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The winds blew cold this day, even as the promise of Spring arrived against the horizon. The woman still felt the chill. Announced by goosebumps against her dirt-covered flesh. This day, the woman contemplated all that had come to pass and yet to be. There was no joy against her complexion, no contentment. How could someone with still so much left to accomplish be satisfied with their fate? A fate at the end of a ledge, a watery grave the only thing promised to her as she stared into their bitter depths. Even whilst the northern winds tore at her ivory mane, she did not flinch. For it was not death that troubled her mind, it was regret. Sorrow. 


She thought of all those she had come to know. The many were a lengthened river of candlelight within a darkened realm. Here she found herself smiling, chin raised to the setting sun over the ocean planes. How a flaxen-haired mali’aheral drowned shared sadness at the bottom of a porcelain cup. A lively boy in the midst of panic grew to be a promising man. Or an eccentric oddity that drew the wool from her blinded eyes, bringing truth to all she believed to know. 


There were many pillars that supported the treacherous lifestyle of hers. Bonds that no matter how their end was fated, were regarded with care still. The regret she finally addressed, came to be provoked by her stagnancy. Her reluctance. And in this final moment, she had learned how foolish she had been. Pride marring each action she had drawn. 


The woman soon lost her smile, engulfed by her thoughts. How hard she had tried to keep things afloat, to satiate the near-impossible demands made of her. Though try as she had, she understood that a cycle designed to tear itself apart could never be mended. She could never mend it. And so, as her bare feet inched closer to the edge. The maiden bid herself to the water’s depths. 




These letters are not RP knowledge and the information in each are suited for the addressed person only.


To Ayako [ @Lockages ]



I do not understand what became of us. Of you. For years we managed, maintained our balance, and forged something as strong as the stone itself. My sacrifice was for you. Yet when I returned, you had changed. In the silence that soon followed our dispute, I reflected. Cast myself into solitude and questioned each wrong I had burdened you with. In truth, in most accounts, I can admit fault. For I was never the easiest to love. But in our last, I cannot claim blame.

My fear of you being hefted within these affairs was the sanctity of yours. Not in the manner that zealots speak of, but in the way where you burned with passion. Contested the very stars themselves. Yet when I returned I sensed a vacancy within you. Something I could never place. But you had grown, become consumed by the mutterings that weren’t your own. Ayako, I could not recognize you. Even as I pleaded for your forgiveness, presented parchment. It was you who left me, who ensured bridges continued to be engulfed in flame. 


But it is respect for your choices that allows me to learn acceptance. To understand that you will forever remain uncontested in the path you pave for yourself. And with this, all I can do is hope that you will see it to the other end. That this choice will not claim you as it had me. That the bonds you forge will never be questioned, for I fear they shall be.

If there is but an inkling of advice I plead you to consider in my departure, it is to learn to see. For things given to you, spoken to you, are always far deeper than you could ever comprehend. We preach to rid ourselves of deific overlords, but you must consider the ones whispering in your ear.

May your life be fruitful and safe.
All my love,


To Elarhil [ @riorr ]



The ‘aheral ever-changing. You are one of the most precious bonds I came to forge. Whilst it truly saddens me that we never managed to arrange another afternoon dedicated to tea and gossip, know that in my leave you were in my thoughts. I have heard you are thriving, finally able to relinquish your purist tethers and be how you’ve yearned to be. Truly, it is only pride I regard you with. For you have grown to measures I had never expected. 


Strive for your happiness and never allow another to place their ideals or expectations above your own. For it will do you no good. Instead, stand tall. Remember me only as a friend who was naught but a bad influence. 

Your dearest llir,

To Lesley, [ @Saun_399 ] 



You were always a thorn in my side, without fail. But how can one enjoy the beauty of the rose if they do not wish to be pricked? To this day, you have done nothing but impress me. Even in the moments when our heads collided. I could see the viciousness in your eyes, a trait that has kept you alive to this day. Keep it and cherish it. Do not ever let anyone demean your worth or render your efforts to dust. Demand respect and give it in return. Thrive and cut yourself from the trouble that forever churns. 


