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Newspapers are spread throughout Aevos.

They’re made of two sheets of cheap paper, simply stacked and folded together and yet they are

surprisingly colorful, with doodles and familiar drawings! Could this be… no way!

Issue Azhty’Futh (XIV) — Ash’Kint’H’Ash’ty (CLX) D.A.


The cold season is back

As the snow silently falls on Aevos, the loud footsteps of war disappear into a thin echo;  hidden under their thick white coats, every land, every city gets ready for the great festivities of the end of cactus-year… yes, Krugsmas is back!

Krugsmas is a time for celebration across all of Aevos, where descendents are no longer judged by what nation they belong to, which side of the battlefield they stand on, for there are no more battlefields. Wars are paused, grudges erased agh peace brings people together. Usually, a great fir is erected in the centre of cities, so that people may leave gifts under them. For this purpose, people can usually visit cities… Warmongering territories are even expected to let their enemies in for Krugsmas —provided they come with gifts!

Great fires are also often lit, agh all children gather around the fire to listen to stories told by the elders. Agh of course, Krugsmas is a season for fiesting agh praising Betharuz. Cookies, cakes, as well as turkeys agh roasts are often prepared to keep the hearts warm in the cold! We have enjoyed the celebrations so far— Agh can’t wait to see the rest of what people have planned this cactus year!



Varied Celebrations

But then again, each nation has their own ways of celebrating Krugsmas. In Krugmar, Krugsmas is when Popo Krugsmas visits orcs to give them gifts! This year, I also had the pleasure of learning of a rather new, blossoming tradition: Musmas!

In the musin village of Babblebrook, the townsfolk are gathering to spend time together; cookies were exchanged, agh we enjoyed the company of friends agh family. Then we were invited to the outskirts of the village, where Sir Spuds had prepared sleds! We were lucky to have perfect weather: after a short heavy rain which left the grass wet agh muddy, the sky cleared up for some perfect sledding!

I even got to see flying halflings!

What does Krugsmas mean to you?

But certainly the best way to celebrate Krugsmas is to share great moments with people! So the Kaktuz Weekli decided to ask the citizens of Aevos what Krugsmas means to them!


First, what came up often is peace! Though I unfortunately have to admit that the Iron Horde has not kept its bloodlust tame, many among the Orcs were against the recent brutal events; "Orcs should not go raiding at this period, they should go and ejnoy this lovely season, spread love in the city, and show that we’re much more than the brutes humans and elves think we are!" — ash called. In Veletz, agh Nor-Velyath too, we heard that Krugsmas was "a great relief, even with war" agh wishes that "the war had been over before the holidays”


Then of course, the gifts! "The act of giving in charity is an opposition to greed, a rot that plagues them!" a friend told me in Norland. "Everyone is freaking out preparing their trees, cookies and gifts!" — another voice cheered. Children were perhaps the most excited: "My daughters are really excited! I think this year will be good, despite the wars!""To me, it means very little— but it’s great for children! They get really excited by all the festivities and gifts, I love seeing their smiles!" another friend told me in Sulianpoli.


Agh last but not least, pretty much everyash talked of the people they were going to meet again! For orcs, "it’s the days where all the clans finally gather and have some wholesome time" agh share "they lovely human and elf stew, stories and whatnot…" A Veletz citizen put it this way; "I love Krugsmas. To me it means family and friends more often than not." agh similarly in Celia’Nor agh Nor-Velyath we heard; "I’m really excited to spend time with my family!""Best thing about it is the people who you meet during that time."

A sorvian told me also: "I will celebrate Krugsmas with a few other of my kind. I enjoy the look on people’s faces when they receive something. It is, well… Awesome." What more could we say?



Uggzak’s Big Red Scarf

Uggzak’s favourite season had always been Krugsmas. Every H’ty years, the great cold wind swept over the world, covering hills agh cities in snow, agh the orcs would rejoice, spend tik together, play in the snow agh wait for Krug’s coming.

Uggzak had a big red scarf. She got it from Krug himself on her ashst Krugsmas, agh ever since then, she kept it in her blargttic. Agh every Krugsmas season, she wrapped herself in the fuzzy cloth to keep her warm when she played in the cold snow. She enjoyed snowball klomps, snowblarging, agh most importantly snowrk-building. Every year she would make ash, giving it sticks for arms, agh pebbles for peepers.


Ash day, as the snowy clouds slowly made their way across the skies, Uggzak went to her blargttic only to find that her scarf had vanished! She looked through every room of her blarg, every chest, every nook agh cranny… but the big red scarf was nubwhere to be found. When she tried going outside, it was so cold! She decided to spend the Krugsmas tik inside, agh knit a new scarf for herself.


She spent days, weeks, months knitting the scarf; for it was a very big ash! Every now and then, she looked outside her window; snow was piling up, goblins were snowball-klomping… But she had not built a snowrk yet.

When she was done knitting her scarf, it was already Krugsmas eve agh very late, so she decided to wait for the next morning.

So on Krugsmas morning she wore her new scarf, agh when she opened her door… What a surprise! She found all her previous snowrks waiting for her. They were all sharing her old red scarf, agh it had made them come to life!


Since that Krugsmas, Uggzak has a favourite day: Krugsmas day. She prepares a new scarf before the cold season, agh builds a new snowrk as soon as the ashst snow falls. She gives the new snowrk her scarf agh, on Krugsmas morning, her snowrks come to life so they can play together all day.


To cover more news— agh do it better, the Kaktuz Weekli’s publishing team has grown! Please welcome our new informant, Spuds!

Informant — Spuds

Writer — Gharak’Yar

Illustrator & Head publisher — Gharak’Yar




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[!] Hiltrude Burrowes grins as she reads the issue, exclaiming, "Th' bes' newspapeh en th' land!" before laughing at the depiction of her hobbit friends... Oh, those poor crops!

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[!] Magnolia the Wizard, pictured NYOOMING in a sled in the paper, nods her head appreciatively while reading. She cuts out the illustration to pin onto the wall. Then, folds the rest of the paper into elaborate paper planes, and spends an afternoon throwing them off the roof of the wizard tower.

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Spuds read the paper while sitting on top of one of those legendary sleds. He would hum a tune while reading nodding in approval of the stories and depictions he got just last month the sled slipping slowly away the musin just finished reading as the sled then slipped down the hill, the paper flying out of his hands as he was sent flying down that hill again

Edited by Turbo_Dog
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King Patches of Babblebrook places his hand upon his fuzzy chin and smiled widely.

”Oh gosh… my little village got mentioned in the Kaktuz Weekli… as well as Musmas and Ser Spuds became an informant for the paper?…”

The king of the Musin rubbed a tear of pride from one of his eyes.

”It’s so good to see our work for Musin kind be recognised in my favourite newspaper!”

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