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The Mortality of Steel (PK)


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Steel's strength, both fierce and fair,
In time, it too will wear and tear.
Corrosion's touch, a slow decay,
Marks the end of steel's display.

Once proud and strong, it stood the test,
But in the end, it finds its rest.
Mortality's embrace is real,
Even for the mightiest steel.



Tensei was a construct, originally known as A.L.E.C that arrived in Valdev as a gift for a Doctor, but eventually left as a friend to most in the nation.
Though commonly found to be a little disobedient and to exert human behaviors, his loyalty was within Haense until the very end.

During his first years, he made plenty of friends which he would fight and die for, some that can be specifically named, know who they are by first name. Marian, Laurissa, Amaya, Aleksandr, Demitrey, Fredrich, Juniper.
Though he called many others his friends, these people have demonstrated unconditional friendship to Tensei.

It was not his time, but it is what happened due to an unfortunate series of events.


His final thoughts hoped someday, he may be able to see Haense in it's future glory.

And that he would get revenge for hurting his friends like this. Somehow.



I had a lot of fun playing Tensei in Haense, and I didn't want him to die yet, but, not really up to me in the end. Thank you to everyone who had fun times with him, and especially to @TeawithFrisket for letting me play him.

Tensei was melted down into nothing in Sakuragakure, and will not be returning at this current time.


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Godspeed brother


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Upon recieving the unfortunate news, Juniper let out a wistful sigh. "...I hope he can rest well, at least." She furrowed her brow. "...Do constructs.. even have an afterlife?"

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Laurissa Eliza Kort looked over the remains of Tensei as they were brought into Valdev with shock, masking the rest of her emotions. When she returned to her office after, she poured herself a glass of liquor and slumped down onto one of the couches, "...Ye were really trustin' of t'e person who 'ad ye scrapped... t'at's what must've 'urt t'e most. I'm sorry, I should've done more..."

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"If he has a soul... if there even is such a thing... I'll make sure he has a body too..." Said the old Sailor

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A princess sat in her office as she grasped a bob in her hand, she fiddled with it, in thought of her next creations?


maybe- in the end, an obediance moduel was never meant to be placed as a method of slavery, but a fine line between what can be done and what not. Surely in her next sets units she will have to make sure she’s more careful 



Her memory, as she stared to the roofs of her quarters- returns to the first day she saw Alec or TENSEI activate. Her very first creation. The feeling and sparkles in her eyes. 

“BY SOLARIS- ITS ALIVE” her mind echoed with such giggles and joyous chants. 

A time so perfect, but seemingly so quick ended. Her anger- her want to control, her want to create something perfect, lead her to be once more alone.


in time Ember saw Tensei as both a wonderful creation, and a mistake. But not every successful creation is truly ‘success’ it’s the result of that mistake that can truly determine success.


Such was ALEC (Automated Logistics Engineered Custodian) 




then she seemingly pressed the small button. As small units came all with the similar affixes. 


He was the first- but not the last.


(ooc note: writing this from my phone, thanks for playing. I know I was a very frustrated person, but in the end- you had much fun, thus I decided to let this little funny automaton run around, I hope u had fun- in time if you wish to play more automatons just hit me up, and we can see what we can do)

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