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THE SACRAMENT OF NATURE: Rituals and Prayers of the Wild Faith


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The Ancient Rituals

The Prayers of the Wild Gods


Since the Dawn of the Wood Elves, led by Irrin Sirame's guidance, the Wild Faith has remained the foundational religion embraced by these people. The worship of the Wild Gods is the cornerstone upon which elnarnsae'ame was established, and to this day, the same ancient rituals persist, and the same prayers are recited. This enduring liturgy has withstood the test of centuries, enduring fractures and migrations, and it continues to hold a cherished place in the hearts of the mali'ame of today.


The Glade of Hileia’s Ancient Archives

Scribed by Sonna Vulnrith, Keeper of the Glade and Fox Druid


Ritualistic Offering


In every location inhabited by Elves who adhere to the Wild Faith, you will find sacred shrines dedicated to the Mother, Father, and Mani. These shrines serve as designated sites where the devout must make their offerings. The gifts presented to the Gods are cast into a sacred fire, where they are consumed by flames, symbolically offered to the Aspects and Mani. Traditional Aspectist doctrine prescribes that offerings should be made to the Aspects and Mani primarily on three distinct occasions.


* When enjoying the bounty of Nature, to give thanks

* When seeking a boon during a time of need

* When called for, in Rituals


Devotees of Elnarnsae'ame have the liberty to present any gift to the Wild Gods, provided it carries suitable meaning and symbolism. The more valuable a gift, whether in material wealth or sentimental significance, the greater the likelihood that a follower's prayer will resonate with the Aspects and their benevolent emissaries.


The potential offerings are indeed limitless, but within the Wild Faith, certain ritual offering archetypes exist, each bearing particular connotations, themes, and implications. Adhering to these archetypes ensures that the intended symbolism is consistently conveyed to the Aspects and Mani.



Animal Byproducts:

* Horns/Antlers

* Teeth

* Hearts

* Bones


Gifts of animal byproducts typically convey undertones of strength, bloodshed, and mortality. These offerings are most appropriate in rituals when one seeks favors related to matters of conflict or acts of killing, whether it be a humble hunting endeavor or success in warfare.



Earthen Byproducts:

* Flowers

* Herbs

* Wooden Charms


Gifts that originate from the earth often symbolize growth, revitalization, and the essence of life. These offerings are most fitting in rituals when one seeks blessings associated with health and sustainability. Such occasions might involve making offerings to ward off drought or disease, or to secure the well-being of a newborn child.


Personal Belongings:

* Journals

* Heirlooms

* Items of Sentimental Value

* Blood


Making an offering with a value determined by your personal attachment to it is a prevalent theme in Aspectist traditions. These offerings often include items with sentimental significance, such as a gift from your family, something you personally crafted, like a sword or a vase, or anything similar. These "personal" offerings are typically presented when seeking the Aspects' guidance in matters concerning one's own self, as opposed to the world at large. In certain instances, particularly involving offerings of blood, they are used to solemnize promises and commitments between individuals.


In addition to the aforementioned offering archetypes, there are a few flowers in the Tiva language, each bearing meanings that render them universal offerings suitable for all rituals dedicated to the Aspects and Mani:


* Vervain means Cerridwen, used to honor the Mother and given as offerings

* Snapdragon means Cernunnos, used to honor the Father and given as offerings

* Orange Bud, a flower used that is believed to bring blessings from the Aspects and Mani


The Ancient Rituals




Among the countless rituals dedicated to the Aspects and each Mani, three stand out as particularly elaborate, and they are reserved for three of the most significant moments in an elf's life: the birth of a new child, the union of two souls in marriage, and the farewell of an elf from this realm.


Celebration of New Life


When a Wood Elven woman discovers that she is expecting a child, it marks one of life's most joyous occasions. Priests of the Wild Faith frequently accompany a woman on her journey through pregnancy, offering guidance through prayers for strength and ensuring the safety of both the mother and her child. Somewhere between the midpoint of her pregnancy and the onset of childbirth, a celebration is organized to applaud the expectant mother and present offerings to Bolomormaa, seeking future and ongoing protection.



