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[Lore] Racial Bread Lore


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Racial Bread Lore


Human Bread


Bread crafted in the mills and bakeries of Oren and Salvus, the Human bread is made to last during travel time. Similar to Cram from Tolkien's lore, Human bread is made to be chewed and slowly ate, so it lasts a lot longer during adventures. This bread is the norm to which all other bread is judged.


Dwarven Bread


Lovers of meat, typically, Dwarves rarely favor bread to pork or meat. But when they do, they have the Iron Bread, which is a cropped and cooked bread that is thick and tough crusted, yet easily chewed and packed with flavor.


Orcish Bread


Similar to the Dwarves, Orcs rarely, if ever, eat Bread. But on the odd occasion that an Orc manages to stomach the bread they produce, it is limbless, loose and quickly chewed. The odd piece may be over-cooked, in which it they tastes horrid to the normal Human, Elf or Dwarf, but to an Orc they usually prefer it. Over-cooked bread is tougher, and rougher. Crispy and crunchy.


Elvish Bread


Crafted and used massively among Elves, and sometimes Halflings, Elvish Waybread is highly packed with hundreds of flavors. All this packed into one piece offers a long-lasting and belly-filling taste and provision that maintains a healthy Elf's stomach for a good afternoon.



All of the above can be changed, this is just to create a norm for bread, and a variety which is entirely optional.


Extra Contributions;


From Shoi;


-Love to make Bread!!!!-
Just a tid bit idea, given certain races might use different ingredients
Human Bread
Ranges from plain old wheat to encrusted with cheeses. Humans tend to try almost everything with their breads. But generally avoid herbs save for garlic.
Dwarven Bread
Rare but usually cultured with barley and plain wheat. Often found torn in half and stuffed with goodies of mushrooms, meats, and a heavy gravy to satisfy a horde of hungry dwarves for a fast lunch!
Orc Bread
Usually Shamans grind bones to add to the flour to make supposed strength food! Usually for traveling warbands or scouts.
Elven Bread
To die for, in flavor and smells. Herbs from all over are found in different type of bread. The elves may not admit to it, but they stole the idea of decorating breads with cheese from the humans. Though they out class any race with their wide variety of breads from soft and light with tea, to delicious dense bread to go with jams.

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Lore for such the littlest things... ._.

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Lore for such the littlest things... ._.



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Dwarves and Orcs shouldn't really have bread... they don't have wheat to make it with. Also, you forgot Khas

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More lore means more immersion, most of the time, but that is the case here.

Instead of us having generic the generic 'hunk of bread' we could have some delicious elven bread.

This won't change much, but it will be a benefit. Yes for this.

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Salvian bread should be separate since our entire kingdom is built around bread ^^ We mostly eat bread, trade in bread, make money off of bread.  Naturally born farmers.  But otherwise I think I'll use this!  Sounds good.

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Salvian bread should be separate since our entire kingdom is built around bread ^^ We mostly eat bread, trade in bread, make money off of bread.  Naturally born farmers.  But otherwise I think I'll use this!  Sounds good.


If you'd like to contribute your own little 'loaf', feel free! :)

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The Dwarven bread reminds me of Non for some reason... :)

A great idea! Definitely deepens immersion.

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Very nice making lore for bread.

I think that we should actually start coming up with more lore for the small things, as it just adds that depth to everything.

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Dwarves and Orcs shouldn't really have bread... they don't have wheat to make it with. Also, you forgot Khas


No, we do. Dwarves and Orcs have farms and farmers like everyone else. No need to deprive us of some good bread-related RP.

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I like this. Lore for little things like this just makes the server so much more interesting. More food lore!

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