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7 hours ago, Wizzar said:

In your lengthy experience as a staff member, what advice/tips/strategies can you offer for dealing with internal bias? How do you remove yourself/overcome situations where there may be bias? Do you think any decision can be made without bias in mind on a server where everyone is so connected to one another, especially with the relatively small playerbase?

Internal bias is something that is inherently impossible to stop. You will always make decisions that benefit your way of thinking and trying to ensure that those around you have the best experience possible, potentially at the expense of others. All decisions will inherently be biased, but they need to be made with an idea in mind towards a server goal or objective as a staff member. My best way to have done this was genuinely stepping away from any active community and making decisions not on behalf of places or nations. I took an extremist approach because I know how extremely difficult it is to do.
The best way to stop internal bias is to have people around you, who will look at your behaviour and pull you up on stupid decisions. Other staff members that are not involved or have opposing ideals are great to surround yourself with, as you are then able to build these ideals with a wide range of opinions that you encounter every day. Bias is always encouraged if you establish a team of Yes Men, but when making staff teams and compositions, you want the widest amount of depth of opinions to try and make the most 'informed' decisions.


7 hours ago, ferdaboys69 said:

When u did ur pk enforced events did anyone that died ever not respect the clause and how did that go

Most of my 'PK' events were not actually PK events, they were used as a deterrence to get players who would not take risks away from my events. I used it as a filter to try and get the roleplayers who were not afraid of losing all their art commissions and progress to experience some great events.

I have had an incident or two where I've had events with Aengudaemonic intervention where people have argued the verdict and did throw an absolute shitstorm in protest. These were instead granted pretty debilitating effects to reflect the RP that happened after months of interaction. You win some, you lose some.




7 hours ago, TeawithFrisket said:

13 years on this server holy cow!


Why is it you don’t allow for new races to happen?


What kind of lore themes are you most interested in and why?


What’s ur favorite piece and your most disliked piece of lore and why?

I believe that with the playerbase and numbers we have, any newer races will be delegated to positions of alternate accounts where they will be barely any presence within the world. Most of these new race fads come and go, and we should respect and understand that the wide variety of races we currently have is very ample for the playerbase we have. We are a big server in terms of population compared to other MCRP, but are relatively small in terms of making various large playerbases and cultures.

I like bigger picture stuff, things that hilariously don't matter much to players or the in-game perspective but things that help set the laws and concepts of the universe and connecting those dots together. Always as an ET I was insistent on ensuring in connecting plotpoints and narrative things together to create a cohesive web. As my current position is really putting that into a bigger perspective, making everything make sense and understanding how it all fits together in a giant puzzle piece.


I thoroughly enjoy the established World Lore of the Inferi and Cosmic Correction by Mordu [hence why the antag I led was based on it lol]. I think establishing a force of demonic entities that are intertwined with the natural order of the world is something that can be used as a unique concept and allows for more than just generic 'i am satan' rp when thinking of things on a larger scale.

Most disliked is probably Yeu Rthulu and the said associated magic. The piece was always extremely clunky in my personal opinion of where it fit in the server and was a giant headache to moderate and try to make sense of during the Pantheon Restructure.


7 hours ago, Turbo_Dog said:

13 years jeez! Respect to your dedication.


What has been your favorite ST event that you have ever been apart of?


What town did your first persona go to if any?

Favourite events would have been in uh... I don't remember which map but for the old heads its when Raptor became the super undead soldier king of Renatus.

We had a massive questline w/ Merrymoogle and Firespirit surrounding the reclaiming of some relics and had to unironically fight this balrog like creature with the marked guys. Was an extremely great event and very brutal [had about 4 pks since we did PK on death for the guild]. Was probably one of the last times I really had fun as a normal player/character.

I squatted in a small village in Aegis that was built in Treehuts that was I believe behind Malinor. It was a mess of freebuild esque houses where we hid chests in tree trunks and had little 2x1 bunkers to hide in when we heard lightning from undead.


7 hours ago, AfroJoeTheOlogBro said:

Yeah hi hello the coolest dude on lotc here why do you hate shamanism thanks

Long story short, I believe shamanism has the potential to be an absolutely interesting and great magic. But it's been pigeon-holed to the orcs for so long that it has lost any foundations or momentum to become anything but a magic that is rewritten every time the leadership/culture shifts slightly.


