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[Voidal Feat] Chaos Magic

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The void in which magi draw their spells from is a chaotic realm, filled with endless possibilities. A place that contains monstrous horrors holding devastating magic. This chaos, this destruction, this power is addicting to most. Magi grow an insatiable hunger to be stronger and to master the void. 


But what if simply gaining mastery over the void wasn’t the key to growing more powerful? Voidal entities are masters of the void, yet all mages pale in comparison when it comes to magical prowess. The key is to thrive in the chaos of the void, just like the monsters that it contains do.


A lone mage came to this conclusion and decided to embrace the chaotic ways of the void. Why try to tame the void when it is much more powerful untamed? The mage spent countless nights trying to figure out how to make themself chaotic like the void without completely destroying themself. And finally at last they figured it out. Through a grueling ritual they corrupted their mana, making it untamed and chaotic like the void. A double edged-sword, but a powerful one.





Chaos Magic is the process of making one’s mana more unstable and chaotic, making it an unwieldy force that can work to one’s advantage or against it. Their spells become chaotic, having beneficial or sometimes adverse effects. Just like the void their mana is chaotic and their spells unpredictable. This is done through a painful ritual which the mage should do with the utmost caution.



- Chaotic Magic requires 3 slots dedicated to voidal magic to learn. This feat will go dormant should one lose or forgo the ability to practice the voidal arts or no longer have 3 voidal slots dedicated.

- Chaos Magic must be self-taught, initiated through ritual. 

- Chaos Magic is a FEAT one would make an app for. This app requires a screenshot of the greater source of mana and assisting mages to link their valid MA.

- Chaos Magic is compatible with all other voidal feats.

- Chaos Magic is an ability that gives spells unexpected and uncontrollable side effects that can either hinder or assist the mage caused by their newly chaotic and uncontrollable mana.




Chaos Magic is unlocked through a ritual involving the soon-to-be Chaos Mage and a greater source of mana, whether that be an obelisk, voidstalker, voidal tear, or anything along those lines and second voidal mage. The mage would then use the greater source of mana to pour their mana into the void before drawing it back out. The second mage would use their mana to assist in this process. They would repeat this painful ritual over and over until their mana is fully corrupted by the void, becoming a chaotic and untamed force inside of them. Upon completing the ritual, it would immediately cause a 1d10 Chaotic Spike within the mage. This ritual would exhaust the mage, eating at all of their physical stamina for an entire OOC day. 



- Chaos Magic requires connection from a greater source of mana and the ritual is considered open knowledge.

- The assisting mage does not need to possess Chaos Magic but requires a valid MA in any voidal magic.





A Chaos Mage’s body would show little physical effects. Their spells though would seem more untamed, bearing a flavorful chaotic and untamed warping effect that the player is allowed to decide. Their aura also becomes more chaotic and sometimes takes on a shade of stark green, violent red, or a sickening yellow.


- All physical effects are freeform and a player may decide how to roleplay them, though a player should try to incorporate at least some of the physical effects.

- The chaotic effect upon spells has no bearing on combat, neither making spells stronger or weaker. It is there to simply serve as flavor and may only have visual effects upon spells.




Chaos Magic is much more strenuous upon the mage’s mind compared to their body. In their pursuit of power and taking one step closer to becoming similar to the voidal monsters they tend to admire, most neglected to think about the effects their chaotic mana would have on them. The force inside them that threatens to spill out at any moment eats away at the mage’s mind. Chaos Mages struggle with their more chaotic nature and become tend to become more unstable, the effects of the ritual they endured heightening that nature to an extreme. A Chaos Mage would likely develop one if not multiple of the following mental effects. Their minds would become chaotic, just like their magic.

- Impulsivity and lack of self control

- Black and white thinking

- Emotional reasoning 

- Jumping to conclusions

- Mood swings

- Craving for further power

- God Complex

- Impatience

- Instability

- Hyperactivity 


In addition to these mental effects the mage would become more addicted to the void as if it were a drug. They would want to delve deeper into the voidal arts, and dropping the practice would be extremely difficult. This would not prevent a player from dropping voidal magic should they wish to, but the choice should be a much larger deal to the mage than what it might normally be.







