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[✗] [Invention Lore] Sinker Apparatus


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The Sinker Apparatus

(Taken from Pinterest. Original image here: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/722827808938313357/)

The Sinker Apparatus, or simply called a ‘Sinker’ are heavy suits of armor designed to fully encase the wearer within. This is to protect descendants and other living/more delicate creatures from the crushing depths and dangers that they may come across within the ocean’s deeper ends. Their designs and material components may vary greatly, but generally they require at the very least a ferrum frame, waterproof/durable leather, a waterproof glue, and a solid, see-through material for the windows.

General Mechanics (Applies to all Suits)
- A suit of ferrum will on average sustain 2 hits on the same spot before becoming a leak. This durability may be reduced within the midnight or twilight zone due to pressure at the ET's discretion.

- The weight of a suit is comparable to 1.25x the weight of a suit of armor made of the same material, greatly reducing agility.
- A person within the suit cannot swim effectively, hence the name 'Sinker'.
- The wearer may jump up to 3 blocks vertically without climbing if underwater.

- Prevents people from being turned into pancakes when in the Twilight/Midnight zone of the ocean.

- Takes 3 emotes during combat to equip ( Pull on Suit > Strap up Suit > Don/Affix Helmet )

General Redlines (Applies to all Suits)
- IMPRACTICAL ON LAND. When in CRP on land, one’s armor will weigh them down significantly- making their attacks far easier to dodge while oncoming strikes are far more likely to hit. This cannot be circumvented with the use of MAs or FAs.
- A suit Descendant to Olog sized suit may flood with water within usually around 5 uninterrupted actions if not sealed when in the Sunlight or Twilight Zones, incapacitating them in about 7 though this may vary at the Event Runner's discretion.
- A suit will begin to painfully suck a person out of their suit if a puncture arises if they are in the Midnight Zone or deeper, incapacitating them in roughly 3 emotes and killing them in 5. May vary at the Event Runner's discretion.

- Does NOT protect against temperature alone, beyond the usual coldness that comes with the depths.


Vital Modifications

Vital Modifications are what allow the living, beyond the immense weight of the ocean upon their backs, to survive and sustain themselves properly within the alien realm that is the deep sea. Some are more effective than others, at a cost.

- Air Tethers
Utilizes a redstone circuit encased in water-tight rock, a leather sack and a singular piston to repeatedly push/pull air in and out. This option mostly consists of a large tube that extends between where the divers are and the leather lung being abused by pistons, giving those attached to it a constant, fresh flow of air.
- Air Tethers have a maximum length of 96 blocks (Max range of a conduit), restricting how far a diver may travel.
- Stationary when active. Has to be disassembled then built up again if it is to be moved.
- Must be exposed to a source of fresh air, usually right above the surface level.
- Sinker Suits themselves are not required unless entering the Twilight Zone or deeper.
- Surface Pumps must be physically represented by a mechanically functional conduit.
- Air Tethers have a maximum length of 96 blocks (max range of a conduit), restricting how far the diver may travel into the depths.
- Suits using this do not require an ST signature unless using an ST material or item.
- Requires no FAs or MAs to create, only ICly gained knowledge.

- Unable to be transported once set up, must be near a source of fresh air.

- Water Breathing Filter
Suits using these require little advanced technology, relying solely on the potion to sustain a steady air supply. This grants the wearer significantly more freedom than their Air Tethered counterparts, however it can be far more risky if one does not bring spares or keep track of how long their filter has been going for. These issues can be delayed if one brings more potion, however the more one brings the more storage the suit will require in order to use the fluid effectively.
- Adheres to all redlines and mechanics of the Water Breathing potion.
- These suits do not require an ST signature unless using an ST material.
- Can be made without FAs, however will not be functional until paired with a potion of Water Breathing if not already treated on it.


Non-Vital Modifications

With the fear of the unknown deeply ingrained into the minds of descendants, it is not outlandish to believe that some would prepare to face off against whatever madness may lurk below if they are forced to do such using whatever knowledge or greater powers they have bound to themselves. While the most obvious may be modifications for combat, others may be for hiding, navigation, and so on. Examples may be an enchanted propeller-pack which allows the suit to maintain it’s altitude when crossing gaps, or retractable automaton climbing hooks. 

- A Sinker Apparatus may be enchanted, enhanced, smithed with, or edited like any other suit of armor, so long as external FAs and MAs are being used within their boundaries.

- Only 1 kind of FA and 1 MA may be utilized within a suit. Examples being a retractable automaton hook, or a voidal/spiritual enchantment- but never a shaman’s enchantment mixed in with a blood mage’s.
- Mundane smithing will not count towards the FA or MA.

- Requires an ST signature, unless the external lore being used states otherwise.

- Is SEPARATE from Vital Modifications- A water breathing filter will not count towards the FA in use.


