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Kharajyr Language - Kharahatla Completed

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Kharajyr Language - Kharahatla

Completed Language Document


Howdy folks!! This post has been LONG in the making, with a resurgence of Kharajyr myself and all those who have helped with this have all been hoping to make a more complete and useable dictionary. I'm happy to say it is finally, FINALLY here, a Kharahatla dictionary useable, with explicit rules for grammar and far more words! 

That being said, this is INCOMPLETE even still, which is somewhat intentional. While you're using this dictionary, if you come across a word you wish to use and are unable to find with within this dictionary, please dm me on discord (Periphonics) and I'll add it in! Irply and oocly this dictionary will continue to be updated occasionally as new words are discovered and created!


For centuries, the Kharajyr language has been lost to time. Only fractions and remnants have survived history, continuing to build upon the lost and fragmented nature of the once mighty race of cat folk. However, with a new rise in culture and sustainment, numerous kha have come together to create a fully fledged dictionary. Basing off of their knowledge of the remnants of the language, new words were created to replace those forgotten, allowing for the race to speak unified at long last. 


Kharahatla is a language of numerous rules and discrepancies, which will be listed and further explained throughout the dictionary

It remains under works as the days pass and Kharajyr piece together new aspects of their tongue, being updated often for all to use.


Common Words/ Phrases


All night - cenyohual

All right, OK - ca ye cuallitlaz

At the city - altepepan

Do not worry - macamo tequipachoa

For a while / for some time - huecauhtica

Has it been long since (?) - cuix ye huecanh

Hello (informal ) - Sa’vi

Here it is / this is it - izcatqui

How did it go? - quenin otimohuicac?

I am called [name] - nemotenehua [name]

I had seen you - onimitzittacca

In a moment / just a moment - aocmo huecauh

In the first place - acattopa

In the wilderness - tepepan

Inside the house - itech calli

It is necessary - inech monequi

It is said that - mihtoa

It is written - ihcuilotic

I’ll see you - nimitzittaz

Just a little - zan tepitzin

Like this, this way - yuhquin

May you be well/farewell - ma xipatinemi

Metztli wills it - Metztli nequitlanequilztli

Nice to meet you - Cualli ic tetocihuia 

Not ... but - amo ... zan.

Not any more - aocmo

Not yet - ayamo

Once that / as soon as - in oyuh

Praise Metztli! - wahuetl Metztli!

Something else / one more thing - occe tlamantli

Thank you - Mul’ta

That’s why - ic

The one that -  in tiein

The one who __ - in aquin

Very well - cenca cualli

Why not ? - tle inic amo

You’re welcome - tra’kul


Familial Kharahatla words:


Patta - Father

Muuna - Mother

Teciztli - Kin, Parents, Lineage

Muuna - The Goddess (Metztli)

Metz’al - Spouse/mate

Per - Son

Maut - Daugher

Tlacho - Child

Per’ta - Brother

Maun’na - Sister

Teco’ta - Sibling (teco’huan pl.)

Tlatteco - Cousin

Colli -  Grandfather.

Tlatli - Aunt/Uncle, also used to address non-related close adults




One - ce

Two - ome

Three - yei

Four - Nahui

Five - macuilli

Six - chicoace

Seven - chicome

Eight - chicuey

Nine - chicnahui

Ten - matlactli

Twenty - cempoalli

Thirty - treinta

Fourty - imomtl

Fifty - ommatlactli

Sixty - yequimilli

Seventy - cempohua

Eighty - nanappo

Ninety - noventa

___ Hundred - pohualli 



(To conjugate into first, second, third, etc, prefix of ‘tlen’ is used: ie First - tlen ce)




I/me - nehuatl, ne

You - tehuat, te

You pl. - tehuan, teh

We - nehuan, neh

He/She/It - yehuat, ye

They - yehuan, yeh



*an infinitive is a verb in its basic form- to be, to know, to do. Conjugating an infinitive to present would turn them into I am, she knows, we do