4 hours ago, S1nnerVsSa1nts said:

In the past several parties came forward with reports about then ST-Manager Spoon's misconduct that had no action aside from a demotion to normal ST. Why did you not take more action with these reports and why was Spoons only banned this year?


(Genuine question, as someone who attempted to involve Admins on behalf of a victim. Insight into your POV of the ordeal would be very appreciated!)

Contacted you on discord for this one.


3 hours ago, megavolter said:

Is there any commitment to unbiasness st have to follow if they are heavily involved in a magick/nation/group?  If there is one, should it be more strict? 

I'm not there in the day-to-day of the ST any more, so I cannot comment on current policies. My personal belief is that heavy bias to a group is something that needs to be controlled and monitored carefully. The establishment of the really horrific lore regimes came from people who had chokeholds on magics and were able to buff their magics to extreme levels where everyone else was just left without no compromise. [Also why I am a supporter of things like Alchemy, it's a great equaliser to when magic becomes a violent arms race. Everyone can fight back, not just those who need to sneak in extremely strong amendments.] I especially believe that in the ST that roleplay standards and conduct should be something that people are held to. If you are a person who cannot lose situations and must report people constantly for when they believe they are infringing on your RP, that you should not be part of the team. If you find the need to meta-game information or twist OOC to make your RP happen, you should not be part of it. I believe that the ST should be rolemodels and seen as the higher standards of RP, which does not happen all of the time.


3 hours ago, Borin said:

How are you today joel? What are you up to in the real world, is all going pleasantly?

Going great honestly. Work has been good and just having fun with things that are happening.


2 hours ago, excited said:

what's your favorite zoo animal


favorite lotc historical figure


favorite rl historical figure



Owyn who was a farfolk [Or if we are talking semi-modern. The Chivay Brothers were fantastic characters and great to RP with]


Diogenes was pretty funny. Not too much of a fan of big historical figures and leaders but whenever I listen to this podcast it makes me like whatever they talk about for like a week. [half-arsed history]


6 hours ago, Songwitch said:

who is ur favorite st manager 1f485.png


what's one eventline that u hold with high regard, doesnt matter whether u hosted (or participated in) it

idk how its you

I personally think I did quite well with the Inferi Antag and even though I do beat myself up about it, I do know that a lot of people enjoyed it and it was one of the most successful antags in recent years. Also the entire Mordskov saga was one I personally enjoyed running, it helped build my skills as an actor and learning how to approach things in ways that were different from your stock standard, conventional dnd approach. The use of IRL occultism and those concepts made me genuinely better at approaching how to play deities and strange entities better than I could before.


4 hours ago, femurlord said:

when did you first discover your latent ability to mind break people or is it a bushwhacker trait?

About 2015 or so when I started playing around with ET events where I could gaslight people into killing their NLs

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I knew you'd say Diogenes. 'Lo, behold, it's a man!



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25 minutes ago, satinkira said:

How was your time as ST Admin? Was it something you'd want to do again?

To be honest, it was a pretty shit time. I didn't spend a lot of time doing ST stuff, I was very intertwined in admin stuff and having to take a lot more responsibilities for months that I personally did not want to take. I did not achieve much for the ST during my adminship and relied alot on @squakhawkto really keep the reins on the team and have it become a powerhouse.
I'd do admin again if it was needed for a time of interim, but I don't have enough time and I really utilised that lockdown/covid period to be able to actually do meetings and interact with people who are 12+ hours difference timezones. It'd be a struggle with a full-time job and responsibilities

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Since you're such a tyrant on lotc, are you one in IRL? 

Since you're an lotc neckbeard do you mark your student's papers hard?

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favorite breakfast?


there’s oftentimes I get a glimpse at ur takes on canon, ur world building, etc: what would you say are your top three biggest sources of inspiration (books, games, tv, movies…) when it comes to ur LOTC writing? 

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10 hours ago, Tabby64 said:

Since you're such a tyrant on lotc, are you one in IRL? 

Since you're an lotc neckbeard do you mark your student's papers hard?

shut up tabby you stupid banana i eat you i am gru



6 hours ago, warlord of filth said:

favorite breakfast?


there’s oftentimes I get a glimpse at ur takes on canon, ur world building, etc: what would you say are your top three biggest sources of inspiration (books, games, tv, movies…) when it comes to ur LOTC writing? 


eggs benedict for savoury brunch and big stack of panackes for sweet brunch.