[Passive][Combative] - Chaotic Spike

By corrupting their mana, Chaos Mages added an unique unpredictability to their spells. For better or for worse each spell will cause an unknown and uncontrollable side effect. This is the main facet of Chaos Magic.


Chaotic spikes trigger after a spell that is 3+ emotes. The spike is triggered on the final cast emote of the spell where the mage would roll before they perform their cast emote. After rolling the mage may proceed to emote casting their spell as well as the effects of the Chaotic Spike, the effects of the Chaotic Spike always coming after the spell. Chaotic spikes don’t interrupt the casters spell unless the Spike specifically states otherwise. Chaotic spikes aren’t fueled by the mage, just a side effect of their chaotic mana, but rather its source is directly from the void itself and its endless untamed energy.


Tier Progression:

Tier 1 - Roll 1d10

Tier 2 - Roll 1d15

Tier 3 - Roll 1d20


Chaotic Spike Roll Table- (The number rolled corresponds with a number on the list)


1 - The mage would feel a sudden loss of mana. On top of the mana spent casting the spell they would also lose mana equivalent of casting a tier 3 spell.

- Adds the cost of t3 spell onto the spell cast. So if the spell just cast was a t4 spell then the mage would consume mana equivalent to a t4 spell + a t3 spell.
- Should this push the mage over their normal casting limit which usually results in Thaumburn they would not experience Thaumburn but would be unable to cast for the rest of the OOC day and attempting to do so would result in Thaumburn.


2 - A random person near the mage within shout range or the mage themself would suddenly be filled with a disorienting effect such as becoming dizzy. Everyone in the vicinity or combat scenario (including the mage) would roll a 1d100, the person rolling the lowest would be the person struck by the effect. This would easily disconnect a mage if struck or interrupt actions, and would stun the individual requiring 1 full emote of regathering their senses.

- The effect would stun the individual for 1 full emote, unable to take any major actions besides regathering their senses. They would also only be able to move 3 blocks.

- The effect would disconnect mages and disrupt actions requiring concentration.

- Should a Ward Shield be between the mage and the person being affected then the Ward Shield would protect against the effect. This does not require the transfiguration mage to have an understanding of Chaos Magic.


3 - The next spell the mage casts would have an extra [charge] emote added to the spell. Should the mage lose concentration on the spell midcast or disconnect this effect would vanish.

- This effect will vanish should the mage lose concentration on the spell midcast or disconnects.


4 - The mage would find themself unable to speak in a tone lower than a shout for the next ooc hour. 

- The player would be unable to do any emotes that include talking in anything but #s


5 - The mage would summon a cat or cat sized creature from the void which would remain for the rest of the combat scenario or for [1 OOC] hour. The cat is completely non-combative and is unable to harm anyone.

- The creature cannot be used to attack someone.

- The creature cannot be used to interrupt someone’s action or try to impair their vision.


6 - The mage would find themself suddenly disconnected from the void. This disconnection follows normal disconnection rules, requiring 1 emote before they are able to reconnect to the void again.

- Follows the normal disconnection rules.


7 - The mage's skin tone would change into a vibrant color for the rest of combat or 1 OOC hour.

- This has no effect on combat and the player is free to choose oocly what color their persona would turn into.


8 - The mage would find themself incapable of hearing sound or noise for the next [2] emotes.

- This would not impede or help the mage in any way such as disrupting their casting or combat, though might make them temporarily immune to sound based attacks.


9 - The mage would find themself capable of only speaking in “Mooo”s for the next [30 OOC] minutes or the next 5 emotes.


10 - The closest person to the mage, whether that be friend or foe, would become fearful of the mage for an entire emote. This would require them to spend their next emote trying to get away from the mage and unable to attack them.

- This would likely disrupt any actions the player was making such as casting a spell or aiming a bow though it would not completely disconnect a mage.

- The fear stricken player would be unable to attack the mage they were scared of, though is still capable of making attacks against other players, including AOE attacks that might hit the mage as well.

- Should a Ward Shield be between the mage and the person nearest to them, then the ward shield would protect against the effect. The transfiguration does not need an understanding of Chaos Magic for the shield to function. 


