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Klomping Futh Krug

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The Wargoth sat alone within his chambers, a small candle lighting up the room as he stared into his piece of paper, reading the news of the Targoth Directive, wondering if it was time to finally start organising the first Krugmar tournament in years. He continued to think, wondering the point of it all, if anyone would turn up, if the war was still on, would  any outsiders care? He continued to write down the ideas onto a sheet of paper, the small candle fuse slowly running out.





The call for warriors.

[!] The Wargoth pinned a notice towards the board


"To all the warriors of the Horde and others who wish to take part.

The Klomping of the horde has not been regulated for some time, however good this is, it’s time for us all to accept that a tournament of Klomping, for Orz to prove who is the strongest in equals combat. So I call you all, to sign up to the tournament, a reward of being the “Champion of Krugmar” as well as a custom weapon.


The tournament shall also include Gang Wars for the clans if they so wish, taking 4 people from each clan to fight in for honour and glory. This can be changed depending on the clans interested."



Rules (This will alternative from tourney to tourney)

PVP - Iron Armour, Long sword, Bread as kits.
Rewards - Custom weapon made from the forge as well as the title of “Champion of Krugmar”
Best of 3, Final is best of 5



1v1 - Bring your own items. NO MAGIC.
Rewards - Custom Weapon, Champion of Krugmar

Best of one per battle, FInal is best of 3. The reason is due to CRP taking longer.


Clan Gang Wars
4V4 Clan battles
Same kit as in PVP, bring your own stuff
Clans decide if it’s CRP or PVP. If neither can decide a coin is flipped.
Rewards - Clan Ego, Mention as the best clan, holds the title and must be challenged in the future from another clan.



Interested? Contact me on discord qpwe (tag) altern (username) or leave a forum response below.


Edited by AlternisJ
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