In my leave, find guidance in Manon. She was always better with her words than I ever was.

I am so very proud of you.


Your sister,



To Melandrach, [ @christman ]



The first influence on this ever-complex path. You were a beloved friend of mine, a bond that I never forsook. Even as your opposite lay claim to my fate, I demanded our fondness remained unblemished. For some time, it was not. You taught me to conquer the very thing that shook me, to where it was naught but a comical recollection. For that, I can do nothing but thank you. But what I cannot stand for is your hand in the change of Ayako, the teachings you murmured within her ear. 


It is not in my nature to refute lessons or teachings that resonated with her the most. But I know you, your temperament. But as balance demands it, I will never understand what truly provoked such a change. Only lay awake in my bold accusations, that your hand held the strings of influence. Just know in this passing, that blame is a bitter poison that is often ingested by one who wishes to lay it. Thus, I will not part on scornful words. Or dismiss the good you so often brought. 


You were the winds of change, Melandrach. The unwavering zealot.

Please, all I ask of you is that you guard Ayako as if she was your own. Do not beckon her into unneeded harm, for where her fleshen vessel may seek no end. Each death claims its scar. 

Your friend,


To Todd, [ @Toddbringer



The man forged from the mountain itself. You were the most unexpected friend. One I did not expect to last within the charity of mine. But I could not be more thankful that it did. At first, I shall not lie, I was seeking to make a profit from you the day I came to sell my wares. But as we shared stories of fondness over Akemi’s famed tea - I simply had to aid you. It wasn’t a choice given much thought, but rather an impulsive need. You reminded me so much of myself, I wished to grant you the kindness that I was refused.

But charity forged a friendship. Then friendship gave me a brother. You were the rock that kept me sheltered, and safe. Your measures and sacrifices never once went unnoticed, nor as I come to look over this ledge will I forget them. You are deserving so much more than what you’ve been delivered, Toad of Yar and I urge you to pursue a cause of your own. To not feel chained or obligated by the familial bonds you have forged. If there has been one thing I have come to learn, it is that our lives are so fragile and fleeting. But a speck, so be bold and claim what it is you desire. Do not shelter your heart from that of love, for in his moment, whilst it burns. It is a precious thing. 


All my love, 

Your sister,



To Manon, [ @esotericas ]



For where I believe the announcement of this letter’s contents will not come as a surprise, nor be news that would deem your tears. It would be a great insult to you, nor do I wish my peace to be prodded by your curses to my name. Manon, you were an ever-developing enigma, pushed and stretched in directions that only demanded your harm. I tried, truly I did, to prevent as much as I could and I only hope my efforts brought some progress. that you were a cherished sister, one that shook the very foundations of my thoughts and often provoked growth. 


You are a blessing, in so many lives and any who are blessed to cross paths with you should entertain this sentiment. Continue, Manon, do not allow the hindrance of your mind to dampen what matters. However difficult it might be. Do not lose direction, if it is the only thing you can manage in my name. Be strong.


Your sister,


To Adam, [ @Benleft ]



My most cherished bond, truly it saddens me to know how upon our last conversation how I managed to push you to harm. Each passing day that came after, I carried a pang of unimaginable guilt. How I wished to return to your homestead, to plead for forgiveness and restore our damaged bridges. But I knew you demanded space, that you would write upon your own willingness. Still, I do not give up hope on that sentiment -- I understand that presently you are still not ready. But choices of my own have been struck and opportunities cut short. As selfish as I am for levying this upon you, understand that there is nothing but love and admiration for you. That despite tensions and the severing of bonds, you were cherished. 


No matter the corner of the realm you venture to, know I am with you - fond of how you have grown. Do not hide yourself away any longer, for with each guise you shoulder you lose a piece of yourself and I do not wish that a life of yours. Rekindle with the others, forgive, and forget. And I hope in time, you will learn to forgive me. 