11 - The mage would create a floating shield from their mana that would hover near them and protect solely them and would last for 3 emotes. The shield is the same size as the average human heater shield and can sustain 1 direct blunt force strikes or 2 direct slashing strikes though if it was struck with the force of an olog or greater it would shatter. Mundane projectiles that require 5+ emotes to shoot would also shatter the shield. The shield does not require concentration meaning other spells can be used while it is summoned and the mage may move it around to protect themself as they see fit. The mage would be limited to three blocks of movement and the use of brisk step, minor teleportation, or group teleportation would break the shield. Disconnecting from the void would also cause the shield to vanish.

- The shield cannot be moved to protect others and should it be moved more than 1 block away from the mage it would vanish.

- While the shield cannot be used to purposefully protect others, people may move into the protection of the shield while the mage uses it to defend themself.

- Brisk Step, Minor Teleportation, and Group Teleportation cannot be cast while the shield is being maintained, doing so would cause the shield to vanish

- Ward shield and Abjuration would dispel the shield whether the Transfigurest has Chaos Magic or not.

- Disconnecting from the void would cause the shield to vanish.

- The mage can only move a maximum of 3 blocks while the shield is active, exceeding that would cause it to vanish.


12 - The mage would find that the spell they were about to cast is replaced by a different voidal spell of the same tier or lower of another voidal magic they know. 

- The spell that it is changed into can't be a spell of a higher tier then the one that the player planned on casting

- While the player gets to oocly pick which spell their intended one changes into, their persona should still be surprised. 


13 - The spell would malfunction and instead of going off like normal it would instead create a minor explosion that’s 2 meters in every direction with the mage as the center. The explosion would knock people who are lighter than an olog off of their feet and disconnect mages caught in it, including the caster. The explosion itself is relatively harmless for the most part though, only causing minor injuries such as bruising or scrapes. The explosion may take on aesthetic visuals of the magic school the spell belonged to, such as an explosion of air for air evocation.

- The explosion would disconnect mages caught in it including the caster, as well as interrupt concentration based actions such as using a bow.

- The explosion only causes minor injuries.

- The explosion cannot destroy or damage objects or the world around it.

- A Ward Shield would protect against the explosion and does not require understanding of Chaos Magic to work.


14 - The mage would cough up some multi-colored feathers that would vanish as soon as they were touched or hit the ground

- This would not impede the mage in any way, not interrupting their spells or combat.


15 - The mage would find themself blind for one emote, this would interrupt spells as they require line of sight to cast but would not disconnect the mage.

- Can't cast while blinded and the effect will interrupt the casting of a spell or concentration based spells.


16 - The mage would feel increased strength and stamina flooding their body, the mage would find their body equal to an average mundane person of their race. Though the mage would find themself unable to cast while this is in effect. The effect would last for 5 emotes.

- This cannot increase strength beyond a physically fit mundane person of the mage’s race.

- Cannot cast spells or connect to the void while bearing this effect.


17 - The mage would find their height increased by one foot, able to surpass that of their race. Their clothes would grow to match this new size as well. This effect would last until the end of combat or [2 OOC] hours. After the effect wears off, their clothes would return to normal as well.

- The mage is able to temporarily surpass the normal height cap of their race or species should the one-foot addition push them over such height cap.

- The increased height has no effect on combat and doesn’t increase the person’s strength.


18 - The mage regains the mana equivalent to a t3 spell.


19 - The next spell the mage casts would have its emote count lowered by one but will only affect spells that are 4+ emotes. Should the mage lose concentration on the spell midcast or disconnect, this bonus would vanish.

- This effect can only lower spells to [connect + 1 charge + cast] and cannot lower spells to [connect + cast].

- This effect will vanish should the mage cancel the spell midcast or disconnects.

- This effect does not stack with Incanter's Flow.


20 - The Chaos mage would feel a rush of mana flood their body. The next spell they would cast would consume none of their mana. This effect would vanish should the mage cancel their spell midcast or disconnect.

- Essentially the next spell casted is free of charge.

- This effect will vanish should the mage cancel the spell midcast or disconnects.