The preparation for the woman's ritual commences on the evening before the scheduled date. On this evening, the father of the child embarks on a bear hunting expedition. Simultaneously, the following morning, priests and friends of the honored woman join forces to collect the essential items for the ritual, such as flowers, drums, and candles. The expectant mother is encouraged to present her finest self for the occasion, often adorning herself with an abundance of jewelry and an elegant dress. Many opt to have a priest or a close friend paint symbols and representations of nature on their swollen stomach as part of the ritual.


The invited guests assemble at a shrine devoted to Bolomormaa, forming a circle with their drums or candles, creating an open space in the center furnished with cushions and animal pelts for the expectant mother to sit. In this sacred circle, she receives the offerings brought by the father from his hunt, whether it's furs or a necklace crafted from bear teeth. Following this, he adorns her with a tiva wreath woven from rosebuds and lotus flowers. Guests may then present their own flowers to the pregnant woman, often including sweet peas and heather, along with other thoughtful gifts.


Subsequently, the gathering engages in drumming and prayers dedicated to the Princess of Bears. During this ceremony, the attending priest and women make their offerings. The father bestows upon the expectant mother the heart of the bear he hunted, which she is expected to consume as a means of becoming spiritually connected with the bear's essence. Before consuming the bear's heart, the attending priest and the mother chant the following prayer of Lentos’leh Halen - The Bear's Promise, while she cradles the heart in her two hands.



“Bolomormaa, Mother of Bears,

May you hear my voice and Spirit.

I swear to protect this child,

With the strength of a bear.”



“Bolomormaa, Haelun'Lentosan,

Erneh kae'leh iheiuhii hiylun'ehya weliera.

Kae iyl'Malii evar halere,

Il'cerun iyul lentos'ohn.”


The conclusion of the day is as joyful and jubilant as its beginning. A festive banquet is held in celebration of the expectant mother and her child. Drums often resound, luring many to dance, while others busy themselves crafting tiva wreaths. Naturally, from the ritual day until her baby is born, and even afterward, the woman continues to receive an abundance of gifts, prayers, and tokens of good luck, extending into the weeks, months, and years to come.


Vows of Matrimony


A trained Priest of the Wild Faith is essential for a couple to formalize their union, which takes place in a location considered sacred to the Aspects. Such places include shrines, Druidic Groves, or areas teeming with abundant Nature.



Before the ceremony commences, the marrying couple must craft sacred life gifts for each other. These gifts should symbolize the entirety of their lives leading up to this moment. By giving these gifts to their partners, they are effectively entrusting their lives to one another. The nature of these gifts is quite diverse; for example, a warrior might fashion a weapon adorned with carvings and decorations tailored for their beloved, while a hunter could create a specially crafted bearskin braid for their partner. Many Elves choose to carve totems representing their life experiences from blocks of wood.


Once a location has been selected, and invitations have been dispatched, the wedding ceremony unfolds. The specific customs of the ceremony vary between Clans and Elves, but, in general, a traditional Elven wedding follows these steps:


The Chieftain of the Seeds from which the two elves originate must escort them to the altar and present them to the Priest. They publicly declare their kinship to the Priest, signifying their intention to be wed. If the engaged couple belongs to the same Seed, the Chieftain of that seed leads them up. If one partner does not belong to a Seed, their closest blood-relative represents them.


The Priest begins by sanctifying the ritual and may offer a brief sermon on the significance of marriage.


The Priest instructs the couple to exchange their life vows and sacred oaths. Each explains the meaning behind their gift and how it represents their life journey, then places it in the hands of their beloved. If they wish to express additional vows, they are free to do so.


The Priest presents a bone knife to the couple. They take turns cutting their hands, letting the blood pool in their palms. Following this, the Priest directs one partner to mark the other's forehead with their own blood, and the other partner reciprocates. The shape of this marking is a personal choice, symbolizing their mutual commitment.


The Priest then offers a jug with two spouts filled with water from a Druidic Attunement pool. Water, as the lifeblood of Nature, is considered sacred. By drinking this holy water together, the couple seals their lives as one. The Priest instructs them to drink until the jug is empty, uniting the couple in blood and water, the two sacred essences of life.


Once the water is consumed, the Priest formalizes the marriage in the presence of the Aspects. They declare, "Then in the presence of the Aspects of Nature and under the gaze of those gathered here in celebration, I pronounce you [partner] and [partner]. You may now kiss. Blessed be."