Continue to strive,

Your Sister,



To Lorien, [ @BonesOfTheEarth ] 



You brought nothing but misery to my life, you shattered bonds, harmed many, and invoked discord in each situation your hand had a part within. Your nature is truly vile and despite the growth I have pushed myself toward - no part of me could ever come to regard you in a positive light. Never once did I fear you, or regret the disrespect I presented to you. Even as I pen this, I laugh at you - content with the effect I had upon you. For despite the tears shed, the heartache rendered. It was all fleeting and temporary, but your unending rage toward a woman that dared offer refusal to succumb to your demanded superiority is truly pathetic. For it will never be you that defined the end of my life, but a choice I have made. Not by the unrelenting and failed attempts of your harassment, but by the weariness that has overcome me. I choose peace, I choose to be free and I will forever relish in knowing that this will only serve to enrage you. 


May a dagger find your heart,



To Roland, [ @GamblersPalm



It has been many, many, years since gazes have last been shared. With each passing day you managed to drift back within my thoughts and as I write this I know this will be a victory you will celebrate. That hate claims you when my name is murmured. But I never once came to despise you, it was regret and sorrow that lay burdened upon my immeasurable baggage. Still, do I cherish the good we shared, the jeers, the dances, and moments where all was but simple. I come to question if some divine force offered me the opportunity to go back and refute my chosen path, would I? Still, my answer would be no, for it has given me purpose - a meaning that I was forever searching for. A downfall of my own, I understand. 


You are a great man, Roland de Grand and deserve nothing but the best that the realm has to offer. Where I was dampening upon your life, I only hope with the removal you are granted the peace of mind to thrive. To grow with broadened roots and flourishing branches, you once asked could a shepherd ever be loved? The answer is simple, yes. In so many forms, between bonds of companionship and love. It was something able if your mind hadn’t been decided before the very moment I tried to convince you otherwise. Often I wonder what could have become of us if things went differently. But these hypotheticals will be but a fleeting daydream as I prepare to send this. We took a gamble, and in many ways did we win. 


I only pray there are many more gambles to come your way.


All my best,



To Astark, [ @White_Wolf ] 



The one to make me as I now stand. There are so many thoughts that cross my mind when I come to think of you. Anger, frustration, or sorrow are among the many. You oathed that the action brought against Ayako would only serve to bring us closer, but it was partly a fault of your own that brought us to our separation. We drifted, fought, and battled with opinions after that point. Even as they plan your fall, with the bonds she has forged - I refuse to join them. Or play a part in action drawn against you. Many moons ago, I swore an oath, and within I refuse to shatter. There were many kindnesses you brought, aid, and unrelenting support. I do not part with hate in my heart, but an odd fondness. Please, pick your actions more wisely for the many that have led us to this eve have caused people to flock to the banner of war. Prepare yourself and your allies. For I have fought many battles both in your name and in the name of the Synod. It is time I hang my steel and find a sanctuary beyond the veil. 


Be well, 

Your protege,



To Castiel, [ @Unwillingly



How many years has it been now? Truly I lose count, much has happened and much comes to pass. My thoughts are often muddled, and distressed. I understand all too well that you will not spare a tear when the news reaches you, nor do I expect anything more. You were always a wonderful attribute to my life, stubborn, relentless, and brooding. But before the conflicts reached their peaks, I recall all the fond memories. Mending your cracked brow, sharing wine in mugs, and bestowing tales of our ventures. Still, do I apologise for the grief the sister of mine brought to you and the harm that befell, you deserved none of it. And still, despite all that has come to pass, you are a wonderful man. There were many times through the years that I considered seeking you out, to hang our obligatory wars aside for one evening and share words as friends. But in truth, I was terrified of what harm may have befallen me if I had pursued you. Now, as I pen my final thoughts and deeds, I wish I had come to you. For the ‘what-if’s’ plague me. 


Be well, Castiel, and hold your daughter close, for she is a wonderful girl and you have done well in raising her. 