Nehuatl - I/me

ne + infinitive

ne + infinitive + c

ne + infinitive + z

Nehuan - we/us

neh + infinitive

neh + infinitive + queh

neh + infinitive + zqueh

Tehuat - you

te + infinitive

te + infinitive + c

te + infinitive + z

Tehuan - you pl. 

teh + infinitive

teh + infinitive + queh

teh + infinitive + zqueh

Yehuat - he/she/it

ye + infinitive

ye + infinitive + c

ye + infinitive + z

Yehuan - they

yeh + infinitive

yeh + infinitive + queh

yeh + infinitive + zqueh



I eat - necua (Ne + cua)

She asked - yetlatlanic (Ye + tlatlanic)

They will obey - yehtlacamatizqueh (Yeh + tlacamatizqueh)

We play - nehtlacualoa (Neh + Tlacualoa)





A noun is a word that can be the subject of a clause, or the object (indirect or direct) of a verb. In simple terms, it is a person, place, or thing.


In Kharahatla, there is one important way to identify nouns, four common suffixes, which are:


  • -tli

  • -li

  • -in

  • -tl



  • Nouns ending with -tl are pluralized with -h: 

mountain: tepetl, mountains: tepeh 


  • Nouns ending in -tli (-tin): 

man: oquictli, men: oquichtin


  • Nouns ending in -li the plural will be -lan: 

light: tlahuilli, lights: tlahualan


  • Nouns with the -in suffix will be pluralized with -ac:

singer: ohetin, singers: oheta


Irregular Nouns


However, these suffixes are not always present, and like most languages there are exceptions to this rule. For example, ‘mizton’ is the term for cat, and is one of the terms that do not adopt this commonality. When faced with these oddities, pluralizing may come to be something of a challenge. As such, a miscellaneous plural of ‘-meh’, for example:

Singular - Mizton   Plural - Miztomeh



When a noun becomes possessive, regardless of pluralization, it obtains the suffix ‘-huan’.


Singular                               Possessive

Child - conetl         My child/ren - conehuan

House - chantli         My house/s - chanhuan

Bath - temazcalli         My bath/s - temazcalhuan

Fish - michin         My fish/s - michuan



Acolyte -  yencuiteopix

Afternoon - tlaca

Ancestor - achtontli
Anchor - niman

Ant - azcatl

Anthill - azcapotzalli

Antler - cuacuahuitl

Architect - calmanani

Arm (front leg) - matli

Artisan - amantecatl

Atole, drink made of corn - atolli

Aunt - ahuitl

Air - ihiotl


Bad Breath - camapotoniliztli

Bad, wrong - amo cualli

Bag - xiquipiltontli

Bar - ocnamacoyan

Barkeep - ocnamaca

Base - nelhuayotl

Basket-  Chiquihuitl

Bath - temazcalli

Bean - yetl

Bed - Pechtli

Bedroom - Cochihuayan

Belly - ititl

Bird - tototl

Boarder - tentli

Body - nacayotl

Bone - omitl

Book - amoxtli

Book Shelf - Amoxcalli

Bowl - caxitl.

Boy - telpochtl

Branch - cuauhmaitl

Bread - Tlaxcalli

Brother - Perta

Building - calli

Butterfly - papalotl



Cactus  - nochtli

Cat - mizton

Cave - oztotl

Chair - icpalli

Child - conetl

Chocolate - chocolatl

Clothes - tlaquemitl

Commoner - macehualli

Cooking fire - tlecuilli

Cooking Pot - comitl

Corn - Tlaolli

Cougar - miztli

Coward - Mauhcatlayecoani

Culture - huehuetlahtolli


Dark Elf - rohuemati

Dawn - tlathui

Day - tonalli

Deer - Mazatl

Devil - tlacatecolotl

Diner/Dining room - tlacualoyan

Dinner - cochcayotl

Dish - caxpechtli

Divine King - tlahtoani

Doctor - Tepahtiani

Doctor - ticitl

Dog - itzcuintli

Door - caltentli

Dormitory - cochiantli

Dwarf - yotzinztli



Ear - nacaztli

Earth - tlalcua

Edge - tentli

Egg - totoltetl

Everything - mochi

Excrement - cuitlatl

Eye - ixtelolotl

Entertainment- cecetli 

Elf - rohuente



Face - xayacatl

Falcon - tohtli

Family - nocenyeliz

Famine - apizmiqui

Farmer - millacatl

Father - tahtli  (reverential: tahtzintli)

