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[✗] [Magic Lore] Rh'Thoraen Necromancy


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I dont have any initial comments yet mostly because of how confusing it is to read- you have important details hidden in some spoilers, and then redlines in others, sometimes both.  If you're going to use spoilers, it should hide the non-necessary information, rather then the opposite. 


Preferably a format like this for spells and features:


2-3 sentence description

[spoiler] full details


Some kind of changelog to reference from what's different or some explanation spoiler would also do a world of help. Good luck with your amendment.


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I support these changes, more interaction and storytelling in opposition to old styles of gatekeeping/hermit style magic is a wonderful improvement for a community that already goes above and beyond to help with the narrative of LotC. Great ideas!


9 hours ago, Samler said:

Got halfway through and I have some questions; Energy based magic (fire evocation being an example), is that only fire evocation or would it also work for air/water/ice/earth/life? 'Obviously' abjuration wouldn't work as per lore. Unless you want it work of course, but then it needs a specific menthion (no need, only asking for clarification)

And I am confused about the whole flesh golem thing, it states multiple times 'max 2 slots can be spent', but then underneath in Command's redlines, it states 3. Is this a typo or is there something I just understand wrong? :)

And how would darkening go in regards to CAs with more life force? To use Olog and Azdrazi as examples.

The way I read it; Necromancer casts darkening, makes a full drain cycle (1 life force point), Olog [3] / Azdrazi [5] is uncouncious and can now be drained extra times untill potential death.

It makes sense to me that it's how it works on decendents [2], but on the other CAs? I also could be reading that wrong.

All in all, I have little experience with necromancers and that sort of thing, as an outsider I noticed little changes from what I read, but I will believe you that there were big changes for the invidual players.

Also makes me wonder about High Elves given the common lore mentions of their having more potent mana pools/genus...

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9 hours ago, Samler said:

Got halfway through and I have some questions; Energy based magic (fire evocation being an example), is that only fire evocation or would it also work for air/water/ice/earth/life? 'Obviously' abjuration wouldn't work as per lore. Unless you want it work of course, but then it needs a specific menthion (no need, only asking for clarification)

And I am confused about the whole flesh golem thing, it states multiple times 'max 2 slots can be spent', but then underneath in Command's redlines, it states 3. Is this a typo or is there something I just understand wrong? :)

And how would darkening go in regards to CAs with more life force? To use Olog and Azdrazi as examples.

The way I read it; Necromancer casts darkening, makes a full drain cycle (1 life force point), Olog [3] / Azdrazi [5] is uncouncious and can now be drained extra times untill potential death.

It makes sense to me that it's how it works on decendents [2], but on the other CAs? I also could be reading that wrong.

All in all, I have little experience with necromancers and that sort of thing, as an outsider I noticed little changes from what I read, but I will believe you that there were big changes for the invidual players.

Done, if you see anything else lmk 

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57 minutes ago, Mannamannaa said:

Also makes me wonder about High Elves given the common lore mentions of their having more potent mana pools/genus...

Life force // Genus. We are same as everyone else, same goes for shamanic/druidic/heraldric/seerian/voidal/miscian mana pools. It's ONLY for Genus (blood magic)

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Aight, but seriously the formatting makes it kinda hard to read. Panashea gave better recommendations than I would have for fixing them tbh.

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I appreciate the approach to the mechanics of necromancy and its capabilities that are detailed in this write-up.

While there will be a cut to freeform as well as some strength in the current write-up, perhaps this will help to clarify some obscurities and vagueness in the lore.


Good job friend +1

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