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The Tolling of The Bell


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The Way of The Serpent



Upon the Holy Day of Bithe’Vah, the skies will blacken with ash while a singular 

flame stands within the darkness consuming all that gazes upon it.



A gathering formed amidst the snowy expanses of the north. Samurai, constructs, and mages all gathered around as a plan was formed. A mission was commanded to them by the General’s of Azdromoth, a mission that would be completed swiftly in the following night. Snow fell down upon their warming skin as each flake melted upon arrival. They rode south through the mountains, their destination an ivory gate upon the hillside of the dwarven lands.

Swiftly they made their way into the ivory fortress. Doors were broken into and initiates scared far from their keep as they fled from the invasion. Entering into the room a large golden bell dangled before them - begging them to take it. Flame tore through the chain that held it before it fell down into the pools of water below. Metal hands grasped its dented sides as some of the lightstones within it shattered from the impact. Slowly the departure began, chests were ransacked and gates tore down as they moved from the lands. Greeting them on the outside, a band of darkspawn began to take their jab at the golden fortress. Gazes were exchanged and whispers guided through the mountainside - the keep fell to siege yet again.

First they traversed through the cliffside as the bell drug behind them. Pelts and cloth wrapped around it to prevent any further damage. Then it was the stone bridge, allowing them to cross into the next continent. Their trek was silent, nothing surrounded them as they fled with their prize. Above however, an eye gleamed down at the relic - something had taken notice. This trek continued nevertheless as they soon met the forests, and then the snow. The metal glided upon the slippery surface as the journey came to an end. 


Whilst the journey of the heist came to an end, the descent of another entity began. Clouds departed as dragon’s flame lay wrath down upon the forests of the north. Ice and snow ceased to exist where it was sprayed, flames claimed the countryside that was the north. Satar’s wrathful gaze grew close to the prize now. Words were exchanged and the bell rang mundanely through the night. As these words came to an end however, his draconic claw wrapped around what was left of the chain that once dangled the relic over the sanctuary that held it. Hoisting it into the sky, the wings of the beast uprooted what snow remained as it filled the air. It chimed through the night sky as it's destiny was forever changed.

Across the vast continent, great, flitting wings cast shadows over the forestry. Ebbs of dragons flame erupt across canopies, marring the soil with burns. 


The bell, now in the hands of Azdromoth, chimes violently as it is carried away by dangling, broken chains. Satar lays a firm grasp around the bell with his bloodied claws, until it arrives safely at the destined apogee of Redmont. 


Unlike before, the bell no longer resonates with that same fear-striking sound once dreaded by the dragonkin. 


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Elathion, who had once smashed that very same bell only for it to be repaired, nodded approvingly as he heard of his brothers' daring attack on the heart of the Xannites' stronghold. "What a splendid day." 

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"For whom does the bell toll?" Ahnakriel asked.






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A freshly branded Herald sits within a library surrounded by flame and ash and ponders upon the events of the day, a smirk across her face as she recalls Helious falling from the ceiling of Sunbreak.

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An old knight rests upon the coastlines of Braevos, the campfire itself blazing as he rests his weary bones. A single coin of copper rests between his fingers, looking towards the emblem of the goose before clutching it in his palm. He looks out to the moon as he utters,

“For the tide ebbs against that of Sunlight. Shall the world know of the mercy that comes from the provocation of the heavens, and for we hope that the lands not fracture beneath the weight of these two titans.”

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A Flameborne philosopher smiled widely. The foundations of battle were being laid.

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"THE BELLS TOLLS NOT." An adherent of the Arch-Drakaar declared as a fist punched the air. 

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