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[Completed Plant Lore] Night Sap

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-as you open the cover of the worn, scattered journal, you come across a page with rough handwriting written in black ink-



Night sap


(As described by Laenry Marrows)


Name: Night Sap (Wooden Button)

Symbol: Earth (Medium)

Description: Night sap seems
to be found in deformed growths (probably caused by some type of insect) on the
trunks of sturdy oak trees. A thick, honey like substance, it is as golden as
an afternoon sunrise and as mouth-watering to behold as any substance one can
readily find. The taste and smell brings back memories of blue skied, worriless
evenings on grassy plains, eating fine meals with finer company; unrivalled in
texture and taste by any morsel I have yet to devour.

Effects: The instant the soothing liquid drizzles down a dry throat, eyelids
flutter, muscles relax, and yawns arise from sleepy chests. A great sense of
calm, safety, happiness, and overall, tiredness fills the mind, and soon you
will find yourself fast asleep on whatever surface you were standing on; be it
a field of soft grass, or a cold, stone floor. The pleasant, sap-induced sleep
lasts from about three to five hours, and good dreams prevail throughout it. The
awakening, however, is by far, the worst thing you will ever experience
in your entire life. The splitting headaches that arrive upon your awakening

and the inability to move more than a finger leaves you sprawled on the ground

in the foetal position for almost as long as you were in a peaceful sleep.

Not only are the after effects of this deceptive sap crippling to even the

strongest of men, but the substance is also highly addictive, especially for

people who are unhappy with some element in their life. Night Sap provides

a false sense of security and happiness to even the most troubled of souls.

Use: Night sap can be used as an average earth symbol in alchemy or a highly
addictive drug by those who are truly troubled (though I personally think it is
not worth the ravaging after-effects). It can also be used in dire situations
to sedate a patient in an operation, or to poison some poor fellow who wronged
the wrong herbalist.


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So, it can basically do anything? It's a pleasure drug, (but with terrible after-effects), a plant able to sedate people and put them under, AND it has the potential to be made into a deadly poison? What you're telling me is that it's an alchemist's best friend? Well, I actually like the idea, but I don't know about it having all these important uses.

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A few questions, thought the lore in itself is fine, this would be for later experimenting, maybe in rp these questions could be answered.


Would this tree sap be able to be mixed in water or alcohol, to lower to power of it, to not have such drastic side effects?

Would it be able to be mixed with powders to make a paste, to maybe just use on wounds to remove feeling for better treatment?

What about uses when not consumed (like when just placed on the skin, rubbed on the eyes, used on the hair, direct contact to the blood)?

On the other side of the scale, would you be able to heat it up and remove the water, and make it far more potent and maybe deadly?

What about other uses, like for perfumes, dyes, fertilizer, etc?

So, it can basically do anything? It's a pleasure drug, (but with terrible after-effects), a plant able to sedate people and put them under, AND it has the potential to be made into a deadly poison? What you're telling me is that it's an alchemist's best friend? Well, I actually like the idea, but I don't know about it having all these important uses.

As for this problem named by Ford, I would maybe give the idea of it having an awful taste, like something extremelly acid or sour, impossible to mix into drinks because the first sip would make the person realize it was poison. As a drug it would be the same, the person would have to get pass the horrible begining to get the required result, and as medicine the drug would have to be almost forced on the patient for it to be consumed.
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Is this... Is this from the RP event Nienna, Gauldrim and laenry had? We had an event detailing a honey-like growth on a tree that induced sleep about a week or two ago. In that one, we had it originate from a black fungus growing under the bark.


Beyond that, I like the lore.

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Is this... Is this from the RP event Nienna, Gauldrim and laenry had? We had an event detailing a honey-like growth on a tree that induced sleep about a week or two ago. In that one, we had it originate from a black fungus growing under the bark.


Beyond that, I like the lore.

Yeah Hex I think you're right, but I also like this lore +1

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In regards I ford-

He was stating that it may be used in all those ways because of its simple effect.

It tastes good

Makes me sleep

Gives you headaches when you awake

That's the effect of the sap.

Since it is an ingredient it can be used in alchemy.

Since it's effect induces sleep it can be used for patients.

Since it has a nasty after effect it can be used as a "poisen."

I think this is very well balanced and I like that it derived from IG RP. I approve.

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In regards I ford-

He was stating that it may be used in all those ways because of its simple effect.

It tastes good

Makes me sleep

Gives you headaches when you awake

That's the effect of the sap.

Since it is an ingredient it can be used in alchemy.

Since it's effect induces sleep it can be used for patients.

Since it has a nasty after effect it can be used as a "poisen."

I think this is very well balanced and I like that it derived from IG RP. I approve.


This is exactly what I was going for. I was trying to make

this plant as balanced as possible; though it has various favourable effects as

soon as it’s ingested (tiredness, happiness, exc), the after effects more than

cancel out the original good feelings. As Kitten said, its uses are all

derived from its two main effects; the good (Happyness, good dreams, feeling safe,

worryless, exc), and the bad (headaches, weakness). It can be used as a poison

because it makes you sleep, and because of its after effects, and it can sedate

patients also because it will cause them to fall fast sleep within a matter of

minutes, or seconds. What I am trying to do is make the plant more...

controlled. I want people to have to weigh up both the good and the bad effects

of using Night Sap and decide whether or not to use it. If it seems unbalanced,

however, I will gladly change its effects to make it balanced.     

As for what Justuma asked, about changing the potency of Night sap… It would be

difficult. I suppose boiling the water out of it would make it more potent, but

it could just as easily change the effects of it, rendering it useless.

Watering it down would probably have the same effects; because of the nature of

the sap itself, adding alcohol or more water could change the effects just

as trying to make it more potent would. For other uses, I suppose it could be

used as a perfume, because its effects aren’t noticeable from simply smelling

it, and as a dye, maybe. Taking Night Sap in ways other than ingesting it would

work; though applying it straight into your bloodstream would get rid of the

good taste and the affects you get when ingesting it. You would simply feel

drowsy (though you would still have the good dreams, exc). Applying it to the

skin, I suppose, could be used as a moisturiser or a skin cleanser, though I don’t

think it would affect you in the same way as ingesting it or simply rubbing it

on a cut due to it being a honey like substance; thick, and hard to absorb

through the skin.

This plant was originally derived from the roleplaying session with Nienna Calm

and Gauldrim, which makes it much easier to introduce, and be put into

controlled use. I hope, with this post, I have answered all of the questions

you want answered, and if not, I will gladly try again at your request.


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