OOC Purpose:


With a new focus on vertical exploration, I think it would be quite interesting if we looked at a different kind of 'deep'- the oceans themselves.
This lore is to present the depths in an accessible though dangerous manner to your average joe player, while also providing them new tools to mess around with the unique yet hazardous environment.

event runners would be given more possibilities for their shenanigans while the ST lore writers could have a complete field day to write lore about new materials, alchemical regents, ecosystems, and maybe even a couple proper event creatures (which the setting is almost too perfect for) beyond the generic though still great kraken.
Looking back on the page directly, I am aware of the bare bones-ness/flimsiness of this post, for the sake of player and ST freedom. We are here to make a story, not DNDify everything (though nothings wrong with a good ol combat sesh). My goal with this post is to help with establishing a platform or new 'genre' of adventure rp, to which then others may build off of, just like how Werewolf's Thassallos (Or however you spell it, you know the one) magic submission was the original spark of inspiration for me to make this significantly less fancy invention post.
Any and all criticism (Yes, even you mr ghost viewer) would be highly appreciated, so if you have something to be said about this post please let me know below.


Edited by SlitheryC1
minor formatting
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+1 i want to see this

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2 hours ago, SlitheryC1 said:

- IMPRACTICAL ON LAND. When in CRP on land, one’s armor will weigh them down significantly- making their attacks far easier to dodge while oncoming strikes are far more likely to hit. This cannot be circumvented with the use of MAs or FAs.

Further than this you should give a more measurable limit (reduce the amount of blocks someone can walk in CRP and similar stuff).

2 hours ago, SlitheryC1 said:

- Takes 3 emotes during combat to equip ( Pull on Suit > Strap up Suit > Don/Affix Helmet )

I can't imagine any situation in which one might need to put a Sinker suit on in combat. I think it would be best to make it more emotes (5, perhaps) or extremely impractical to the point of impossibility.


2 hours ago, SlitheryC1 said:

- A suit of ferrum will on average sustain 2 hits on the same spot before becoming a leak. This durability may be reduced within the midnight or twilight zone due to pressure at the ET's discretion.

I'd advise you increase the amount of hits a spot can take, or give a way to patch it up/delay the flooding by some emotes. It seems highly impractical to be able to explore the depths (if there are any) but only be able to take a few bashes and then (very probably) die.


2 hours ago, SlitheryC1 said:

- A suit Descendant to Olog sized suit may flood with water 

Just say 'A suit of any descendant-like size', unless you intend different emote counts for particularly shorter things (e.g halflings), in which case a rough emote count would be helpful (3-4, perhaps).


2 hours ago, SlitheryC1 said:

- Requires no FAs or MAs to create, only ICly gained knowledge.

I'd advise that you stress it must be gained through IC knowledge, as it seems more like a sidenote to 'No apps required'

I think the lore is fine, though extremely niche, though I'm not sure we have oceans anywhere near deep enough to have the Twilight Zone (or any particular part of this) be a worry. I always like seeing something largely for exploration for its own sake though, it's nice.


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I don't normally comment, but for those that don't understand diving terms. What is the Sunlight, Twilight, and Midnight zones? And where do those fall in terms of the Minecraft platform? (Block wise). 

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+1 so my fish-loving olog can experience the wonders of the deep ocean

(due to his peanut brain he will surface too quickly causing air embolism and stroke out instantly)



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Would this suit do anything against The Bends (decompression sickness) or is that purely up to the player to handle themselves?

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The madlad did it... he actually did it. And somehow I couldn't be prouder. 


But... when's the world lore coming for the underwater depths?

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While Aevos' landscapes look honestly incredible, it's an unfortunate side effect that it's all-in on the above-water verticality rather than striking a balance. The sea level is -15, like - nothing spawns in them but glow squids because it's too low for any fish or dolphins to naturally appear. Kinda puts a dampener on immersion in a weird sort of way.


I appreciate at least that the builders have submerged a few things this map, ST seem to have some water events foreshadowed, all that. I'm just greedy and want more, and I want more opportunity for more. I welcome pieces like this that try to breach that accessibility gap, to make a step in a good direction - though in the end, each piece is only a step. I'd like to hope we could go much further than this, as long as the server's brave enough for it.


Heads-up - I'd love to get in contact with you soon regarding an underwater world lore project of mine, as you expressed trying to enable access to such pieces with this lore. Since I made my server feedback thread regarding underwater accessibility in February, I've been slowly trying to build off that discussion and refine my ideas into readable pieces. If having a look-over or helping out piques your interest, lmk - banding together and pushing the niche as a collective will be easier than going it alone imo, so I appreciate any insights I can get.

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What's the lore reason for MA or FA being 1 only if the FA or MA follows its own lore. Example does this mean I can't use alchemy potions underwater if I use a shamanic blessing? 

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I want to thank all of you that actually gave proper feedback and criticism- they will all be kept in mind when designing the next submission.

This post will be self denied in a little bit, as there are a couple oversights (addressed below) and personally I feel a lack of quality in the submission.

So again, thank you for letting me know of the flaws of this post, it'll be better next time!


Personal replies to feedback below.


On 6/12/2023 at 7:09 AM, Olandyr said:

Further than this you should give a more measurable limit (reduce the amount of blocks someone can walk in CRP and similar stuff).