Female - cihuatl

Female - ihuatl

Fever - Atonahui

Fingernail - iztitl

Fire - tletl

Firewood - tlatlatilcuahuitl

Fish - michin

Flat  pan - comalli

Flower - xochitl

Fly - zayolin

Food - tlacualli

Foot - Icxitl

Forest - cuauhtla

Foundation - nelhuayotl

Fountain - ameyalli

Friend - Perta

Frog - cueyatl

Fruit - xochicualli

Fur - platli

Future - hualquiztia



Gatekeeper - ittacatlentli

Garbage - tlazolli

Gold - teocuitlatl

Goodness - cuallotl

Grandmother - cihtli

Grinding stone (for salsa) - molcaxitl.

Guts - cuitlaxcolli



Hair - tzontli

Hand - maitl

Head - cuaitl

Head - tzontecomatl

Healer - ticitl

Heart - Yollotl

Heaven - ilhuicac

Hen - cihuatotolin

Herb - mezi

Hero - Icxicoatl

High Elf - rohuhuilli

Hill -tepec

Honey - neuctli

Horn - Cuacuahuitl

Hospital - cocoxcacalli

House - chantli
Human - tlacayeliztli

Hunger - mayana

Hunter - amini

Husband - namictli



Ice - cetl
Ideals - tlamanitiliztli
Illusion - tlamatili
Imbalance - nemiliztli
Immortality - amicqui
Impulse - cuauhxi
Inability - matetepon
Inaccuracy  - zatlamati
Influence - metacti
Insect - yolcatl
Integrity - kametl
Interest - necuiloa
Iron - tepozhuitzoc
Island - aztlan



Jaguar- ocelotl
Jam - tzitzitza
Jaw - tencual
Jealousy - chahuatia
Jewel - cozcatia
Joke - camanalitoa
Journal - aquiztli
Journey - cuepca
Juice- ayotl
Jungle - macapitactl
Justice - justicia



Kettle - meceptl
Killer - temictiani
Kindness - yolyamanic
Kingdom - tlahtocayotl
Kiss - pitzolli
Kitchen - tlacualchihualoyan
Knack - metlextli
Knife - ipanocan
Knot - pinacatl
Knowledge - tlama



Labourer - millacatl

Lady - cihuapilli

Lamb - ichcatl

Language -  tlahtolli

Leader - achcauhtli

Leaf - xihuitl

Leg - icxitl

Library - amoxcalli

Light - tlahuilli

Lip -  tentli

Log - cuahuitl

Lord - tecuhtli



Maggot - nacaocuilin

Magic - iya
Male - oquichtli.
Map -  mapa
Market - tianquizi
Marriage - namictilli
Mask - xayacatl
Mat - tapalamati
Material - petztli
Meat - chito
Medic - ticitl
Medication - ticitlapana
Medicine - pahtli
Meeting - tlanamiquil
Melon - ayotetl
Member - cofrade
Menu - petarcatli
Merchant - pochtecatl
Message - titlani
Middle - tlanepantla
Money - tlaxtlahuiltia
Moon Goddess - Meztli
Morning - icippa
Mother - nantli (Reverential: nantzintli)
Mountain  - tepetl
Mouse - motla
Mouth - camatl
Mud - zoquitl



Name - motenehua

Nation - tlahtocayotl

Night - yohuac

Nobles - tlahtoque

Nose - yacatl

Nothing - amotlein



Oasis - nehatil 
Obedience - tlacamatli
Object - xotlmetapan 
Ocean - hueyatl
Odor - chipayayaliztli
Offence - tlahtlacolli
Old Way - huehuetlahtoll
Onion - xonacatl.
Orc - chictatli
Owl - tecolotl



Party - wacaitl

Paper - amatl
Patrimony - tlatquitl
Person  - tlacatl
Pig - pitzotl
Pigeon - huilotl