- Chaotic Spikes only trigger on spells that are 3+ emotes, example: [Connect + Charge + Cast] and will never trigger on spells that are [connect + cast].

- Chaotic Spike effects always come after the casting of the spell, never before.

- Chaotic Spikes don’t interrupt spells or the mage’s concentration unless stated otherwise.

- Chaotic Spike rolls must be done in the chat they were emoting in, one cannot roll in whisper when they have been emoting in shout the entire time and instead should roll in shout.




[Ability][Combative] - Chaos Manipulation

Chaos Mages who have gotten used to their chaotic mana gain more control over it. While it is still unpredictable and uncontrollable for the most part, Chaos Mages have been able to force a better outcome.


While triggering a Chaotic Spike, a Chaos Mage may roll twice for Chaotic Spike and choose the roll they like the most. Though this is no easy feat and Chaos Mages are only capable of performing it a limited number of times. This also adds an additional [charge] emote to the spell being cast. This should also have a tell that it is being used, such as the mage’s aura stabilizing.


Tier Progression:

Tier 2: 2 uses per combat scenario

Tier 3: 3 uses per combat scenario



- Will always add an additional [charge] emote to the spell.

- Some sort of tell should be given that the ability is being used.



[Ability][Combative] - Mastery of the Chaotic Void

After years of practice a Chaos Mage gains mastery of their chaotic nature. Their spells are still chaotic and unpredictable, but they hold more control over it. They are able to suppress its more chaotic side effects, though still with uncertainty.


Chaos Mages who have unlocked this skill is no longer forced to trigger a Chaotic Spike after each spell, instead they can make an attempt try to suppress it. Spells used outside of combat do not require a roll but during combat the mage must declare in OOC that they are using this ability before emoting. After which they would roll a 1d20, which will always go before the Chaotic Spike roll, and if they get an odd number a Chaotic Spike would trigger and if they get an even number a Chaotic Spike wouldn’t trigger for that spell specifically. The mage would then emote their spell and the Chaotic Spike like normal.



- The ability is free to use outside of combative scenarios with no roll required.

- The use of the ability must be declared in out of character for all to hear before its use. Cannot be declared in #wooc while the person has been emoting in #s the entire fight.






Tier 1

A mage who has undergone the ritual to corrupt their mana would feel the physical and mental effects immediately, though the mental effects would progress slowly, worsening over time. A mage of this tier would have access to Chaotic Spike. This tier would last for two OOC weeks.


Tier 2

A Chaos Mage would have their mental state worsen more after becoming tier two though their control over their newly chaotic mana would be far better then when they had first started. A mage of this tier would have access to Chaos Manipulation. This tier would last for three OOC weeks.


Tier 3

A Chaos mage has mastered their chaotic mana though it remains chaotic in nature. The mental effects that come with this corrupted mana would have fully set in by now. Mages of this tier would have access to Mastery of the Chaotic Void





When I first got into the magical scene of LOTC I noticed there was nothing that filled the “wild magic” niche. The magic scene is so expansive but it seems this unique magic was forgotten. I decided to make it a feat instead of a stand-alone magic so it would affect all the voidal spells the mage possessed. I tried my best to make it balanced with both positive effects and negative ones while keeping it a feat people would want, and even included some more silly ones to add some excitement to combat. Furthermore, I also understand that no other voidal magic or feat includes a rolling mechanic, but that makes this piece unique. It’s supposed to rely on rolls to make it unpredictable, and I don’t see a way of writing it without rolls while staying true to its core concept, chaos. This is my first time writing lore so I hope you all like it.



BakedPotato - Writer

Meteor Dragon - Review/Feedback, major help with working out the mechanics and balancing

ScoutTheWitch - Review/Feedback

Bethinwonderland - Review/Feedback

RealSamler - Review/Feedback

PrimaQuorum - Review/Criticism 

Squakhawk - Previous Voidal Feats


Change Log:

Changed #8

Changed #7

Changed #15

Changed #14

Edited #13

Edited by BakedPotato
After some feedback made some clarifications and edits.
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I like it, it seems very well thought out, and unique in its own right. The implementation of rolls seems quite fun as well.