Following the wedding, a day and night of celebration ensues, with all their kin and any citizens wishing to join in the festivities.


Deliverance of the Last Rites


When a follower of the Wild Faith passes away, their kin offer a prayer to the great Aspects above and invoke the patron Mani of their clan. This act guides the departed soul to either journey into the faerie realm or be reborn in a new, pure form. Regardless, the physical body is returned to the embrace of nature, achieved through one of three distinct rites: the Rite of Earth, Fire, and Water.



In the Funeral Rite of Earth, the family members of the departed elf bury their loved one's body in soil that is rich and fertile. Atop the earth where the body rests, they plant a young sapling. The body serves as nourishment for the growing tree, facilitating the elf's corporeal form to merge with the natural world once more.


In the Funeral Rite of Water, family members lay the deceased elf's body upon a raft crafted from lilies and reeds, adorned with offerings to their patrons. They set the raft afloat on a river or into the vast ocean. As time passes, the body is gradually embraced by the waters, becoming sustenance for the creatures of the deep, thus returning its essence to the natural cycle.


In the Funeral Rite of Fire, family members position the deceased elf's body upon a grand pyre, decorated with offerings to their patrons, and ignite it. As the body is consumed by flames, the ashes are gathered and scattered into the sky above fertile soil. This act enriches the land with the essence of the departed, further cementing their return to the embrace of nature.


No matter what funeral rite is performed, the following prayer is always spoken:



“O' Mother, look upon me now.

See here that your gift of life has ended,

That his/her heart is still and his/her Spirit weary.

May you bring him/her to peace and slumber eternal.


O' Father, look upon me now.

See here that your gift of the hunt has ended,

That his/her voice is silent and his/her blood grows cold.

May you bring him/her to honor and strength undying.


You have held this Spirit until the end,

And he/she now passes into the Balance.

Flesh to soil, blood to water, bone to dust.

Blessed be.”



“O' Haelun, y'kae oerneh suliera.

Ito suliera, iyul nae'leh illern'taynan ethere,

Iyul divhiuw ito lae'leh/hae'leh taliiynan, divcerun'ehya ito hae'leh/lae'leh hiylun.

Oerneh nae ito hileia lae/hae myumiera, ciwn'ehya uell.  


O' Maln, y'kae oerneh suliera.

Ito suliera iyul nae'leh illern'orran ethere,

Iyul leyun ito lae'leh/hae'leh iheiuhii, lae'leh/hae'leh ehya taliiynan feta lentera.

Oerneh nae ito Sirame lae/hae myumiera, cerun'ehya uell.


Nae iyl'hiylun, tenna eth, myumierala karinte,

Lae'ehya/Hae'ehya Meracahe narna.

Taliyna ito nor, taliiyna ito vallei, tur ito malomii.

Ahernal ito.”



The Prayers of the Wild Gods




Numerous prayers and rituals exist for invoking the blessings of each Aspect and Mani. Presented below are the prayers for the Aspects, along with details on when and how to recite them. Additionally, a prayer for each Mani, accompanied by their most common offerings, is included.


To The Aspects


Essence of War


As elven warriors prepare to enter the battlefield, they partake in a ritual involving the consumption of Cernunnos' essence, a vial of boar's blood, and speak the following words.



“O’ Lord of Death, strengthen my arm:

In our time of need, I beg you to come to your people’s aid.

Fill my heart with the honor of those past as I face this newest trial,

As we remember you in all our earthly troubles.


Benevolent mother, wipe fear from my heart:

Never abandoning your children, always tender.

Preserve me that I may see my children and yours live,

I place my trust in you to hold my life from the end.”



“O’ Laurir’Orkina, kae’leh wy’anuh ceruereh:

Ito kaean’leh enet’adiln, kae nae’leh lye medinera adontere.

Nae kae’leh taliyna lentere il’Sirame bilokereh, ay’kinal karin’ento,

Wyl kaean nae peritherae, ito kaean’leh lluman.


Haelun’Lle, lluman kae’leh hiylun myumiera’onn:

Partuva nae’leh y’Malii suliera, partuva llean.