Plant - meyotoc
Plate - caxpechtli
Plum - xocotl
Poetry/poem - in xochtl / in cuicatl
Prayer Water - atzintli
Priest- teopixqui
Prince - pilli
Puma- miztli
Pupil - tlamachtilli



Quail - zolin

Quality - michuacayotl

Quarrel - cocolli

Quarter - nacace

Quartz - ayopaltehuilotl

Queen - cihuapillahtocatzintli

Quest - matlatzinca

Question - ihioilochtia

Queue - tecpana

Quirk - tilocpan



Rabbit - tochtli

Rain - quiyahuitl

Rainbow - cozamalotl

Refuge - axihuayan

Restoom - axixcalli

Respect - mahuizpiya

Road - ohtli

Rock - tetl

Root - nelhuayotl

Rope - mecatl



Salt - iztatl

School - nemachtiloyan

Scorpion - colotl

Seed - xinachtli

Signal - machiotil

Singer - ohetin

Sister - mauna

Sky - ilhuicatl

Smell - ineconi

Smoke - cueitl

Smoke - poctli

Snail -  teponaxtli

Snake - coatl

Somebody, someone - aca

Son - pilli

Song - cuicatl

Source - ameyalli

Speech - tlahtolli

Spider - tocatl

Spider web - tzahualli

Squirrel - techalotl

Star - citialin

State (location) - tlahtocayotl

Stewward - callimaca

Stool - icpalli

Story - zazanilli

Stove - tlecuill

Stubbornness - aquimamatcayoti

Sunflower - acahualli

Swallow (bird) - cuicuizcati



Throat - tozquitl

Tavern - maclepitl

Tamale - tamalli

Temple - teocalli

Time - cahuitl

Trail - ohtli

Tree- cuahuitl

Tribe - calpolli

Trio - eittitica

Turtle - ayotl

Tortoise - ayotl

Tomato - xitomatl

Turkey - huexolotl

Tomorrow - moztla

Tooth - huiptlatlantli

Tongue - Nenepilli

Turkey - totolin

Tejocote - texocotl

Teacher - temachtiani (reverential: temachticatzintli)

Tradition - huehuetlahtolli



Uncle - tlahtli

Universe - cemanahuatl

Umbrella - tzacuilhuaztli 

Utensil - allacatl

Uniform - tlacoocelotl

Urn - tlapoa 

Unit - cetitilia

Urchin - nectopli



Vacation - neahuiltiliztli

Vase - tecomatl

Vegetable - quiltonil

Vein - ezcocotli

Vendor - tlanamacaqui

Venture - ixtlapal

Victory  - amehuatl

Village  - milpanecatl

Vision - tlachiyaliztli

Visitor - atecolotl

Volcano - tepetl



Warrior - tlapana

Warlock/witch - nahualli

Waste - tlazolli.

Water- atepin

Whiskers - tentzontli

White - Iztac

Wife - icihuahuatzin

Wife - namictli

Wild beast - becuani

Will- tlanequiliztl

Wind - ehecatl

Wisdom - tlamatini

Wolf - cuetlachtli

Woman - cihuatl

Wood Elf - rohucuau

Woods - cuauhtla

Word - tlahtolli

World - cemanahuatl





Yesterday - yalhua

Young - xocoyotzin



Zealot - pamactli




(Note: To turn a noun into a verb, use the suffix -ahui)



To accompany - axiltia

To answer - nanquilia

To appear - neci

To arrive - aci

To ask - tlatlani

To awaken - cochehua 

To be afraid - imacaci



To be born - hualnemi

To buy - cohua

To break - tlapana

To brush ones teeth  - camapaca

To become - mochihua

To break fast - teniza

To burn - tlatla

To begin  - pehua 

To bury - toca



To be called - motenehua

To call  - hualmonochilia

To carry - itqui

To celebrate - ininbatoi

To clean - chipahua

To climb - tleco

To close - tzacua

To come - hualehua 

To command - nahuatia

To complete - axiltia

To comprehend - yeccaqui

To continue - metakhan

To cry - choquilia

To cure - pahti

To cut - cotona

To get close, to come closer - axitia



To depart - onehua

To descend - temo

To desire - eiehuia

To die - miqui

To dine/ have dinner - mocochcayotia

To do - chihua (to someone: chihuilia)

To dream - cochitlehua

To drink - oni

To drink water (anything non-alcholic) - atli

To get dressed  - motlaquentia



To eat - cua

To exceed - cempanahuia

To exist - nequi

To extract - copina

To entertain - ceceltia


To be fast - iciuhca

To be frightened - momauhtia

To fall - huetzi.

