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"that's a lot of words," says Faeryel.

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A voidal magus read the letter in likewise anger. Having seen what lead to the altercation, he now sat alone in his desk. "To dismiss one's most proficient is to leave oneself vulnerable." The scholar spoke to himself as he took upon parchment, writing furiously unto it.

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The first magister of Paradox read over her longtime friend’s letter. He had had the courage to do what she hadn’t all those years ago, and thus she was not surprised, but only disappointed in Fatebinder..

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Faeran, after having been taken away to speak with Fatebinder, sat cozied up at his home in Vallagne. His previous encounter with Razad Fatebinder led his requirement of rest to be true, not to fend off exhaustion, as his only spellcast was willed to deflect a cobra from assaulting his sister. Rather than exhaustion, he needed rest to decide.


Would he choose Sulieronn, his former teacher of the arcane, someone he oh so sincerely looked up to? or would he choose Hohkmat, the home he had been living in for centuries now?


“Eugh. . . All this thinkin’s gonna make mah brain go numb.” A soft grumble exited the clenched and gritted teeth of the ‘ker. ‘Decide later’, he thought to himself, ‘sleep now.’ And that is just what he did, lunardrowned eyes falling into a  dreamscape.

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Battered, bruised, broken... but uninjured. Marinus Corvus Calvissiador looked out his office window to a world unknowable.
How can he say this? How can we all only ever see one side? Why can't they see?

He ran both hands through unkempt hair, thoughts racing. Was he the ignorant one? He had only ever held respect for his Grand-Magister, but... Perhaps there was never a choice in life but to take a side, no matter the consequence.

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Laurissa wiped the blood off her rapier, yet proud of her attempt as lightning crackled around her with a hum. “For an old crotchety ****, Razad needs to learn 'ow to grow up.” She paused a moment, furrowing her brow. “And 'e didn't approve t'at lesson wit' me . . . I'll need more of a word.”

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In the depths of the Library of Aob, Merf flipped through the pages of a small book.




On an empty page, he would write in a language that only he understood.

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Astrid Thriceblood does not yet care for politics, still but a teenager. Instead, she contemplates building a soundproof bunker, so the sounds of mages fighting would stop bloody interrupting her. Some people have studying to do, you know. Have some common courtesy! Living below the arena was terrible enough...

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A large Mali'aheral would stand in his forge down the mountain from the city, a cigarette slowly burning away between his chapped lips as hot metal was resting on the Anvil. He read the missive that was delivered to him by a member of his House, soon a hoarse chuckle left the smoker's dry throat. "Magery and Politics never mixed well did it. It's much like a play that keeps coming back by every generation and every time no one likes it, saying how the last play was better."

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"I aint reading allat but who would've thought putting egotistical magocrats in charge of government was a good idea?? Just stick to scheming in ivory towers or colluding with spooks in evil lairs y'all do that far better...", remarked an impartial Acaelanite wizard passing through Hokhmat.

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Valindra watched with a smirk upon her features from atop a throne. She never liked sitting atop such things, for she never felt as though she deserved them, but there she sat, as though she truly belonged. 


“It was only a matter of time.”

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The paper reaches the former Chancellor rather quickly, given the proximity to Hohkmat from his home in Vallagne. As he reads it, a small, bitter smile spreads across his aging features. Finally, someone in that wretched city was seeing sense. He’d been part of it for years, never Voidal and as such always seen and treated as lesser despite his time in the city and his help in the community. He ran the clinic, for God’s sake. But that never came close to the treatment of his partner.


 How the hate festered for him. Watching the love of his life run around day after day, night after night to do everything. Quite literally everything. Leading the infrastructure, leading the diplomacy, the planning of lessons and events, the hosting of said lessons and events, completely running the treasury, none of which had even been his bloody job. Doing the job of two Viziers and a Magister without the recognition- without even a thank you. Genuinely, in the forty years they had been with the city of mages, he had never once heard his partner thanked for carrying the city on his shoulders. Treated as an errand boy, day in and day out with no reward. And when it came time to split, the knight had heard the reaction. The hate had festered. 


Wilford Reinhold reads the missive with a humorless chuckle, setting it aside. Sulieronn had always had sense- at least in the few times they had spoken. “Good on ye.” He says to the empty air. “Good on ye.”

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John crept out of a tiny room some place in the Mage City - paper in hand and brows furrowed as he tried to comprehend the magi-lingo he was woefully unfamiliar with. The man popped in downstairs to show @Lapidary"Ist he talking about Hohkmat's ... King? Mayor? Whichever they go by."

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