Your friend,



To Akemi, [ @Moonish_Imp]



I have failed Ayako, in more ways than I could cram into parchment, and in turn, I have failed you. Truly did I try, but in truth I believe there was little I could have done to salvage bonds between any of us. I understand there is an anger you may feel towards me, for reasons I will never come to understand but for them know that from the bottom of my heart - I am sorry. You were an underappreciated friend, there was much I could have done better and many opportunities I neglected. It is regret that harbours me, but from the deliverance of this news, I can only hope you will find a sense of peace. Take care of Ayako and keep her from Melandrach, any way you can for I believe with his hand there is much to come. Wars, bloodshed, and unrest. I beg that you guard her. 


All my best,

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The letter lie on the floor, beside remnants of a once sturdy table, now battered and cracked. The room was a total mess; between the shreds of fabric, bits of wood, and kitchen implements, were a few empty bottles. The whole place smelled of green, and a broken man lie there on the floor in the midst of the destruction, eyes gaunt and hollow.  "Dere wuz ztill tik... Nub? Brus-gotl-um, Ilzgul..."  Muttered he, before succumbing to sleep, once again absorbed in the nightmares; both conscious and not.

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On a table piled high with unopened envelopes, parcels, and other far less interesting things, an old man wrote a pair of letters by candlelight. 

The Baron von Distrugere




It is with a heavy heart and hand that I regret to inform you Nememne has passed.

As such, you are invited to remember her memory at a private service and wake. More on this will reach you in the coming days. 





P.S. I’ve finished the designs for the grand tower. Distrugestadt draws nearer with each unwaking moment, my good friend. Gloria Al Barone.   

Roland LeGrande




You are invited to the wake of Nememne. More details such as the date and location will follow.


Warm wishes,



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Tsune would remain blissfully unaware that her old friend had died, the woman setting up various parts of her new home. A thought would cross her mind though- It had been years, what was Nememne doing now...

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Inside of that long glass tube, did the once adunian rest, his mind in a deep slumber. Unaware, now and perhaps forever, of the Shepherds fall. 

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In the deep hours of the night, a sleepless man sorts through mail. He finds a note, and spared a glance towards the slumbering witch at his right.


Regret takes its quick hold, and he ponders a letter he had never replied to. 

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From within one of his many homes, the graceful Lorien Len'thilln unfurled his letter. A paperweight and dagger placed on either end of the scroll kept it open, that his eyes may search it's contents in the dim candlelight. A dolorous ringing emanated from him as the note's content was divulged, and he uttered:


"Naught but tutelage did I grant her. The contempt was always her own reflection."


With the gentle touch of his finger and a flash of energy-turned-flame, the note was thusly incinerated and gone from the world.

How germane...

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On a ship in a docked in a distant land, a comically short elf, although unaware of his friend's fate - smiled thinking about her.

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A small dead girl waited patiently for her master’s return behind the front door of the manor..

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Something deep below the ground stirred. 



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The letter of the Hunter was received. Within one body, two split and separated minds found both remorse and reprieve. An extreme balanced dualism. The consequences of unending zeal. 


The predominant, an Ironclad BARON, was struck with a sudden sinking grief. Sorrowful and bitter thoughts of an old friend, and a lost friendship, cast out in two-pronged ambition. Of a gambler, who's luck had fallen tainted. 


The other, far more ghoulish, was deep and locked away. A curse forced to yield. Even now, it rejoiced. With a sickly and unheard glee, it celebrated in its chasm. For its work was finally done. 


Though in the end, only one voice spoke. And it was thunderous. The BARON was to prepare for a wake. That curse had been conquered, and the castle loomed. The Four Horsemen would ride again.


"Gloria Al Barone."

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The question immediate, and expected. 'Why are you here?' Hand lowering with cigarette dropping embers to the stone. He didnt even blink, words falling out without thought, as if without weight. "Because Nememne is dead." Simple, impounding. Little else needed, nor able to be conjured.

Long nights spent preparing himself to give news she could not deliver, the letters she did not write. Thoughts of Manon crossed his mind, but he instead turned to grip neck of another bottle, standing alone in that kitchen with the balcony doors battered open. The smell of the salt sea making him feel sick at every breath.

It was quiet.

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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