To fear - imacaci

To feed - tlacua
To feel - xitlamati

To fever - atonahui

To find - quimitta

To finish - tlami

To flee - choloa

To fly - patlani

To follow - hualtepotztoca

To forget - netlmecha

To forgive - mopopolhuilia.

To forgive - tlapopolhuia

To free - momaquixtilia

To fufill - axiltia 



To gather - mocentlalia

To give - maca

To go - yauh

To go out - quiza

To grab - ana

To greet - tlapaloa

To grind - teci
To guide - omaca

To grow - cueponi



To be happy - paqui

To be hungry - mayana

To be hurt - cocoa

To happen - mochihua

To have - nochipa

To hear - caqui

To help - palehuia

To hum - huitzitzilin

To hunt - ami



To insult - tlatlacalhuia

To invite - panoltia



To joke - camanallahtoa

To juice - patzca

To join - nehuantilia


To kill - mictia

To kiss - tennamiqui

To knock over - tlaza

To know - ixmati



To land- tlalli

To laugh - huetzca

To learn - mamohtia

To leave - cahua
To let - cochcahua

To liberate - momaquixtilia

To live - nemi

To look - tlachia

To look for - temoa

To love - monequiltia.

To make laugh - huetzquitia



To massage - momotzoa

To make - chihua

To marry - monamictia
To meet- tocihuia 

To meow - tlatzomia



To need - nequi

To make new - yencuilia

To nod - ixcueloa



To obey - tlacamati

To offer - moyeca

To open - tlapoa

To order - nahuatia.

To outdo - cempanahuia

To owe - metzcamen



To be in pain - tonehua

To be poor - icnotl

To be pregnant - tlacatilia
To be proud - atlamachtia

To pass - nalquiza

To play - tlacualoa

To please/give pleasure - pactia

To pray - tlapohua

To protect - tlapaanli

To put - tlalia

To put on - mocactlalia



To quit - talazati



To rain - quiyahui

To read - pohua
To be ready - yenatix

To release - maquixtia
To remove - xiuhoc

To reside - mochantia

To respond - nanquilia

To rest - mocehuia

To reunite - mocentlalia

To run - motlatoa



To be sad - tlaocoya
To be sick - mococoa
To be sorry - yolcocoa
To save - maquixtia
To say/speak - tlahtoa
To scream/shout - tzatzi
To see - itta
To send -  titlani
To shake - papatlaca
To show - machtia
To sing - cuica
To sing - cuicoa
To sit - motlalia
To sleep - cochi
To slip - maiahua
To smoke - popoca
To sow - toca
To squeeze  - patzca
To stand -moquetza

To stay - ixtozoa
To stink - potoni
To surpass - cempanahuia

To swear - notcta
To sweep - tlachpana
To swim  - tlamaneloa


To be thirsty - amiqui

To be tired - ciyahui

To take - Itqui

To talk - natza

To teach - machtia

To tell - ilhuia

To throw - momayahui

To transform - mocuepa

To tremble - papatlaca

To triumph - pehua 

To turn into - mochihua

To think - yolpepena



To go up - tleco

To understand - acicamatl

To urge - ipan





To wait - chia 

To walk - nehnemi

To want - nequi

To wash - paca

To weep - choca

To whiten/become white - iztaya

To win - pehua 

To wish - eiehuia

To work - tequipanoa

To worry - tequipachoa

To write - ihcuiloa





To yell - tzatzitia







Adorable - neteotiloni

After - teotlac

Alright - tepontia 

Annoying - cuemoliuhtoc

Awesome - teotl





Backward - queptoc

Basic - Cuatl

Beautiful - yectli

Behind - icuitlapan

Black - tliltic

Blue - texoctic

Brave - colotic

Bright - huehuetzcani




Caringly - zan tlamach

Carefully - tempatapan
Closely - axitlani
Completely - cenquizca
Creatively  - tetl 

