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The Wolf Pack


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Yeah i have a ton more on the way. It should be all done in the next few days, also have another vid coming. And this is just lore for Aegis 1.0 We have so much more planned for Aegis 2.0

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I would apply, but I don't think I can apply while being in another guild? Everyone from the old guild, the Dragon Born. There are a lot of them in here.

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Yeah but the Dragon Born kind of went down hill. This is SO different from the Dragon born and is in no way related to it at all. As for being in another guild, well we could always use with a few more spies..if you know what i mean ;)

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Your Biography needs to be longer. Explain why you wanted to attack the elf that is a little confusing.

Really? He felt he wasn't good eough until he had practice so he practiced.

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MC name: BannanaToYou

RP name: Delthor, Delthor Alzorth, The Crazed. Subject to change, to avoid detection.

Short bio 2-3 paragraphs (include your personality traits IC): I used to be a nice boy, until I had enough of the hiding in sectrecy hiding away from life, hiding away from what I was inside. I don't like being pushed around and I don't like losing. To get back up to where I wanted to be, I needed some minas, minas doesn't come around as much as it did in 1320. So I pick pocketed people and even robbed them with my sword to their necks. Who knew how powerful someone with a sword could be?

Along my journeys I found a friend who I didn't trust at first. Then we started to rob people together and then the minas started to come together. This was because we could steal as much as 750 minas a time when robbing someone. People pay so much for their lives. We both realised robbing in what we would call a team or a pack. Would be a lot easier and we would never be without minas agian. So I come to you, to join you, to help you. And to strengthen the pack itself.

Because we had a lot of minas, I paid for a large chunk of land that I housed my friends at. We even built a Fort in it. I remember the time when we held Mogroka's children as hostages for ransom. In the end they took to long to come, we took the child all the way up to the top of our tower. We pushed him off of it. We heard him scream as his body splattered against the wooden decks at the bottom. Later we saw them charging towards our place in armor. They never realised it was us.

Why do you wish to join us? I wish to join so that I can help strengthen that pack, I want to have honour withen the team, the pack.

What can you bring to us (material things as well as immaterial):

I can bring to the guild many things such as wealth, skill and land. I have a large selection of expensive matierials that can be contributed towards the Wolf Packs strengths. Your men need iron armor? I've got the iron to supply your men with. I can even hook the pack up with diamond armor. As well as being able to repair and make more. I was raised up to be a well trained hunter and a close combat veteran. I can even be a stealthy assasin, hiding in the trees. As the contract walks under I shoot a few arrows and jump down with my knife.

What are your most prominent skills (Include the level of these skills):

I can bring to the pack a lot of helpful things, such as my skills in the things I do. I can be a good blacksmith((59)) and I can even be a great swordsman((100)), I even can wrestle if I need to((around 40-50)). Those really some up my knowledge of my work. I can repair that diamond armor that you broke in battle? Hmm?

Do you worship Iblees?: Yes I do *short giggle* from times to times I worship my shrine.

Do you have a villain application? If yes what evils do you have?: ((Yes I do I have 1, 2a/b and 3.))

Do you understand and agree to the rules: Yes I do

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Lol, that was the funniest thing. When mogroka ran past us I couldn't stop laughing. When I first heard about this guild had a strong urge to quote the hangover. Anyone else ave that too?

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Hey guys I'm really sorry but I will most likely be offline for the next week or so, due to some IRL problems. I will hope to be back on as soon as possible so I can meet all the new recruits. In my absence, White, my 2nd in command, will assume my position as leader and will test and trial the new recruits until I return. I wish you good luck in the coming trials and I hope most of you succed, as I have something very special planned for those that do.

Dark Wolf

P.S. I may be on for an hour everyday in the afternoon, GMT 0, so if any of you can be online during those times I would be happy to deal with you.

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Alright Recruits contact me in game ( callum2357 ). We need to begin trials immediatly.

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