakes, but also doing it because that mistake is still bad.


Are we witch hunting or no??


I'm not like countering or supporting either or, I am just hoping for a clarification.


Anyone mind giving me a nice little short explanation of what's going on and what's the new rules that would be great <3

my perspective is that calling someone the f or n-word in 2016 is way different than, for example, having a full blown conversation about how you want to bring physical or sexual harm to them in various ways


I don't think either are acceptable behavior, but one is arguably more incriminating than the other. ofc this is very situational and depends on the "who and what," but not all dialogue should be treated the same


tldr what @Enlightenmentsaid

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2 hours ago, kipps said:


Is that not what happened when Frill got banned for reporting KP? Same imgur links, same screenshots as were used in the report that actually got KP banned. Wrong person at the wrong time or ..?


The way that frill has defamed and harassed multiple people on LOTC since his ban (and recruited others to do the same) has more than warranted his exclusion from this community for all time. The fact that people continually prop him up as some pillar of the community is continually shocking to me.

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8 minutes ago, Burnsider said:


The way that frill has defamed and harassed multiple people on LOTC since his ban (and recruited others to do the same) has more than warranted his exclusion from this community for all time. The fact that people continually prop him up as some pillar of the community is continually shocking to me.


provide examples plz 

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