Cute - letmatz



At dawn - oc yohuatzinco

Daily - cecemilhuitica

Dark - tehmati

Diseased - cocoxqui

Disgusting - metaqua

Distant - hueca

Done - yemeta



Easily/easy - ayohui

Evil - tahampil

Exactly - icitamp



Far - hueca

Fat - tomahuac

Fifth - macuilli ic

Filthy - chiyahuac

Finally - zatlatzonco

Frequently - achi miecpa

Fun - tecoatl



Gladly - ica paquiliztli

Good - cualli ic

Green - xoxoctic



Healthy - chicahuac

Heavy - yetic

Horrible - temamauhti

Hot - cococ



Immediately - zan niman

In - oca

Interestingly - xacotal


Jarring - xicall
Jealous - chicotlamatini
Justified - yectilia
Joyful - acocholoa
Judgemental - tzontequi
Juicy - patztic
Juvinile - toznenetl



Knowledgeable - toltecatl 



Lastly - zatlatzonco

Later - zatepan

Left - opochtli



Muddy - zoquiyo



At night - yohualtica
Near - nepantlatic
New - yencuic
Next to - neteci

Nice - tletlalia



Old - huehue

on/on top of - ipan

Orange - naranja



Perfectly - cenquizca

Pretty - yectl

Purple - camopalli


Quickly - iciuhca

Quiet - tlamatilia



Real - tomin

Recently - quin axcan

Red - tlauhyo

Right (side) - yec



Sadly - tlaocoya

Safe - yepenti

Scary - temamauhti

Sickly - cocoxqui

Slowly -  ayaxcanyotica

Small - xocoyotzin

Soft - yemania

Sour - xococ

Spicy - cococ

Straight - melahuac

Strong - chicahua

Suddenly - atenemachpan

Sweet - tzopelic



Tasty - huelic

Thin - pitzahuac 

Tired - ciciammicqui

True - mitzamato

Tough - chicahuac

Thick - tomahuac

Terrifying - temamauhtiand 



under - nexpiqui

unusual - achpilli





Wet - paltic

Wonderfully - hueitlamahuizoltica





Yellow - cozahui






OTHER WORDS (adverbs, determiners, etc)



Again - occepa

Also  - nohuican

All - mecht

Always - cemiac

And - auh

Another - occe

As - in yuh



Because - pampa

But - tel

By - metap


Can't - metqui


Don't - macamo 



Either - nozo

Every - ixquich



For - acht

Forever - cemiac

From - ihuicpa

From - in ihuicpa





Hello (formal) - niltze

Hello (informal) - Sa’vi

Here - nican

How - in quenin



If - intia

Is - ye

it - meht


Just - quilin




Like - in yuh



Maybe - cuix

More - oc achi



Never - aic

No - amo

Nonetheless - yeceh

Not - maca

Now - nimanic



Or - nozo

Other - mittlic



Perhaps - azo zan

Pardon - tilcrin



Quite - pitzahua



Right away - nimanic



Still - oc

Should - tiuikilia

So - quitli



That - inon

There - ompa

These - iniquein

This - inin

Those - iniqueon

Though - yeceh

To be - ca

Too - nohuican





Very - cenca



Was, were - catca

Way - ohtli

What - tlen

When - itquin

Where (?) - campa

While - in oquic

Who - aquin

Why - Teica

With - ica





Yes - quema

Yet - oc




Special thanks to everyone who has helped work on this post, it's been a group effort and we hope to see the language used more commonly throughout kha players!










@Cats#0693 (discord)








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1 hour ago, TreeSmoothie said:

DUUUDE this is amazing


im so glad you think so!! :D

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So I don't mind the kharajyr language being fleshed out more, but Sa'vi used to be both a greeting and a farewell.

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A friendly tip for those using this dictionary:
Ctrl + G is your best friend!

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