LotC writing is a hard one to define for exact inspiration, but here's the three [one from each].
For certain types of RP I delve a lot into mythology and really enjoy looking up stories of creation to try and make good ideas and concepts surrounding deific entities. Cosmic worldbuilding should follow the ideas of what we have in reality, standard concepts of creation and big rules that help all define every little thing so it all connects like a horrific web.

Game of Thrones is where I probably get my 'fantasy' inspiration for how to make things feel dangerous and 'big' in the scheme of a place where power is very prominent. Like how to get dragons to actually scare people or threats that are shown in power and size through their actions.

Battle Brothers and Wartales are my 'game' inspirations. I like the idea of tactical combat being brutal and understanding the severity of situations when things are hopeless. I really enjoy the concept of the mundane dude overcoming bizzare odds through sheer willpower and luck and was something that helped me really put an idea towards events I used to do bounty wise [hilariously it wasn't the witcher that inspired me, it was the merc games to create that authentic, gripping experience.]


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1 hour ago, ScreamingDingo said:

shut up tabby you stupid banana i eat you i am gru




eggs benedict for savoury brunch and big stack of panackes for sweet brunch.



that eggs that we had was overpriced bullshit.

thoughts on what an ideal ET/ST would look like? 

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your thoughts on the state of void magic atm?



also obligatory favourite anime question

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Bit of a lore question

I've always been interested in the lore of the server, but my god is it so ******* pick and choose, please centralize lore

Also-Malinor didn't have any sons, but he did, because Skanari exist? Like wtf is this?

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How do you feel about killing the Rustlers?

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20 hours ago, firespirit44 said:

that eggs that we had was overpriced bullshit.

thoughts on what an ideal ET/ST would look like? 

yeah look that was my bad picking a place i didnt confirm as good yet.

Ideal ST would just be a group of dedicated individuals that know how to complete events and being able to have them all collaborate to connect stories together. I'd probably do my 'dream' of nation-assigned STs who do small events for nations and act as a liasion to the team as to what that playerbase likes and how to accomodate them in the bigger picture. [but NLs suck don't trust them to do anything good].


Structure the team has is good, I normally like an uneven amount of managers to be able to tie break and like the idea of mentoring/shadowing newer recruits with ET who align with their RP styles to get the most breadth of skills possible.


9 hours ago, Johann said:

your thoughts on the state of void magic atm?



also obligatory favourite anime question


Been better, been worse honestly. It's in a position where it does achieve what it needs to, it has its structure for what it needs to be. Though it definitely needs a few tweaks and small clean ups to just make spells more feasible and reflective of CRP standards that will hopefully be set by moderation [hopefully they aren't just RP quotes].

oh lol probably one piece i think. i did rly like naruto as a kid and JJK and Chainsaw Man are fun for a casual watch


8 hours ago, DeusVult said:

Bit of a lore question

I've always been interested in the lore of the server, but my god is it so ******* pick and choose, please centralize lore

Also-Malinor didn't have any sons, but he did, because Skanari exist? Like wtf is this?

Yeah trust me, if you think its annoying then you must understand I have internet archives of the 2011 + 2014 wikis to reference stuff to look for aengudaemonica posts and link up older timelines. Lore is a giant mess and it's honestly over a decade of mismatched nonsense that ultimately doesn't make sense. It's my pride and joy to try and dig through that mess and make something semi-consistent.


Malin had sons and daughters, I don't remember the names but they were the progentiors of the sub-races if I am correct. One of them definitely being Zanunder, which is a figure I researched a bit for some eventlines who was Malin's Son. I have absolutely no clue what a Skanari is though. I assume it's just some player group w/ not too much lore basis, so I wouldn't worry about it too much.


8 hours ago, AnonymousAlexa said:

How do you feel about killing the Rustlers?

Great. Had to give a reality check to a group that prioritised ruining people's RP experiences for rap montage clips. No regrets

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I've seen you for quite a while now express discontentment and dislike for various groups on the server, some of which don't really hold any weight in terms of their OOC behaviour being an excuse. My big question is why is this and what's your methodology that's at play here? Is it because these groups don't fit into the mould of what you envision that LoTC should be thematically and narratively, or something else? And, by extension, do you or do you not believe that every community on LOTC is entitled to follow and explore the avenue of roleplay that they wish to follow or enjoy the most, so long as it doesn't break server rules or lore?


This is not a dig at you, I'm just genuinely curious for some insight on your thought process.

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Why did you live long enough to become the villain? :doom:

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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