Kae’leh hiylun evara, iyal kae’leh nae’leh Malii’ehya yallran oerneh suliere, karinto,

Kae ay’nae halere, kae’leh hiylun taynan’ehya tennae kae’leh eth myumiera.


 Heart of the Hunt


In gratitude for a successful hunt, a prayer of thanks may be spoken after an offering has been prepared and presented to the Aspects.



“O’ father of the hunt,

Blessed be to this bounty, whose hide will clothe our young,

Whose flesh will fill our stomachs.

As we take from your realm, we give back,

So our souls may be one with the great balance”



“O’ Maln’Orran,

Aheral ito iyl fihn, tuvehn kaen’leh Maliian evareh,

Taliiynan’ehya kaean’leh hilyunan fihereh karin’ento.

Kaean nae’leh tuvan, kaean illerae’yem,

Kaeanleh’ehya hiylunan ito tal’Meracahe orern lenterih karin’ento.”


New Beginning


During the season of rebirth in Spring, a prayer is spoken after offering a braid of one's hair to the Aspects, symbolizing a new beginning.



“O’ compassionate mother,

I offer you a piece of my essence,

So that you may imbue me with your sacred breath,

And reform my soul anew,

Free of the burdens on my shoulders.”



“O’ Haelun’Lle,

Kae’leh tal’hiylun nae illere,

Iyal il’nae’leh aheral iheiuhii kae illereh,

Kaeleh’ehya hiylun fiyem bilokera,

Tilrunen’onn myumin y’kae’leh.”


Essence of Healing


Healers seeking Cerridwen's grace when tending to a patient often perform a sacred ritual that involves consuming Cerridwen's essence of sacred Attunement springwater. During this ritual, they may speak the following prayer.



“O’ earth Mother, benevolent to the weak and weary,

Who spreads the gifts of life and good health over the emerald wilds.

You who gifted me my own life, and their life,

Pray for my soul and bless my hands with your healing light.

O' compassionate Mother, look down upon me,

I ask that you help your dutiful servant,

So they may continue to serve you and spread your goodness across the land.



“O’ Haelun’Taynan, orlle ay’adiln divcerun’ehya,

Lae heya elillern’tayna lentera hiyluan’ehya y’ameantaynei.

Nae heya kae’leh taynan illerale, 

Kae’leh wynan’anuh il’sulwaleh, nae’leh ehya orahernan illera.

O’ Haelun’lle, y’kae anoh’suliera, 

Kae ay’nae’leh tilrunhaleral mediera adontere,

Iyul kae orern nae tilruereh, nae’leh ehya lle’saere karin’ento.”


Prayer of Fortitude


When seeking strength of soul and mind, and after offering a part of yourself, whether it be a braid of hair or a drop of blood, as a token of devotion, a prayer may be spoken.



“Let nothing shake my soul,

Let nothing strike fear in my heart,

For when the world falls apart, I remember this:

The Aspects never fade.

Your faith in them gives you the world.

Whoever has the light of the lord and lady lacks nothing;

The Mother and Father alone bring great treasures.”



“Oerne kae’leh ethereh,

Oerne kae’leh hiylun’ito khel myumiereh,

Ay’heya tuvan ullrere, kae iyl perithere:

Eletaliynan orchulne ullrer.

Nae’eh ay’eletaliynan mayilere nae tuvan illere.

Heya elsul’elemaln elehaelun’ehya ay’divtuvan oradilne;

Elehaelun Elemaln’ehya sioln maorakal myumiereyae.”


A Mother’s Gift


To beseech good health for a newborn child, a prayer may be spoken after offering a lock of the child’s hair or baby teeth.



“O gentle mother,

And benevolent lady of life,

Grant this my joyous bequest;

Send out your grace on (he/she),

Fill them with life unending,

And start them on the path of goodness,

That they may spread life and happiness,

To all that lay their eyes upon them.”



“O Leyuan Haelun,

Lari’Taynaan ehya,

Kae iyl adonten illera;

Nae’leh ahernan y’(lae/hae) myumiera,

(Lae/Hae) il’taynaan ordiveth ahera,

y’Elnarnsaenlle’ehya annilera,

Iyal (lae/hae) taynan orwyn’ehya oerneh maeluere,

Iyl’ehya y’heya suliera y’(lae/hae) oerneh illere.”


