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How To Avoid Making A Mary Sue / Gary Stu


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I once took a Mary Sue test for Petyr... he was apparently a super Mary Sue. I don't believe it though; how can an ale-chugging senile halfling ever be a Mary Sue??

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I once took a Mary Sue test for Petyr... he was apparently a super Mary Sue. I don't believe it though; how can an ale-chugging senile halfling ever be a Mary Sue??

Very slowly...... you'll see.... itll come upon you one day when you notice it.... MWAHAHAH- wait why was i laughing?

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Hm.....Werewolf/Lord/Soldier.....I must have missed this guide before.....

*Blames Petyr for accepting Villain app

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Well, if you play your character realistically and well, you can dodge the Stu bullet. :)

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This is the first i've heard of this term. LotC is the first MMorpg type thing i've played since text based mudds so.... Reading through the test made me realize that there are a LOT of big time Mary Sue's on the server lol.

Here's what i checked on the survey for Yahgy's character.

-Was the character ever estranged from her/his family/tribe/country/etc.?

-Does the character have an accent relative to her/his country of residence?

-Does the character have a physical handicap that does not hinder her/him significantly?

-Is the character is a smoker?

-Does the character have a dependency or addiction that is or would be very hard to break (e.g.

alcoholism, drugs, gambling, sex addiction, a potentially dangerous sexual fetish, etc.)?

-The ability to shrug off minor wounds

-Is the character old, even by the standards of her/his race?

-Do you draw the character, or ask other people to draw her/him for you, more often than any of your other characters?

-Is the character someone you would want to be friends with, assuming she/he would be receptive to friendship with you?


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This is a great guide! I hate running into Sues, maybe this guide will help people realize how they might be able to make their characters more realistic. I often struggle with making my characters myself so I really love the fact that there's a tutorial like this.

The first test said my character is definitely not a Sue (and might actually need spicing up) and the second one said she's a borderline-sue. I was afraid that she might've been a bit Sue-ish, but I'm glad she doesn't seem to be after all.

Aviala is pretty, but she's really naive and quite easily manipulated. And although she isn't clearly stupid, she isn't the smartest elf on Aegis... So I think she's a pretty balanced character... Right? I think that I got most of the minus points for making her resemble myself too much XD

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Yaghy, in my opinion, is an excellent example of a well rounded character. He's weak and ugly as sin, but his negative traits are balanced out by more positive ones, such as his skill as a builder and his intellect. Yaghy isn't so overloaded with negative traits that he becomes an Anti-Sue. There are good things about him as well as bad - he's balanced. He's one of my favorite orcs by far. :)

A lot of people tend to want to make really appealing characters - characters who are nice and pretty and smart. But these characters can quickly and easily turn Sue/Stu. Flaws create conflict and conflict is the essence of story. If everyone's going around being awesome and perfect, there's no story.

As Aviala showed, too, litmus tests are not always accurate. However, they can point out certain symptoms, which is why I find them helpful. I always run new characters through a Mary Sue Litmus test to see if I'm overstepping any boundaries. As stated in the guide, ANYONE can make a sue or stu. I've had my fair share of sues and stus in the past and I consider myself a pretty decent roleplayer.

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Well, if you play your character realistically and well, you can dodge the Stu bullet. :)

I'd be careful advocating that. While it is essentially true (a great RPer would work wonders with virtually any character you offer him), the Mary Sue usually champions for a certain kind of player. If left unchecked, other signs of the Suethor's neophyte status will begin to simmer through, and she will propagate the fundamental mistakes as she acquires experience. Not good!

Of course I agree that if your avatar turns out to be a Sue, it's not too late to repent. You don't have to discard your entire character sheet and start overnew. However, you do have to reflect and wonder if your roleplaying priorities are stacked in the right order, and some core changes might be necessary. RP skill comes with a learning curve, after all.

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If my character was close to anything, I would reckon a Commander Sue, but at the same time he does have debilitating flaws that I havent seen any character in Aegis really figure out. I mean, when I started my character, he was pretty hazy in combat, but at this current age, he has gotten wise in terms of military strategy, I do lead the Teutonic Order :P :lol:

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PS: Got a 3 on the Sue Test, so yeppers, aint no dang Sue :lol:

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*high fives

Hooray for non-sues!

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Usually score between 5-10 on the test with a character, though mine on LotC is a -1... Though I think this is because of the character not being so combat oriented.

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I scored 11; but to be entirely honest, when I saw something that was a 'maybe' , I just said no.

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