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Zabub's Pilgrimage to the Swamp


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Zabub’s Pilgrimage to the Swamp

Grey-Orc Monk meditating.






1st of Snow’s Maiden, 123 SE

I set out on my pilgrimage from the Iron Uzg to the swamps of the west near Vortice, a wild and untamed place which may hold many dangers. I seek to reflect on the nature of Laklul, the spirit of the swamps. His mark lies upon my forehead and hat with the blood of the Swampgoth, Murdok’Lak. May his blessing allow me to keep to my pilgrimage of three cactus days, as I have promised. I pray that I will understand Laklul’s vision at the end.


3rd of Snow’s Maiden

I have arrived at a suitable spot next to the large boggy lake. The camp I set up is humble, consisting only of what I could find nearby as I brought little with me. I am no stranger to survival since I have camped many times during my fishing trips, but I am no expert either. I wish not to take too much, as I do not want to upset Laklul. Once camp is set up I will begin searching for a food source. Yet do I dare try to fish within this divine swamp?


4th of Snow’s Maiden

I have spent some time thinking about whether I should take fish from the swamp’s waters. This has paid off as I have come to the following conclusion: I may take from the swamp as long as I give in return to the swamp. In this situation, I shall take the meat from the fish which I cook and eat. In return, I bury the bones and inedible parts into the bogged earth so that more flora may grow. I offer a prayer to Laklul, thanking him for allowing me to take from his domain. With all my bare needs in place, I may begin reflection.


21st of Snow’s Maiden

It is calming sitting here on my lonesome, hearing the chirping of insects and the ebbing of water. I have come to understand why the Laks have an appreciation for this environment.


11th of The First Seed
I see smoke on the horizon, past the willows in the blue skies above. I can tell it is far from where the swamp ends, but the source resides in the west. The wildlife seem to be fleeing from the smoke. I pray to Laklul for protection, but if whatever happens spreads to the swamp, I will take measures to defend myself and the swamp.


23rd of The First Seed
As I prepare to pack up to return to the Iron Uzg I dismantle my camp so that the land I slept is left better than it was before I arrived. However, I do leave a mark that I was there. I constructed a simple shrine to Laklul made of stone and a carved wooden Toalak. Before the shrine I buried the rest of the fish I had gathered during my pilgrimage. I offer my prayers and praises before I leave the shine behind me as I head home.


1st of The Grand Harvest

I have arrived back in the Iron Uzg with less than I have started with. I have learned many things during my pilgrimage to the swamp, growing an appreciation for the environment. I shall meet with the Swampgoth soon to discuss my reflections and possibly be considered as one of Laklul’s chosen.

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"LUP’LAKLUL!" Roars a descendant of KRUG from the muddy waters of the swamp. In his hand a spear, and at the tip of it, a fish.

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A burned swampgoth slowly nods his head at the goblin's return, noting the change of stride and vision within the kub of krug as he finishes his pilgrimage. He knew the boy had had his eyes open by the experience....

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A scarred orc stirs within the burned remains of the jungle, stoking the flame.  The land needed his fiery blessing.

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