To The Mani




Prayers to Amaethon, the Prince of Cervidae, can be spoken when elk, deer, or caribou have been hunted to show respect and gratitude for the animals, and to seek his qualities of gentleness and compassion.



Offerings: Antlers, Velvet, Peonies, Daisies, Gardenia



“Great Prince of Mighty Elk,

Whose flock run abound the deep woods and great plains,

We give to you our devotion.

We show to you our respect for your kind.

O’ wise and gentle Amaethon, show us your blessing.”



Ellaurir’Amean, Amaethon,

Heya lye mamean marwehnsaenan’ehya ito narneyae,

Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae.

Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

O’ maehran lle’ehya Amaethon, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”




Prayers to Bolomormaa, the Princess of Bears, should be spoken by those seeking her protective strength and will, particularly mothers and women.



Offerings: Bear Pelt, Teeth, Claws, Gladiolus, Protea, Rosebud, Oleander, Gardenia, Lotus


“Protective Bolomormaa, Princess of Bears.

Whose strength and ferocity guards the young and weak,

We give to you our devotion.

We show to you our respect for your kind.

O’ Bolomormaa, gentle yet mighty, show us your blessing.”



“Elevarir Bolomormaa, Ellaurir ay’Lenotsan.

Heya’leh cerun orhil’ehya adilnan okarere,

Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae.

Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

O’ Bolomormaa llean, ehya llytan, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”




Prayers to Ohowaki, Princess of Owls, should be spoken by scholars seeking her wisdom and wealth of knowledge.




Offerings: Feathers, Mice Bones, Books, Calla Lily, Iris, Clary


“Knowledgeable Ohowaki, Princess of Owls.

Whose hunts are silent,

We give you our devotion,

And honor for your people.

O’ Ohowaki wise, but graceful, give us your blessing.”



“Ohowaki maehran, Ellaurir ay’Ibaran.

Lyun ito heya’leh orrarnan,

Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae,

Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

O’ Ohowaki ormaehr, ehya leyuan, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”




Prayers to Morea, the Prince of Wolves, should be spoken by those seeking a good relationship with wolves and hounds, as well as those who seek the qualities of ferocity and bravery associated with these noble creatures. 



Offerings: Animal Pelts and Bones, Wolf Teeth, Weapons of Felled Enemies, Blood, Gladiolus, Ranunculus, Pentas, Pansy


“Morea, Prince of the Pack,

Whose howl can be heard by all who gaze at the moon,

We give to you our devotion.

We show to you our respect for your kind.

O’ Morea, the ferocious, show us your blessing.”



“Morea, Ellaurir’Chirran,

Heya iheihuii Velulaei hiuwera,

Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae.

Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

O’ Morea, llytan, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”




Prayers to Moccus, the Prince of Boars, should be spoken by those seeking the traits of stalwartness and conviction, as well as by those who have hunted the wild boars of the realm. 



Offerings: Tusks, Animal Hides, Armor of Felled Enemies, Blood, Gladiolus, Pentas, Pansy


“Moccus the stalwart. The immovable.

He whose tusks uproot mountains.

We give to you our devotion.

We show to you our respect for your kind.

O’ Moccus, the indomitable, show us your blessing.”



“Laran Moccus. Oem heya ordivhiuw ito nae’leh.

Lae heya cerun malarehan lomera.

Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae.

Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

O’ Moccus, ordivtilrun, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”




Prayers to Nemglan, the Princess of Eagles, should be spoken when interacting with hawks, eagles, falcons, and other raptors, while seeking safe travels, or when seeking the qualities of freedom and independence associated with these majestic birds.



Offerings: Feathers, Small Prey, Lilac, Gladiolus, Amaryllis, Sweet Pea


“Unbound Nemglan of the blue skies,

Whose hawks and falcons keep watchful vigil,

We give to you our devotion.

We show to you our respect for your kind.

O’ Nemglan, free and proud, show us your blessing.”



“Ordivtilruer Nemglan, Ellaurir ay’vallelaecaelean.

Heya tahorranan mettaonn’ehya viran suliereyae,

Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae.

Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

O’ maehran lle’ehya Nemglan, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”




Prayers to Hamasta, the Prince of Dolphins, should be spoken by sailors seeking safe travels across the sea, fishermen seeking bountiful harvest, healers seeking Hamasta’s skill, or by those who wish for mercifulness.



Offerings: Seashells, Pearls, Seaglass, Coral, Fresh Fish, Salt, Mandragora, Bluestar, Anthurium, Statice, Peony, Lathyrus, Sweet Pea


“Hamasta, Prince of Sailors,

With mercy and full of playfulness,

We give to you our devotion.

We show to you our respect for your kind.

O’ kind and healing Hamasta, show us your blessing.”



“Ellaurir’Valleiansae, Hamatsa, 

Siyueran myan’ehya ito heya’leh lye, 

Kaean’leh ortilrun nae illerae. 

Kaean’leh Sirame ay’nae’leh lye myumierae. 

O’ lle orwaleh’ehya Hamatsa, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”




Prayers to Sonnos, Prince of Foxes, should be spoken by politicians or those seeking his cleverness, cunning, or strategic thinking.




Offerings: Fox Fur, Eyes, Tongues, Small Prey, Coins, Riddles, Iris, Lilac, Clary, Rose


“Vulpine Prince,

Whose cunning rules the forest,

We give to you our devotion.

We show to you our respect for your kind.

O’ Sonnos, the clever, show us your blessing.”




Heya'leh orvull vulmaehr'ehya y'elame sohaera,

Kaean’leh ortilrun nae illerae.

Kaean’leh Sirame ay’nae’leh lye myumierae.

O’ Sonnos, vul'oem, nae’leh ahern kaean illera.”




Prayers to Kwakwani, the Prince of Ravens, should be spoken by artists, singers, and poets who seek inspiration and guidance in their creative endeavors.



Offerings: Coins, Jewels, Trinkets, Raven Feathers, Beads, Art, Poems, Orchid


“Melodic Kwakwani, Prince of Wit and Song,

Beautiful is your artistry.

We give you our devotion,

And honor for your people.

O’ clever and liberated Kwakwani, give us your blessing.”



“Lennielan Kwakwani, Ellaurir ay’Vulliran Len’ehya,

Leyuan ito nae’leh orvalmsae.

Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae,

Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

O’ Kwakwani vullan divtulrun’ehya, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”




Prayers to Felixii, the Princess of Wildcats, should be spoken by those seeking her secrets, or her traits of silence and watchfulness.



Offerings: A Secret, Small Prey, Eyes, Lavender, Clary


“Elusive Felixii, Princess of the Forest,

Whose secrets by many are sought,

We give you our devotion,

And honor for your people.

O' Felixii, Seer of Truth, give us your blessing.”



“Maryull Felixii, Ellauru’leh Ame,

Heya’leh taliyuan uell uhiereyae,

Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae,

Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

O’ Felixii, sulierir’madivulie, kae’leh ahern kaean illera.”




Prayers to Merecahe, the Prince of Beavers, should be spoken by blacksmiths, craftsmen, and artisans seeking his skill and determination to work. 



Offerings: Beaver Tails, Woodcarvings, Crafted Items, Chrysanthemum


“Steadfast Merecahe, Prince of Creation,

Who builds homes of wood and stone,

We give you our devotion,

And honor for your people.

O’ Merecahe, Hammer of the Land, give us your blessing.”



“Lar Merecahe, Ellaurir’Bilokn,

Heya lye ilu’amonn talareh‘ehya lin bilok,

Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae,

Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

O’ Merecahe, nor’leh fer’bilok, kae’leh ahern kaean illera.”




Prayers to Siss’siru, the Prince of Serpents, should be spoken by wayward souls seeking guidance and redemption.



Offerings: Snake Skin, Venom, Blood, Small Prey, Mayflower, Rue, Amaryllis, Cornflower


“Ancient Siss’siru, Prince of Serpents,

Whose fangs strike the wayward,

We give you our devotion.

We show to you the respect for your kind.

O’ Siss’siru, Light of Redemption, give us your blessing.”



“Paronn Siss’siru, Ellaurir’Athrian,

Heya’leh rivan reslye llyth, 

Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae.

Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

O’ Siss’siru, sul’mayan, kae’leh ahern kaean illera.”




