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The Banquet and Ball of Caladras


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Inaugural Banquet and Ball of the Lordship of Caladras




As written upon on this 15th of Sun’s Smile, 138 S.A.


From The Exilic Kingdom of Númendil and the Lordship of Caladras

"Fair shall the end be, though long and hard shall be the road.”





To the Esteemed Númenedain of the The Exilic Kingdom of Númendil, as well as Friends and Distinguished Guests:


Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor of House Arthalionath - King of Númendil - @malchediaelvuilt
Miven Caerme'onn - Matriarch of Nevaehlen and the Wood Elves - @westcarolina
Eonan Norvayn - Valeseer of Nevaehlen - @thumperjack
Lord Haus Weiss-Vuiller - Master of the Abstract  -  @primnyaquorum






The Lord and Lady of Caladras, Ser Saoren and Ser Dele of House Seregon, extend a heartfelt invitation to our noble and valiant friends and countrymen, to join us in celebrating the founding of our newly constructed lands, the Lordship of Caladras.


With great joy and anticipation, we beckon you to grace us with your presence on this auspicious occasion. As the fortress stronghold of House Seregon, Caladras stands proudly upon the northern end of the Kingswood, a bastion of strength and protection for the northern reaches of the Númenaranyë.


To commemorate this momentous event, we shall host a splendid banquet and enchanting ball. The revelries will commence as the sun sets and the stars take their place in the celestial tapestry above. We invite you to don your finest attire, bedecked in silks and velvets, as we dance and feast in our halls. (Fri. July 28th @ 7:00 PM EST)


Let merriment and music fill the air, as bards play melodies that echo through the ages. Raise your goblets to toast to new beginnings and unyielding bonds of friendship that shall endure like the ancient trees of the Kingswood.


Come, partake in Daelish feasts and indulge in the finest wines of our family's history as we celebrate the birth of Caladras and the unity of our kingdom. Share stories of valor and chivalry, recount adventures that have shaped our lives, and forge new memories that shall be treasured for generations to come.


Our hearts eagerly await your presence, for it is in the company of our beloved countrymen and dear friends that Caladras truly comes alive. We send forth this missive, guiding you to our stronghold with utmost care. (Follow the signage from the gates of Númenost and the crossroads of Petra/Haense/Númendil.)


May you journey safely and swiftly, and may the road lead you to our gates, where the light of Númendil shall guide your way.


In the spirit of camaraderie and revelry, we eagerly await your arrival.



Lord Saoren of House Seregon,

Lord of Caladras, Seneschal and Steward to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Scribe and Tutor to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Ranger Captain for the Royal Guard of the Númenaranyë, Templar of the Aengul Malchediael, and Knight of the Realm


Lady Dele of House Seregon,

Lady of Caladras, Steward to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Physician to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Serjeant for the Royal Guard of the Númenaranyë, Templar of the Aengul Malchediael, and Knight of the Realm

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