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chaos spike roll table feels like it lacks a vision or direction. some are cool but others are either weird or do nothing


18 minutes ago, BakedPotato said:

The mage would find themself capable of only speaking in “Mooo”s for the next [30 OOC] minutes or the next 5 emotes.

like what


having such an extensive list with their own redlines and effects is also really hard to absorb/memorize from a player perspective and could definitely benefit from just being condensed as "a roll 1-5 = x effect. a roll 6-10 = y effect, etc"



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14 minutes ago, Unwillingly said:

chaos spike roll table feels like it lacks a vision or direction. some are cool but others are either weird or do nothing


38 minutes ago, BakedPotato said:

The mage would find themself capable of only speaking in “Mooo”s for the next [30 OOC] minutes or the next 5 emotes.

like what

I agree some of them might seem a bit more silly, weird, or useless but that was meant to be the point of them. I didn't want all the effects to be directly negative or positive nor have all the effects be combative related. 

15 minutes ago, Unwillingly said:

having such an extensive list with their own redlines and effects is also really hard to absorb/memorize from a player perspective and could definitely benefit from just being condensed as "a roll 1-5 = x effect. a roll 6-10 = y effect, etc"

I agree the list might be hard to digest, from a player perspective I usually have the lore page for the magic im using while in crp to make sure im following everything correctly. I just assumed most people who use the magic would have the roll table open as they cast.

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A cool idea, but it still holds a lot of the effects from what this piece originates from: https://dnd5e.wikidot.com/sorcerer:wild-magic


(i.e. growing a beard of feathers, calming music on the battlefield, you suddenly glowing, growing in size, etc). Would like to see a more LOTC-ified and original twist on the magic for it to not feel like a mirror of a Wild Magic sorcerer

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Very well written, looking forward to seeing what staff have to say!



Wasn't expecting to be credited. I feel so honored


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2 minutes ago, TreeSmoothie said:

A cool idea, but it still holds a lot of the effects from what this piece originates from: https://dnd5e.wikidot.com/sorcerer:wild-magic


(i.e. growing a beard of feathers, calming music on the battlefield, you suddenly glowing, growing in size, etc). Would like to see a more LOTC-ified and original twist on the magic for it to not feel like a mirror of a Wild Magic sorcerer

Great lore but as stated above would love to see a LOTC Twist on wild magic sorcerers

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1 hour ago, BakedPotato said:

1d10 Chaotic Spike

a what


1 hour ago, BakedPotato said:

small patches of voidal taint as their chaotic mana corrupts their body. Their spells though would seem more untamed

i love voidstalking too


1 hour ago, BakedPotato said:

becoming similar to the voidal monsters

Kind of like voidstalkers maybe. Oh and the mental effects too I'd have to say.

1 hour ago, BakedPotato said:

This is the main facet of Chaos Magic

it's the only facet. it's literally what the entire feat is.


1 hour ago, BakedPotato said:

“wild magic” niche

Voidstalking could be played to this aesthetic if you so wished, imo. Or in conjunction with another magic, such as seer.


It's written fine, but with such a small amount of spells I feel as though it somewhat fails to fit the aesthetic due to being far too focused upon the 'chaos spikes'. The roll table contains things that are just completely silly rather than having any effect that ascertains to the niche.


1 hour ago, BakedPotato said:

The mage’s hair would suddenly fall out from their head and would regrow within the next 24 irp hours

If I was in the middle of an epic fight with Lazarus the Archmage and he cast a spell and then his magnificent beard and luscious white hair just fell to the ******* floor I think he'd get laughed off the battlefield.

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1 hour ago, TreeSmoothie said:

A cool idea, but it still holds a lot of the effects from what this piece originates from: https://dnd5e.wikidot.com/sorcerer:wild-magic

I have updated the roll chart to differ more

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i actually love this lore so much holy shit yes, please please let the first voidal thing in years be added

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smirks and votes no on your lore.

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10 minutes ago, sam33497 said:


smirks and votes no on your lore.



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4 hours ago, MeteorDragon said:

My name's in the credits, so prepare for a manager veto

Good lore tho

is this permission?

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