Prayers to Kar’nath, Prince of Vultures, should be spoken by scavengers seeking their bounty, or by those wishing safe passage for their deceased loved ones into the afterlife.



Offerings: Feathers, Blood, Corpses, Rotted Meat, Bones, Cyclamen, Zinnia, Asphodeus


“Vigilant Kar’nath, Prince of Scavengers,

Whose flock hunt the decaying corpses,

We give you our devotion.

We show to you the respect for your kind.

O’ Kar’nath, the self-preserver, give us your blessing.”



“Vira Kar’nath, Ellaurir ay’krafehnorrarn,

Heya’leh mettan krafeh’leh ullr’sae orrar,

Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae.

Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

O’ Kar’nath, nae’evarn, kae’leh ahern kaean illera.”




Prayers to Machana, the Princess of Steeds, should be spoken by strong riders and wayward souls seeking swiftness and loyalty.



Offerings: Horse Hair, Fresh Crops, Lathyrus, Amaryllis, Sweet Pea, Larkspur, Calla Lily


“Machana, whose hooves flattened the great fields,

Whose harras run supreme in the prairie,

We give to you our devotion.

We show to you our respect for your kind.

O’ Machana, the swift, show us your blessing.”



Machana, heya wynan’anoh marwehnsaenan hiuwera,

Heya’leh lye divohn wehnsaenan ito narneyae,

Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae.

Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

O’ Machana, leyuan, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”




Prayers to Kholibrii, the Princess of Hummingbirds, should be spoken when seeking her traits of joy, hope, and vibrancy.



Offerings: Painted Eggs, Feathers, Sugar, Honey, Art, Gerbera, Hibiscus, Bird of Paradise, Sunflower


“Colorful Kholibrii, Princess of Hummingbirds,

With feathers vibrant and full of hope,

We give to you our devotion.

We show to you the respect for your kind.

O’ Kholibrii, rainbow incarnate, show us your blessing.”



“Valmiran Kholibrii, Ellauru’leh mettalen,

Leyun valmiran andria’ehya ito heya’leh lye, 

Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae.

Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

O’ Kholibrii, taliyna ito valmiran, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”




Prayers to Norra, Princess of Panthers, should be spoken by hunters seeking her skill at remaining hidden and silent while stalking her prey.



Offerings: Fresh Prey, Offerings of a Hunt, Claws, Blood, Gladiolus, Calla Lily, Lavender, Begonia


“Quiet Norra, Princess of the Shadows,

Who watches from the trees,

We give to you our devotion.

We show to you the respect for your kind.

O’ Norra, the Silent Huntress, give us your blessing.”



“Lyu Norra, Ellaurir ay’barbuiheiuh,

Heya lye taliame’onn sulier,

Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae.

Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

O’ Norra, lyu heya’orran, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”




Prayers to Mahae, the Great Lion Spirit, should be spoken by warriors seeking courage and pride before going into battle.



Offerings: Lion’s Mane, Large Prey, Blood, Gladiolus, Lilac, Protea, Pansy, Pentas


"Prince of the Wild, I name you Mahae.

Whose charge is strength and guardianship,

We ask for your blessing of honor,

That we may take up your spirit hereafter.

Great Spirit of the Lion, bless us with your voice."



"Ellaurir ay'Ame, kae Mahae nae sanere.

Cerun okansaen'ehya ito heya'leh myumin,

Kaean nae'leh Sirame ahern'onn adonterae,

Iyul kaean hiylun myumierae.

Marhiylun maehae'onn, nae'leh iheiuhii il'kaean ahera."




Prayers to Vesper, Prince of Bats, should be spoken when seeking retribution against those who have wronged you.



Offerings: Rotten Fruit, Blood, Prey, Insects, Empty Cocoons, Magnolia, Pansy


“Silent and swift, Vesper. Prince of Bats,

Who seeks to spread dread upon the interlopers,

We give to you our devotion.

We show to you our respect for your kind.

O’ Vesper, Terror of the Skies, grant us your blessing.”



“Lyu leyuan’ehya, Vesper. Ellaurir’Vularale,

Heya lye malieir y cruan’sae uhier,

Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae.

Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

O’ Vesper, kerir caelen’onn, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”




Prayers to Sha’maiden, Princess of Elephants, should be spoken by leaders seeking her might and grace in guidance.



Offerings: Tusks, Smooth Hide, Fresh Fruit, Heather, Peony, Lilac, Larkspur, Amaryllis, Rose


“Mighty Sha’maiden, Princess of Leadership,

Whose steps flatten even the greatest of mountains,

We give to you our devotion.

We show to you our respect for your kind.

O’ Sha’maiden, Chieftess of the Oasis, grant us your blessing.”



“Ceru Sha’maiden, Ellaurir’Annilern,

Heya’leh ahlareh narn’ern,

Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae.

Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

O’ Sha’maiden, Ellaurir’Okarn, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”




Prayers to Luna’illi, Prince of Moths, should be spoken by those seeking peaceful sleep and enlightening dreams.



Offerings: Moth or Butterfly Wings, Cocoons, Fruit, Sap, Candles, Moonflower, Queen of the Night, Lavender, Poppy


“Tranquil Luna'illi, Prince of Moths,

Who aids the weary and soothes the restless, 

We give to you our devotion. 

We show to you the respect for your kind.

O’ Luna'illi, the moonlit traveller, show us your blessing.”



“Hielian Luna’illi, Ellaurir’Ciwn,

Heya lye heyacrua aher,

Kaean’leh tilrun nae illerae.

Kaean’leh Sirame aynae’leh lye myumierae.

O’ Luna’illi, Velulaeisul’narn, nae’leh ahern kae illera.”




Yes I know I’m insane, but I hope this post makes it easier to find all the rituals and prayers you need! Please ignore my terrible elven translations for some of these prayers. I am no expert in the language, but wanted to give the Mani without these translations their prayers.
Art by bonegoddess on DeviantArt and silverwitch.

Information used from the following posts:

Elnarnsae'ame: The Wild Faith of the Wood Elves

A Guide to Ritual Offerings

The Liturgy of Elnarnsae'ame

A Celebration of New Life

THE WILD GODS: The Aspects and Mani

Fox Mani: Sonnos, Prince of Foxes

Mani Submission: Kholibrii, The Hummingbird Mani

The Tresery Seed: Lion's Pride

Recovering the Ancient Tongue of the Elves

Recovering the Ancient Elven Flower Language

@Drusus for the information on Vesper

@marslol for the information on Luna’illi


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im a juno stan

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very cool and slay masterdoc on these things! it'll be nice not having to have multiple open

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Galar Ithelanen adds a journal entry beside his notes on the study of the Wild Faith.


It is also of interest to me that our last rites come after the death of the recipient. During my time in the court of Augustus, I did not witness, but understood of, the opposite. The burden of sin and guilt weighing upon the human soul must be lifted before one dies, else they may not enter the Skies. This is the case because, in the Canonist Faith, sin is ever-present and accrued constantly. It is an inescapable reality that all mortal souls commit some evil deed, even to the pettiest degree, that requires a cleansing. Father [this is erased] gave me this metaphor: 'A shirt may be washed, ironed, and pressed after use, making it clean and wearable again. However, it is not permanently in this state, and as it acquires grime and wear it must be washed again. It is best that this is done frequently, else the shirt may required extreme, thorough cleansing at best, or may be rendered permanently unwearable at first.'


I do not disagree with its inherent premise that all evil is committed, but I find evil to not just be deed and thought, but an immutable characteristic of mortality. I was born with a callousness that will never subside, no matter how I temper it. It is an evil thing, and I have done evil as a result of it, but it is a fixed part of myself and cannot simply be overcome. It exists side-by-side with my bravery in battle, perhaps one of the few qualities that redeem me. It will never be cleansed- it can never be- so I am forced to live with it and make do. Evil in deed is not arbitrary, it comes from defects in the soul, but while ill-deed may be made up for, there is no recompense for rot in the heart. Who would it be given to? One's self?


This is why we must be given the rites after death. We cannot expunge the evil that lives within us and plays its part in guiding our actions. We can only live with a truthfulness and try to exercise discretion where possible to do good where our conscience allows it. Our evil, and the deeds that come with it, can never be detached from our life and cleansed away. It is part of the summation of our lives and it must be considered along with the rest as we pass from this world to the next.

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