I can't imagine any situation in which one might need to put a Sinker suit on in combat. I think it would be best to make it more emotes (5, perhaps) or extremely impractical to the point of impossibility.


I'd advise you increase the amount of hits a spot can take, or give a way to patch it up/delay the flooding by some emotes. It seems highly impractical to be able to explore the depths (if there are any) but only be able to take a few bashes and then (very probably) die.


Just say 'A suit of any descendant-like size', unless you intend different emote counts for particularly shorter things (e.g halflings), in which case a rough emote count would be helpful (3-4, perhaps).


I'd advise that you stress it must be gained through IC knowledge, as it seems more like a sidenote to 'No apps required'

1. Noted, will absolutely implement such.

2. I could imagine one could perhaps use such to try make a getaway irp, though I do think I will scrap this just to simplify things.

3. Often I go under the premise of 'If it isn't in the redlines (and thus a restriction) it's fine' when it comes to redlines, so this is certainly a blunder on my part due to a lack of experience in writing lore posts. I'll keep such in mind for next time, and specify.

4/5. Again, thanks for the help with clarifying/simplifying the post! Definitely a weakness on my end.

love you bbg

On 6/12/2023 at 7:09 AM, Olandyr said:

I think the lore is fine, though extremely niche, though I'm not sure we have oceans anywhere near deep enough to have the Twilight Zone (or any particular part of this) be a worry. I always like seeing something largely for exploration for its own sake though, it's nice.

On 6/12/2023 at 7:53 AM, NightcastorKitty said:

I don't normally comment, but for those that don't understand diving terms. What is the Sunlight, Twilight, and Midnight zones? And where do those fall in terms of the Minecraft platform? (Block wise). 

22 hours ago, rdowdy said:

The madlad did it... he actually did it. And somehow I couldn't be prouder. 


But... when's the world lore coming for the underwater depths?

A mistake on my end- did something that no lore writer probably should ever do, and assumed there was already a system in place for such due to the Marine Ecosystem lore post stating varying levels for Sunlight, Twilight and Midnight zones within the redlines of certain creatures. Thank you for bringing this to my attention!
I think I'll write up a couple possible solutions to this if I have to, though that's for the next post.

One of the more promising systems that first came to mind would be having such levels be determined not by how mechanically deep you are in the world (as there are limitations like you said), but rather how far away you are horizontally from shore assuming the diver is underwater. However, the exact numbers for this will have to wait till the dynamap comes out for aevos so I can ensure I don't make the ranges too big or too small.

8 hours ago, ThatFunkyBunch said:

What's the lore reason for MA or FA being 1 only if the FA or MA follows its own lore. Example does this mean I can't use alchemy potions underwater if I use a shamanic blessing? 

I think you misinterpreted what I was trying to say, I'll will clarify in the next attempt at this invention/world lore(?).
- Is SEPARATE from Vital Modifications- A water breathing filter will not count towards the FA in use.

1. Water breathing filters are a Vital modification, as stated above the Non-vital section
2. The limit is 1 MA and 1 FA per full suit. This is to prevent minmaxxers from stacking several kinds of magic or feats onto different portions of said suit within the same item, though I suppose you could MArt if you really had a cool combo in mind. Something to note is that this only applies to the SUIT, not the person inside or any exterior containers. So yes, you can use alchemy potions or even apply a couple directly onto your suit even if it has a shamanic blessing.


On 6/12/2023 at 12:23 PM, Turbo_Dog said:

Would this suit do anything against The Bends (decompression sickness) or is that purely up to the player to handle themselves?

I would honestly just put that under flavor rp, nothing too huge. No one is gonna rp 'unnecessary'/minor downsides, even if it was made into a redline unless they wish to pk from it somehow.


17 hours ago, Hyperdron said:

While Aevos' landscapes look honestly incredible, it's an unfortunate side effect that it's all-in on the above-water verticality rather than striking a balance. The sea level is -15, like - nothing spawns in them but glow squids because it's too low for any fish or dolphins to naturally appear. Kinda puts a dampener on immersion in a weird sort of way.


I appreciate at least that the builders have submerged a few things this map, ST seem to have some water events foreshadowed, all that. I'm just greedy and want more, and I want more opportunity for more. I welcome pieces like this that try to breach that accessibility gap, to make a step in a good direction - though in the end, each piece is only a step. I'd like to hope we could go much further than this, as long as the server's brave enough for it.


Heads-up - I'd love to get in contact with you soon regarding an underwater world lore project of mine, as you expressed trying to enable access to such pieces with this lore. Since I made my server feedback thread regarding underwater accessibility in February, I've been slowly trying to build off that discussion and refine my ideas into readable pieces. If having a look-over or helping out piques your interest, lmk - banding together and pushing the niche as a collective will be easier than going it alone imo, so I appreciate any insights I can get.

bet, i'll dm you in a couple hours from now on disc regarding it. Looking forwards to it, hope we can get some dope rp out of this later down the line!


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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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